John 20:19-23
V:19. " On the evening of that first day of the week,
when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
A. The women got up
at daylight, the Sunday after Jesus crucifixion.
1.They headed to
the tomb where they knew the body of Jesus was laid on Friday.
2. They carried
spices to properly prepare the body of Jesus for it's final resting place.
3. They went
looking for a dead body but were met at the tomb by angels who
them that Jesus had risen from the dead on Sunday Morning.
B. The women went to
the grave looking for the dead, but found the living.
1. They went
looking for a body but found only grave clothing.
2. Jesus appeared
to Mary Magdalene outside the tomb, who was in a confused state
of what she heard and what she saw.
3. Jesus told
Mary to go tell the 11 disciples that He was alive.
C. The women did as
Jesus instructed them to do, but the eleven considered them
delusional and speaking idle tales.
1. Peter and
John raced to the tomb, and found it empty and the grave clothes in place
as the women
had said.
2. They went
back to the room where the disciples were hiding, not believing in the
3. They were
confused and afraid.
4. The eleven
disciples could not remember that Jesus told them several times
that He would
be killed and would be resurrected on the third day.
D. The Same Day was
1. The Same Day,
the Church begin it's operation.
2. The Same Day,
the prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus was fulfilled.
3. The Same Day,
Sunday, the worship day for the church to assembly was
4. The Same Day,
the proof of Gospel was established in the hearts of the disciples.
5. The Same Day,
there was victory over death forever.
6. The Same Day, there was victory over sin
E. Sunday was the
first day of the new Church in Jesus Christ.
1. This was the
First Day when belief in Jesus assured salvation.
2. This was the First
day when men received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
3. This was the
First Day when God looked at sinful us through the blood of Jesus.
4. This was the
First Day when the sins of the world, passed, present and future were
settled with God the Father forever. Rom 5:15
5. This was the
First Day when the light of the Word could be received by the
whole world.
6. This was the
First Day when people all over the world could be joined into
one family,
the body of Christ.
7. This was the
First Day when the regeneration of the mind was possible through
faith in
8. This was the
First Day when the Church realized the truth of the Word that
"God did not give us the spirit of fear,
but power, love and sound mind."
F. It was the Last Day.
1. It was the last
day that men were under the penalty of the Law.
2. It was the last
day when an unblemished animal had to be sacrificed for the sins of
3. It was the last
day when men needed to go to an earthly priest to intercede on
their behalf
before God.
G. The disciples
unbelief kept them in fear.
1. The disciples
unbelief kept them powerless.
2. The disciples
unbelief kept them stuck in the past.
3. The disciples
unbelief kept them in the same circle.
4. The disciples
unbelief kept them from experiencing the joy of the resurrection.
5. The disciples
unbelief kept their focus off Jesus and on their circumstances and
H. For those who
believe in Jesus, He stands in their mist.
1. Jesus speaks
to those who believe in Him.
2. Jesus brings
peace to those who believe in Him.
3. Jesus brings
joy to those who believe in Him.
4. Jesus brings
hope to those who believe in Him.
5. Jesus brings
comfort to those who believe in Him.
6. Jesus brings
contentment to those who believe in Him.
7. Jesus brings
enlightenment to those who believe in Him.
8. Jesus brings
direction to those who believe in Him,
9. Jesus is the
"ALL" for those who believe in Him.
a. All things
work together for those who love the Lord and are call according to
10. Jesus brings
eternal life to those who believe in Him.
V:20. " After he said this, he showed them his hands
and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord."
A. Jesus provides
proof that He is the resurrected Christ.
1. To the
disciples, He showed up.
2. He showed them
the holes in His hands and His side.
a. If you got
a hole in your flesh, you ought to be bleeding to death.
b. Jesus
resurrected body was not flesh and blood.
c. Jesus came
through closed doors.
d. Jesus
resurrected body could be touched by the disciples, so it had a
e. Jesus
resurrected body was spiritual because He could appear and disappear
in an
instant at His will.
B. The disciples
belief in the resurrection of Jesus came by sight and not by faith.
1. They had the
report from the women that Jesus was alive.
2. They had the
report of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus that Jesus was
Luke 24:13-26
3. They had the
evidence of the empty tomb.
4. They had the
evidence of the graves clothes in the tomb without Jesus.
5. It was only
when Jesus was in their presence that they believed that
He was
C. To us, 2000
years later, Jesus gives us proof that He is alive.
1. He drew us
to Him even though we did not know Him
2. He made us
believe in Him even though we can not see Him.
3. He gives us
an understanding of His Word.
4. He gives us
a measure of faith to continue to grow in the knowledge of Him.
5. He gives us
joy in good times and in tough times.
V:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the
Father has sent me, I am sending you."
A. We have to have
peace within ourselves to extend peace to others.
1. If we don't
have a peaceful heart, sooner or later our frustration will manifest
itself in
our demeanor and actions.
2. Without peace
in our heart, we could unintentionally discourage those we are
trying to draw to Christ.
3. Jesus gives
us His peace because it surpasses all understanding.
4. There has to
be a calmness about us, in mist of our troubles.
5. There has to
be a calmness about us, when others are troubled.
6. Some who come
to us, will come with their troubles.
B. Before we start on
the mission of Christ, we must put on the full armor of
1. Satan is busy
and ready to block the mission of Christ.
2. We cannot
afford to get weary in well doing, because in due season we will
find success
in Christ.
C. Christ commissioned
His disciples to be His ambassadors.
1. The Father
commission Jesus to be way to salvation for men.
2. Jesus
commissioned us (all believers) to proclaim the Gospel message to all we
come in
contact with.
3. Our mission is
to establish grace in every potential believer through faith
in Jesus
Christ. Mat 28:19
4. There is power
in proclaiming the Word.
1. The Word
convicts the hearts of the hearers.
2. Faith
comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
5. We have the
same job that Jesus had on earth.
1. The Father
sent Jesus into the world on a mission to redeem man from
his sins.
2. Jesus
sends us into the world with the message of redemption through faith in
V:22. " And with that he breathed on them and said,
"Receive the Holy Spirit. "
A. The Same Day,
Jesus breath His spirit into the ten disciples.
1. The Same Day, the disciples of Jesus
received the Holy Spirit
(Thomas was
not in the room).
a. Doing the
creative period, God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground.
b. God
breathed on the lifeless body He formed, and Adam became a living soul.
2. Jesus
breathed on His disciples and they became new creations in Him.
B. The Same Day,
Jesus disciples became His apostles.
1. They were
empowered with the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. They were
empowered with the Holy Spirit to stand on the truth.
3. They were
empowered to endure the hardships of the Gospel.
4. They were
empowered to endure persecutions.
5. They were
empowered to face death with Jesus Joy.
6. The Spirit
they received kept them until they received power from on high,
50 days
later( the day of Pentecost). Luke
24:49, Act 2:2
C. They put on
1. They were
baptized into his death and resurrected into His life.
2. The
righteousness of Christ was imputed on them.
3. They were
refocused on Jesus and His mission.
D. These were the first
pastors of the church.
1. They were the
first to receive Jesus as their High Priest.
2. The Jews under
the Law had many earthly priest to make sacrifices for their sins.
3. The Church
under grace has only one High Priest; Jesus Christ.
4. Under the Law,
the earthly priest made intercessions for the people.
5. Under Grace,
Jesus is the intercessor seated at the right hand of the Father.
V:23. " If you forgive anyone his sins, they are
forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."
A. The New Pastors of
the Church were empower by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the
forgiveness of
sins through faith in Jesus Christ.
1. The disciples
of Jesus was given the power to accept into the Church
believers in
Jesus Christ by their confession of faith.
2. The Church is
given the power to reject those who reject Christ as Lord and
Savior. Mat 10:14
B. The mission of the
Church is to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2
1. The mission of
the Church is to proclaim faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ
for the
atonement of sin. Rom 3:25
a. Jesus said
to his disciples; "Upon this rock (confession of faith) I will build
Church." Mat 16:18
2. The mission of
the Church is to proclaim that Christ died on the cross for sinners
like you and
me. Rom 5:8
3. Sinless Christ
was counted among the worst criminals
for the worst in us.
Luke 22:37
Rev. M. Mitchell Asst. Pastor of GMBC
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