Thursday, May 5, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Will Come When You Call HIm" 5/8/2016


Luke 17:11-19

V:11 "Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. "
A. The Christian walk is a journey through life with Jesus.
    1. Everyday, God presents us with new opportunities to learn about Him, His
        ways and to grow in faith.
    2. We ought to be gradually coming more like Jesus.
 B. Studying the Bible is a walk in the life of Jesus.
    1. Each story is a lesson in the righteousness of God.
    2. Each story presents us with some insight in to the culture and relationships
        between people.
C. The Jews and the Samarians had no dealing with each other.
     1. After the Babylonia captivity, Samaria was settled with foreigners
        who believed in idol gods. The Jews in area of Samaria intermarried
        with those who worshipped idols.  2 Kings 17:24
    2. The hatred between the Jews and the Samarians began when the Jews
         were returned from Babylonian captivity.
 D. The most direct way from Galilee to Jerusalem would be through
     1. Jesus traveled along the borders of Galilee and Samaria, an
         indication of the extreme hatred between the two  groups.
     2. Jesus spreads love not hate.

V:12. " As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance.
A. Leprosy was a terrible, contagious and disfiguring disease. It was characterized by
     white sores over the body.
    1. Lepers were isolated from the community and usually kept out side the city.
    2. A leper was required to be 250 to 300 feet from the population.
    3. When they saw others approaching them, they were commanded to shout
        "unclean, unclean".  Lev 13:45-46.
    4. Leprosy symbolizes the sins of life and the devastating effects of sin.
       a. Everyone of us, live with the leprosy of sin.
       b. Everyone of us are affected by the leprosy of sin.
 B. In this text, Jesus  dealt with the hatred between men and the sins  of life.
    1. Leprosy isolated people from other people.
    2. Sin makes us unclean and isolates us from God,
    3. Hatred of others is sin.
    4. We ought to hate sin of any kind.     

C. Ten is a number used 199 times in the Bible.
    1. We have ten fingers, and ten toes.
    2. In the New testament Jesus gave a parable of 10 virgins.
    3. In the new testament a woman has 10 silver coins, loses one and sweeps the
        house to find the lost coin.
 4. In this text, Jesus dealt with 10 lepers who were isolated outside of the city,
     in need of His loving hand.

V:13. " And called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!"
 A. These men had heard about the healing powers of Jesus.
     1. They probably had heard that Jesus had authority over all kinds of
     2. They probably had heard that Jesus cared about those He came in contact with.
B. These ten men may have recognized that Jesus was Lord over men and circumstances.
     1. They called Him Jesus and they called Him master.
     2. They put their problem in His hand.
     3. The ten lepers had a simple prayer, "Master, have pity on us"
C. Everybody  had cast them out.
     1. Everybody  had left them to the dogs.
     2. Nobody gathered around them to pray.
     3. They were alone and without hope, until they saw Jesus.
 D. They were children of God being treated as outcast.
    1. They were men first.
    2. They had some issues they were dealing with.
    3. It was their issues that separated them from family, friends and the general
    4. The lepers issue should have generated love and compassion for them, but it
         generated selfish concern for the unaffected community.   

V:14. " When he saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed."
A. The word "saw" is the Hebrew word  "idon"  which mean Jesus was aware of their
     situation. He knew their sorrows.
   1. Jesus knew that the ten lepers were in a life and death situation.
   2. He knew that being  outcast, they were left to die.
   3. The ten lepers were forced outside the city gate and defenseless.
B. The ten lepers humbled themselves   before the Lord and prayed for His help.
   1. When you began talking to Jesus, is the moment when healing begins.
   1. Jesus, without healing the lepers, commanded them to go show themselves
      to the priest.
   2. You can respond to the Word of God in two ways.
       a. You can say yes.
       b. You can say no. It is your choice.
       c. If you say no, you will miss the blessing that God has for you.
 3. According to the text, these10 lepers, without hesitation started moving
     toward the priest.
 4. Jesus said go, they started moving.
     a. At the time they started moving, there was no evidence of a change in their
     b. It was only after they started moving that look down and saw they were healed.
     c. If the Word command you to do something, you should do it without
     d. Jesus will not tell you to do anything that is not helpful to you.

C. There are some points to consider here.
    1. They believed that Jesus could do what they ask of Him.
    2. They were obedient to His command.
    3. Without any evidence of a blessing they acted as if they were healed.
    4. You can't always see how God is going to work in your life.
    5. We have to learn to trust the Word of God and be patient with Him.
D. It is important to pay attention to their testimony.
    1. When no one else would help, they call with a loud voice to Jesus.
        a. They all were in the same situation, and all prayed to Jesus.
        b. Not a long prayer. Just, Lord have pity on us.
    2. They listened to the Word of Jesus.
    3. They believed the Word of Jesus.
    4. They were obedient to the Word of Jesus.
 E. Look at the results of their obedience.
    1. As they started walking they were cleansed.
    2. As they responded to the Word, a personal miracle took place in their lives.
    3. The Bible does not tell us, but the miracle may not have happen if they
        had been disobedient.   

V:15-16. " One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud  
          voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him — and he was a
A. One came to Jesus, the other nine went away.
    1. One came to Jesus, the other nine went back to their old life.
    2. On was changed, the other nine remain the same.
    3. One developed a relationship with Jesus. The other nine remain in the world.
    4. One came to the light. The other nine remain in the dark.
    5. One came to the source of power. The other nine went to the powerless.
B. One, when he realized what Jesus had done came back and praised God.
    1. The other nine went to give an offering to the priest who offered no help.
    2. One, when he realized what Jesus had done, testified that Jesus is God.
        a. The other nine look at God but failed to know God.

C. The Samaritan, who was a stranger to God, came to know and love God.
    1. The other nine, who had a relationship with God by way of their ancestors,
        walked away from God.
    2. All ten were in Church, but one stayed around for the benediction.
    3. All ten were blessed temporally, but one came back for the eternal blessing. 

V:17-18. " Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?
     as no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"
A. All ten lepers were in Sunday Church Service.
    1. One came back for Wednesday night Bible Study.
    2. All ten came together, but only one took time to show his gratefulness
B. All ten lepers, saw Jesus from a distance.
   1. Only one came close to Jesus.
   2. All ten lepers got helped. But only one humbled himself
       before Jesus.

V:19. " Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."
 A. All ten lepers received a physical healing.
    1. All ten were healed, but only one was made whole.
    2.  All ten lepers saw Jesus, but only one came to know Jesus.
    3. All ten lepers called on Jesus, but only one developed faith in Jesus.
 B. All ten lepers were blessed, but only one received eternal life.
     1. Nine lepers call on Jesus as lepers and remained as lepers.
     2. Nine were cleaned of their physical leprosy, but  remained lepers in sin.
     3. Only one, the Samaritan, was made righteous before God.



Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

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