Friday, March 6, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "How To Love God", 3/8/2015


John 14:15-26

V:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command."
 A. The definition of love; keep God's commands.
      1.The Lord said, I would rather have obedience than sacrifice.  Hosea 6:6
      2. God is love.   Rom 10:15
      3. Everything good is a result of God's love.
  B. To know what God commands, you must study His Word.
      1. Reading the Bible to know the Word is not enough.
      2. Reading the Bible to be obedient to the Word is the objective.
 C. Love is not a feeling, but an action.
     1. Our love for God causes us to be unselfish toward one another.
     2. Our love is shown by what we do unselfishly for others.
     3. Love causes us to consider the will of God first.
     4. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son as a sacrifice for
         our sins.

 V:16. " And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever."
 A. While Jesus was on earth, He was the Counselor for His disciples.
     1. The word "Counselor" is the Greek word "paraklecton" which means advocate
         or defender.
        a. The work of the Holy Spirit is to "call one to us", call one to aid us,  pray or
        b. The Holy Spirit is applying the work of God to the hearts of men.
     2. The Holy Spirit can cause your enemy to be your help.
         a. He can cause strangers to come to your rescue.
         b. The Holy Spirit takes our groans and turns them into prayers before the Father.
             Rom 8:26
 B. While Jesus was on earth in the flesh, He was with a few disciples.
      1. The Holy Spirit is present in the flesh of all believers.
      2. Jesus in the flesh, operated in just a small area, less than the size of Texas.
      3. The Holy Spirit operates in the hearts of believers around the world.
 C. The Holy Spirit empowers the Church to do the work of the Lord.
      1. The Holy Spirit is our teacher of the Word.
      2. The Holy Spirit causes us to remember the Word of God.
   D. Jesus is our advocate at the right hand of the Father.
     1. The Holy Spirit is our advocate here on earth.
     2. The Holy Spirit guides our understanding of God's Word.

 V:17. " The Spirit of truth, The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor
   knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."
 A. There are two types of people in the world.
      1. Believers and none believers.
      2. Those with the Word of Truth and those without the Word.
      3. Those with the Holy Spirit and those without the Holy Spirit.
      4. Those destine for heaven and those destine for hell.
 B. Before the foundation of the world, God selected those who He would call out of the
      world.    Isa 43:1,  1 Peter 1:2
      1. No one can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father.  John 6:44
      2. God causes us to believe in Him.
      3. We were born in sin with the nature of sin.
          a. We were not capable on our own of believing in Jesus.
          b. There is none righteous, no not one.
          c. God caused our minds to turn toward Him.
      4. The instant we accepted Christ as our personal Savior, the nature of sin was
           replaced with the nature of Jesus, prepared to grow in the Spirit.
           a. Anyone in Christ is a new creation.
           b. Jesus is that new creation in us.

 V:18. " I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
  A. Jesus expressed His love for his disciples as a mother loves her children.
      1. Even though Jesus was going to the cross to die for the sins of the world, he would
          continue to live in His disciples, as they meditated on His Word.
      2. Jesus said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
      3. Jesus is present with us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
 B. Jesus ascended back into heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.
      1. He sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples to be their comforter.
      2. The Holy Spirit is our constant reminder of the Word.
 C. Jesus will return again to receive His Church to Himself.
     1. The reason Jesus came down from heaven was to die on  the cross as the
         atonement for the sins of the world.
     2. Those He redeemed are part of His Church.
         a. Upon the confession of faith, the Church is built.
         b. Our faith comes by hearing and our hearing by the Word of God.
     3. Christ loves His Church.

 V:19. " Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I
  live, you also will live."
 A. In the flesh, everyone who came in contact with Jesus could see Him.
     1. Seeing Jesus and knowing Jesus are two different things.
     2. They that worship him must worship Him in spirit and truth.
     3. Now that Jesus is in heaven, only those who are spiritual can see Him.
     4. The just live by faith and not by sight.
         a. We must trust God to do what we can't do for ourselves.
         b. God has more in store for us than we can know or even concieve.
     5. Faith is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.
 B. If we abide in the Word of Jesus, He will abide in us.   John 17:14-17
     1. God gives us spiritual sight to see by faith His vision of our lives and our
         purpose for being here.     Rom 10:17
     2. Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
     3. It is the understanding of the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit that
         cleanses us.  John 15:3    

 V:20. " On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am
  in you."
  A. Jesus and the Father are one.
      1. Once we see Jesus in the Spirit, we will see the Father.
      2. We should see Jesus as being obedient to the Father.
      3. Jesus said that those that the Father gave Him would not be lost.
  B. We cannot be lost from Jesus.
      1. Jesus is omnipresence as the Father is omnipresence.
      2. There is no where we can go to get away from the Father.
      3. We will come to a point in our spiritual walk to know that we are in Jesus.

 V:21. " Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."
 A. Jesus gave us the benefits of  being  obedient to His commands.
     1. He gave us the opportunity of knowing Him.
     2. He gave us a new life in Him.
     3. He gave us the opportunity to love Him more than anyone or anything else.
     4. All we have to do to show our love for Him is to be obedient to
         His commands.
     5. By loving Jesus, we also love the Father.
 B. God's Love not only includes our eternal life but also our needs on earth.
     1. Jesus said if we live according to God's will, we can ask what we want and it
         will be done for us.
     2. God is concerned about our welfare.
         a. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
         b. Jesus' love covers our every concern.
 C. God shows His love to us through His creation.
      1. Each day, He shows us His glory when the sun rises and air around us is
      2. God  informs us that if He provides for the birds who neither plant or
          toil, plan or worry, He certainly  will provide for us. 

 V:22. " Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, "But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?"
 A. Good question?
     1. God has revealed Himself to all believers through His Word.
     2. The world can not receive Him, nor will they ever know Him.
     3. The world does not seek to know Jesus.
     4. Jesus said Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you shall find, Knock
         and the door will be opened.
         a. The world is not given this information because it is foolish to them.
         b. The world knows only what it can see.
         c. Believers know what the Spirit reveals.
         d. Believers know the will of God. Nonbelievers do not have this insight.
 B. God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
      1. We will never know the mind of God.
      2. But what we do know is, God makes all things work for the good of those
          who love Him.

 V:23. " Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."
 A. The love of God means obedience to His teaching.
     1. Obedience activates the promises of God.
     2. When we live our lives out of obedience, the love of God covers us.
 B. Our eternal life is secured through our faith in God's Word.
    1. God comes to us because of our obedience.
    2. God promises a home with Him because of our obedience.

 V:24. " He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are
  not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."
 A. Those without the Word of Truth don't know what love is.
     1. We have been taught by the world that love is a feeling.
     2. Therefore we go through life looking for this special feeling.
     3. On the night time soap opera, "The Bachelor", one man is
         seeking love among many women.
         a. His feelings are messed up because he is around too many women.
         b. It will be difficult for him to find love, because he is allowing
             his feelings to direct him.
         c. Love is not found in a kiss or casual conversation.
         b. Love is found in proven devotion and dedication to one another.
         c. Love will be found in one who loves the Word of God and practices
             the Word in their lives.
 B. God does not define love in feelings or emotions, but in obedience to His Word.
     1. Love is what we are willing to unselfishly sacrifice for the Father because
         of His unselfish sacrifice of His Son.
     2. Our greatest sacrifice is to give up ourselves and take on the mission of Christ.
     3. We may not feel like doing something, but if God said it, love demands it.

 V:25-26. "All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy  
  Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind
  you of everything I have said to you."
 A. These two verses present the triune God.
      1. Jesus, The Son is speaking.
      2. In verse 26, He speaks of the work of the Father and the work of the
          Holy Spirit.
 B. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
     1. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit work in unity.
     2. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit work together to
         redeem God's Elect.
     3. The Father sent Jesus the Son with the Word to die on the cross
          to satisfy His demand for justice for the sins of the World.
     4. The Father sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, His redeemed,
          the Word of Jesus.
         a. The Holy Spirit is our advocate on earth.
         b. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor.
         c. The Holy Spirit is our comforter.
         b. The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the Word.
         c. The Holy Spirit is the one who reminds us of God's Word.
 C. The text says that the Holy Spirit will teach us "all things".
     1. Certainly, the Holy Spirit will teach us God's Word.
     2. There are some "things", some situations, some temptations that
         are not specified in the Word of Truth that will happen to us
         living on earth.
         a. The Holy Spirit will teach us how to handle these "things"
             according to the Word.
         b. We do not know all the devices of the Devil, but the Holy Spirit
             will teach us how to recognize them and how to handle them.
    3. There are some things about God that we do not know, that the Holy
         Spirit will teach us in God's time.


Rev. M. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC

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