Thursday, April 18, 2019

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Greatest Story Ever Told". Galatians 6:6-9. Matthew 28, 4.21/2019


Galatians 1:6-9, Matthew 28

Galatians 1:6-9
There is one Gospel, The Gospel of Grace.
There is one Christ, The Christ of Salvation
There is one Lord, the Lord of forgiveness
There is one Spirit of Truth

All who accept Christ as their personal Savior are
brought to the throne of His Glory

All who reject Christ as Lord and Savior, are condemned
to the agony of hell for eternity.

Matthew 28
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the greatest Story ever told.
It is a story of the Love of God providing a way to salvation
for all mankind.

I have heard it said that behind every successful man stands a strong woman

God, in this text give a dialog of the ministry of women who brought
Good news of Jesus resurrection to the men who had failed Him
doing His trial and crucifixion.

These woman worked behind the scenes supporting Jesus in His
ministry on earth. They didn’t have a voice, but they stood behind
the greatest voice of all times.

Early Sunday Morning before daylight they carried spices to anoint,
body of Jesus for his final burial.

Put Jesus first on your list. Serve Him first. Don’t wait till you
are all worn out, then give Jesus what left of your energy.

We have an urgency to serve Jesus. Tomorrow is not promised to
us. Every moment with Jesus is a moment in heaven.

If  the women and the disciples had listen to Jesus, the trip to the tomb
and their sorrows would have been unnecessary.

Oh what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to
Jesus in prayer.

Jesus told them at least four time recorded in the Gospel of Matthew,
4 time recorded in the Gospel of John and three time record in the
Gospel of Mark of His death and resurrection.
They had been traumatized watching Jesus die on the cross.
They were sadden to lose their beloved leader to cruel men.

These women and the disciples was operating like they were serving a
dead Jesus.

Anybody ever been there?.  Ever been in a situation where you could
not see your way out? You got worried, frustrated and depressed because
it seemed like Jesus was not concerned about you. You were operating like
you were serving a dead Jesus. Every time you get angry, ever time you
frustrated and up set and lose hope, you are in the dead Jesus syndrome.

The only way to stay out of the dead Jesus syndrome is to trust His Word.

 The women went on a mission to serve a dead Jesus, but came away
 with the mission to proclaim the Gospel of Life.

The went away worried and sad but come from the tomb with Joy
and hope.

When your motive are right, Jesus will correct your mission.
The apostle Paul had His mission corrected by the Lord
a number of times.

On the way to the tomb, the women were worried about how they would
get pass the Roman Guards and who would roll away the stone
covering the tomb.

We serve a God of all possibilities. What is impossible for us is always
possible for God. God has a solution for those who serve Him.

When the women got to the tomb, an angel that looked like lighting
in gleaming white clothing, had rolled away the stone and was sitting
on top of it. The Roman Guards were laid out like dead men
Because of their faithfulness, the women were the first to see
the resurrected Jesus. They were the first to worship Jesus
alive after the crucifixion. They were the first to have their
joy restored.

We are blessed when we serve God faithfully. God will reveal to
us wisdom that He will not give to the world.

Whatever stands in your way, God can move. Whatever is holding
you back, God can loose.

The God we serve wants the best for you. All you got to do is trust
and serve Him.

In all our ways, we must acknowledge God and He will
direct our path. If our mind is set on Jesus, God will
put us in the right direction.

When you are troubled, God will come along beside you and put
His arms around you.
Fear not said the Angel.
The Roman guards were laid out like dead men.
God can put fear into your worst enemy.
While others are in fear, you will be comforted.
While others are lost, God will give you a clear vision

They started the day focused on Jesus death, but God
wants us focused on His resurrection and our new life in Him.

The Angel told the women, you are looking for Jesus. He is not
here, He has risen.

The stone was rolled away from the tomb, not to let Jesus out, but
let us look in and see that it was empty.

The empty tomb was victory over death.
It was victory over Satan and his demons

The song say;
Victory is mine. Victory is mine today.
I told Satan get thee behind
Victory is mine today
Joy is mine
Joy is mine to day

Happiness is mine. Happiness is mine today

The angel said come see the place where the Lord lay.
Sometime we need to see with our own eyes.
It was proof that Jesus had risen. The wrapping around His body was
was still intact as if He had risen through them
One angel was sitting at the head of the wrapping
 and one angel was sitting at the foot of the wrapping
The face cloth was folded and place in another place.

It was proof that Jesus had risen

Prior to Jesus death and resurrection, everyone saw Jesus as
son of Joseph the carpenter and Mary. Apparently the secret                                                    of the virgin birth was only known to Joseph and Elizabeth her cousin. 

The empty tomb was a reason for Mary the mother of Jesus to
reveal her secret, that Jesus was born to her through the
power of the Holy Spirit. Only Mary could tell the story
of the virgin birth of Jesus recorded in the New Testament.
Mary, at last could finally see Jesus as the Son Of God.
Without Mary’s testimony the complete story of Jesus
could not be told.

Without Mary’s testimony we wouldn’t know that Jesus
was God from the beginning and God of all times

The women were reminded that Jesus told them that He would
be crucified and rise on the third day.
The angel told the woman to go quickly tell the disciples
Their new mission was to proclaim the
Good News to the disciples.

Tell them Jesus would meet them in Galilee, was the direction
of the angel

God knows when you have messed up. He does not judge you
in you messed up situation.  Jesus redeems you from your

The disciples were hiding out. Scared for their lives. After all
they killed Jesus. Jesus knows what on your mind, but He has
plan to put you on the right track.

Jesus, especially wanted Peter to know that he was forgiven and
included in the ministry of the Church.
You can’t get to messed up that Jesus can’t clean you up.

Don’t put yourself on a guilt trip because you have sinned and
fallen into the temptation of the flesh.

God will meet you where you are. The disciples were
hiding out in Jerusalem. But Jesus met them on their own turf.
It is 90 miles from Jerusalem to Galilee, a 5 day walk.
It will cost you something to serve Jesus
The ministry started in Galilee, and the Church was lunched
from Galilee.

After His resurrection, Jesus was given all power in heaven and in
the earth.

We serve a Jesus who has unlimited authority and unlimited
power. He’s on our side, He’s on our side, He’s on our side.

Jesus gave the Church its mission. Go to
every nation baptizing them in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Ghost.

We are in the greatest group of all time. We have the greatest mission
in all the world. We serve the one true and living God.

Jesus orchestrated His own death and resurrection
He said no one take my life. I have the power to lay it down
and the power to take it up again.

He endured the shame of the cross so you and I could
meet Him in heaven and live an eternal life with

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Rev M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, Texas 77041.

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