Friday, October 13, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Establishing A Relationship With God", Exodus 20:18-26, 10/15/2017


Exodus 20:18-26

At the time of this scene, the Israelites, 2 plus million people are in the desert
for their first time. They had no permanent shelter and no visible protection.
They grew up in Egypt with the Egyptian army present and permanent housing.
Now they are out in the desert living from day to day in tents.

Everything about this scene would be scary to someone who does not
trust God.   

There is a type of God's Church presented here.
     1. God The Father the center of all activity,
        The dark cloud, the thunder and lightening
         represents God's divine presence.
     2. Mount Sinai, the altar of God
     3. God's Commands,  His Word, His Son
     4.  Moses, His messenger, minister of the Word
     5. Aaron,  God's first high priest
     6. The Nation of Israel, God's elect people, the congregation

V:18. " When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance ."
A. When you hear thunder and see lightening, the best thing to do is to run
     for cover. Get to a safe place.
   1. We know by experience that a lightening strike can do much damage and
        can kill a person.
   2. During their exodus from Egypt, they had experience the presence and the protection
       of God.
   3. God had appeared in a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by
   4. Israel grumble against Moses leadership during the exodus from Egypt,
       therefore their hearts were guilty.
B. Instead of being drawn to God for their deliverance, they backed away from
   1. They had experience the destructive power of God during the 10 plagues
        in Egypt and destruction the army of Egypt in the Red Sea.
   2. The thunder and the lightening put fear in their hearts.
   3. Israel had been warned that if they touch the mountain while God was
       present, they would die.
  4. They had been protected by God, yet they were afraid of Him.
       a. What was the problem?
       b. God is spirit and they that worship Him must do so in spirit and
       c. The Israelites having experience the power and glory of God for only
           a short time, did not trust Him or know how to worship Him.
       d. They were in a position they had never experienced before.
       e. They were at cross road of change.

V:19-20. " and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die."
20 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."
A. Put yourself in their shoes and see if you would react differently.
    1. It takes time to get rid of old habits and establish new ones.
    2. It takes time to adjust to a new environment.
    3. It takes time to adjust to new house rules.
B. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments for Israel's  house rules of freedom.
    1. God established His present before Israel so that could see His power, glory and
        His authority.
     2. The whole nation become frightens in the presence of God.
     3. They asked that Moses be the mediator between them and God.
     4. Today, Jesus is our mediator.   
C. Israel responded like guilty people  not people who had been redeemed.
    1. There is two types of fear indicated here.
        a. There is the fear of judgment, punishment  and destruction.
        b. There is the fear of reverence of the Lord.
    2. We need to develop a holy fear of the Lord.
    3. It should be obvious  to us, that each day, God is on our side.
D. The Ten Commandments was the start of a relationship with God.
   1. Once we establish a relationship with the Father, there is a desert time.
   2. There is a time when God will test the faith of each of us.
   3. The Israelites had lived under Egyptians rules in slavery.
   4. They had to learn to live under God's rules in freedom.
   5. Our faith is developed through the trials and tribulations of life
       that we face.
E. It is only through the Word of God that we know what sin is.
   1. It is only through the Word of God that we know what the
       consequences of sin is.
   2. It is only through obedience to the Word of God that we learn
       the value of trusting God.

V:21-22. " The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick
     darkness where God was.
22 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites this: 'You have seen for yourselves  
      that I have spoken to you from heaven: "
A. Imaging a scene where there is a dark cloud over a mountain.
    1. Imagine at the same time seeing lightening and hearing thunder
        coming from the mountain.
    2. Imagine  the sun shining everywhere except the mountain.
    3. Imagine being told that the Holy awesome  God is in the mountain.
    4. Imagine only one man being called up into the thick darkness to meet
        with God.
 B. Imagine waiting to see if the man who went up the mountain in the
      presence of God would survive his encounter.
    1. By the grace of God through His Son Jesus, we are in the presence of
        God continuously.
    2. Like the Israelites we should tremble all day long in God's sight.

V:23. "Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold."
A. The Israelites came into freedom with images of Egyptian idol gods engrave in their
    1. They had been forced to worship idols gods throughout their existence in
    2. They may have even brought with them statues of the Egyptian god.
B. God gave Israel this command because it was a habit that had to get rid of to
    trust Him.
   1. God does not share His supreme position with any idol.
   2. The  Lord our God is a jealous God.
   3. Even today we have to be careful that we don't trust that which we
   4. God is forever, what we have is temporary.

V:24 "'Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. "
A. Obedience to all of God's commands ensure His blessings to us.
    1. God requires us to worship Him and Him alone.
    2. God requires us to give our complete devotion to Him.
B. God require us to make two types of offerings.
    1. A burnt offering.
        a. That which is totally dedicated to Him.
        b. Represents our complete surrender to God.
    2. A Fellowship  or peace offering
        a. This offering was an expression of gratitude
            for the blessings of God.
C. The Israelites were commanded to build an altar to the Lord.
     1. The altar to God was a high place.
     2. The altar represented God divine holiness.
     3. God is high above our sinfulness.
     4. We should always lift God up in our minds and hearts.

V:25. " If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. "
A. In the wilderness, the altar to God was to be made of the  natural stones that God laid  
     on the earth.
    1. To Alter the stones in any way would defile the stones.
    2. What God made is perfect and does not need mans help.
B. The Israelites had mastered the art of carving stone into the image of idol gods.
     1. Any altering of the natural stones would remind them of their past habits.
     2. Any altering of the stone may have caused pride in their hearts
         rather than the humbleness God requires.

V:26. " And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it."
A. Part of the Egyptian worship includes temple prostitutes.
    1. The Israelite priest were commanded to have special dress that did not
         expose their flesh.
    2. Nakedness was a  disclosure of sin.
    3. In the Garden of Eden, it was after Adam and Eve at from the tree of
        Knowledge of Good And Evil that they recognized their nakedness.
B. The foundation of the Christian faith is love.
    1. God gave Israel His commands for righteous living because of
        His love for them.
    2. God defines our love for Him as obedience to His commands.
    3. God commands covers our love for Him and our neighbors.
    4. Our love for God is indicated in how we approach Him.
    5. Our salvation is base on our faith in God's commands.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

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