Thursday, May 7, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Spiritual Gifts", 5/10/2015


1 Corinthians 12:1-11

V:1. " Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant."
 A. One of the benefits of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the giving of spiritual
      1. The Holy Spirit is the giver of these gifts.
      2. Once in Jesus, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
 B. Because we were new to the faith after accepting Jesus, we were ignorant of these
     1. Ignorant does not mean dumb, it describes a state of unawareness.
     2. Once a Christian has been in the faith for a while, he/she will witness the spiritual
         gifs of  others in action.
         a. The question is; do you know your spiritual gifts?
         b. There are a number of tests you can take to help you determine your gifts.
         c. I really think that all you need  is a wiliness to serve in any capacity in the
         d. Once you get active serving the Lord, you will discover your spiritual gifts.
         e. Your spiritual gifts may be foreign to you until you start serving the Lord.
         f. You may find out that your spiritual gifts has nothing to do with what you
             are accustomed to doing.

V:2. " You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols."
A. The world does not have any spiritual gifts.
     1. We all have skills and talents that we have acquired over the years.
     2. A spiritual Gift is God given and not something learned or acquired.
B. Before we came to Christ, our worship was for ourselves, others or something
    1. You can worship your job, house, cars or other people.
    2. None of these thing bring lasting joy or benefit the soul.
C. Without Jesus in your life, the world is the major influence in your life.
    1. When there is no foundation for truth, you can be led in any direction that
        seems reasonable.
    2. True wisdom, which is in the Word is foolish to the world.   1 Cor 2:14

 V:3. " Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus
  be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
A.  There can be no Christian religion without Divine Inspiration.
    1. The Word of God is foolish to the world.
    2. Only a believer can know that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
B. The concept  of a man dying and being resurrected  to be Lord over all
     creation, both heaven and earth is foreign to the world.
    1. The concept of one man's blood shed on the cross covering the sins of the entire
         world, past, present and future is foreign to the world.
    2. The Sadducees, a leading group in the Jewish community doing Jesus time did not
         believe in the resurrection. 
    3. The entire Jewish community, except for a few renegades, rejected Jesus as Lord
        and Savior.
 C.  Only a few renegades empowered by the Holy Spirit excepted Jesus as Lord and
     1. Jesus asked Peter; who do you say that I am? Peter replied, you are the Christ.
         a. Jesus replied, that flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father
            in Heaven.
     2. It is the Spirit that convicts us when we study and meditate on God's Word.
         a. The world will get no conviction studying God's Word.  John 16:14
         b. The world will not be enlighten by the body of  truth, which is God's Word.  
  D. Man under the influence of the Holy Spirit cannot curse Jesus.
     1. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, man can only proclaim Jesus as Lord
         and Savior.
     2. The world, hearing the proclamation that Jesus is Lord, will not accept it
         or believe in Jesus.

V:4. "There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit."
   A. There are a variety of Gifts each different from the other.
        1. The Holy Spirit is the giver of divine gifts.
        2. God gives Spiritual Gifts according to His Will.   Heb 2:4
        3. The Father , the Son and the Spirit jointly gives gifts of the Spirit.  Eph 4:8
   B. Each gift is uniquely given to each believer for the edification of the body.             1
        Cor 14:12
       1. Every believer was chosen for God's specific purposes.
       2. We never know who will meet along the way that will need to be blessed by the
           gifts God has given us.
V:5. " There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord."
 A. There are various offices in the Church.
      1. The early Church had Apostles.
          a. These were the eye witnesses to the teaching and miracles of Jesus.
          b. These were the 11 original disciples of Jesus, plus the replacement for
              Judas and the Apostle Paul.
          c. The Apostles of the early Church had the power to do miracles including
              instant healing and the resurrection of the dead.   Acts 5:10, Acts 9:40, Acts 20:9
     2. The early church had prophets and teachers.
     3. The early church had the office of bishop, or presbyter.
     4. The early church had pastors and deacons.
 B. God the Father gives each believer the power to exercise his/her gift.
     1. Spiritual gifts are given by only the one true and living God.
     2. All spiritual gifts are given by one source, God the Father, God the Son and God the
         Holy Spirit.
     3. All of the offices of the Church were ordained by the one true and living God.

 V:6. " There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."
A. God is the power behind all the works we do for the Church.
    1. Without Jesus, we can accomplish nothing.  John 15:5
    2. Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches
    3. Apart from the vine, the branches cannot produce any fruit.
B. The Holy Spirit works in all who possess spiritual gifts.
   1. Each believer is given the ministry of reconciliation.  2 Cor 5:18
   2. This ministry may take the form of encouragement, teaching, preaching, serving
       in any capacity in the Church or community and proclaiming Jesus
       as Lord and Savior.
   3. God will put in our mist those who can benefit from our gifts.  
   4. God will prepare the hearts of those He puts in our mist to receive His Word
       from us.

 V:7. " Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."
   A. Spiritual gifts are not given for our personal edification.
       1. Spiritual gifts are given so that entire body of Christ is uplifted and
           built up to give God the glory.
       2. We are to use our gifts so that God can cause an increase in the body of Christ.
  B. All believers were given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit for the common good
      of the body of Christ.
     1. Spiritual gifts were not given to promote ourselves but so the Church can prosper.
     2. Spiritual gifts are not given so we look good, but so the Church can become the
         common good of the community.

 V:8. " To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,"
 A. Wisdom is insight to God's Word.
      1. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
      2. When we study God's Word we gain insight to His wisdom.
      3. When we study God's Word we gain insight to who He is, His power and
          glory and how He works in our lives.
B. Knowledge is the ability to apply God's Word to our life.
     1. Every situation is an opportunity to apply God's Word to our lives.
     2. When we live according to God's Word our faith in Him will grow.
     3. Jesus said; if you love me, keep my commandments.

V:9. "To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,"
   A. In relying on God's Word in every aspect our lives, our Faith grows.
       1. God gives each believer a measure of faith.  Rom 12:3
       2. The Word says that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move
           a. We must exercise our faith daily for it to growth.
   B. The Word says that , if anyone is sick, let him call the elders to pray for him
        and he will recover.  James 5:14
       1. The Word also says the prayers of the righteous man are power and effective .
          James 5:16.
       2. It is faith in the Word of God that activates our Spiritual Gifts.

 V:10. " To another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues."
A. Throughout the Old and the New Testament, God performed miracles through the
     mouths of faithful believers.
    1. God is still in the miracle business.
    2. I have personally seen God perform miracles in the my life and the lives of others.
        a. The miracles of God are activated through the prayers of faithful believers.
        b. The Word says, pray without ceasing.
 B. Throughout the Old and New Testament, God gave His message to faithful men
       about future events,
      1. Most of prophecies of the Old and New testament have been fulfilled.
      2. There still some prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
          a. The second coming of Jesus is yet to be fulfilled.
          b. The new heaven and new earth is yet to be fulfilled
      3. The Bible is closed. There are no new revelations.    Rev 22:19
           a. Men are enlighten by the Holy Spirit of what has already has been
               revealed in God's Word.
           b. You can say based on the Word that if someone continues in a certain
                behavior that there is a resulting outcome.
  C. There are evil spirits and the Holy Spirit.
       1. The Devil and his demons are evil spirits.
       2. Each believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
       3. If a person denies Jesus as Lord and Savior, he is under the influence of
           an evil spirit.
       b. No one can confess Jesus as Lord and Savior unless he is under the influence
           of the Holy Spirit.  1 Cor 12:3
  D. I think one of the most controversial  Spiritual gifts is the gift of tongues.
      1. We have taken the word tongue to mean some spiritual language which it is not.
      2. The Greek word for tongue is "glossa" which means a language naturally
           a. The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in a foreign language that
               you did not study.  (See Acts 2:1-16)  
      3. The Apostle Paul states the tongues was given for a sign for unbelievers
           and not for believers. 1 Cor 14:22

V:11 " All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one,
   just as he determines. "
  A. There are no superior gifts.
      1. All Spiritual gifts were given by God for the edification of the body of Christ.
      2. Every Spiritual gift is equal in it's importance to the body of Christ.
  B. Every believer has been given Spiritual gifts whether they are used or not.
     1. No one should be envious of anyone Spiritual gifts.
     2. They were not naturally acquired and no one can claim any glory for them.
C. We were chosen by God to be in the body of Christ.
      1. Upon our confession of faith, we were given gifts to accomplish God's
          will for our lives.
      2. One of the proofs that you are in the body of Christ is the naturally
          un-acquired gifts from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
 D. All spiritual gifts are the work of the Holy Spirit.
     1. Any believer using a Spiritual Gift is under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
     2. No one can boast of his/her gift.
     3. No one can claim superiority as a result of their Spiritual Gift.
     4. All boasting belong to the Lord...


Rev M. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church.

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