Saturday, August 23, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Suffering For Christ" 8/24/2014



2 Corinthians 6:1-13, 7:2



V:1. " As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain."

 A. We have all been saved by the grace of God.

     1. God chose us not because of our worth, but because of His divine love.

     2. We are not worthy of His choice.

     3. Before God, we are no more than filthy rags.

        a. The Word says that there is none righteous, no not one.

B. God chose us because of His plan of redemption for mankind.

     1. He looked forward from the time before the foundation of the World

         and saw a world that He would make perfect become imperfect by sin.

     2. God chose us (the Church) and commission us to take the good news of

         His Son's redeeming blood to the ends of the earth.

        a. Faith in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins

            restores us to fellowship with the Father.

     3. Jesus, Himself said the workers are few, but the harvest is plentiful.

         a. The Church is the "few" among the many of the world.

         b. Without the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the world will remain in darkness.

 C. All believers in Jesus Christ have the responsibility to preach the Good News

     of Jesus to all they meet.

    1. We would be taking God's grace in vain if we do not proclaim Jesus as Lord

         and Savior.

    2. God has favored us with redemption and we MUST proclaim Jesus to the rest of the


    3. We are God's workman and His vessels of service.

    4. To not serve the Lord is an ungrateful, selfish and thoughtless act.

    5. God chose us to serve and give Him glory and honor.


V:2. " For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I

  helped you."  I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."

A. What goes around comes around.

    1. When we were dead in our sins, God sent His Son to be sin for us by His death

         on the cross.

    2. It was the favor of God the Father to hear our cry for deliverance from the sins

        of this world.

   3. The time when God sent His Son down from heaven to shed His blood on the

        cross was the time of our salvation.

 B. Now, the time has come for us (the Church of Jesus Christ) to get busy proclaiming

      Gospel of  Jesus Christ.

    1. Time is not on our side, because we don't know when our time is up on this



    2. Death is in the forecast for everybody and only the Father knows the time.

 C. Now that we have the testimony of Jesus in our lives, we MUST proclaim it

      to all we meet.

      1. We could be hear today and gone tomorrow.

      2. They could be here today and gone tomorrow.

           a. It is a sad day when we see someone laying in a casket that we had a chance to

               to be a witness for Christ and did not.

           b. Everybody need to hear a word from God through you.

           c. You maybe the only Church they attend.

           d. You may be the light that God intended for them to see.


V:3. " We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited
 A. It is our responsibility to think like Jesus, talk like Jesus and walk as Jesus walked.

     1. If we have been saved by the grace of God and act like the world, we become

         a stumbling block to the unsaved.

     2. We must continue to grow in the Lord, so those around us can grow in the Lord.

 B. We discredit our Christian faith when we continue to act like the world.

    1. Since the old man in us has died, he should never raise his ugly head.

    2. Only the new man in Christ should be alive in us.

    3. When we give credit, it should be to the Lord and Him only.

    4. When we give honor, it should be to the Lord and Him only.


V:4. "Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance;

  in troubles, hardships and distresses."

  A. Working for God is not always easy.

      1. God promised  that in serving Him we will face adversities.

      2. God also promised that He will never leave us or forsake us.

  B. In every problem we face serving God, we should  trust that God will be the solution.

      1. As we face the problems of this life we must always act upon the Word of God.

      2. Our Christian character should always shine  before us.

  C. All of the apostles of Jesus Christ faced persecutions and  suffered from cruel

       the punishment of their accusers and faced want for the basic necessities of life.

     1. They faced at times insurmountable difficulties, yet they kept their faith in

         Jesus Christ.

     2. They were able to endure tough times because they trusted God to deliver them. 


 V:5. " In beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger."

  A. Paul was beat at least five times for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

      1. Paul was imprisoned for the success of his preaching because others worshiped

          idols became upset.

      2. Paul and his co workers in Christ worked to support themselves.

          a. They chose not to burden the Church who also were suffering.

          b. A workman is worth his wage.

          c. They considered their wage paid in full by Christ death on the cross.

 B. Paul was ship wrecked while on  a trip to Rome to be unjustly accused.

      1. He ministered to the men on the ship and to natives on the island they

          landed on.

      2. Under all of his conditions, he kept his focus on his mission for Jesus.



V:6. " In purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere


 A. Despite all the adversity Paul and his co workers faced, their thoughts were always


    1. They kept their focus on words of Jesus and not the actions of man.

    2. Paul did not allow his love for God, his  love for the brethren or is love for his

        enemies to be controlled by the hateful actions of others.

 B. Paul continued to study the Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    1. Understanding the Word of God gives us the wisdom to treats others with the

         love of God.

     2.  It is  the Word of God that gives us hope in all situations.

 C. Patience is a Christian virtue that can only be learned when we learn to trust  the

      Lord to provide us with all our needs.

    1. The Lord has been patience with us.

    2. We must learn to be patience with others.

 D.  Knowing that God is our provider, frees us to consider the concerns of others.

 E. When we understand the love of God, we can treat others with love.


 V:7. " In truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the

  right hand and in the left."

  A. Paul spoke the Word of God. He proclaimed only the Gospel that he received from


      1. Paul did not give his opinions, just the truth.

      2. Unbelievers don't need our opinions.

          a. They need to hear  the Word  of God.

          b. The truth does not always agree with unbelievers, but it is what they need to hear.

  B. We can not convince anyone to believe in God.

      1. The power is in the Word of God.

      2. God prepares the heart of those we come in contact with to receive His Word from


 C. The tools God has given His servants are the Spirit and Faith.

     1. In the right hand is the Spirit.

         a. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

         b. The power of the Spirit enables us to be aggressive in our witness for Christ.

     2. In the left hand is the Shield of faith.

         a. With faith, we can defend ourselves against the fiery darts of Satan,

         b. Temptations are always present, therefore we have to be on guard to keep

             from falling.








V:8. " Through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as


  A. The work of a Christian should give God glory and honor.

       1. The world sometimes dishonors the Christian workers.

       2. We must hold fast to our faith, because any honor due us comes from the Father.

  B.  Some will give a good report on the work of a Christian.

      1. Others seeing the same work will give a bad report.

      2. There are those who find joy in the work of the servants of God.

      3. At the same time, there  will be those filled with criticism.

      4. God is our reward.

      5. We should not look for the praise of man.

 C. Our genuine work and love for our brothers will sometimes be consider as false.

      1. Not everyone will see the Christian  in a positive light.

      2. God has predestined those who will receive  the light.  

      3. Since we don't know who will receive the Word of Truth, we proclaim it

          to everyone.


V:9. " Known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed."

 A. God's workers are known by Him.

      1. We must witness to those we know and those who are strangers to us.

      2.  We must at all time be  Christ role model.

 B. Paul and his co laborers were expose to death during their trials and tribulations.

     1. By the grace of God they survived.

     2. When they were weak, God was their strength.

 C. Paul and his co laborer were beaten for preaching the Gospel of Jesus.

     1. Their enemies intended to kill them on the spot, but their lives were in

          God's hands.

     2. The lesson to learn  is God is always in control of our lives.


 V:10 "Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and

   yet possessing everything."

  A. Paul and his co laborers endured the sorrows of  the ministry of Christ.

      1. They were taunted by some and sneered at by others.

      2. They at times  were without food and the comforts of life.

      3. Paul counted his sorrows as joy.

  B. Many was made rich by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

      1. It is the knowledge and the wisdom  of God that makes a man rich in the


  C.  Christians may not possess the riches of the world, but they are heirs to  the

        Kingdom of God.

       1. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

       2. God our Father has everything we need.


V:11. " We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you."

  A. The speech of a Christian should be the plain truth of the Gospel.

       1. We should never use deceptive language.

    2. Our yes should be yes  and our no's should be no.

    3. We should not imply what we do not mean.

 B.  The heart of a Christian worker should be enlarged toward other believers.

    1. We must speak the truth in love.

    2. We should encourage other in the ways of the Lord.

    3. We should be concerned about spiritual growth and development of others.

    4. Whenever we have the opportunity, we should uplift and enlighten others.


 V:12. " We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours

   from us."

  A.  Christian workers should hold other believer in high esteem.

       1. We should  be concerned about the welfare of others.

       2. We may find that others have little regards for us.

  B. What we can be sure of is God hold a strong affection for his servants.

      1. Our reward is stored in heaven.

      2. If we don't faint we will reap a harvest of love.


V:13. " As a fair exchange — I speak as to my children — open wide your hearts also."

  A. A Christian worker ought to see those he /she teach as children of God.

      1. Like a parent, our love for the brethren should be without limits.

      2. A Spiritually mature Christian should be tolerant with those growing

          in the spirit.

 B. Our hope in the Lord is that some day those we help will show their

      gratitude by helping  others grow in the Lord.


2 Corinthians 7:2

V:2. " Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no

 one, we have exploited no one

 A. We are commanded to treat Christian workers with love and respect.

    1. Those who love the Lord treat everyone  they way they want to be treated.

    2. True love will not allow us to mistreat others.

    3. If we love others, we will not attempt to use them for our benefit.

 B. We are role models to others.

   1. Someone is always taking note of how we treat others.

   2. We should treat others as Christ treats us.



Rev. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of GMBC

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