Saturday, November 25, 2023

Sunday School Lesson: "The Destruction Of Israel and The Temple" 2 Chronicles 36


2 Chronicles 36: 1-21


The nation of Israel was a problem child of the Lord from the time He freed

them from slavery. Out of slavery, they brought their love for

the worship of idol gods with them. While Moses was on the mountain

receiving the law of God for them to live by, they corrupted themselves

by building a golden calf with the gold articles God provided for them

before they left Egypt

God gave them His law and provided instructions to build a Tabernacle to

worship Him. They worshiped God with their lips and not their hearts.

After wandering in the desert for 40 years, under the leadership of Joshua

God brought them into the promised land with the promise to

be their God if they worshiped Him. Their worship was off and on until

they finally rejected God’s rule for a king like the surrounding nations.

Finally, God's tolerance for their disobedience ran out and He announced

their destruction

Jeremiah 20:4-6 (626 BC)

4 For this is what the Lord says: 'I will make you a terror to yourself and all your friends; with your own eyes you will see them fall by the sword of their enemies. I will hand all Judah over to the king of Babylon, who will carry them away to Babylon or put them to the sword. 5 I will hand over to their enemies all the wealth of this city — all its products, all its valuables, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah. They will take it away as plunder and carry it off to Babylon. 6 And you, Pashhur, and all who live in your house will go into exile to Babylon. There you will die and be buried, you and all your friends to whom you have prophesied lies.'"


You can see the signs that God had removed His hand of protection from Israel

The nation rejected God as their leader 1 Samuel 8:6

The reign of successive kings was shorter

There was no time of peace during the reign of the kings

Their behavior became so irrational that they crowned children as kings

Manasseh was 12 years old 2 Chronicles 33:1

Josiah was 8 years old 2 Chronicles 34: 8

Jehoiachin 8 years old 2 Chronicles 36:9

It was the older leaders and parents that led the children to do evil

against the Lord.

Worship in the temple stopped 2 Chronicles 34

The temple became in disrepair 2 Chronicles 34:8

The book of the law was hidden in the temple 2 Chronicles 34:15

The chief priests polluted the temple 2 Chronicles 36:14

Even after the warning, God gave Israel time to return to Him. He gave them the same warning

again before the fall in 2 Chronicle 36 before they were taken captive to Babylon in 586 BC


1. A nation without God at the center of its activities becomes irrational.

Israel entered the promised land in 1406 BC with a promise to follow God

They continued their worship of idol gods. In 626 BC God announced their

destruction, giving them one final chance to worship Him. They refused

and did evil before the Lord with their continued worship of idols.

In 586 BC the prophecy was fulfilled.

2. If God said it, you can believe it. He will do what He said.

3. Never neglect the worship of God in spirit and truth.

After King David solidified the nation Israel, God gave him the plans to

build the most extravagant Temple of all times. King Solomon built and

dedicated the temple

All of Israel makes annual trips to the temple to celebrate the Passover.

They worshiped God with their lips, but not their hearts

4. Signs Of Separation From God

Israel continues their worship of idols, with the false claim of worshipping the

Living God.

Without God's direction, and protection the Nation of Israel became irrational

in their thoughts and actions,

In the end, Israel chose babies to be king.

The babies only did evil because the parents directed them.

The chief priest left their duties and polluted the temple. The religious leaders

did not stand for God.

5. A nation without God at the center of their lives cannot know true love

6. A nation without God at the center of their lives is a nation where truth does not


7. When truth does not matter the lives of people do not matter.

8. When elected officials, ignore the responsibilities of their elected

position and focus on staying power, chaos results.

9. The nation of Israel forfeited the favor of God that was theirs for the worship

of worthless idols made with human hands.

10. A nation without God lives a life of endless wars, trials, and tribulations.

11. A nation without God is on the road of self-destruction.

12. A nation without God has limited success over the enemy.

13. A nation without God chooses death over eternity with God.

14. A nation without God has no continued hope, peace, or joy.

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