Friday, October 26, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "When Following God Is Not Popular", Genesis 6:1-10, 10/28/2018


Genesis 6:1-10

In verse one and two we see the present of the Holy Trinity; The person of
God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son all working together.
The reason we say person is because God speaks of Himself with human
characteristics. He has knowledge, He is in control, He gets angry, and He is
grieved. He punishes those He loves and His grace and mercy endures

V:1-2. "When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to  
          them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they    
          married any of  them they chose. "
A. The estimated time frame between Genesis 1 and chapter 4 is 1700 years.
     1. God's plan to populated the earth continues through time.
     2. Man's desire for woman and the woman's desire for man never changes,
         because it is God's plan.
B. God's first human institution, marriage continues through out time.
    1. What we consider in our hearts and see with our eyes, controls our actions.
    2. What began with Adam and Eve is in our DNA forever.
    3. Family life cannot continue without the relationship between a man and a woman.
        a. The devil is busy trying to destroy God's design for family
             with alternative life styles.
        b. The devil does influence some to rebel against God's plan for family.
             but he will not succeed because God's plan is permanent.
    4. I have been young, but now I am old, but my love for family has never changed.
    5. It is not my design, but God's.

V:3. " Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal;    
         his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
A. The moment Adam ate from the Tree Of Knowledge And Of Good and Evil, death
      became the future of man.
    1. Man became mortal with Adam's disobedience.
    2. Adam's sin put a time frame on our lives.
B. Adam and his descendants originally  lived 900 plus years.
    1. Because of man's continued sinfulness, God reduced man life span to
        120 years.
    2. Sin shorten a man's life span.
    3. God placed His Spirit in man which gives him life.
    4. When God withdraws His Spirit, man dies.

V4. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward when the
       sons  of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the    
       heroes of old, men of renown. "
      A. The word "Nephilim' means bully or tyrant. Perhaps  from the Hebrew word
            Naaphal which means "he fell", an earth born man fallen from the true
           1. The word renown is the Hebrew word "shem" which means honor.
                authority and character.
           2. Some interpret this as, the sons of Seth who married the daughters of Cain.
           3. Men in the past who had accomplished great thing married women of
               sinful men and were changed to sinful men.
           4. To please his woman, a man will do the wrong thing.
                a. That's how it all started.
                b. To please Eve, Adam ate the forbidden fruit.
      B. Their children born in sin became sinful. 
           1. We were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
           2. All men, after Adam were born with a conscience, knowing  good from evil.
           3. God had not given any new laws or commands for man to live by, except the
                command He gave the first family.
           4. Under the influence of the devil, man chooses evil.

V:5. " The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that
           every  inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. "
        A. Once sin entered into man, he became more sinful.
            1. Without rules and regulations, there is nothing to gauge the sinfulness of
            2. After Adam's sin, God instituted the sacrifice of animals for the atonement of
         B. We have no Biblical record of God giving any new commands to man after
              Cain killed Abel.
            1. What we do know, because of the record of Enoch, God continued
                 to talk with men who chose good over evil.
            2. How many of you have brought your children cell phone and tablets?
            3. You have exposed yourself and your children through multimedia
                 to every evil inclination and thought of evil men and women.
                a. Pornography is a multibillion dollar industry that is open to you
                    and your children through your hand held devices.
                b. Social media exposes your children to all acts of violence.
                c. Even with parental controls, evil can be back doored into your
                    hand held devices.
            4. We are in the same situation as man was before the flood.
            5. We need a more solid Christian foundation today than we needed
                 in the past.
V:6. " The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled    
          with  pain.
         7 So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the  
         earth  men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the  
         air, for I  am grieved that I have made them."
A. Can you imagine giving your children the very best that money can buy.
     1. You train them with best teachers money can buy.
     2. You took them to Church to ensure that they had a personal relationship
          with God.
B. Can you imagine the disappointment you would have if you came to check up
         on your children and found that their live were in shambles and they
         are mixed up with all the wrong people, doing all the wrong things.
       1. Can you imagine counseling you children to get them on the right
           track to no avail.
      2. Can you imaging the pain you would feel when every time you turn
          around your children are in trouble no matter how much you pray.
      3. God was so grieve by what He saw in His children that he hated He
          created them.
      4. God sees all that we do and is grieved by our sins.
      5. God was so grieved that He decided to kill the human race and all
           the animals He created.
    C. God took six days or time periods to create a prefect palace for man.
        1. God gave man His house rules to live by which he rejected.
        2. God gave man a method to atone for his sins which he rejected.
        3. God tolerated man's rebellion against Him for 1700 years.
        4. We cannot take God's tolerance of our sinful behavior as a weakness.
            a. We must see God tolerance as His love for us.
            b. There is an end to God's tolerance when He punishes us for our sins.
            c. God gives us time to repent before He exercises His judgment.
D. One thing we must understand is we can be replaced.
      1. God does not need us.
      2. We need God to survive.
      3. God can get some folk to praise Him  .
      4. God did not destroy His creation, He destroyed the man He put in
          His creation.

V:8. " But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. "
A. The Word of the Lord never returns void.
    1. From Adam to Noah is 1700 plus years.
    2. God preserves His Word in hearts of a few men.
    3. God's Word     can be ignored and overlooked by the majority of
        the people, but it will convict a few people.
    4. Out of the millions of people on earth, the Word of
        God found a home in the heart of Noah and his family.
B. Those who honor the Lord has favor with the Lord.
    1. Just because every one is jumping off a cliff don't mean its
    2. Noah and his family ignored the sins of the crowd.
    3. Sin is always fun and popular.
    4. But sin dishonors God and leads to death.
    5. God has a plan of salvation for those who follow His commands.
      6. Noah believed God and was counted as righteous.

V:9-10. " This is the account of Noah.
   Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with   
10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. "
A. Before you can train your family to follow God, you have to follow God.
    1. Three things we can learn from Noah.
        a. Noah did what was right before the Lord.
        b. Noah treated his family and neighbors with respect.
        c. Noah not only talked the talk, but he walked the walk.
        d. Noah was blessed in the house and out the house.
   2. Noah trained his family to follow God and his command.
       a.  Noah was a man of faith.
       b. Noah chose good over evil.
   3. Noah found favor with God because of his obedience.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way South
Houston, Texas 77041

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