Thursday, March 27, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Humble Ride", 3/30/2014


Zechariah 9:9, Matt 21:1-11


V:9. " Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."

 A. This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

      1. There is never a day that we should not set our minds on joy.

      2. Joy is a state of the mind.

      3. We can choose joy or we can choose sadness.

 B. The Lord Himself, gave  us the reasons for joy.

      1. First, He calls us His daughters.

      2.  Second, we are  particular daughters.

            a. We are daughters of Zion.  Daughters of heaven.

            b. We are daughters of a particular city; the city of Jerusalem.

            c. We are His chosen people.

            d. The city of Jerusalem was His holy city, the center of religious activity.

            e. Jerusalem was the city where sacrifices were made for the atonement of sin

                and the sanctification of God's people.

 C. The Lord gave us a command to Shout!

      1. Every day He gives us breath is a day to Shout!

      2. The Lord gives us the reason we ought to Shout.

          a. The King of Kings came to us.

          b. We don't have to go to the King, He makes Himself available to us.

      4. The King of Kings came bearing gifts to His people.

          a. He came in righteousness.

          b. He came to transfer His righteousness to us.

          c. He came to be our salvation.

          d. He is the only one qualified to be our salvation because of His righteousness.

  D. He did not come like worldly kings, high with a show of might and pride.

       1. Our King came with a gentle essence.

           a. Our King came lowly to identify with the lowly.

           b. Our King came to draw us to Himself.

           c. Our King did not come to rule by force but to rule by love.

           d. Our King did not come for Himself. He came for our sakes.

       2. Our King did not come on a horse in violation of God's command.  Duet. 17:6

           a. Horses were animals of war.

           b. Donkeys were animals of labor.

       3. Our King came on donkey.

           a. He came on a colt that has never been ridden.

           b. He came on a fresh colt.

           c. He came on colt that had not experienced the harshness of life.

           d. Jesus came to bring freshness to our lives.

           e. He came to gives us a new life in Him.

       4. The labor of Jesus on the cross is our reason to Shout.

Matthew 21:1-11

V:21. "As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples."

 A. Much of the work of the Lord is done by His disciples.

     1. Jesus involves us in the business of the Father.

     2. When we serve the Lord, we learn  more about the Lord.

     3. Our service bring us into a closer relationship with the Lord.

 B. Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs.

    1. On our journey for the Lord, we must support each other.

    2. Upon the word of two or three a thing can be confirmed.

    3. God made Adam, but did not leave him alone.

        a. God gave Eve as His help meet.

        b. She was there for conversation and support.

        c. She was an equal partner with Adam in the work of the Lord.

 C. God does not send His people to barren places.

     1. He approach Jerusalem.

         a. Jerusalem is a Greek word meaning the "vision of peace".

     2. Bethphage  was a place where fig trees grew.

        a. The city derived its name from its produce.

        b. Beth = beeyt= house

        c. Phage= phag = a green fig.

     3. Mount of Olives was known for it's olives trees.

     4. Jesus the Great Land owner is the fruit of our lives.

        a. He came to bring peace to men.

        b. Jesus is the mediator between God and man.

        c. Jesus came that we might have an abundant life.

     5. Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

        b. We are the fruit of the labor of Jesus on the cross.

        c. Having been processed through faith, we become His laborers.

        d. Faith in Jesus produces works.


V:2 "Saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me."

 A. Jesus is all about family, even among His creatures.

    1. The Lord would not separate the donkey from her colt.

    2. He had need of two animals, the donkey, and the colt.

        a. One well worked and one fresh.

        b. The mother of the colt had been in use by it's owner.

        c. The colt was young, and had never been ridden.

        d. Jesus brings freshness into the lives of those who love Him.

 B. Whenever Jesus sends us out, He has prepared what we shall find.

    1. Even though Jesus had not arrived at the place, He knew what He needed

        was placed there ready for His use.

    2. Jesus knew the condition and the position of both animals.

        a. He knew that there would be no problem in obtaining them.

 C. The Jesus we serve, knows all our needs.

    1. Before we go looking for something, Jesus knows where we will find it.

    2. We should lean on Jesus to guide our way.

        a. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

        b. The grace of Jesus is sufficient for those who have faith in Him.


V:3. " If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away."

 A. Jesus prepares the heart of men to receive His Word.

     1. It is our job to carry the Gospel message and leave the reception of the Word

         to Jesus.

     2.  It is the Word that convicts the heart of a person to respond to Jesus.

     3. We are vessels that Jesus has prepared to carry the Word to the world.

 B. Believers should not be concerned how they will be received.

     a. There are waiting hearts ready for the Word that Jesus prepared for

         you to deliver to them.

     b. Somebody, somewhere needs the Word of God from YOU.  


V:4. " This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet."

 A. God spoke and confirmed what He said.

    1. Everything concerning the life of Jesus was foretold hundreds of years before

        it was done.

    2. God revealed to Zechariah that Jesus would come into Jerusalem riding on a

        donkey 490 years before He fulfilled this prophecy.

  B. The fulfillment of prophecies are sure evidence that God keeps His Word.

     1. We should trust God and not doubt His Word.

     1. Worry is a decision to not trust God.

     2. Worry is a decision to not give God a chance to bring peace into your life.       


V:5  "Say to the Daughter of Zion, 'See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."

 A. God does not change, revise or update His Word.

     1. God does not need to be reminded of what He said.

     2. God is the same today as He was yesterday.

 B. God lives in the present.

     1. God put us in a time zone call life.

     2. Our life time is in God's presence.

     3. When God revealed His Word, it was the truth as if it was done.    


V:6. " The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them."

 A. Obedience is the key to success in Jesus.

     1. We do not need a discussion with anyone about the directions Jesus gives us.

     2. We can tell people what Jesus said to us, but we do not need their approval to

          follow His commands.

     3. We should not look for anyone's opinion on what to do about

          what Jesus said to do.

 B. What Jesus tells us is always the best for us.

    1. Notice that there are two verbs in the verse.

    a. They went.

    b. When God say go, you should go without hesitation.

 2. They did.

    a. Going without doing is of no use,

    b. Going without doing, does not serve God.

    c. It is the doing that brings success.


V:7. " They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them."

 A. It was the colt that Jesus sat on.

     1. The colt had never been ridden.

     2. You do not ride a colt until it has been trained to carry you on his back.

 B. Everything is under the control of Jesus.

    1. Under Jesus, the colt was tamed immediately.

    2. It is possible that the colt was not aware that Jesus was on his back.

 C. The disciples honored Jesus by placing their cloaks on the back of the donkey.

    1. Jesus was seen as King riding into His city.

    2. We owe Jesus our honor.

    3. We owe Jesus our obedience and our respect.  


8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.

 A. When something good begins to unfold, emotions may run high.

     1. It is good for everyone to praise and worship Jesus.

     2. The disciples of Jesus didn't have much, but they did what they could.

     3. They didn't have a red carpet, but they made a carpet with their coats and

         tree branches.

 B. They had Church in the street leading into Jerusalem.

     1. We should be excited to praise our King.

     2. Our worship should be real and not fake for a show to others.

     3. We should not worship God because others are doing it.

         a. We should worship God because we love God and we recognize

             His love for us.

         b. When the crowd is gone, our worship should still be going on.

     4. Church attendance is not the start of worship.

        a. Worship in our hearts and should be continuous.

        b. When we get together for worship, we draw Jesus into our service.


V:9 "The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  "Hosanna in the highest!"

 A. Jesus was in the middle of their praise.

    1. There was a crowd before Him, and there was a crowd behind Him.

 B. Hosanna means "save now."

    1. The crowd recognized Jesus as their Messiah.

    2. They called on Jesus to save them.

    3. They recognized Jesus as a descendant from the line of David.

 C. The crowd's excitement was do to their expectation that Jesus would

      replace the Roman rule over them.

   1. They wanted freedom to do as they pleased.  

   2. They remembered the promise that God made to them of a Messiah.

   3. They considered that Jesus was sent from the Father to restore a

        King on David's throne.

  D. Jesus rules our hearts and controls all governments from Heaven

     1. The crowd did not realize that Jesus came to die on the cross and

          not to be their physical King.

        a. Jesus came to be the king of our hearts.

     2. The crowd blessed Him when they thought they had something to gain.

        a. They cursed Jesus with the cry to crucify Him when they couldn't have

            their way.

        b. The crowd was easily influence by a few men and their motives.

     3. You can not have a crowd mentality when you worship Jesus.

     4. You should be able to praise Jesus with no one around you.

     5. Your praise should not be based on the praise of others.


V:10. " When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?"

 A. When you get excited about Jesus, others will get interested in your praise.

    1. There will always be some who do not know Jesus.

    2. Some plant the seeds of the Gospel.

    3. Some water seeds that which have been planted by others.

    4. You will not always know how your words about the Lord affects others.

 B. The Word of God has the power to draw all people to Jesus.

    1. When we honor Jesus with our praise, others will join in with us.

    2. Some weak in their faith, wait on you to start praise and worship.


V:11. " The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."

 A. We should always have a testimony for Jesus.

    1. God used the emotions of the crowd to raise the interest of those who had no

        knowledge of Him.

    2. Jesus entry into Jerusalem raised the emotions of the entire city.

 B. His disciples responded by identifying Jesus a prophet from Galilee.

    1. We should respond with a testimony that Jesus is the Son of God, our Lord and


    2. We should always tell others that the way to salvation is through faith in Jesus


        a. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

        b. There is no way to the Father but through Jesus.

    3. We should tell others that Jesus came down from heaven to die on the cross for

        our sins.

    4. We should tell others that God so loved the world that whoever believes in Him

        has eternal life.

    5. Our praise is always effective and affects those around us.






Rev. Melvin Mitchell, Ast Pastor Of GMBC



Friday, March 14, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Died For Me", 3/15/2014



Psalms 110:1-4. Acts 2:22-24, 29-32


Psalms 110:1-4 (  The Prophecy 1000 BC est)



V:110. " The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."

A. The Lord = Yehovah= the self existing one, the eternal one

    1. My Lord= Adoni= sovereign, controller,  master owner

    2. The Eternal Father said to the Eternal Son sit at my right hand.

    3. The Person of the Father said to the Person of the Son sit at my right hand.

 B. The right hand of the Father is the power side.

    1. All power over heaven and earth was given to Jesus, the Eternal Son.  Mat 28:18

    2. The Bible says that everything was made by Jesus and nothing was made

        without Him.  John 1:3

    3. Jesus our Lord and Savior, has power that cannot be measured.

    4. The engine in our cars are rated by horse power. Electricity is rated in


    5. We don't have a measurement for the power of Jesus.

    6. All we can say is what His power has done and what His power is doing and

        what His power will do.

 C. David had a history with Jesus.

    1. David said, Jesus had the power to put all His enemies under His feet.  

    2. Jesus has the power to subdue all the powers that arise against you.

    3. We must understand that there is nothing to hard for Jesus.


V:2. " The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, "Rule in the midst of Your enemies."

 A. David was king over Israel.

    1. The Lord did not get rid of his enemies. He ruled in the mist of his enemies.

    2. Jesus is the everlasting King on the throne of David.

    3. The enemies of Jesus still exist. Jesus is the ruler over His friends and his


 B. In all our life time, we will have enemies. It is our enemies that forces us to call on


    1. We really don't know all of our enemies.

        a. They may be sitting in our mist with smiling faces ready to bring us down.

        b. Jesus is the Lord over your enemies.

        c. With Jesus, you have protection against your enemies.

    2. When you let Jesus be the ruler over your life, your enemies don't have a chance.

    3. Jesus rules from His heavenly throne.

  V:3 "Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from

       the   womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew."

 A. When David was King of Israel, he had a volunteer army that was ready to serve

       and  fight for their land.

    1. Jesus is Lord over the Body of Christ, which includes all believers.

    2. As believers, we should be ready and willing to serve Christ at all times.

    3. We have all been gifted and equipped for the service.

    4. On earth, we are the army of the Lord.

 B. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    1. Jesus is clothed in Glory.

    2. When He was born in the flesh, he walked in the Glory of the Lord.

 C. Jesus is our role model of righteousness.

    1. Jesus is the good news and the Gospel of our lives.

    2. With His Word, we find power for living.

    3. The Word of the Lord is always fresh each day.

    4. The Spirit of the Lord is youthful and never changes.

    5.  Our hearts are refreshed daily when we study and meditate on the Word of the



V:4. " The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever

 According to the order of Melchizedek."

 A. Before the birth of Jesus in the flesh, Israel had High priests who communicated

      with God and made intercessions for them.

     1. The High Priest instructed Israel in the Law of Moses.

     2. According to the Law, the High Priest offered sacrifices for the sins of Israel.

 B. The death and resurrection of Jesus, ended the judgment of the Law and began the

      Age of Grace.

     1. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us.

     2. Jesus holds a three fold office.

         a. He is our high Priest.

         b. He is our King.

         c. He is our prophet.

     3. He is the final sacrifice for all sins, past, present and future. 

         a. Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the Law with His death on the cross.

         b. The death of Jesus on the cross satisfied God's demand for justice for the sins

             of the world.

         c. The blood of Jesus is the atonement for our sins.  Lev 9:7, Rom 3:25

 C. Jesus is the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

     1. Melchizedek was the first noted high priest of God.

     2. Melchizedek was the King of Salem

     3. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek.

     4. Melchizedek worshipped the true and living God.

     5. Melchizedek was a  type of Christ.  

     6. The name "Melchizedek" means "king of righteousness".

     7. Jesus is the everlasting and righteous King of Kings forever.

Acts 2:22-25 (  The Prophecy Fulfilled, 33 AD est.)



V:22. "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know."

 A. This is the first sermon of the new empowered Church.

     1. The church was powered with the giving of the Holy Spirit.   Act 2:4

     2. Peter preached the Good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to men from every

         nation under the sun.  Act 2:5,6

     3. The day of the first Gospel preaching to the Church was the day of Pentecost.

         (50 days after the ascension of  Jesus back into heaven.)

 B. This first sermon was to a group of men who believed in God, but didn't know His


    1. They had been taught the Word of God without Jesus in the Word.

    2. There are many religions that teach a god with no Jesus.

    3. There are religions that teach Jesus as a prophet of God, but not the Son of God.

    4. There are religions that teach Jesus as the Son of God but not equal to God.

 C. One way of identifying Jesus in our lives is by the wonders, signs and miracles

      He performs in our lives daily.

    1. Every believer is an eye witness to the works of Jesus in their lives.

    2. We received the gift of the Holy Spirit which gives us incite into the Word.

       a. It is the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit that makes us aware of Jesus in our


 D. God prepared for the spread of the Gospel by assembling men from every nation

     in Israel on the day of Pentecost to hear Peter's sermon.  Acts 2:5

    1. Having heard the Gospel, these men would take the Word back to their countries.

    2. God performed a miracle for them to confirm His message.

        a. Every man heard Peter speak in his own language at the same time. Acts 2:8

        b. The disciples were not trained in these different languages, yet the Word was

            heard in the language of each nation.



V:23 "This Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. "

 A. Jesus came first to the Jews who rejected Him as their King.

     1. Jesus was condemned and crucified by His own people.

     2. Those who were in charge of the Word rejected the Word in their mist.

     3. Those in charge of the Word were blinded by their teaching and their traditions.

          a. They brought false charges against Jesus and presented Him to the

              Roman government to be crucified.

          b. On the Friday before the Passover, they traded the life of Jesus for a

              known criminal.

         c. They were so caught up in their own ideology, that they broke God's

             commands  to kill Jesus.   (Thou shall not lie, thou shall not kill).

         b. They willfully committed sins to kill our Jesus who had no sin.

 B. God the Father planned the death of His own Son by the hands of evil men.

     1. The death of Jesus was no surprise to the God the Father.

     2. The plan to crucify Jesus for the sins of man was first voiced by the

          Father in the Garden of Eden thousands of years beforehand.  Gen 3:15

 C. God prepares the hearts of His elect to accepted His Son. Mat 24:31, 1 Pet 1:1

     1. God also hardens the hearts of some to reject His Son.

     2. God harden the heart of the Pharaoh of Egypt so that he could not

         receive His Word to release the Israelites. Exodus 10:1

         a. The Pharaoh's rejection of the Word gave God the opportunity to

             show His Glory.

         b. Sin was allowed into God's perfect creation for His Glory.

  D. God harden the hearts of the Chief Priest, the Pharisees and the Scribes of

       Israel to reject Jesus to accomplish His plan of redemption.

     1. These were men who studied the Word but were left blind by the Lord.

     2. They had the Messiah in their mist but they could not recognize Him.    



V:24 "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power."

 A.  God put His own Son to death to raise Him up again.

    1. When the first sin was committed by Adam in the Garden of Eden, death was put

        in the forecast for all mankind.  Romans 5:12

    2. What God made perfect was made imperfect by the sin of one man.

    3. God immediately activated His perfect solution; the death of His perfect Son.

 B. With sin in the world, death held the power over man preventing Him from

      fellowship  with Father and inheriting eternal life. 

   1. The shed blood of Jesus on the cross, covered the sins of all mankind establishing

        the way for man to eternal life.

       a. Jesus said, I Am the Way The Truth And The Life.  John 14:6

       b. Jesus is the way to salvation.

       c. Jesus is the truth about salvation.

       d. Jesus is the Eternal Life.

   2. Death had no power over Jesus.

      a. Man did not take His life. He volunteered it by the will of the Father. Jn 10:17,18

      b. He had the power to lay down His life and the power to take it up again.

      c. While Jesus was dying on the cross, God was reconciling the world to Himself.

          2 Cor 5:18,19

   3. Jesus had to be lifted up on the cross to draw us to Himself. Jn 3:14

      a. If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me. Jn 12:32

 C. The agony of death is the eternal burning of non believers in the fire of Hell.

   1. With Jesus as our Savior, it is impossible for death to hold us in its' power.

   2. With Jesus as our Savior, we have escaped the eternal fire of Hell and will enter

       into  Heaven.

Acts 2:28-33


V:29 "Brethren, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day."

 A. Moses delivered God's people from the bondage of slavery. He died and His body

      was buried in the mountain by God.

     1. Abraham was the father of faith. He died and his body was buried in a tomb.

     2. David was a man after God's own heart, yet he died and his body is in a tomb.

 B. All these men believed God, obeyed His commands and are included in the Lamb's

     book of Life.

    1. Jesus death and resurrection secures a place in heaven for all believers.

    2. Jesus died, but there is no tomb with His name on it.

    3. Jesus died but He was raised up again

    4. Jesus died but He is alive and lives in our hearts.



V:30 "And so, because he was a prophet and knew that GOD HAD SWORN TO HIM WITH AN OATH TO SEAT one OF HIS DESCENDANTS ON HIS THRONE."

 A. God made a covenant with David that His throne would be a throne forever

      with His seed reigning.

     1. Jesus is that promised seed through the line of David.

     2. God keeps his promises in His time.

     3. We may not see all His promises fulfilled in our life time, but they are sure.

     4. We have the evidence of God keeping His promises.

     5. Jesus is the fulfillment of all God's promises.

 B. David died before his son was made king, but he believed it to be so.

     1. Faith is believing that the promises of God are true even though we don't have

        any  evidence in our lives at the present moment.

     2. Faith is believing that a mountain is moved even though it's in front of us.

     3. Faith is believing that we can have what God says we have even though we don't

         possess it at this moment.    


V:31 "He looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that HE WAS NEITHER ABANDONED TO HADES, NOR DID His flesh SUFFER DECAY. "

 A. David believed the Word of God, that the Christ that had not been born in the flesh,

      would die and be resurrected some time in the future.

     1. Faith in God believes what He says is true the moment you hear it.

 A. We have the testimony of the Word, the Prophets and the Holy Spirit that

      Jesus was resurrected from the dead.

     1. He was resurrected on the third day.

     2. He walked the earth for 40 days.

     3. He ascended into heaven before the eyes of his disciples.

 B. The Jesus we serve is alive and well, seated at the right hand of the Father.            

      Mark 16:19


V:32 "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. "

 A. Peter was an eye witness to the death of Jesus.

     1. Peter was an eye witness to the resurrected Jesus.

     2. Peter was an eye witness to the ascension of Jesus into the clouds. Lk 24:51

     3. Peter was an eye witness to the miracles of Jesus.

     4. Peter was empowered to do the works of Jesus doing his life time.

 B. We can believe Peter because His words are inspired by God and are confirmed by

      the prophecies of the Old Testament and the eye witnesses of the other disciples.

    1. The Lord will come again to receive His Church to Himself in heaven. Jn 14:3

    2. We must stay encouraged by the Word that God has preserved though out

         the ages for our enlightenment and convictions. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Coming Of Jesus Christ", 3/9/2014



Psalm 89:35-37, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:18-22



Psalms 89:35-37


V:35  "Once I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David."

 A. God can not lie.

     1. God has no need to lie.

     2. God keeps His Word.

     3. God made an oath to David by his holy essence.

 B. God swore by himself.

    1. This is an unconditional covenant.

    2. This covenant did not depend on David or any of his descendants.

    3. This covenant did not depend on what David did or did not do.

    4. David was the agent God used to make His covenant.

        a. David was the first in a line of kings through which Jesus made His

            entry into the world as a man.

        b. The Word became flesh.

 C. God is truth.

     1. God swore by His truth.

     2. The truth is a standard that cannot be measured.

     3. The truth is a standard that can not be fully understood.

     4. When we try to understand God's truth, we are limited by our finite minds.

 D. God swore by his holiness.

    1. God's standard of righteousness is well beyond our human comprehension.

    2. When we try to approach the holiness of God, we are limited by our fleshly


    3. Because our minds are corrupt, understanding God's holiness is beyond us.

       a. The Lord said there is none righteous, no not one.

   4. God swore by a standard that we cannot approach or fully understand.

 E. God swore by His unchangeableness.

    1. If God does not uphold His covenants, He would dishonor Himself.

    2. If God does not uphold His covenants, He would make Himself a liar.  


V:36 "His descendants shall endure forever And his throne as the sun before Me. "

  A. God's covenant with David

      1. In this covenant, God is dealing with the physical and the spiritual.

          a. There was the physical throne of David.

          b. There is the spiritual throne of David fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

      2. In this covenant, God is dealing with the temporal and the eternal.

          a. The last physical king over Israel in the line of David was Jehoiahim.           
              Jer 32:4-5     Jer 36:30

          b. Israel, including Jerusalem were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, King of

              Babylon.  (605-586 BC approximates dates)

      3. The forever spiritual King in the line of David is Jesus Christ

 B. The throne of David is forever in the presence of God.

      1. The throne of David is protected by God.

      2. The throne of David was ordained by God.

      2. The spiritual throne of David is God.


V:37.  "It shall be established forever like the moon, And the witness in the sky is faithful."

 A. The moon is forever present.

      1. The moon shines brightly in the sky at night.

      2. The moon is a witness to the Glory of God.

      3. God, the Father is glorified in His Son.

 B. Jesus the eternal King reigns forever.

     1. His kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36

     2. Jesus is the Bright and Shining Star that lights up the hearts of every believer.

     3. Jesus is faithful to His purpose, His promises and His mission.

 C. Jesus is the eternal throne from the line of David.



Isaiah 9:6-8

V:6. " For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."

 A. During the time of the writing of Isaiah¸ Israel was living in a time of conflict

      between themselves and God the Father.

     1. They built altars to idol gods and worshipped them.

     2. The called on their idol gods for protection and provisions.

     3. They repeatedly committed spiritual adultery.

 B. God was angry with them.

    1. They were under the judgment of God which would be fulfilled 160 years later

        with the Babylonian exile.

    2. Jerusalem would be destroyed, the temple destroyed and the people taken

        captive for 70 years.  ( 609-539 BC approximate dates)

 C. In the mist of their terrible sin, God gave them the prophecy of the coming


    1. In the mist of the announcement of the coming judgment, God reminded them that

        He would keep His covenants with Abraham and David.

    2. In the mist of Israel's corruption, God promised redemption through Jesus Christ.

 D. By the time Jesus was born in the flesh, Israel was under Roman occupation. 

      1. Jerusalem was rebuilt, the temple was built and the worship of God restored.

 E. God gave Israel the characteristics of the coming Messiah.

      1. He would be born in the flesh.

          a. He would be born to a family in Israel.

          b. The messiah would be a male.

      2. He would be the eternal ruler of Israel.

          a. Jesus is the ruler of the hearts of all believers.

          b. Jesus is the standard by which we should live.

          c. Jesus is the standard by which we should treat one another.

    3. Jesus is the Wonderful Councilor.

       a. Jesus does wonderful things well beyond our imagination.

       b. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled His promise by giving His life for our sins.

       c. Jesus is the mediator between us and God, the Father.

       d. Jesus made it possible for us to be in the presence of God with His shed blood

           on the cross.

       e. Our prayers to the Father in the name of Jesus are answered according to His


       f. He makes all things possible for us.

  4. Jesus is our Councilor.

      a. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

      b. Jesus knows the end from the beginning.

      c. He orders our steps.

      d. He guides us to an understanding of all truths.

  5. Jesus is a Mighty God.

      a. All power over heaven and earth has been given to Him.

      b. Jesus is our strength and our salvation.

      c. When we are weak, He is strong.

      d. His strength is perfected in our weakness.

      e. He is omnipotent.

      f. There is nothing to hard for Jesus.

      g. Jesus makes it possible for believers to move mountains.

 6.  Jesus is the Eternal Father.

     a. Jesus is the father of eternity.

     b. Abraham is the father of faith because he believed God.

     c. Jesus is the father of eternity because through His death, He made eternal life

         possible for all believers.

 7.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

     a. Jesus death on the cross reconciled the world to the Father. Rom 5:10. 2 Cor 5:19

     b. We were once enemies of the cross. Believers are at peace with the Father. Php

     c. Belief in Jesus brings peace and Joy to our lives.


V:7. " There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this."

 A. Those who have been predestine to be call out of the world will continue to come

      to  a belief in Christ until the end of this age.   Eph chapter 1

     1. We are in the Church Age, which will end with the second coming of Christ.

     2. The number of believers in Christ will continue to increase through out the

         Church age.

     3. At the end of the Church Age, the Church will be taken to heaven and reign with

         Christ for a 1000 years.     1 Th 4:16-17, Rev 20:4 

 B. The throne of David will exist forever through Christ Jesus, our king.

    1. The Lord, Himself will see that His plan of redemption is completed.

    2. The promised redemption of man was made first in the Garden of Eden.  Gen 3:15

    3. Through out the Bible, God repeatedly confirms His promise of a redeemer

        for man.

    4. Jesus is that promised redeemer.



Matthew 1:18-22

 V:18. " Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. "

 A. The Lord planned out all events concerning the birth of Jesus Christ.

      1. The time of His birth.  Daniel 9:25

      2. The place of His birth. (Bethlehem Mic 5:2)

      c. The family line of His birth.  Isa 9:6-7

      d. The mother who would birth him.

      e. The condition of His birth.

 B. God chose a virtuous woman to be the mother of Jesus.

      1. She was a virgin.

      2. She was courageous.

          a. She was engaged to Joseph, yet she accepted the assignment of becoming

              pregnant with Jesus by the Holy Spirit before her wedding ceremony.

          b. She did not concern herself with public opinion.

          c. She trusted God with her life.

              i. She risked being stoned to death.

              ii. She allowed God to handle the consequences of her pregnancy before


      3. She was a grateful woman. She sung praises to God for her selection.

      4. She was a thoughtful woman.

           a. Spent the first three months of her pregnancy with her cousin Elizabeth who

              was in the 6th month of a miracle pregnancy.


V:19. " And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. "

A. What God proposes, man opposes.

    1. The Father said that there is none righteous, no not one.    Rom 3:10

    2. The Bible does not give us the conversation that David had with Mary when she

         told him about her pregnancy.

    3. It did not make any difference what Mary said, Joseph did not believe her.

 B. Joseph was not acting out of compassion or love.

    1. Joseph followed the law to come to his decision.

    2. The law said stone her, but Joseph thought to send her away and let someone

        else stone her.

    3. There was no way Mary would have been able to escape the judgment of the


 C. Joseph would not disgrace her, but the community would.

     1. Joseph was considered righteous, but his action would not save Mary from




V:20. " But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit."

 A. The Lord always comes to the rescue of the righteous.

     1. When others have written you off, God has your back.

     2. Joseph was ready to put an end to his relationship with Mary, but God was Her

         protector and provider.

 B. When no one will talk up for you, God will.

     1. God had to straighten out Joseph's mind.

     2. Joseph was afraid to do what God planned for him to do.

     3. Joseph was concerned about his reputation.

 C. Joseph would not listen to Mary, but he listened to the angel of the Lord.

     1. The angel was a stranger to Joseph, but Mary was his friend.

     2. The angel appeared in a dream, but Mary appeared in person.

     3. We have to be careful that we do not take our spouses for granted.

 D. When the Lord speaks, we should listen and act.

      1. Some things in God's plan for us, may not make human sense.

      2. The Word of God is the truth whether we can understand it or not.

      3. What God directs us to do will be confirmed in His Word. 

 E. Mary's pregnancy was a miracle by the power of the Holy Spirit.

     1. God performs miracles in our lives daily.

     2. Sometimes we miss the miracles that are in front of us because we are looking

         for the ordinary.

     3. Joseph would have missed the best thing that ever happen to him if he had

         not listen to the Holy Spirit.

        a. Before we make any decisions, we should go to God in prayer.

        b. We have the Word which will confirm our mission from God.


V:21 "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."

 A. God reminded Joseph of His purpose, His Mission and His will.

     1. God reminded Joseph that He was the son of David.

     2. God reminded Joseph that Mary was to be his wife.

     3. God reminded Joseph that he would be the earthly father of Jesus.

 B. God reminded Joseph of His Mission.

     1. Jesus would be born in the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.

     2. Mary would be the vessel that God used to house the Spirit of Jesus in the flesh.

     3. Joseph and Mary would be the earthly parents of Jesus.

 C. God reminded Joseph of His will.

     1. Jesus would be born to save His people from their sins.

     2. The people of Jesus are all who accept Him as their personal Savior.


V:22. " Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet."

A. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God's promise for a redeemer.

    1. The God we serve is a God of love.

    2. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for the sins of all


 B. In the Garden of Eden, God promised a redeemer who is Jesus Christ.