Jer 23:5-6, Zech
6:9-15, John 19:1-5
There are three time frames represented in this lesson.
Jeremiah was written during the period before the Babylonian captivity (629-588
BC).The 70 year Babylonian captivity began around 595 BC. Zachariah was written
after the Babylonian captivity of Israel
(520-518 BC). The Gospel of John was written after the death
and resurrection of Jesus, Christ our Lord and Savior (30 AD).
The nation of Israel
refused to follow God's commands. They abandoned the true and
living God and
worshiped idol gods. God allowed the Babylonians to take Israel
captive for 70 years. The Babylonians destroyed the Temple
in Jerusalem and the city. After
the 70 year captivity, the Israelites were released to return to
their promised land and rebuild the Temple .
Jeremiah 23:5-7
V:5. "The days are coming," declares the Lord,
"when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign
wisely and do what is just and right in the land. "
A. The name Jeremiah means "Jehovah will lift up".
1. The leaders of
Israel became
corrupt, abandoning God and worshiped idol gods.
2. In verses 1-4, God promised judgment and punishment of the leaders and the
whole nation
of Israel for
their disobedience.
3. God also
promised the redemption of Israel .
B. The God we serve
is long suffering.
1. The God we
serve chastises those He loves.
2. He warns us of
the consequences of our disobedience.
3. God gives us
time to get right before Him.
C. Because the
leaders of Israel
were not obedient, God promised a righteous branch
to lead Israel .
1. Jesus is the
righteous branch that God promised.
2. There two time
frames presented in this verse.
a. Jesus the
righteous King was born in the flesh, died on the cross for our sins
and was
b. Jesus
ascended back into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
3. The second time frame includes the second
coming of Jesus and His thousand
year reign on
4. The Lord not
only deals with our present conditions, but also our future welfare.
D. God described some
of the characteristics of the reign of Jesus.
1. He will rule
a. Jesus is
the author of wisdom.
b. Jesus knows
what is best for us.
c. Jesus knows
the outcome before any situation develops.
d. It is to
our advantage to trust Jesus.
2. He will do what
is just and right.
a. Jesus is the
author of righteousness.
b. Jesus can do
nothing but what is right.
c. There is no
shadow of sin in Him.
d. Whatever
Jesus does is in our best interest.
V:6. " In his days Judah
will be saved and Israel
will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our
A. At one time, Israel
was divided into two kingdoms. The Southern Kingdom was
1. Jesus is from
the tribe of Judah
and is the unity between both Kingdoms and all
who believe
in Him.
2. Jesus is the
salvation for all who believe in Him.
3. During the
1000 year reign of Christ, there will be no oppression of Israel .
4. Jesus will
reign as King over Israel .
B. Jesus is the Lord Our Righteousness (Yahweh
1. God gave the
Israelites His Law.
2. Those who are
obedient to His Law approach His righteousness.
3. It is the
imputed righteousness of Jesus that makes believers acceptable to the
4. No one can come to the Father but through
the righteousness of Jesus.
Zechariah 6:9-15
V:9. " The word of the Lord came to me."
A. When you meditate on the Word of God, He will
enlighten you.
1. The name
Zachariah means "remembered by Jehovah".
2. It good to
know that those who serve the Lord are remembered by Him.
3. Out of sight,
out of mind is normal for us. But the Lord will never leave us or
forsake us.
B. We must be open
and ready to receive a word from the Lord.
1. In the Old
Testament times, God selected and used prophets to communicate His
commands and
directions to His people.
V:10 "Take [silver and gold] from the exiles Heldai,
Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon .
Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah."
A. God trusts us with
valuable gifts to be used in His Temple.
1. We are to be
good stewards of that which God has given us.
2. What God gives
us is to be used to give Him glory.
B. Three Israelites; Heldai,
Tobijah and Jedaiah were trusted with the Temple
1. Sometimes, God
selects a team to carry out His plans.
2. It is very
important that we learn to work together.
3. When one job
is done, God may used the same team for another project.
4. Sometimes God
adds members to a team to do other projects.
V:11. " Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and
set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak. "
A. Normally priest
did not ware crowns.
1. The crown
placed on the high priest head was symbolic of the two offices of
a. Jesus is
our High priest.
b. Jesus is
the King of Kings.
B. Sometimes, God
uses believers to be an example to others.
1. We are the
church that none believers see.
2. The placing of
the crown on the head of the high priest was a forward look a the
1000 year
reign of Christ on earth.
a. Christ
will be both high priest and king during His reign.
b. The 1000
year reign of Christ will begin after the rapture of the Church to
c. There will
be a 7 period of war called the Tribulation, when Satan and all the
of Israel are
defeated. Then the 1000 year reign will begin.
C. The
God we serve is more precious than silver and gold.
1. The crown of
silver and gold represents His supreme authority.
2. His Word is
wisdom and should be valued by us as much more than silver and
V:12. " Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says:
'Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his
place and build the temple of the Lord. "
A. The Branch from
the line of King David is Jesus Christ.
1. God gave
David the plans to build the first temple in Jerusalem .
2. The first
physical temple was destroyed because of the sins of Israel .
3. After
returning from the Babylonian captivity, a second smaller temple was
built to
worship the Lord.
B. Jesus the Great
High Priest is building the Spiritual
Temple .
1. After the
death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the Church began with
the body of
2. Our bodies are
the temple of the Lord.
3. Everyday, new
members are added to the body as the lost come to Christ.
C. In 70 AD after the
death and resurrection of Christ, the temple in Jerusalem
destroyed again
and has never been rebuilt.
1. The temple was
destroyed because the Israelites rejected Jesus as their King.
a. Those who
accept Jesus as their King are now His temple.
2. In the 1000
reign of Christ on earth, He will establish a new temple and will
be High priest
and King.
V:13. " It is he who will build the temple of the Lord,
and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he
will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the
A. The "He"
in this verse is Jesus Christ.
1. After the death
and resurrection of Jesus, He ascended into heaven and is seated
at the right
hand of the Father.
2. At His second
coming, the church will be taken into Heaven to reign with Him
during the Millennium (1000 yrs).
B. During the Old
Testament times, the chief priest and the king were not always in
1. During the 33
years that Christ was on earth, the chief priest and the king opposed
a. It was the chief
priest who brought false charges against Christ which lead to His
b. All this was
done by Christ design for the salvation of mankind.
C. During the Millennium
Kingdom , the two offices will be
combined into one office
with Jesus as
King and Chief Priest.
1. There will be
harmony, because Jesus will reign in truth with justice for all.
V:14. " The crown will be given to Heldai, Tobijah,
Jedaiah and Hen son of Zephaniah
as a memorial in the temple of the Lord."
as a memorial in the temple of the Lord."
A. The Lord gave us
His Word so that we will be constantly encouraged.
1. The Word of
God reminds us of great things that are in store for us.
2. The Word of
the Lord reminds us of His power and His glory.
B. The men God used
for this task of crowning the high priest, reminds us that we
are called to
serve and our lives have a divine purpose.
1. The name Heldai
means "robust".
2. The name
Tobijah means "the Lord is good".
3. The name
Jedaiah mens " confessing the Lord".
4. The name Hen or
Josiah, means "the fire of the Lord or the gracious one".
5. We should
confess that Lord is good, robust and is the gracious one.
V:15. " Those who are far away will come and help to
build the temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent
me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the Lord your God."
A. Because the
Israelites had a long history of disobedience and ultimately rejected
their promised
Messiah, they were scattered from the promise land to far places.
1. Even in their
disobedience, the Lord promised their redemption.
2. We have all
been disobedient at times and deserve the penalty of death.
3. Because of the
grace of our Lord and Savior, we have been redeemed to eternal
B. The Israelites who
are scattered to the four corners of the earth will be gathered
together to rebuild the temple of the Lord.
1. During the Millennium,
Christ will be their chief priest and king.
2. Obedience is a prerequisite
to enjoying the promises of the Lord.
a. Jesus said,
I would rather obedience than sacrifice.
3. The Lord's
promises are not dependant on the disobedience of one generation.
4. God brings about
change in the hearts of men so all the requirements are meet
John 19:1-5
V:19. " Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged."
A. Pilate was the
reining military authority of the Roman government assigned to
1. Jesus was
wrongly accused and taken before the Roman authority to be judged
and then crucified.
and then crucified.
2. It was the
chief priest who knowingly, wrongly accused Jesus of breaking the
Jewish law.
Jewish law.
a. It was the
chief priest who hated Jesus for the truth He taught and the influence
He held over
the Jewish people.
b. The chief
priest hated their promised King.
B. While their
promised King of mercy was being beaten without mercy, the chief
priest stood by
and approved the injustice.
V:2. " The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns
and put it on his head. They
clothed him in a
purple robe."
A. The Roman soldiers
while mocking Jesus, unknowingly dressed Him as a King.
1. The put a
crown on His head, symbolizing His authority as king.
2. They dressed
Him in a purple robe symbolizing the royalty that He is.
B. The Roman soldiers
unknowing fulfilled the prophecy concerning the death
of Jesus.
V:3. " And went up to him again and again, saying,
"Hail, king of the Jews!" And they
struck him in the
A. While the Roman
soldiers were mocking and disrespecting Jesus, they proclaimed
Him as King of
the Jews.
1. It was a game
to the Roman soldiers, but it was God's divine plan.
2. Jesus was
delivered to death for our sins. Rom 4:25
B. There is no record of Jesus proclaiming the injustice
done to Him.
a. Jesus has
authority over the world and allowed Himself to be mistreated for our
b. Jesus planned
His mistreatment for the glory of the Father.
c. By His stripes,
we are healed.
V:4. " Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews,
"Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis
for a charge against him."
A. Jesus did not have
to proclaim His innocence. His executioners proclaimed Him to
be innocence of
all charges against Him.
1. Using evil men,
God made a public declaration of Jesus innocence.
B. Jesus was brought
back out to the people of Israel
for their final say on His life
or death .
1. It was the
people of Israel
who longed for a Messiah, who yelled crucify him.
2. It was the general
population of Israel
who allowed themselves to be persuaded
by a few men
at the top to deny Jesus.
3. Following the
crowd, will most likely lead you down the wrong path.
4. In all cases, we
must stand for what is right and proclaim Jesus as the authority.
3. A few righteous
folk standing up for Jesus can make a big difference in the
lives of
V:5. " When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns
and the purple robe, Pilate
said to them, "Here is the man!"
said to them, "Here is the man!"
A. Jesus was presented
to His people as a lowly king in royal colors and as the
crowned Messiah.
crowned Messiah.
1. Jesus was
rejected by His people in favor of a known murderer.
a. The
murderer had never healed, comforted or fed them.
b. The murderer
stole all he could and killed to satisfy his desires.
c. Jesus fed
them when they were hungry, healed their sick and cast out demons
possessed them.
d. Yet they
chose the bad over the good that was Jesus Christ.
2. Pilate said
"Here is the Man"
a. Israel
allowed the pagan authority to present their King as just a man.
3. Jesus is man
and God.
4. Jesus has a
human nature and a divine nature.
B. The people saw
Jesus, but did not recognize Him as their king.
1. The question
is, do you see Jesus as your King?
2. Do you
recognize Jesus as your Messiah?
3. Do you
recognize Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
4. Do you
recognize Jesus as the resurrection and the life?
5. Do you
recognize Jesus as the way, the truth and the life?
6. Do you give
Jesus praise and glory?
C. Jesus was lifted up on a hill and nailed to a cross, so
He could draw all men to
1. Will you
proclaim Him to be your God or reject Him with the crowd?
Rev Mitchell, Asst Pastor
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