Saturday, November 4, 2023

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Learning The Hard Way Through Disobedience", Judges 10, 11


Judges 10

This is not the start of the story nor is it the end of the story. It is just another

episode in the life of a disobedient nation chosen by God.

In everything in our lives, we ought to learn something. What did I do wrong?

What can I do better? How can I improve? What mistakes did I make? Was

my disobedience the cause of my troubles?

After entering into the Promised, Land, the nation of Israel never improved. The key thing, they never learned was the love of God requires obedience to His commands. Obedience to God’s commands leads to successful living.

They became accustomed to the worship of idol gods during their 400 years

of slavery in Egypt. They brought their love of idol god worship into the

Promised Land. Because of their slave history, they never could follow

through on their vows to serve God only.

The nation of Israel was on, then off with the Lord. After Joshua died they, began

the worship of idol gods again. As a result, God punished them by selling them to

the enemy to be oppressed for a time until they cried out to Him for relief.

They promised to put away their idol gods and worship Him only. This cycle was

repeated 12 times. The two judges in Chapter 10 are the 6 and 7th Judges. This

cycle of rebellion would continue under 5 additional judges. After the time of judges, the nation would reject God's rule altogether and demand an earthly king.

Chapter 10 begins with Israel crying out to God for help.

Before this cry for help Israel had been led by Judge Tola for 23 years

then Judge Jair for 22 years. After the death of Jair, Israel worshiped

the idol gods from 7 surrounding enemies of God.


The question is what happened during 45 years of peace during the time of the appointed judges of God. They had God’s anointed leaders. Who was at fault for the

moral decay of Israel? Was it the leaders or the parents? A new generation

of rebellious people grew up. There was no continuous worship

of God in Israel. Therefore it was easy to reject God in favor of idol gods

during a time of peace provided by Him.

When the leaders came to God this time, He told them to call on their idol

gods to lead them. They replied as usual that they had put away their idols

and would worship Him only. God told Israel to find their own leader.

The leader they chose was one of their own that they had rejected. He was

the product of his father and a prostitute. The family rejected him because

they did not want him to have any part of the family inheritance. His name was Jephthah a man of war. When God refused to select a leader, the family called

on him.

When the elders of the tribe asked him to lead, He was smart

enough to make sure he was chosen by the entire nation and approved by God.

Judges 10:10-18



V:10 Then the Israelites cried out to the Lord, "We have sinned against you, forsaking our God and serving the Baals."

Note, that this was their first lie. If you going to go to God tell the whole truth. They

served the idol gods' of 7 nations. They served Beal, and astoreth, they served the gods of Aram.

They served the gods of Sidon, They served the gods of Moab. They served the gods

of the Ammonites. They served the gods of the Philistines. God knows the truth. Your

lies don’t diminish your sins, they only anger God more.

V:11 The Lord replied, "When the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, 12 the Sidonians, the Amalekites and the Maonites oppressed you and you cried to me for help, did I not save you from their hands? 13 But you have forsaken me and served other gods, so I will no longer save you. 14 Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble!"

When we go to God in prayer, complete confession is needed. There is none

who have not sinned. All sins whether we call them big or small, carry the same

judgment. The wages of sin is death. Jesus' death on the cross paid the price

for our sins. Forgiveness is automatic upon our confession from the heart.

The God we serve is faithful to forgive upon our confession. The nation of Israel were

habitual sinners. The temptation to sin followed them wherever they went.

Satan was on the mark, and they were His target. They were easy prey for Satan.

Their desire to serve idols and the pleasures it brought was too difficult to resist.

God knows our history of disobedience. He is not fooled by our

insincere tears.


V:15 But the Israelites said to the Lord, "We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think best, but please rescue us now." 16 Then they got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the Lord. And he could bear Israel's misery no longer.

Israel never forgot about God, but they returned to serve idols after He delivered them

from the distress of foreign nations. After being oppressed for 18 years they pleaded

to God for help. They knew the routine for help. Put down their idol gods, pledge

to serve the true living God, and then cry out to God for help.

According to His plan for Israel, the merciful God gave them relief.

The Good news is God hears our prayers when we are sincere even

though the sincerity does not last for long.



V:17 When the Ammonites were called to arms and camped in Gilead, the Israelites assembled and camped at Mizpah. 18 The leaders of the people of Gilead said to each other, "Whoever will launch the attack against the Ammonites will be the head of all those living in Gilead."

Notice, that there was no call to God. No prayer by the nation to God for victory

before the battle. They moved according to their thoughts.

The land of Gilead was assigned by Moses to the tribe of Gad (Due 3:13, Numbers 32:40). The leader they chose was Jepththah a half-Israelite. He led Israel for

six years until he was killed in battle.

The two previous leaders chosen by God each served 20-plus years and died of natural

causes. They chose a leader who knew about God but was not dedicated to

God. They chose a man who was physically strong, but not strong in the Lord. They

chose a man who led by what he knew but not led by the Lord.


What can we learn from this episode in Israel's life?

When selecting a leader, choose one who knows the Lord, leads by example

and demands the worship of the Lord.

Dedicate your life to the Lord.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your decision-making.

Let praise and worship be your daily activity.

As new generations grow up, parents, love the Lord, follow his commands

and study the Word with your children.

Assemble with other believers and worship the Lord together with your


Teach, correct, and discipline your children as commanded by the Word

of God.

Serve the Lord daily in all your activities.

Set an example for your children and your grandchildren to follow.

Break the generational cycle of idol worship, by resisting the desire to put anything before the love of God.

Set aside a time of family prayer with the Lord.

Seek first the kingdom of God and all your desires will be provided by the


Above all, trust the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul.

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