John 2:1-11
The Lord started off humanity in the Garden of Eden with a
marriage between Adam and Eve and His Word.
It was a new beginning in creation
A new marriage, The beginning of a new family.
The young couple starts off life with the joy of
togetherness and the hope of tomorrow.
We are all part of this one big family called the Church. It
is a global family that spread
through out the World.
It knows no race, no gender and no nationality. In this
family everyone is treated
as equals.
God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son
that whoever believes in
Him shall not parish, but have eternal life.
Our Text this morning is
JOHN 2:1-11
John 2:1-11
2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana
in Galilee . Jesus' mother was there,
2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the
3 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him,
"They have no more wine."
4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus
replied. "My time has not yet come."
5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he
tells you."
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the
Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.
7 Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water";
so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to
the master of the banquet." They
did so,
9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had
been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the
servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside
10 and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first
and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you
have saved the best till now."
11 This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed
at Cana in Galilee . He thus
revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.
Just want to talk this about LIVING WITH JESUS
A. It is fitting that Jesus starts His ministry at a wedding.
1. Our whole
Christian experience is the preparation for a wedding with Jesus the
bride groom.
2. Our journey to
the altar with Jesus began when we accept Christ as our personal
3. Our time from
birth to death is our life with Jesus.
4. Do you realize
that Jesus is getting you prepared to be His bride.
B. A lot of effort goes into planning a wedding.
1. I tagged along
with my wife in planning my daughter's
2. Selecting the
church for the wedding, selecting the place for the reception,
selecting decorations
and planning the menu was long drawn out and trying process.
3. No matter how
well you plan something unexpected can happen.
The location of the wedding was a city called Cana
The Name Cana means a place of needs
A city located on the hill 330 feet above the valley.
We all at some times in our lives will come to a place of
We all will find ourselves in the valley of life looking
toward the hills to Jesus.
One thing we know for sure is we need is Jesus
My first point:
C. Notice Jesus and His disciples were invited to the
1. Don't plan
anything without Jesus.
2. Don't go
looking for a wife without Jesus.
3. Don't go
looking for a husband with out Jesus.
4. Don't go
looking for a job without Jesus
5. Don't get into
your car without Jesus
6. You should not
go any place that you can't take Jesus.
6. The unexpected
can and does happen
7. We see what is,
but Jesus sees what will be.
8. Our view is
limited, but Jesus view is complete.
D. The fact that Jesus came to the wedding is an indication
that He
celebrates life and family
John 10:10 : I have come that they may have life, and have
it to the full.
1. Jesus is our
2. John
16:24: Jesus said, I came that your joy
be full
Ask and you
will receive, and your joy will be complete.
3. Jesus honors the institution of marriage.
If a man finds
a wife, he finds a good thing.
4. Jesus is a
partner in our joys
It does not matter weather you single or marriage, widower,
or divorce
You are The bride of Jesus.
We are all equally in this big family call the Church
D. Don't under evaluate the important of Church Family.
1. Once you join
up with Jesus you become part of a large family
2. Jesus disciples
were invited to the wedding.
3. God put family
into our lives because we are social people.
a. We can lean
on each other in times of trouble.
b. We can
encourage and uplift each other.
c. We should
be ready to help each other in times of need.
V:3. " When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to
him, "They have no more wine."
A. The mother of
Jesus was probably part of the planning committee.
1. The Bible say
honor your mother and your father that your days will be long.
2. There is
wisdom in our elders.
a. They have
the wisdom of time and events.
b. They have
been there and done that and suffered the consequences.
3. Mary's wisdom
is highlighted here.
4. The young
couple just getting started, ran into a problem.
5. The ink was
not dry on the marriage license and they were having a problem.
5. They ran out
of wine.
There is wisdom in the elders of this church. Sister
Dalfrey, Sister Brooks ,
Sister Gentry
Sister Gaylord, Sister Morning, Brother Harding just to name a
They Got the wisdom of grey hairs. The insight they can give
this younger generation
is invaluable.
First point:
Don't Plan Anything Without Jesus
Second point:
6. Mary teaches us a lesson here.
a. When you got problem take it to Jesus.
b. I am
sure there were many men at the wedding, yet
took the problem to Jesus.
c. Mary
called on the one that she had been told by the angel
was the Son Of God.
d. Mary
called on the one who God the Father said, This is my Son
whom I am well pleased.
e. Mary
didn't call on the mayor, she didn't call on the governor, she
didn't call on the president.
f. She
called on Jesus
the one
who has all power, authority and the resources to handle
her request.
g. Our
prayer request are God opportunity to be glorified.
V:4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus
replied. "My time has not yet come."
A. Jesus takes off His maternal son position and put on His
position as Savior
1. Jesus did not
come down to earth just to grant our prayer request.
2. He came down
for the cross.
3. Yet Jesus
honors our desires.
a. There was
no real need here, but a desire to enjoy the ceremony.
b. It would
be a considerable embarrassment to the young couple
to run
out of wine.
c. These
Jewish wedding were community affairs
that could last
up to
seven days.
4. Jesus most
significant miracle is the redemption of man through His blood.
B. Jesus was at the start of His ministry on earth
1. He had another
3 years before the cross.
2. The key point
here is don't take Jesus for granted.
a. He is not
your McDonalds
b. Jesus
answers prayers, but to His Glory.
First Point: Don't
Plan Anything Without Jesus
Second: When You
Got A Problem, Take It To Jesus
V:5 "Jesus' mother said to the servants, "Do
whatever he tells you."
A. When you call on
Jesus , be ready to do what He tells you.
Three thing about a servant are important
a. A Servant
have to be available
b. A servant
need a willing spirit
c. A Servant
follows the commands of his master.
What is Jesus , but
a servant of His Father.
He said I did not
come to be serve. I came to be a servant of All
1. The Lord said, I would rather obedience
than sacrifice.
2. When you see
yourself as a servant, it takes away
3. When you see
yourself as a servant, everybody is more
than you.
B. What are we but servants of the Lord Jesus
1. A Servant is
under the protection and provisions of his master.
2. Mary expressed
complete confidence in Jesus.
3. When we go to
God in prayer we should have complete confidence that
He will
First: Don't Plan Anything Without Jesus
Second: When You Got
A Problem Take It To Jesus
Third: See Yourself
As A Servant
V:6-7. " Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind
used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty
7 Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with
water"; so they filled them to the brim. "
A. The Lord can do exceeding abundantly more than we an ask
or conceive.
1. The water was for
the washing of hand before a meal
2. It was a large
volume because the large number of guest,
3. A wedding
feast could last 7 days.
B. These vessels were never designed to be anything but
purification ritual.
1. Those six
barrel could hold up to 180 gallons of water,
that about
900 bottles.
1. There is no
limit to the resources of the Lord.
2. Jesus is a
master of using what we have to be all we need,
V:8-9. " Then he told them, "Now draw some out and
take it to the master of the banquet."
They did so,
9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had
been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the
servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside "
A. Here Jesus uses to simple elements to celebrate Himself as the life giving source
1. To the
Samaritan woman at the well He said
John 4:14
drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give
him will become
in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
2. The wine
represent the new covenant in His blood
Luke 22:20
"This cup
is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
3. Wine is mostly
a. Jesus made
the wine without the grapes
indicates that He and He alone is our Salvation
b. Jesus
represented the change from the Jewish law of ritual
purification to sacrificial blood of our Salvation
c. What that
song we sing:
I Know It
Was The Blood I know it was the blood,
I know it
was the blood, I know it was the blood for me;
One day
when I was lost He died on the cross,
I know it
was the blood for me.
B. The servants having never seen Jesus do a miracle acted
on faith
1. Obedience to
God's Word is the key to our blessing
2. Did the water
become wine in the barrel?
a. Did the
water become wine as it was taken out of the barrel?
b. Either way
it became wine by the faith of the servants.
3. What ever we
need from Jesus takes place by our faith in Him.
4. The Just live
by faith and not by sight.
Faith is the
substance of things hoped for and the
evidence of things unseen.
C. Notice, the servant did not tell the master of the
banquet where the wine
came from.
1. There are some things
that God does is between you and Him.
2. to reveal
exactly how God has done something may cause confusion.
a. To reveal
that there was wine in a water purification pot would be
to any Jew.
3. Non believers
may not share your enthusiasm for the Gospel
4. I see a problem
The servant
didn't reveal where wine came from.
Don't you
ever take credit for what you didn't do.
Give Jesus
the credit for your success.
First: Don't Plan
Anything Without Jesus
Second: When You Got
A Problem, Take It To Jesus
Third: See Yourself
As A Servant Of Jesus
V:10. " and said, "Everyone brings out the choice
wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to
drink; but you have saved the best till now."
A. The evidence of the high quality of the water turned in
to wine is the testimony of
master of the
1. You can't beat
God's giving
2. Now, if I say He
is good He is better than that
i f I say you are great you've been, greater
than that.
If I say you
are sweet you've been, sweeter than that.
You've been,
more and more in my life.
If I say you
are strong you've been, stronger than that
If I say your
Holy your, more than that you've been,
more and more
in my life
B. The Life of a man
is but a few days and filled with sorrows
1. This is not
the best God has for us.
2. The best day
of this life will be the day we die and enter into heaven.
3. I believe you
get some of the best while you still live
4. The crowd
enjoyed the best while at the wedding feast
First: Don't Plan Anything Without Jesus
Second: When You Got A Problem Take It To Jesus
Third: Develop A
Servant Attitude
Fifth: Know That The
Best Is Yet To Come
11 This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed
at Cana in Galilee . He thus
revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.
A. There are two reasons given in the text that God answers
our prayers
1. That He get the
a. We can mess
this one up. We will say because we prayed, No
it is
because God is God.
2. That others by
our testimony, come to Christ.
Our testimony
about the goodness of God is important to those
struggling with their faith.
B. The reason for you troubles is so God gets the Glory and
others are
drawn to Christ
1. Jesus showed up
at the wedding so that He could turn the water into
wine so that
His disciples would believe.
2. The servants
got the greatest blessing because they witness the miracle
3. God sets you up
with some problems, so you can see His Glory.
I missed this before
We should Ask God To Use Our Problems that He Gets the Glory
and Other are
drawn to Christ
Is there anyone here today that don't know Jesus as your
personal savior?
The Time is now. Come be apart of the body of Christ
Don't put off tomorrow, what you can do today.
You might not make it till tomorrow.
Come join with us in fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
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