Friday, September 6, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "God Creates Family", 9/8/2013


GENESIS 2:18-25



V:18. "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

 A. God knows our needs before we know we have a need,

     1. God knows what is good for us.

     2. God made us social creatures.

     3. God knows that we need each other.

 B. God decided that Adam needed a help meet.

    1. The Hebrew word for meet is a counterpart.

    2. God made Adam a counterpart.

    3. Adam had no idea what a counterpart ment.

 C. God decided from the beginning that He would make a man who needed help.

    1. We are not designed to do everything by ourselves.

    2. God is the author of our help.

    3. God is all the help we need.

 D. Adam was uniquely made and he needed a unique helper.

    1. The Hebrew word for "alone" is the word "bad" which means separation.

    2. God did not want Adam to be "bad".

    3. Adam was created male and female.  Gen 1:27

       a. In God's creation of Adam came Eve.

       b. Out of Adam, God formed his help meet.



V:19. "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."

 A. Like Adam, animals did not evolve from anything. They were created by God.

     1. Animals were made for the pleasure and need of man.

 B. God made man to be responsible and productive. 

     1. God gave Adam the responsibility of naming all the animals.

     2. We all have an assignment from God.

     3. God likes busy people. God has no regard for lazy folk.

 C. Originally animals had no fear of man.

     1. Originally, animals had no fear of each other.


 D. God takes notice of how well we handle his business.

     1. God expects us to be good stewards of his creation.

     2. God allows us to make choices in how we handle His affairs.

     3. God accepts our choices, as long as they are according to His will.


V:20. "And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him."

 A. Adam did the work that God designed  him to do.

    1. God expects his people to be busy.

    2. God is mindful of our needs and rewards our faithfulness.

 B. Adam was put in charge of all animals. Gen 1:26

    1. The process of  naming the animals indicates ownership or headship.

 C. Animals are good to have around, but God did not choose animals as our friends.

    1. Pets can be trained, but they can't help us with our decisions or comfort us with

        words of encouragement.

    2. God made us to need a counterpart. 

        a. We need someone to talk to.

        b. We need someone to share our thoughts and plan our way.

    3. The animals were probably created in pairs (after their kind).  Gen 1:25

        a. Each animal was created with the ability to reproduce.

        b. Each animal species had their help meet.

    4. Adam was the only species originally created without his help meet.

       a. Having the awesome privilege of naming all animals, he found none that

           was like him.

       b. Perhaps God's plan of creating the animals after their kind first was to show
          Adam  the importance of a help meet.


V:21. "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof."

 A. The Lord is the cause of all our good.

     1. While we are sleep, God is working on our behalf.

     2. God does not get our opinion to do what is good for us.

     3. We are unaware of most of what God does for us.

 B. God put Adam to asleep, then performed a major operation on him.

    1. God does not always tells us how He will help us, but we can be sure He will

    2. God does not need our help to do what is best for us.

 C. God took a rib out of Adam to form his help meet.  

    1. He did not take a back bone for his helpmate to walk behind him.

    2, God did not take a bone from Adam's feet for his helpmate to be under him.

    3. God did not take a bone from Adams head for his helpmate to be a clone of him.

    4. God chose a rib bone of Adam for his helpmate to walk beside him.

        a. The word "rib" is translated from a Hebrew word which also means "side"

            "chamber"  or "corner".

        b. God formed Adam's help meet to be at his side.

        c. She is his chamber of comfort, love and council.


V:22. "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."

 A. God brought Adam's help mate to him.

     1. Adam did not have to go looking for his helpmate.

     2. Adam's helpmate did not have to go find him.

     3. God brought the two together.

 B. God's first human institution is marriage.

     1. God loves family.

     2. God brought a woman to Adam, not a man.

     3. Only a man and a woman can produce a child.

 C. What God has for us is for us.

     1. We have to wait on His timing.

     2. It is a good idea to accept His selection.


V:23. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

 A. Adam recognized the work of God.

    1. Adam was grateful for what God did for him.

    2. Adam cherished what God gave him.

 B. God designed man and woman to be part of each other.

    1. Adam's helpmate has his DNA.

    2. Adam's helpmate was not foreign to him.

    3. God made Adam's helpmate suitable for him.

 C. God called Adam's helpmate a woman.

    1. He did not call her a baby.

    2. He did not call her a slave.

    3. He did not call her a temporary mate.

    4. He called her his woman.

    5. God made Adam's woman to be intimately related to him.


V:24. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

 A. God established basic rules for the marriage.

     1. The man must leave his father and his mother.

         a. Parents have no business in the marriage of their children.

         b. Parents must refrain from getting involved in the affairs of their sons and

             daughters marriages.

     2. Man must make a place for his woman.

     3. Man is the head of the household.

 B. Man must cleave unto his wife.

     1. The word "cleave is form the Hebrew word which means to cling or adhere to.

        a. Man must cling to his wife.

        b. Man should not allow anyone or anything to get in the way of his marriage.

 C. It should be the goal of the married couple to become one.

    1. The married couple should grow to think alike.

    2. The married couple should have the same goals.

    3. The married couple should find a way to work through problems and



V:25. "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

 A. The marriage should be innocent.

     1. The marriage should be an open book.

     2. There should be no secrets in the marriage.

     3. Man and his wife should be able to discuss everything openly.

 B. There should be nothing to put the marriage to shame.

     1. The woman should be first to her husband.

     2. The man should be first to his wife.

     3. The marriage should be pure and undefiled by any outside activities or thoughts.

     4. The husband and the wife should do everything to promote togetherness.

     5. The two must always support each other.


















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