Exodus 40
God released the Israelite's from slavery, gave them His commands and built
a place of worship.
God gave us the physical arrangement of the tabernacle which constructed
I year after the exodus from the Egypt.
The tabernacle was a type of Jesus.
Our Church services today mirrors the tabernacle.
God gave Moses instructions on building the Tabernacle and all instructions for
As summarized by the Bible Knowledge Commentary the instructions included
the following:
Exodus 40:1-16
These instructions deal with three matters: (a) the physical arrangement of the sanctuary from the interior to the exterior parts and the courtyard curtains (vv. 1-8); (b) the consecration (setting aside for holy use) of the tabernacle and everything in it (vv. 9-11), and (c) the washing, dressing, and anointing of the priesthood (Aaron and his sons) to serve God and the people in the sanctuary (vv. 12-16).
(from Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries; Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries. All rights reserved.)
A time line of the exodus from Egypt is given in the Teachers commentary which is listed
Following the time line is a diagram of the tabernacle and the furnishes and their
The order of the tabernacle represents the death and resurrection of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the atonement of our sins.
The tabernacle was set inside a court yard facing east, because the sun rises in
the east.
Upon entering the court yard was the bronze altar where all the offering were burnt.
The bronze altar represented the death of Christ.
The burnt offerings were the scapegoats for the atonement of of sins.
A lever was set before the entry to the Tabernacle for the washing of the priest hands and feet
The Tabernacle was divided into two rooms
The first room was the holy place
Inside the first room was the show bread which represented the 12 tribes of Israel
Only priest could enter the tabernacle.
The Lamp stand represented the light of the world
The incense altar represented prayer
The second room was the Holy of Holies . It was separated by a veil from the first room
Inside the second room was the Ark of the covenant
the Ark represented the presence of God
Inside the arch of the covenant was the stone tablets (the ten commandment)
On top of the Ark of the Covenant was the Mercy seat for atonement
The atonement represented our entry into the new heaven and new earth
All of the colors have symbolic meanings
Gold represents diety
Sliver represents redemption
Bronze/brass represents judgment
Blue represents Heaven
Purple represents the King
Scarlet represents Blood sacrifice
Fine linen represents righteousness
Goat/ram hair represents Atonement
Arcadia wood represents Jesus’ humanity
Oil represents the Holy Spirit
Exodus 1-5 Enslaved in Men need Helplessness Exodus 2:23
Egypt Redemption
Exodus 6-11 Plague on God acts to Yahweh
Egypt Redeem
Exodus 12-15 The Journey Redemption Passover/
begun comes through sacrifice
Exodus 15-20 Murmuring Redeemed Law/God
on the way to people are to Character
to Sinai be holy
Exodus 20-24 Commandments Holiness involves Law/God’s
and law given love for God Expectations
and man
Exodus 25-40 Sacrificial Redeemed Tabernacle
Tabernacle people need
systems cleaning
instituted and enablement
Following God’s instructions leads to success in your life, your family and
all around you, Moses followed God specific detailed instructions in building
the Tabernacle.
Obedience to God brings us into a closer relationship with Him.
Our obedience allows us to see His glory in action in our lives.
Our obedience to the Lord is designed to bless the world.
Our obedience to the Lord allows us realize all of His promises to us.
Mainly his promises of being our God and eternal life.
The tabernacle is a type of Christ
With the tabernacle, God identified what it takes for salvation
Faith In the Word
Blood Sacrifice
Love of God and man
Obedience to God’s commands
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