Genesis 3:14-24
You will notice that the Lord brought judgment against the
serpent. Eve, then
Adam in the order of their sin. The serpent started sin with
his deception,
with Eve and Adam followed in disobedience.
V:14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you
have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild
animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of
your life.
15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and
between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike
his heel."
A. Every time you see a snake crawling on the ground, it is
a reminder of the fall of
man from the
glorious position of walking in the Garden of Eden with God to his
low position of
struggling on earth to make a living with pain and hardship.
1. We must remember
that originally Lucifer was one of God's high angels until
sin was found
in him.
a. Because of
his pride, Lucifer rebelled against God and was kicked out of his
domain. Isa 14:12-17, Ezekiel 28:14-17
b. Satan appeared to Eve in a disguised form.
Satan verbally communicated with Eve.
2. As a result of
God's second judgment, he was reduced to a cursed position
working in
darkness and hated by man.
3. God made no
animal with ability to verbally communicate with Him
or man. The
word serpent is probably symbolic with the poison of a venomous
snake .
a. God allowed
the fallen Lucifer to communicate with Eve as
serpent as if there was some possibility
of redemption.
b. The serpent
is the Hebrew word hachash. The text added a definite article "ha"
which is
the serpent, or the tempter. It is figurative language
to put
emphasis on sin as the poison of life.
c. It probable
that Satan appeared to Eve as an angel of light. 2 Cor 11:14
d. Lucifer
used his sinful deception to corrupt God premiere creation
e. From an
angel of light, God reduced him to the devil, Satan, the lord of
flies, the
father of lies and the angel of darkness.
B. The word serpent is also symbolic of Lucifer's fallen
defeated position.
Isa 12:1, Rev.
12:9, 20:2
a. The Lucifer has no possibility of
b. He is doomed
forever to the eternal hell.
C. The word enmity is he Hebrew word eybah which means
hatred, hostility.
1. The enmity
maybe Christ himself.
2. It is the Lord
God who made the devil a mortal enemy of mankind.
3. The seeds of
the devil are his demons and those men and women who
operate under
his influence.
4. The seed of the
woman is all humanity.
5. Satan will
bruise man on the heel which means he will
cripple man's
ability to communicate with God.
D. The grace and mercy of God is here noted for the
redemption of man.
1. The bruise on
the head by the woman's seed is Jesus on the cross
2. After the
second coming of Jesus, Satan will be locked into the eternal fire
of hell. Rev 20:10
3. All who accept
Christ as their personal Savior will have a home in heaven.
V:16. " To the woman he said, "I will greatly
increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
A. The judgment for Eve is threefold.
1. She will have
great pain in child birth.
2. She will have
a desire for her husband which will produce
more pain in
child birth
a. The word
desire, from the Hebrew word which means longing
b. God put the desire for intimate
relationship with a man into the woman.
c. Since, God
did not mention this for man, perhaps it is natural
for man
to long for a woman.
d. The
commission of Adam and Eve was to be
fruitful. and multiply. Gen 1.28
e .
Notice, there were no children born in the Garden of Eden.
3. Third, she was
permanently reduced to the rule of her husband.
a. Before Eve
sin, she was the help mate of Adam.
b. After her sin Eve had the added
burden of being ruled by
her husband.
V:17 -19. "To Adam he said, "Because you listened
to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not
eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you
will eat of it all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will
eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until
you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to
dust you will return."
A. Because of the sin of Adam, the ground was cursed for the
life of man
on earth.
1. Before Adam's
sin, the ground was easy to tend.
2. After Adam's
disobedience the ground became hard and laborious to work,
3. To eat from the
ground would require the pain of labor.
B. Introduced into the ground as a result of Adams
sin is thorns and thistles which
prick the hand
while harvesting the ground.
1. God made the
ground hard then add thistles and thorns to make life difficult
for Adam to
3. Thirdly, God
added sweat glands as a curse and as a blessing.
4. As a blessing
to cool the body of man as he toil and as a curse
to make man
uncomfortable as he worked.
5. Forth, God
added the curse of death as He promise for man's disobedience
a. The body of
man was made from the dust of the earth.
b. Man is give
a life span before his body returns to the earth.
c. Adam and
Eve were spiritually separated from God the moment
V:20. " Adam named his wife Eve, because she would
become the mother of all the living. "
A. Adam accepted his punishment from God.
1. Adam continued
to be a strong supporter of his wife.
2. Adam put his
wife on a pedestal.
3. He named his
wife Eve, which means life giver or first woman.
B. Adam position for his wife was if we succeed, we succeed
1. If we fail, we
fail together.
2. Adam followed
God's command of cleaving to his wife.
3. Men take a note
from Adam.
a. Don't let
you personal circumstances affect you love for your wife.
b. Be quick to
make up for any mistakes you make.
c. What ever
your spouse needs from you, they need it more in times
V:21. " The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and
his wife and clothed them. "
A. God showed His love for the first family.
1. The grace and
mercy of God is displayed immediately.
2. God kill an animal to make a covering for them.
3. This sacrifice was the first for the
atonement of their sins,
4. The blood of
the animal was a sin offering for God.
5. Life is in the blood.
B. The sacrifice of the animal was symbolic of the death of
Jesus on the
cross for our salvation.
1. The deception of
Satan had separated man from God.
2. Adam and Eve's
confession of their sin open the door for the
3. They both
confessed that they had eaten from the Tree Of Knowledge
And Of Good And
4. God's Grace
favored them with the sacrifice of the animal.
5. God's Mercy was
the forgiveness of their sin.
6. Victory over
Satan was in the atonement of the blood sacrifice.
V:22. " And the Lord God said, "The man has now
become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach
out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live
A. God's Grace and Mercy endures for ever.
1. Even in bad
times, God is at work in our lives.
2. Eating from
the forbidden tree had given Adam and
Eve a conscience.
a, It is good
to know the difference between right and wrong.
b. It is good
to know that there is a consequence for doing wrong.
B. Like us, Adam and Eve would sin again.
1. To prevent Adam
and Eve from eating from the Tree of Life
which was in
the middle of the garden of Eden, He had to
provisions to make sure it didn't happen,
2. If Adam and Eve
had eaten from the Tree Of Life in their
sinful state,
they would have been condemned for life.
3. There would be
no chance of redemption.
V:23-24. " So the Lord God banished him from the Garden
of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of
the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to
guard the way to the tree of life. "
A. Even though you are forgiven of your sin by the Mercy Of
God, there are still
1. Adam and Eve
lost the home that God had prepared for them.
2. They lost the
comfort of God's pleasure with them.
3. They had to
start over again with the skills God had given them.
B. Even in our bad times, God is good.
1. By locking them
out of the Garden Of Eden, God was protecting them from
2. God locked one
door, but He open another.
3. God gave Adam
and Eve a place on the east side of the Garden Of Eden.
4. This closeness
of their new home to the Garden of Eden would be a
reminder of
what they lost by rebelling against God.
C. God placed one of His high angels to guard Eden
with a flaming light.
1, Notice the
angel was a Cherub.
2. This Guardian
Angel was a reminder to Satan who was a Cherub before
his fall.
3. The sword may
represent the power and control of the Almighty God.
Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia
Baptist Church
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