Friday, May 22, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The When and The Why To Using The Gifts Of Languages", 5/24/2015



Act 2:1-7, 12, 1 Cor 14:13-19

Acts 2:1-7

V:1. " When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. "
 A. Pentecost occurred fifty days after the resurrection Jesus.
     1. Jesus spent 40 days on earth after His resurrection visiting with His Disciples
         before ascending  into heaven.  
     2. Jesus instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem  until they received
         power  from on High.  Acts 1:8
     3. This date was adopted from Lev 23:16. After the Passover Festival, the
          Jews  were instructed to wait seven weeks until the next holiday called
          Festival of Weeks.
     4. The Festival of Weeks became the day to commemorate the giving of the Law
         to Moses on Mount Sinai   Ex 23:16 
  B. One hundred and twenty disciples were all in one place and on one accord.
      1. When there is unity in the Church, God can work wonders.
      2. There is tremendous power in unity.

V:2 " Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. "
 A. According to Acts 1:15, there were 120 disciples in one place (perhaps the Temple)
     when the Holy spirit was first given.
    1. This marked the beginning of the church.
    2. This marked the empowering of the church.
    3. This was the beginning of Gods Grace in the Church.
    4. The Law being fulfilled Jesus death on the cross, Grace took effect.
 B. This was a divine act of God.
     1. It was miraculous act of God.
     2. It was a planned act of God.
     3.  It fulfilled the promise of Jesus.
 C. The sound had it's origin in heaven.
     1. The sound was high in volume.
     2. The sound filled the house.
     3. The sound filled the disciples.
V:3. " They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them."
 A. They were all in prayer and on one accord.
     1. Prayer moves God to work on the behalf of believers.
     2. The giving of the Holy Spirit was made visible so the disciples could see
         and witness the miracle.
     2. Great things can be accomplished in the Church when all the members
         are focused on the will of the Father.
  B. God had one hundred and twenty witnesses to this great event.
      1. There was a single source of the tongues of fire which separated itself
          to each individual believer.
      2. This source is unlimited and goes where God directs it.
      3. God's power rested with each believer.
      4. Like Thunder and lighting, the Spirit came suddenly with great power and a loud
           a. The sound of thunder fills the atmosphere..
           b. Lightening can set on fire anything it touches

V:4. " All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."
A. All believers are equipped with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    1. To be filled with the Holy Spirit, we have to be completely submissive to
         the will of the Father.
    2. The Spiritual Gift to speak in languages unlearned comes at the will of the Father.
    3. The power and the effectiveness of all Spiritual Gifts is the Holy Spirit.

V:5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.
 A. Jesus was crucified doing the Passover Festival
     1. The Passover Festival commemorates the might acts of God when He allowed
        the  death Angel to Passover  all the first born of Israel.
     2. The death Angel kill all the first born of the Egyptians causing the Pharaoh to
          release  Israel from slavery.
     3. Every Jew from all known countries traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover
 B.  God identified devout men from 16 different countries whose language was
       different from Israel.
     1. These men had  a lifestyle of following the Jewish Law.
     2. These men knew the Father but did not know Jesus.
     3. They were in Jerusalem out of obedience to the Law.
V:6. " When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. "
 A. Like thunder, the sound of the rushing wind alerted these devout men to the area
      where the  120 disciples were assembled.
     1. The 120 disciples were empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak the devout Jews
          individual languages.
     2. The devout Jews were confused  that men who didn't know their language were
          speaking their individual languages.

V:7. " Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?"
     A. These devout Jews had been in Jerusalem long enough to know that these
          Galilean disciples did not have the training or the education to speak a
          different language.
      B. This event was unexpected because they had never heard a Galilean speak their
          1. You can not always judge a book by its' cover..
          2. With the power of the Holy Spirit,  we can do all things that pleases God.
          3. There is nothing to hard for God.
          4. Since we belong to God, there is nothing to hard for us with the power of

Acts 2:12
V:12. " Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
  A. When you study God's Word, you ought to be amazed.
       1. Every day you ought to be amazed at God's grace.
       1. The study of God's Word ought to cause you to seek a deeper understanding.
       2. You will never get too knowledgeable that you can't learn more about God.
  B.  The devout Jews were amazed, because they had never seen this display of
        God's power.
       1. In all their years, this had not happen in their presence.
       2. In all their studying of God's Word, they had not seen this in scripture.
       3. They knew enough about God to count this experience as a work of God.
  C. The devout Jews  asked "What does this mean?" 
       1. A wise man searches the Word God to get an understanding.
       2. This experience was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel.    Joel 2:28
       3. This was God pouring out His Spirit upon all who would believe in Jesus.
       4. This event was God giving power to the Church to evangelize the world.

1 Corinthians 14:13-19
V:13. " For this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says."
 A. The gift of languages was given to build up and to edify the Church.
     1. The gift of languages was given so that no one speaking in any language
          would miss the Gospel truth.
     2. The gift of language was given to draw unbelievers who spoke a different language
          to Christ.
 B. Notice at Pentecost, God focused this miracle event on the devout Jews who knew the
      scriptures but had not seen Jesus in the Scriptures.
    1. Having their attention, Peter preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    2. It is the preaching of the Word that enlighten us to an understanding of the
        Word guided by the Holy Spirit.
 C. The Holy Spirit gives gifts so that Word may be understood in any language.
     1. Babes in Christ need an interpreter.
     2. Teaching the Word in an unknown  language to the hearer would not do  any good. 
     3. The reason for speaking the Word is so men/women will be enlighten to
          righteousness of God.
     4. Before we began teaching the Word, we need to pray that God gives an
         interpretation to the hearers of the Word.
         a. We need to pray that hearts and minds be open and receptive to the Word.
         b. We need to pray that our pride be hid behind the cross so that we don't get in the
              way of the learning.
         c. We need to pray that we do not become stumbling blocks to the teaching of God.
V:14. " For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful."
 A. This verse indicates that the one with the gift of a foreign language does not
      understand the language he speaks.
    1. If he prays in that foreign language, he is unfruitful in his mind.
    2.  Paul used this statement as an example to show the unfruitfulness
         of a foreign language without interpretation.
        a. We do not need to pray in a foreign language because God understands
            all languages.
        b. If we do not know what we are asking for in prayer, what good is our
B. This verse also indicates that our gifts are dependent on the gifts of others for
    maximum effectiveness.
    1. The one with the gift of languages is dependent on the one with the gift
        of interpretation.
    2. The one with the gift of interpretation is dependent on the one with the gift of
    3. God made us all dependent on Him and dependent on each other.

V:15. " So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind."
 A. Prayer is a two way communication street.
     1. We pray to God to communicate our desires and to give Him praise.
     2. God communicates to us in languages we can understand.
     3. What good would the Word of God be to us in a language we cannot understand?
 B. If I do not know French, praising God in French would be unfruitful to me.
    1. My praise is an expression of my gratefulness for who God is and what He has
        done for me.
    2. I cannot express my thoughts in a language I don't understand. 

V:16. " If you are praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand say "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying? "
 A. The Church is the place where outsiders are invited to join the body of believers.
     1. What message would be given to an unbeliever if we explained the Gospel in a
         language he cannot understand.
     2. It is our responsibility  to always act in a manner that draws others to Christ.
 B. While our gifts are important, there is a proper time and place to use them.
    1. If we use them out of place, we use them to our own edification
    2. If we have a Church full of English speaking members, where is the need to speak in
        a different language.
   3. If visitors come into the assemble, we will soon discover if they have a need to be
       evangelized in a different language.
       a. If there is a need to speak the Gospel in a different language, God will arrange in
           advance to  have the one with the gift of that language present.
       b. If necessary, God will have the one with the gift of interpretation present also.
   4. It is God that gives the increase. He will not leave the Church lacking when there
       is a desire to spread the Gospel. 

V:17. " You may be giving thanks well enough, but the other man is not edified. "
 A. Before we use our gift of language, we need to ask the questions: Who gets the
      glory and who gets the edification?
    1. If only you know the gift of language, then no one gets the edification and God does
        not get the glory.
    2. I do not need to impress you with my gift, if there is no benefit for you.
    3. You do not need to be impressed, you need to be enlighten.

V:18. " I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you."
 A. The Apostle Paul used himself as a role model for the Church.
     1. If anyone could boast about their gifts, Paul was the one.
     2. He spoke more languages than all of the Church members.
 B. For Paul, it was his love for the brethren and his desire to proclaim the
      Gospel to the lost that caused the use of his gifts.
    1. His use of the gift of languages was to promote the Gospel of
        Jesus Christ.
     2. He said I am determined to know nothing, but Jesus Christ and Him

V:19. " But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue."
A. Paul deemphasized the display of his gifts and emphasized the importance of
     teaching the Word of God so others could get the right understanding.
  1. One of the major failures of the Church is that only a few members seek
      to get the right understanding of the Word of God.
  2. We do not have a problem filling the pews on Sunday morning.
  3. We do have a problem getting Church members to come out for Bible Study
       and Sunday School.
      a. Preaching gets us into the Church.
      b. Teaching keeps us in the Church.
      c. Teaching help us grow in the Word and knowledge of God.
  4. Proverbs 4:7 says "In all your getting, get an understanding."
B. When we don't study the Word for ourselves, we may be influenced by the thoughts
      of those who may not understand the Word.
   1. There is a good chance that at the Sunday Service, you will be sitting by someone
       who do not come to Church on a regular basis or who is not involved in serving
   2. It is our responsibility to encourage other believer to get actively involved in
       in the Church.


Rev M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

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