GENESIS 3:8-23
V:8. "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking
in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from
the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden."
A. Adam and Eve heard
the Word of the Lord.
1. We should always
position ourselves to hear the Word of the Lord.
2. When we focus
on the Word, we will hear the Lord when He calls.
B. God walks in His
1. The whole world
is God's garden.
2. God intended
for our days to be calm (cool of the day).
3. God wants
constant fellowship with his people.
4. It was not
God's intent for us to be frustrated.
5. He walks with
us and He talks with us so that we know we are not alone.
C. You cannot hide
from God.
1. Adam and Eve
disobeyed God's command not to eat from the Tree Of
Knowledge And Of God
And Evil.
2. Originally
they had no concept of good or evil.
a. All they
had was the Word of God which is good.
b. They were created sinless and innocent.
3. Once they ate
from the Tree Of Knowledge and Of Good and Evil, they were no
a. Their
fellowship with the Lord was broken.
b. Although we
sin, God is gracious to forgive us.
c. The wages of
sin is death, but God allowed them to live.
D. Knowing their sin,
Adam and Eve hid themselves from God.
1. Sin separates
us from God.
2. We lose our
fellowship with God when we sin but not our relationship.
E. God made the
garden for man to live and enjoy himself.
1. God did not
make the garden for man to hide.
2. Adam and Eve tried to hid from God
because of their sin.
3. God knows our
sin before we sin.
V:9. "And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto
him, Where art thou?"
A. God calls
attention to our sin by calling us out of our hiding place.
1. God call Adam
not Eve.
2. Adam was the
responsible party.
3. God gave His
command not to eat from the tree of Knowledge And Of Good
And Evil to Adam
before Eve was formed.
B. God holds us
accountable to keep His commands.
1. We study the
Word to know God's commands.
2. We must make it
our business to keep God's commands.
V:10. "And he
said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;
and I hid myself."
A. Sin changes our
fellowship with God.
1. Our sins
causes us to be afraid of the wrath of God.
B. Sin changes the
way we feel about ourselves.
1. Before Adam's
sinned, he was free to communicate with God.
2. After Adam
sinned, he hid from God.
C. Sin makes us aware
of our short comings.
1. Before Adam
sinned, he was unaware of his nakedness.
2. Sin causes us
to take a look at ourselves.
3. Sin causes us
to be uncomfortable with our relationship with God.
D. The truth is you
can't hide from God.
1. The truth is,
we are always naked before God.
V:11. "And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked?
Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not
A. God does not ask
questions because He does not know the answer.
1. God ask
questions so we will face up to ourselves.
2. Before Adam
sinned. he did not know he was naked.
3. After Adam ate
from the Tree of Knowledge and Of Good and Evil, he
was immediately
aware of his sin.
a. Adam
immediately knew good from evil.
b. Sin robs us
of the freedom of innocence.
B. The reason Adam
knew his sin was because he had eaten from the tree of knowledge.
1. Disobedience to
God's commands robs us of our peace and comfort.
2. After Adam sin,
he was not comfortable with God.
C. Adam failed to
keep God's command.
1. Adam failed in
his position as head of the house.
2. Adam failed in
his position as ruler of the Garden of Eden.
3. Adam failed in
His position as ruler of all animals.
4. Our sin affects
those around us.
V:12. "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to
be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."
A. Just because
everybody else is doing something does not make it right.
1. We must be
careful not to blame our sins on someone else.
2. It is the Word
of God that should guide our actions and not the ways of the
B. What God blesses
us with should be cherished.
1. We are to be
good stewards of what God places before us.
2. Adam was
responsible for teaching his wife the Word of God.
3. Adam was
responsible for making sure his wife understood the consequences of
disobeying God's command.
4. Adam yielded
to the temptation of the flesh and sinned against God.
C. Eve was deceived,
but Adam was disobedient.
V:13. "And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is
this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I
did eat."
A. God holds us all
responsible for our actions.
1. Notice God
addressed Adam's sin first.
a. God gave
His commands to Adam first.
2. God addressed
Eve's sin second.
a. Again, God
asked a question that He knew the answer to.
b. God want us
to take responsibility for our sins.
3. Eve blamed the
actions of the serpent for her sin.
a. She did not
accept responsibility for her sins.
b. Eve did not
rely on her husband for an understanding of the scripture.
c. Eve listen
to and accepted the lie of Satan.
b. Satan is
true to his mission; to steal kill and destroy.
B. Before God, we are
an open book.
1. We only deceive
ourselves if we think we can lie to God.
2. Eve said, I ate
because I was mislead by the serpent.
3. Eve did not
say, I ate because I did not seek the advice of my husband.
4. In a marriage,
if the two are to become one flesh, they must seek council
from each other
and be guided by the Holy spirit.
C. The marriage is
weaken when the husband and the wife quit communicating their
desires to each
1. Decisions
should not be made without discussion.
2. The outside
world has no business in marriage.
3. Eve made a
major decision without consulting her husband.
V:14. "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because
thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days
of thy life."
A. God focused on
Adam and Eve first, then he dealt with the serpent.
1. Adam and Eve
was the responsible party and the serpent was just the bystander.
2. The serpent
was not given decision making responsibility.
3. When we
disobey God's commands, we give Satan a foothold in our lives.
B. Satan was an Archangel
in heaven but lost his position because of his pride.
1. Even though
Satan was cast out of heaven, God gave him position on earth.
2. He is the
ruler of darkness.
3. He is the
father of sin.
4. His mission is
to steal, kill and destroy.
3. Satan was
allowed to roam the earth in an upright position.
C. Because of his hatred for God, Satan lost his upright
position and is cursed
by God to spend
the rest of his days on his belly in the dust of the earth.
1. God cursed
Satan, but He did not destroy him.
2. God has a
purpose for Satan.
a. All of his
action will result in the glory of God and work to the benefit of man.
b. God
positioned Satan for his ultimate destruction.
V:15. "And I will put enmity between thee and the
woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou
shalt bruise his heel."
A. God cursed man,
but he blessed him with a promised redeemer.
1. Through the
woman, God brought Jesus to be the destroyer of Satan.
2. Jesus is the
victor and Satan is the loser.
a. The word
"enmity" is the Hebrew word "eybah" which means hatred or
b. The word
"seed" is the Hebrew word "zera" which means fruit.
c. The word
"bruise" is the Hebrew word "shawph" which means to
break or
3. God hates sin.
From the fruit of a woman, Satan was broken.
a. God placed
His Son, Jesus Christ into the body of Mary so He could take on
human flesh,
become man and die on the cross for our sins.
b. God so loved
the world that He sent His only Son to redeem man from His sins.
B. This verse is a
battle cry attesting to Jesus Christ as
the promised victor.
1. In the book of
Revelations (20:10 ), Satan is cast
in to the lake of fire
2. The redeemed of
the Lord are placed in heaven to be with the Father forever
(Rev 21:3)
C. The sin of Adam destroyed
the relationship of man with God.
1. God always
has the solution.
2. God promised
His Son to be the redeemer of man and to restore the relationship
to Himself.
V:16. "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply
thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and
thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
A. Sin has
consequences for man.
1. First there
is a broken relationship, then there is hardship.
2. Because Eve
would not listen to her husband, the hardship of birth is placed in
her and the
headship of a man is placed on her.
B. Even in sin,
family remains God's focus.
1. God caused the
woman and the man to desire each other.
2. He ensures
generations to come through conception.
3. He fortified
marriage with man as the head of the household.
4. He promised
trouble in our life to force our reliance on Him.
C. God addressed womanhood
first, perhaps to show us the importance of a woman's
position in
generations to come.
1. Eve, the
mother of the human race is one of the examples for us to learn from.
a. She has a
desire for a man.
b. She will
c. She will
bare children.
d. She is not
to be the head of the household.
e. When is
not present in her life, the head of the household is God.
V:17. "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast
hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I
commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life."
A. Man is the primary
responsible party in the marriage.
1. Instead
of listening to the voice of God, Adam
listened to the voice of His wife.
a. God has to
be first in the marriage.
b. The man should
ensure that God is consulted before any decision is made or
any action is
2. Instead of following God's commands, Adam
disobeyed God and followed the
example of
his wife.
3. Adam failed to
get a good understanding from God the Father
of the importance
of keeping His
4. Adam failed to
understand the consequences of disobedience.
B. Hardship is a good
teaching tool of God.
1. Adam had the
Word and the presence of God. He had no need to be ignorant.
2. Adam had the best counsel and a Father
with all knowledge.
a. Adam lost
his focus and followed the desires of his flesh.
b. We must
keep our focus on the Lord and follow His will.
C. Because Adam
disobeyed God, his life was filled with hardship.
1. Adam's failure
caused His wife to have hardship in child birth.
2. Adam's failure
caused the ground to be cursed.
3. Adam's failure
caused his life to be filled with hard work and toil.
D. Notice, God
punished Adam and Eve for their good.
1. God's
punishment is good for us.
2. Trials and
tribulations causes us to seek God's help.
3. Trials and
tribulations causes us to rely on God.
V:22. "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become
as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever."
A. Because of God's
love for us, He protects us from ourselves.
1. Before Adam
sinned, he was in a perfect state.
a. He was
b. He was
c. He had
perfect a fellowship with the Father.
2. After sin, Adam's
life was reduced to a wretched state.
a. His life was
b. His wife was
c. The ground
he walked on was cursed.
d. He was no
longer in fellowship with the Father.
3. In the garden,
Adam had freedom.
1.In the
garden, Adam was the ruler over God's creation.
2. In the
garden, Adam had complete fellowship with the Father.
3. In the
garden, Adam was free to eat from all the trees but one.
B. In Adam's sinful state, the Fathers hand was against him.
1. Because Adam
knew evil, he lost his state of innocent.
2. Having knowledge
of evil, all the days of his life, he had to decide to do good
or evil.
3. Because of
Adam's sin, he lost his position in the garden.
4. God locked Adam
out of the Garden to keep him from eating from the tree of life
and living in a
condemned state forever.
V:23. "Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the
garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."
A. The consequence of
sin is the lost of our home in heaven.
1. The wages of
sin is death.
2. The wages of
sin is eternal separation from the Father.
3. The wages of
sin is increased hardship and trouble.
B. The good news for
us is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
1. The good news
for us is God's design to redeem us with the blood of His Son.
2. Praise God for
life in Christ Jesus.
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