Thursday, May 26, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What A Man Does", 5/29/2016


Luke 19:1-10

V:1-2. ” Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy."
A. Jericho was the first area conquered by the Israelites when they came into the
     promise land.
    1. The Israelites walked around the walled city under God's direction and with
        one great shout, the walls fell down.
    2. Jesus enters Jericho and finds a man ready for a change.
B. The name Zacchaeus means pure. He was far from being pure.

From the beginning of his life, God knew what He wanted Zacchaeus to become.
God directed his parents to name him what he would become.

    1. Jesus used several adjectives to describe this man.
    2. He was a chief  tax collector.
        a. He had authority over other tax collectors.
        b. He use his position to rise up in the tax collecting ranks.
    3. He was wealthy.
        a. People in this position were known to defraud the tax payers.
        b. They could access more than was due and pocket the excess.
    4. He was in a hated profession.
        a. People in this position were perceived to  be sinners by the community.
        b. Jesus put it on His agenda to make Himself available to  Zacchaeus.

V:3-4. " He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way."
A. He was a short man, yet very resourceful.
    1. He wanted to see the man who could make a difference in his life.
    2. He was not to busy to make arrangements to see Jesus,
    3. He couldn't see above the crowd, so He positioned himself above the crowd,
        by climbing a tree.
    4. He was determined to see Jesus.
B. It's not where you have been, but where you are going that counts to Jesus.
   1. The first step in any spiritual change is the desire to see Jesus.
   2. He didn't let his short coming stop him from getting to Jesus.
   3. When you make time for Jesus, He will make time for you.
   4. He climbed a tree to get above the crowd to get a clear view of Jesus.
   5. He climbed out of the scum of his life to see Jesus.
   6. He climbed up a tree to see real life.
C. The word "see" is the Greek word "edio" which means to Know.
   1. This implies that Zacchaeus had heard about the salvation that
       Jesus offered.
   2. He was convinced in his heart that he needed Jesus.

V: 5-7. " When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner."
A. The world sees the outside, but Jesus sees the heart.
    1. The world judges you by your sins and want let you forget your past.
    2. Jesus covers your sins with His love.
 B. Zacchaeus realized that he was so messed up that only Jesus could help.
    1. He was convicted in heart.
    2. He had a repentant heart
    3. He was real about who he was and how he got to be where he was.
    4. He had a sorrowful heart.
 C. Zacchaeus  came seeking Jesus.

    1. Notice, It was Jesus who called Zacchaeus out of the tree.
        a. Romans 8:30, " And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he
            also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. "
        b. The Father had prepared the heart of  Zacchaeus to except the call of Jesus
        c. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him.  John 6:44
    2. Jesus made himself available to Zacchaeus.
    3. They that seek Jesus will find him,  Luke 11:9
 D. When you abide in the Word of Jesus, He will abide in you.
    1. Upon your confession of faith in Jesus, salvation is granted immediately.
    2. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior should be a joyful occasion.
 E. The Church may not accept your change, but God does.
     1. You may have to convince the Church that you have changed by your works.
     2. Anyone who looks down on your sins, have forgotten their sinful state.
     3. Jesus is satisfied with your confession of Faith.
         a. Through Jesus, Zacchaeus became what his name implied.
         b. It is Jesus that purifies us with His Blood.

V:8. " But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."
A. He recognizes Jesus as his Lord.
     1. The Roman government was Zacchaeus lord until he met Jesus.
     2. The Roman government was his master until he met Jesus.
     3. Jesus became the authority of Zacchaeus life.
B. A man takes responsibility for his actions.
   1. A man confesses his sins before the Lord.
   2. A man makes restitution for wrongs committed.
   3. A man recognizes the time value of money.
      a. Zacchaeus paid back fourfold his fraudulent gain.
   4. A man recognizes that God blessed him, so he could be a blessing to others.
     a. Zacchaeus promised to give half of his wealth to the poor.
     b. God blesses those who are generous in their giving.
4. A man put his trust in Jesus and Jesus alone.
    a. Upon meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus droped his trust in his position and his wealth.
    b. Upon meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus trusted Jesus.

V:9. " Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham."
A. Salvation is not dependant on you being good.
    1. Salvation is a gift from the Lord.
    2. Your confession of faith activates the gift that God prepared for you before
        the foundation of the earth.
B. Salvation establishes the relationship between you and the Father.
   1. Abraham was considered righteous because he believed God.  James 2:23
   2. Abraham is the father of faith.
   3. Zacchaeus was accepted into the body of Christ by his confession.

Because of Zacchaeus conversion to Jesus, the Israelites had an advocate in
the tax collector's office. Zacchaeus being the chief tax collector, knew the
abuse of this office and was in a position to stop it. 

 V:10. " For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
  A. Jesus did not come down from heaven to save the righteous.
     1. Jesus came down from heaven to save the lost.
     2. Jesus came down from heaven for the sins of the world.
 B. Jesus did not come down from heaven for our physical well being.
     1. Jesus came down from heaven for our spiritual well being.
     2. The benefit of  our fellowship with Jesus is our physical well being.  


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church


Thursday, May 19, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What We Can Learn From Babies:, 5/22/2016


Luke 18:15-27, Mark 10:16

V:15. " People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them."
A.  Why did the disciples try to prevent Jesus from touching babies?
     1. God does not tell us, but maybe they thought Jesus had more important
         work to do.
     2. Maybe the disciples were following the tradition of overlooking the importance
         of women and children.
 B. Maybe the disciples forgot that male babies were circumcised   on the eighth day
      after birth in remembrance  of the covenant God made with Abraham.
     1. On the thirty third day, babies were taken to the temple to be dedicated to the
         Lord. (Lev 12:4)
     2. The Jews may have considered  Jesus as one who could provide special blessings
          to their children.

V:16-17. " But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
17 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
A. Jesus pointed to  babies as the example of the attitude Christians should have for
     the Lord.
    1. Babies are dependant on their parents to feed them.
    2. They are dependant on their parents to comfort them.
    3.They are dependant on their parents to protect them.
B. Babies are innocent from birth.
    1. They respond to their parents without questioning them.
    2. Babies can't think or see past their present moment.
    3. They don't know to worry.
 C. Babies cry out for help.
    1. They seek the parents approval and encouragement.
    2. They respond to discipline.
    3. God expect us to cry out to him when we need help.
 D. The attitude of a Christian should be total reliance on Jesus.
    1. Like babies, we should not worry about the next moment in time.
    2. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, sound mind and love.

V:18. " A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
 A. The  rich ruler asked the most important question of his life.
    1. A man in authority asked the most important question. What must I do to inherit
        eternal life.
    2. His first problem was his lack of understanding . To get an inheritance, he needed
        a relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ.
 B. Babies come to us totally dependant without anything.
     1. The rich ruler came to Jesus with an independent spirit, dependant on his
          position and wealth.
     2. He really didn't need anything, but he wanted something additional.
     3. I am not sure weather his question was for his soul or for satisfaction of his flesh.

V:19 "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good — except God alone."
A. Jesus questioned the ruler's motive for coming to him.
   1. Your motive for coming to Church determines what you get out of Church.
   2. Do you have an earnest desire to know Christ or do you want to be in the
       number that come to Church?
  B. The ruler came to the right person to get the right answer.
      1. He called Jesus a good teacher, but did he know who Jesus was?
      2. He had heard the word  eternal life, but he had not heard the teaching
          concerning eternal life.  
      3. He knew that people followed Jesus, but he didn't have time to follow.   
      4. The crowd around Jesus caught his interest, but not Jesus.
      5. He had a knowledge of the law, but not how it could improve his life
          according to God's commands.

V:20-21. " You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'"
21 "All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said. "
A. He was a good person, but he didn't know the love of his neighbor.
    1. Jesus ask the ruler about the commands concerning the outward relationship
        with his neighbors.
    2. Outwardly, his resume was good.
        a. He practiced a good religion.
        b. He practiced looking good around his neighbors.
    3. By his standards, he was obedient to the laws he considered important.

V:22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
A, The real question is how much do you want a relationship with Jesus.
     1. Are you willing to make a sacrifice to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
     2. Do you really want Jesus to take control of your life?
     2. Can you see eternal life with Jesus as better than this life without Jesus?
B. Jesus pointed to what the rich ruler relied on and where his trust was centered.
    1. The ruler owned a lot.
    2. There was poor around him that he did not make it his business to help.
    3. All of his treasures were earthly and subject to destruction.
    4. He was rich in the flesh, but poor in the spirit.
    5. He was good to himself, but not good to those in need.
C. To gain eternal life there are several  requirements.
    1. Drop everything worldly  that you depend on.
    2. Trust Jesus.
    3. Be generous to the poor.
    4. Follow Jesus.

V:23. " When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth."
 A. His wealth was a stumbling block to any faith in Jesus.
     1. Faith in Jesus requires you to give up everything that block your total dependency
         on Him.
     2. The rich ruler came to Jesus thinking eternal life was just another easy acquisition
        to add to the stuff in his life.
 B. The word "sad" is a change in his mental disposition.
    1. It is an evaluation of the worth of his eternal life.
    2. Joyfully, he want eternal life, but sadly it would cost him to much.
    3. It was an earthly evaluation of a spiritual situation.
    4. It was a short term decision on a forever benefit.
    5. He weighed his money against the value of heaven.

V:24.-25 " Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!
25 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
A. If I  think in the flesh, money buys happiness and everything else I want.
    1. If think in the flesh, I can buy the needle and make it big enough me to
        walk through.
    2. It I  think in the flesh, I can move to heaven and build a mansion.
        a. After all we have people living in a space station.
 B. Eternal life is gift from God that can not be purchased.
     1. Heaven is made available to us through Jesus Christ.
     2. It is hard to give up that which you have and are attached to, for that which
         you can't see with your eyes or touch with your hands.      

V:26-27. " Those who heard this asked, "Who then can be saved?"
27 Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
A. For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, so that
     everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
   1. Before the foundation of the world, God predestined us to be part of
       the body of Christ. Ephesians 1:5.
    2. We are saved by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8
B. Salvation is never by the hands of man, it is a gift of God. Ephesians 2:9
    1. Only those who are called by God will be saved. Romans 9:15,16
    2. No one can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father. John 6:37, 6:44
    3. God called us out of the world to serve Him. Roman 8:30

V:16. " And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them."
 A. We are all children in the hands of Jesus
      1. He comforts those He loves with His arms
      2. He protects us with his hands.
      3. He is all the blessings that we need.
B. Jesus takes a special interest in those who put their lives in His hands.
    As stated by Nelson's Bible introduction to Colossians:
   1. Believers are rooted in Jesus.
   2. Made alive in Jesus.
   3. Hidden in Jesus.
   4. Made complete in Jesus.
   5. Clothed in Jesus love.
C. The peace of Jesus should rule in our hearts.
    1.  We are equipped to make Jesus first in area of our lives.
    2. It is inconsistent for believer's to live life without Jesus. 


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

Friday, May 13, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Pride Verses Humbleness", 5/15/2016


Luke 18:9-14

V: 9 " And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they
        were righteous, and viewed others with contempt."

    Notice that the Lord's audience is those who trust in themselves.
   A. Jesus used this parable to show us the mind set of a proud, religious person.
       1. We should not confuse religion with being a Christian.
       2. You can be religious and a Christian.
       3. You can be religious without being a Christian.
       4. Religion can be anything you believe in and are devoted to
           doing consistently.
           a. You can be religious in going to work.
           b. You can be religious in buying the latest fashions.
           c. You can be religious in reading books.
           d. Christianity is being religious in loving God and following His commands.
       5. Those who trust in themselves are religious about themselves.
 B. In this case, both men knew about God and the Law.
      1. The religious person held himself in high esteem
      2. He trusted in himself and not the Lord.
      3. He claim himself to be righteous.
      4. He hated those who were not like him. 

V:10 "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax
   A. The Pharisee was the religious person. The tax collector claim no religion.
       1. They both were praying people.
       2. They both knew the place of prayer was the temple.
       3. One knew to pray to the one true God, and one only knew to boast.
   B. They both had something to pray about.
      1. They both were compelled to come to the temple and pray.
      2. They both had something on their heart that only God could handle.

V:11-12 "The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
12 "I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get."
A. The Pharisee was religious in talking about his goodness.
    1. He knew the commandments and he told the Lord how he had kept them.
2. He knew the legal aspects of the Law, but didn't understand the spiritual aspects
     of the Law.   
3. He made God a party to his position.
        a. He thanked God that he was not like other folk.
        b. He consider himself to be better than other folk.  
        c. Actually, out of ignorance, he was thanking God for his sinful behavior.
B. His prayer was not a prayer, but his boasting to God of how good he was..
     1. He thought God needed to hear how bad other people were.
     2. His standard of righteousness was himself.
     3. He thought to himself that other sinners didn't measure up to him.
     4. The Pharisee made his religion the standard by which others should live.
C. The Pharisee named the sins of everybody but himself.
    1. By his standards, the tax collector was a sinner.
        a. He judged all tax collectors as sinners.
        b. He failed to consider the heart of the tax collector standing next to him.
    2. The only way the Pharisee could lift himself up, was by pointing the finger
         at the tax collector.
    3. The Pharisee fail to consider that when you point your finger at someone else,                    
         you got four of your fingers  pointing back to you.
        a. He had the finger of pride pointing to him.
        b. He had the finger of false accusations pointing to him.
        c. He had the finger of selfishness pointing to him.
        d. He had the finger of hate pointing to him.
    4. You cannot beat  someone without doing some damage to yourself.
D. The Pharisee mention some sins he was not guilty of, but fail to mention
      the sins he was committing by judging his brothers.
    1. The Pharisee failed to mention that all have sinned and fall short of the glory
         of God.
    2. He failed to mention that he was born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
    3. He failed to understand that we are not justified by works.

E. By the way Lord (Verse12), I know  I am good, because I tithes and
     fast twice a week.
     1. The Pharisee thought he was doing God a favor by tithing and fasting.
         a. Tithing was an obligation to support the temple and the priest.
         b. Fasting was his time to reflect on the goodness of God.
    2. The Lord said, "I would rather obedience than sacrifice."
    3. He was so sure of his self righteousness that he was blind to his sinfulness.
    4. He was so full of himself, that he saw no need for God's mercy or to
        ask for forgiveness.
    5. His prayer was thoughtless and selfish because he thank God for himself and
        not for the goodness of God.

13 "But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his  
     eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, the
 A. The tax collector knew he was a sinner and owned up to his guilt.
     1. He humbled himself before the Lord.
     2. He considered his sins so dreadful that he would not look up at the Lord.
B. He beat himself into submission.
    1. He confessed his sins.
    2. He asked for forgiveness.
    3. He asked God to be tolerant with him.

14 "I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who
     exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."
   A. The tax collector came to Christ a sinner; but left with a clean slate.
       1. The tax collector came to Christ confessing his sins, but left forgiven.
       2.  Jesus approved the humbled behavior of the tax collector.      
       3. The tax collector recognized that the only way he could be free of his sin was by
            the mercy of the Lord.
       4. The tax collector had a repentant heart.
       5. He came to the temple a sinner but he left justified by the Lord

  B. The Pharisee came to the temple a sinner and left a sinner
      1. He came with his pride and left with his pride.
      2. He came with his self-righteous behavior and left with his self righteous behavior.
      3. He came condemned and left condemned.
      4. He came to talk, but not to pray.
      5. He came to talk, but not to listen.
      6. He came in the dark and left in the dark.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway

Houston Texas

Thursday, May 5, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Will Come When You Call HIm" 5/8/2016


Luke 17:11-19

V:11 "Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. "
A. The Christian walk is a journey through life with Jesus.
    1. Everyday, God presents us with new opportunities to learn about Him, His
        ways and to grow in faith.
    2. We ought to be gradually coming more like Jesus.
 B. Studying the Bible is a walk in the life of Jesus.
    1. Each story is a lesson in the righteousness of God.
    2. Each story presents us with some insight in to the culture and relationships
        between people.
C. The Jews and the Samarians had no dealing with each other.
     1. After the Babylonia captivity, Samaria was settled with foreigners
        who believed in idol gods. The Jews in area of Samaria intermarried
        with those who worshipped idols.  2 Kings 17:24
    2. The hatred between the Jews and the Samarians began when the Jews
         were returned from Babylonian captivity.
 D. The most direct way from Galilee to Jerusalem would be through
     1. Jesus traveled along the borders of Galilee and Samaria, an
         indication of the extreme hatred between the two  groups.
     2. Jesus spreads love not hate.

V:12. " As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance.
A. Leprosy was a terrible, contagious and disfiguring disease. It was characterized by
     white sores over the body.
    1. Lepers were isolated from the community and usually kept out side the city.
    2. A leper was required to be 250 to 300 feet from the population.
    3. When they saw others approaching them, they were commanded to shout
        "unclean, unclean".  Lev 13:45-46.
    4. Leprosy symbolizes the sins of life and the devastating effects of sin.
       a. Everyone of us, live with the leprosy of sin.
       b. Everyone of us are affected by the leprosy of sin.
 B. In this text, Jesus  dealt with the hatred between men and the sins  of life.
    1. Leprosy isolated people from other people.
    2. Sin makes us unclean and isolates us from God,
    3. Hatred of others is sin.
    4. We ought to hate sin of any kind.     

C. Ten is a number used 199 times in the Bible.
    1. We have ten fingers, and ten toes.
    2. In the New testament Jesus gave a parable of 10 virgins.
    3. In the new testament a woman has 10 silver coins, loses one and sweeps the
        house to find the lost coin.
 4. In this text, Jesus dealt with 10 lepers who were isolated outside of the city,
     in need of His loving hand.

V:13. " And called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!"
 A. These men had heard about the healing powers of Jesus.
     1. They probably had heard that Jesus had authority over all kinds of
     2. They probably had heard that Jesus cared about those He came in contact with.
B. These ten men may have recognized that Jesus was Lord over men and circumstances.
     1. They called Him Jesus and they called Him master.
     2. They put their problem in His hand.
     3. The ten lepers had a simple prayer, "Master, have pity on us"
C. Everybody  had cast them out.
     1. Everybody  had left them to the dogs.
     2. Nobody gathered around them to pray.
     3. They were alone and without hope, until they saw Jesus.
 D. They were children of God being treated as outcast.
    1. They were men first.
    2. They had some issues they were dealing with.
    3. It was their issues that separated them from family, friends and the general
    4. The lepers issue should have generated love and compassion for them, but it
         generated selfish concern for the unaffected community.   

V:14. " When he saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed."
A. The word "saw" is the Hebrew word  "idon"  which mean Jesus was aware of their
     situation. He knew their sorrows.
   1. Jesus knew that the ten lepers were in a life and death situation.
   2. He knew that being  outcast, they were left to die.
   3. The ten lepers were forced outside the city gate and defenseless.
B. The ten lepers humbled themselves   before the Lord and prayed for His help.
   1. When you began talking to Jesus, is the moment when healing begins.
   1. Jesus, without healing the lepers, commanded them to go show themselves
      to the priest.
   2. You can respond to the Word of God in two ways.
       a. You can say yes.
       b. You can say no. It is your choice.
       c. If you say no, you will miss the blessing that God has for you.
 3. According to the text, these10 lepers, without hesitation started moving
     toward the priest.
 4. Jesus said go, they started moving.
     a. At the time they started moving, there was no evidence of a change in their
     b. It was only after they started moving that look down and saw they were healed.
     c. If the Word command you to do something, you should do it without
     d. Jesus will not tell you to do anything that is not helpful to you.

C. There are some points to consider here.
    1. They believed that Jesus could do what they ask of Him.
    2. They were obedient to His command.
    3. Without any evidence of a blessing they acted as if they were healed.
    4. You can't always see how God is going to work in your life.
    5. We have to learn to trust the Word of God and be patient with Him.
D. It is important to pay attention to their testimony.
    1. When no one else would help, they call with a loud voice to Jesus.
        a. They all were in the same situation, and all prayed to Jesus.
        b. Not a long prayer. Just, Lord have pity on us.
    2. They listened to the Word of Jesus.
    3. They believed the Word of Jesus.
    4. They were obedient to the Word of Jesus.
 E. Look at the results of their obedience.
    1. As they started walking they were cleansed.
    2. As they responded to the Word, a personal miracle took place in their lives.
    3. The Bible does not tell us, but the miracle may not have happen if they
        had been disobedient.   

V:15-16. " One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud  
          voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him — and he was a
A. One came to Jesus, the other nine went away.
    1. One came to Jesus, the other nine went back to their old life.
    2. On was changed, the other nine remain the same.
    3. One developed a relationship with Jesus. The other nine remain in the world.
    4. One came to the light. The other nine remain in the dark.
    5. One came to the source of power. The other nine went to the powerless.
B. One, when he realized what Jesus had done came back and praised God.
    1. The other nine went to give an offering to the priest who offered no help.
    2. One, when he realized what Jesus had done, testified that Jesus is God.
        a. The other nine look at God but failed to know God.

C. The Samaritan, who was a stranger to God, came to know and love God.
    1. The other nine, who had a relationship with God by way of their ancestors,
        walked away from God.
    2. All ten were in Church, but one stayed around for the benediction.
    3. All ten were blessed temporally, but one came back for the eternal blessing. 

V:17-18. " Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?
     as no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"
A. All ten lepers were in Sunday Church Service.
    1. One came back for Wednesday night Bible Study.
    2. All ten came together, but only one took time to show his gratefulness
B. All ten lepers, saw Jesus from a distance.
   1. Only one came close to Jesus.
   2. All ten lepers got helped. But only one humbled himself
       before Jesus.

V:19. " Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."
 A. All ten lepers received a physical healing.
    1. All ten were healed, but only one was made whole.
    2.  All ten lepers saw Jesus, but only one came to know Jesus.
    3. All ten lepers called on Jesus, but only one developed faith in Jesus.
 B. All ten lepers were blessed, but only one received eternal life.
     1. Nine lepers call on Jesus as lepers and remained as lepers.
     2. Nine were cleaned of their physical leprosy, but  remained lepers in sin.
     3. Only one, the Samaritan, was made righteous before God.



Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas