Thursday, September 4, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Hope For Restoration", 9/7/2014



Jeremiah 30:1-3, 18-22


V:1. " This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord".

 A. All scripture is God breathed.

    1. Through Biblical History, God chose men to record His Words.

        a. Lord= Jehovah= the self Existence or Eternal

        b. The name Jeremiah means "the Lord loosens which fit his task".

    2. The Lord is the author of all the Words of the Bible.

  B. The Word is the truth without any error.

    1. The Word of the Lord speaks to all men, past present and future.

    2. The Word was  first given to Israel, but it is for all of God's people.

    3. God spoke to a particular people at a particular time regarding a particular


        a. Yet the Word is wisdom for all time.

        b. The time of this writing is after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian

            captivity.  590 BC

        c. Israel was taken captive for 70 years.

        b. God speaks to us in our times of trouble.

        c. It is during our troubles that God can get our attention

        d. The troubles of Israel resulted from their sins and their rejection of God's


        e. The sins of Israel began during the exodus from Egypt.  1490 BC


V:2 "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Write in a book all the words I have

 spoken to you. "

 A. God instructed Jeremiah to write His Words without  any interpretation.

    1. Jeremiah could not leave out any of God's Words.

    2. The word "all" means every word God spoke or revealed to Jeremiah had to be


 B. Jeremiah was the vessel God used to record His Word.

      1. Jeremiah may have written in his style, and his language, but completely guided

          by God.

      2. Jeremiah produced the inspired text.

 C. God still speaks to us from the inspired text.

       a. Our interpretations  and translations are not inspired, but is the guide for us.

       b. It is the Holy Spirit that guides our understanding of the inspired text.


V:3. " The days are coming,' declares the Lord, 'when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,' says the Lord."

 A. God gave us His Word to encourage hope for our restoration.

      1. Even though Israel was taken captive, they would be restored back to the promise


       2. The Babylonian captivity was the punishment for their many sins.

 B. The land was first promised to Abraham and his descendants.

      1. Abraham descendants includes all God's elect from all nations of the world.

      2. From Abraham's descendants came Jesus in the flesh, the Savior of all God's


 C. The land promise was to the Nation of Israel.

      1. Abraham's seed ( Jesus) would blesses the  entire world .

      2. It is through faith  in the  death and resurrection of Jesus that we are restored

          from our sinful state to a right relationship with the Father.


Jeremiah 30:18-22

 V:18.  "This is what the Lord says: "'I will restore the fortunes of Jacob's tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place."

A. God chastises those He loves.

    1. Sometimes to get our attention God will destroy that which He allow us to build up.

    2. Israel had the Law that God gave to Moses.

         a. They refused to follow God's commands.

         b. They rejected the living God in favor of idol gods.

         c. They committed spiritual adultery in mist of God's sanctuary.

 B. God's chastisement is for a season, but His love is forever.

    1. God allows trouble in our lives for us to seek Him.

    2. God is not interested in our destruction, but He is interested in our restoration.

 C. The twelve tribes of Jacob inherited the promise land.

     1. Israel developed  as a nation during the 400 years of slavery in Egypt.

     2. The nation began when the Jacob and his twelve sons entered Egypt to

         escape the famine in the promised land.

  D. When Israel was delivered from Egypt into promise land, they lived in tents.

      1. The city of Jerusalem was built and the temple was constructed according to God's

           design for His Worship.

      2. It is our worship that gives God glory. 

  E. At the start of the Babylonian captivity, God gave Israel hope for restoration.

     1. No matter how bad we are, God can restore us to fellowship with Him.

     2. God is not interested in any physical building, but the spiritual building that

         is the body of Christ.  

     3. God uses  good and the bad to draw us into a closer relationship with Him.


V:19. " From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained."

 A. Those who love the Lord will express their gratefulness in songs of thanksgiving.

      1. The restoration of Israel back to  the promise land is the "TYPE" of the Millennium  

          to come.

           a. After the second coming of Christ, the Church will be taken up to be with

              Christ .

           b. A remnant of Jews will go into the one thousand year reign with Christ.

 B. From the remnant  will grow a new nation of Israel

    1. Satan will be bound, so there will be no temptation of the flesh

    2. The millennium will be a time for Israel to rejoice with the Lord.     


V:20. " Their children will be as in days of old, and their community will be established before me; I will punish all who oppress them. "

A. The tribulation will be time when all the enemy of Israel will be destroyed.

    1. After the tribulation (7 year war against Satan), Israel will be under the leadership

        of Jesus.

    2. A new Israel community will grow up with Christ.


V:21. " Their leader will be one of their own; their ruler will arise from among them. I will bring him near and he will come close to me, for who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?'  declares the Lord. "

 A. Jesus Christ, the promise seed, will be there leader.

     1. The millennium will be Christ' reign on earth.

     2. Jesus is focused on the will of the Father.

 B. We are the seed of Abraham

     1. Our devotion should  be to the Lord and Him only.

     2. The more we submit ourselves to the Lord, the closer we will be to Him

     3. There is no greater companion than Jesus   


V:22.  "So you will be my people, and I will be your God."

   A. When we make God our Lord, we become His people.

       1. We were created by the Father to give Him glory.

       2. We were divinely appointed to be God's people.

  B. Because we belong to the Lord, we are heirs to the Kingdom of


      1. We must trust the Lord with all our mind, heart , soul and strength.

      2. We can rely on the Lord to provide all our needs.


The                70yr                Church Age    Tribulation   1000yr                New Heaven

Law given     Captivity                                 7yr              reign of Christ     New Earth



                         Jeremiah       The Cross         V:20                    V:19-21              V:22


1490 BC        590 BC           33 BC--                                                          Eternity


Rev. M. Mitchell   Asst Pastor of GMBC



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