Thursday, August 28, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Grace Of Giving", 8/31/2014



2 Corinthians 8:1-14


Giving starts with the Lord. He gives to us out of His abundance so that we may be able

share with those in need. The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The Lord does

not promise that we will  have all we want, but He did promise that we will have all we need.


God blesses us through the hands of others, both Christian and none Christian.

Sometimes when we barely have enough to take care of our needs, He tests our love

for Him by asking us to give to the needs of others.



V:1. " And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches."

 A. We should all be role models of the grace of God's giving.

     1. From the start of the Christian Church in Jerusalem, all the believers put all their

         resources in a common pool.

        a. Everyone's need were  met.

        b. Those who had, meet the needs of those who were lacking.

    2. The times  changed and the members of the Jerusalem Church were destitute

        and in need of help.

 B. When the need of the Jerusalem Church became known, Paul instructed other

      Churches  to take up a collection to meet their needs.

   1. Paul used the generous giving of the Macedonian Church as a model for other


   2. We should set the example of generous giving for the world to follow.

 C. The God we serve works out our circumstances so that we need each other.


V:2. " Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty  

 welled up in rich generosity."

 A. The members of the Macedonian Church were also destitute.

     1. Yet, out of their poverty, they gave generously.

     2. God's grace is sufficient for us to give regardless of our circumstances.

 B. God uses the circumstances of others to show us how blessed we are.

     1. There is always someone with worst circumstances than yours.

     2. When we can show others love when our circumstance are in not good,

         it is a testimony  to our faith in Jesus.


 V:3. " For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their

   ability. Entirely on their own."

    A. The Macedonian Church did not hesitate to help even though they did not have the

         means to help.

        1. Their willingness to help resulted in a generous offering.

        2. If we have a willingness to help, God will multiply what we give to meet the

            needs of others.

       3. God can find resources in us that we do not know we have.

       4. What we take for granted, may be valuable to others.

   B.  It is not how much we have that counts, but our desire to use what we have that

        God blesses.   

      1. Jesus took a little boy's lunch and feed five thousand men.

      2. Jesus took one boy's desire to help and blessed many.


V:4. " They urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints."

 A. Paul did not asked the Macedonian Church for a donation because of their

      improvised conditions.

    1. Having heard of the need of the Jerusalem Church, they begged Paul to

        include them in this grace giving.

    2. When we have a desire to help, God will make away.

    3. When many give a little, it can end up being much.

 B. It is a privilege to work in partnership with Jesus to support the gospel.

     1. We become effective servants of Jesus when we make it our business  to

         help others in need.

     2. The evidence of our love for God shows up in our service.

    3. We show ourselves as a friend of Jesus by what we are willing to do for others.


  V:5" And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and  

   then to us in keeping with God's will."

  A. We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us.

      1. To be a good servant, we must first give ourselves to the Lord.

      2. We were purchased by the blood Jesus shed on the cross.

 B. When we yield  ourselves to the guidance and directions of the Holy Spirit,

     we will always do more than is expected of us.

     1. We can accomplish nothing without the help of Jesus.

     2. Jesus said if we abide in Him and His Word in us, we can ask what we will

         and it will be done.


V:6. "So we urged Titus, since he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to

 completion this act of grace on your part."

 A. When we start a project for God, we ought to bring it to a completion.

      1. Every project for God should have specific purpose.

      2. Every project should have a plan.

      3. Every project should have a list of participants.

      4. Every project  should have a start date and a completion date.

      5. Every project needs dedicated workers.

 B. All money collected must be used for the purpose it was given.

     1. The purpose of the collection was to help the poor saints in Jerusalem.

     2. What we do for other lifts us up in the same manner.

     3. Service has it's reward in pleasing God.


V: 7 But just as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete  

  earnestness and in your love for us — see that you also excel in this grace of giving."

 A. To be like Jesus we must excel in every area of God's favor.

 1. The first area to excel is faith.

    a . We must first believe in Jesus and His crucifixion.

    b. We must believe that He is in control of all areas of our lives.

 2. We must excel in speech.

     a. We should make it our business to give God praise and honor.

     b. We should be ready to give encouragement to others

     c. We should control our tongue so that we speak good of everyone.

 3. We must excel in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

     a. Let this mind be in you that also was in Jesus Christ.

     c. Our study of God's Word is the wisdom we need to live a successful

         Godly life.

 4. We must excel in earnestness.

     a. Our focus should always be the righteousness of God.

     b. Our aim should be to do what is right in all situations.

 5. We must excel in our love for one another.

    a. Love is the foundation of Christian faith.

    b. God is love.

    c. We must love God first and our neighbor as ourselves.

 6. The Lord wants us to excel in giving.

    a. God favored us with His love.

    b. We must love our neighbor enough to help when needed.

B. God favored us with His grace and mercy

   1. Christ died while we were  yet sinners.

   2. It was because of God's love that He sent His Son to be our Savior.

   3. It should be because of love that we help those in need, especially those

       of the household of faith.


V:8. " I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by

 comparing it with the earnestness of others."

A. Sometimes we think we are doing well serving Christ until we hear of the

     faith of others.

   1. Not that we should measure ourselves by others, but it is good to  know that there is

      always more that we could do.

  2. When we think we are stretched to the limit, it good to know that God can

      stretch us more.

B. The test of our love is what we are willing to sacrifice for the sake of others.

   1. God does not command us to sacrifice beyond our means.

   2. The Apostle Paul points out that if we have a desire, God will provide the way.  

   3. When we are weak, God is our strength.


V:9. " For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."

 A. Jesus is the ultimate example of sacrificial love.

    1. He become poor and we became rich in the Father's love.

    2. Jesus faith in the Father's love sealed the eternal destiny of all His elect. 

 B. When we lend our lives to the Father for the sake of others, we can accomplish

      the extraordinary.

    1. Whatever we do for others out of love works to our good.

    2. Jesus was lifted up and all power over heaven and earth was given to Him.

    3. If we are faithful over a few thing, God will make us rulers over many things.


 V:10. " And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you  

  were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so."

  A. After the start of the collection efforts in Corinth, there were some doubt that

       the money would be use for the purpose it was given.

      1. The collection efforts had stopped.

      2. Paul reminded the Corinthians of their initial desires to help.

 B. There will always be those in the Church who do not see the need to help others.

     1. When we began what God has called us to do, we must leave the success of

         our efforts to the Father.

     2. We are not immune to the wise of the Devil without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

     3. We must be careful that we are not listening to the wrong voices. 


 V:11. " Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by

   your completion of it, according to your means."

 A. God gives us the means to do what He calls us to do.

    1. God makes the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ our responsibility.

    2. We all have different earthly fathers, but one heavenly Father.

    3. We are all related by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

 B. Whatever we vow to the Father, we should complete.

    1. The Word says, it is better not to make a vow than to make one and not keep it.

    2. Our yes should be yes.


 V:12. " For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has,

  not according to what he does not have."

 A. God expect us to give as we have been blessed.

    1. Whatever we give God willingly and without grudging, He accepts

    2. It is not how much we have to give but how much heart we have when we


   3. God loves a cheerful giver.

B. God does not judge us by what we do not have.

   1. Our giving is not a  competition.

   1. Our giving is a result of our love.


 V:13. " Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but  

   that there might be equality."

 A. God does not require us to neglect our needs to satisfy the desires of others.

     1. God does not require us to support those who are able to work, but refuse

         to work.

    2 . God does require us to support the Church of Jesus Christ

    3. A generous spirit will come to the aid of those who are truly in need.


 14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty

   will supply what you need. Then there will be equality.

  A. What goes around comes around.

      1. When we are generous in our giving to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

           we are storing treasures in heaven.

      2. At some point in our life we may find ourselves in need.

          a. Our generosity will return to us in our time of need.

  B. God keeps track of our giving and will return to us many times what we give in

       grace giving.



Rev. M. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of GMBC

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