Thursday, August 8, 2013

This Week"s Sunday School Lesson, Confession, The Key To Fellowship With The Father" 8/11/2013



Nehemiah 9:2, 6-10, 30-36

V:2. " The descendants of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners, and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers."

 A. We have been set apart by God and called out from the world.

    1. All believers are the saints of God.

    2. The world is the foreigner.

    3. We should consider ourselves separate from the world.

    4. The world is all around us.

        a. We live in the world.

        b. We are not part of the world.

        c. We are the body of Christ.

 B. We must separate ourselves form the world to communicate with the Father.

     1. It is a duty and a privilege to go to God in prayer.

     2. We should confess our sins before the Father.

     3. When we assemble together, we should begin in prayer confessing our sins.

     4. It is the confessing and the repentance of our sins that presents us clean before
         the  Father. 

 C. Once we have confessed our sins, we are restored to fellowship with the Father.

     1. It is in the fellowship with the Father that blessing flow.

     2. It is in the fellowship with the Father that we mature.

     3. It is in the fellowship with the Father that wisdom is gained.


V:6. "You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, The heaven of heavens with all their host, The earth and all that is on it, The seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them And the heavenly host bows down before You."

 A. We need to reflect from time to time on who God is.

     1. God is God all by Himself.

          a. God is the beginning of everything.

          b. God is the author of everything.

          c. God is the supreme authority.

 B. God is the creator.

     1. God created the heavens and all the angels.

     2. God created the all planets.

     3. God created all the galaxies we know of and any we have not discovered.

 C. God created the earth for man to exist.

    1. God gives life to the plants and the animals on His earth

    2. God is the one who maintains His creation.


V:7. "You are the Lord God, Who chose Abram And brought him out from Ur of the

Chaldees, And gave him the name Abraham. "

 A. God works according to His plan.  Eph 1:4

     1. God planned out all things before the foundation of the earth.
         Amos 9:6, Ps 102:25

     1. The good news is that we are in His plan. Matt 25:34

 B. God has a divine plan for man.

     1. God selects each of us for a specific purpose.

     2. God chose Abraham to be the father of the nation of Israel.

        a. God chose us to be the fathers and mothers of others who will follow Christ.

     3. God called Abraham out of the world.

     4. God has called us out of the world.  1 Peter 2:9

 C. God changed the name of Abram to Abraham

     1. God has given us a new name in Jesus Christ.

     2. We who believe are called Christians.  Acts 11:26

V:8. "You found his heart faithful before You, And made a covenant with him To give him the land of the Canaanite, Of the Hittite and the Amorite, Of the Perizzite, the Jebusite and the Girgashite — To give it to his descendants. And You have fulfilled Your promise, For You are righteous."

 A. God chooses those who are faithful to Him to carry out His plan.

      1. God knows the heart of man

      2. He knows who is committed and who are not committed.

 B. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be given the promise land.

     1. God has made a covenant in the blood of Jesus that we have a promised place in


     2. God made the promise to Abraham that the land would be given to his

     3. The promise God gave to His son is that heaven is the place for all His disciples.

         a. Jesus is the first born of the body of Christ.

         b. We inherited our heavenly place through our faith in Jesus.

 C. Abraham was faithful to God the Father.

     1. Our inheritance is secure in our faith.

 D. God keeps all of His promises.

     1. We can rest assured that God will keep all His promise to us.

     2. God is righteous.

         a. What God said, is what He will do.

         b. All that God have promised us is written in His Word.

         c. God can only keep His Word. He can't do any less.


V:9. "You saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, And heard their cry by the Red Sea."

  A. God is always aware of our troubles.

       1. God knows what we are going through.

       2. God knows the cause of our troubles.

       3. God knows who is behind our troubles; us are someone else.

   B. When we pray to God, He hears our prayers.

       1. God knew the troubles our parents and grandparents experienced.

          a. God provided for them and protected them.

          b. We are here because of what God did with our ancestors.

       2. God blessed our ancestors so that we are in a blessed state today.  


10 "Then You performed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, Against all his servants and all the people of his land; For You knew that they acted arrogantly toward them, And made a name for Yourself as it is this day."

 A. If you want to know the goodness of God, all you need to do is review the history
      of   your ancestors.

    1. God call Abraham to be the father of a nation.

        a. God allowed the family of the grandson of Abraham (Jacob) to grow into a
           nation  during 400 years of slavery in Egypt.

        b. God chose Moses to bring His nation out of Egypt and to bring them to the

            promise land. 

        c. God performed signs and wonders against the Pharaoh forcing him to release

             His people.

   2. God worked miracles in the past to get us to this time and place

       a. It is good for us to review our past so we can know the goodness of God.

B. God used the evil hand of foreign kings to grow His chosen people in to a nation

     in one place.

   1. Because of the hardness of the King's heart, God forced the release of His people

       by killing the first born son of every Egyptian family.

   2. God uses people, places and time fulfill his promises to us.

C. God shows Himself faithful to His promises by His blessing upon us.


V:30. "However, You bore with them for many years, And admonished them by Your Spirit through Your prophets, Yet they would not give ear. Therefore You gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands."

A. The Lord is very tolerant with us.

     1. Even though we are often disobedient and sin against Him, He does not rush to

         punish us.

     2. God gives us chance after chance to get right with Him.

B. God blessed His people with freedom and a promise land.

    1. The Israelites were given the Word of God to live by.

    2. They failed repeatedly to follow God's command and they worshipped idol gods.

        a. God gave these commands to Moses around 1490 BC.   

        b. God allowed Israel to be taken into captivity around 600 BC.

    3. God tolerated Israel sinfulness for almost 900 years.

       a. We serve a God who is longsuffering.

       b. He is not quick to punish His people.


V:31. "Nevertheless, in Your great compassion You did not make an end of them or forsake them, For You are a gracious and compassionate God."

 A. The God we serve is a compassionate God.

      1. It is God's desire that we follow His commands.

      2. Following God's commands works to our best.

 B. We belong to God.

     1. He is the supreme parent.

     2. He knows that the heart of His children are not always with Him.

     3. Because of His great love, He tolerates disobedience for a while.

     4. When God could have destroy us, He saves us from ourselves.

 C. We serve a gracious God.

     1. We don't deserve His blessing, but He blesses us sometimes without

          regards to our sin.

     2. He overlooked our sin when He sent Jesus to be our savior,

V:32.  "Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps covenant and lovingkindness, Do not let all the hardship seem insignificant before You, Which has come upon us, our kings, our princes, our priests, our prophets, our fathers and on all Your people, From the days of the kings of Assyria to this day."

 A. We should give God honor by being mindful of who He is.

     1. He is our God.

         a. He is our Lord and master.

         b. He is our provider and protector.

         c. He is our shepherd.

     2. He is great.

        a. There is non greater than God.

        b. No one can do what God does.

        c. God speaks and things that were not, come into existence.

        d. He created everything out of nothing.

    3. God is mighty.

       a. God has all power.

       b. It would be difficult for us to fully understand His power.

       c. How much power does it take keep all the planets in their orbit?

       d. How much power does it take to create an orbit?

       e. There is nothing that God can't do.

   4. God is awesome.

      a. All events in time are in His plan.

      b. God knows the end from the beginning.

      c. Nothing escapes His attention. Even the hairs on our heads are counted.
         Matt 10:30

      d. He made and controls the seasons for our benefit.

  5. God makes covenants and He keeps His covenants.

     1. God agreed with Himself to save us by sending His son to die for us.

     2. God agreed with Himself to provide and protect us.

     3. God agreed with Himself to provide a place in heaven for those He called out

         of the world. 

  6. God continues to show His love for us in our moment by moment existence.

B. All the hardships we face in life are there to chastise us and to bring us to a
     knowledge  of who God is.

  1. God has to remind us sometimes through trials and tribulation that He is in control.

  2. God reminds us sometimes that He is the only authority. Job 38:4


V:33 "However, You are just in all that has come upon us; For You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly."

A. We need to look in the mirror to see how bad we really are.

    1. We should comes to the realization that we have not always followed God.

    2. We should realize that some of the hardships we face are our on doing.

    3. God is just when He punishes us for our sins.

B. God has always been faithful to us.

   1. God keep His promises.

   2. All the works of God is for our welfare.

   3. The good and the bad works to our advantage.   


V:34. "For our kings, our leaders, our priests and our fathers have not kept Your law Or paid attention to Your commandments and Your admonitions with which You have admonished them."

 A. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

     1. All of our ancestors and each of us have failed to keep God's command.

     2. The Lord Himself said, "here is none righteous, no not one." Rom 3:10

 B. We have to face the truth that while we were in sin, Christ died for us.

    1. We had the Word and knew to do right, but we did not.

    2. God has punished us from time to time but we still sin.

    3. The God we serve tolerates us because of His love for us.


V:35. "But they, in their own kingdom, With Your great goodness which You gave them, With the broad and rich land which You set before them, Did not serve You or turn from their evil deeds."

 A. God has been good to us.

    1. He has given us everything we need, yet we will not dedicate ourselves to Him.

    2. We are in the situations we are in because we have not followed God.

 B. The Israelites reflected on the disobedience of their fathers.

    1. They concluded that their ancestors did not serve God and continued in their sins.

    2. When we review our past, we need to face our sinful behavior.

    3. We should give God praise because He has always been good to us.

        a. While we were in sin, God was still good

        b. God could have let us suffer the consequences of our sins, but He blessed us.


36 "Behold, we are slaves today, And as to the land which You gave to our fathers to eat of its fruit and its bounty, Behold, we are slaves in it."

 A. If we don't follow God, we will be slaves to sin.

     1. Without God in our lives there is no freedom

     2. Because of the shed blood of Jesus, our Lord and Savior we are counted
         innocence  before God.

 B. God has freed us from the depths of hell.

     1. Our freedom in Jesus gives us a place in heaven.

     2. If we choose slavery, it should be to righteousness of God.

     3. If God is the slave owner, blessing will abound.

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