Luke 19:1-10
V:1-2. ” Jesus entered Jericho
and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a
chief tax collector and was wealthy."
A. Jericho was the first area conquered by the Israelites
when they came into the
promise land.
1. The Israelites
walked around the walled city under God's direction and with
one great
shout, the walls fell down.
2. Jesus enters Jericho
and finds a man ready for a change.
B. The name Zacchaeus means pure. He was far from being
From the beginning of his life, God knew what He wanted
Zacchaeus to become.
God directed his parents to name him what he would become.
1. Jesus used
several adjectives to describe this man.
2. He was a
chief tax collector.
a. He had
authority over other tax collectors.
b. He use his
position to rise up in the tax collecting ranks.
3. He was wealthy.
a. People in
this position were known to defraud the tax payers.
b. They could
access more than was due and pocket the excess.
4. He was in a
hated profession.
a. People in
this position were perceived to be
sinners by the community.
b. Jesus put
it on His agenda to make Himself available to Zacchaeus.
V:3-4. " He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a
short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a
sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way."
A. He was a short man, yet very resourceful.
1. He wanted to
see the man who could make a difference in his life.
2. He was not to
busy to make arrangements to see Jesus,
3. He couldn't see
above the crowd, so He positioned himself above the crowd,
by climbing a tree.
4. He was
determined to see Jesus.
B. It's not where you have been, but where you are going
that counts to Jesus.
1. The first step in
any spiritual change is the desire to see Jesus.
2. He didn't let
his short coming stop him from getting to Jesus.
3. When you make
time for Jesus, He will make time for you.
4. He climbed a
tree to get above the crowd to get a clear view of Jesus.
5. He climbed out
of the scum of his life to see Jesus.
6. He climbed up a
tree to see real life.
C. The word "see" is the Greek word
"edio" which means to Know.
1. This implies
that Zacchaeus had heard about the salvation that
Jesus offered.
2. He was convinced
in his heart that he needed Jesus.
V: 5-7. " When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and
said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house
today." 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the
people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a
A. The world sees the outside, but Jesus sees the heart.
1. The world
judges you by your sins and want let you forget your past.
2. Jesus covers
your sins with His love.
B. Zacchaeus realized
that he was so messed up that only Jesus could help.
1. He was
convicted in heart.
2. He had a
repentant heart
3. He was real
about who he was and how he got to be where he was.
4. He had a
sorrowful heart.
C. Zacchaeus came seeking Jesus.
1. Notice, It was
Jesus who called Zacchaeus out of the tree.
a. Romans 8:30 , " And those he predestined, he also
called; those he called, he
justified; those he justified, he also glorified. "
b. The Father
had prepared the heart of Zacchaeus to
except the call of Jesus
c. No one can
come to Jesus unless the Father draws him.
John 6:44
2. Jesus made
himself available to Zacchaeus.
3. They that seek
Jesus will find him, Luke 11:9
D. When you abide in
the Word of Jesus, He will abide in you.
1. Upon your
confession of faith in Jesus, salvation is granted immediately.
2. Accepting Jesus
as your Lord and Savior should be a joyful occasion.
E. The Church may not
accept your change, but God does.
1. You may have
to convince the Church that you have changed by your works.
2. Anyone who
looks down on your sins, have forgotten their sinful state.
3. Jesus is
satisfied with your confession of Faith.
a. Through
Jesus, Zacchaeus became what his name implied.
b. It is
Jesus that purifies us with His Blood.
V:8. " But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord,
"Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and
if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the
A. He recognizes Jesus as his Lord.
1. The Roman
government was Zacchaeus lord until he met Jesus.
2. The Roman
government was his master until he met Jesus.
3. Jesus became
the authority of Zacchaeus life.
B. A man takes responsibility for his actions.
1. A man confesses
his sins before the Lord.
2. A man makes restitution
for wrongs committed.
3. A man recognizes the time value of money.
a. Zacchaeus paid back fourfold his fraudulent
4. A man recognizes
that God blessed him, so he could be a blessing to others.
a. Zacchaeus promised to give half of his
wealth to the poor.
b. God
blesses those who are generous in their giving.
4. A man put his trust in Jesus and Jesus alone.
a. Upon meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus droped his
trust in his position and his wealth.
b. Upon meeting
Jesus, Zacchaeus trusted Jesus.
V:9. " Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has
come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham."
A. Salvation is not dependant on you being good.
1. Salvation is a
gift from the Lord.
2. Your confession
of faith activates the gift that God prepared for you before
the foundation
of the earth.
B. Salvation establishes the relationship between you and
the Father.
1. Abraham was
considered righteous because he believed God.
James 2:23
2. Abraham is the
father of faith.
3. Zacchaeus was
accepted into the body of Christ by his confession.
Because of Zacchaeus conversion to Jesus, the Israelites had
an advocate in
the tax collector's office. Zacchaeus being the chief tax
collector, knew the
abuse of this office and was in a position to stop it.
V:10. " For the
Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
A. Jesus did not
come down from heaven to save the righteous.
1. Jesus came
down from heaven to save the lost.
2. Jesus came
down from heaven for the sins of the world.
B. Jesus did not come
down from heaven for our physical well being.
1. Jesus came
down from heaven for our spiritual well being.
2. The benefit
of our fellowship with Jesus is our
physical well being.
Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia
Baptist Church
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