Thursday, March 26, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The King Makes Himself Known", 3/29/2015


Mark 11:1-11

V:1. " As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples."
 A. Before you plan a trip, you should check to see if it is where Jesus would want you to
    1. Before you take a trip you ought to seek the blessings of God.
    2. There are all kinds of dangers in our path that we need the protection, the guidance
         and the direction of the Lord.
    3. Jesus is our travel agency.
    4. Jesus has all the foreknowledge of what we will encounter on any trip.
    5. Perhaps, if you check with Jesus first, there are some trips you would not take.
 B. Jesus and His disciples were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the passover feast.
     1. He stopped at Bethany about 1.5-2 miles from Jerusalem.
         (Jerusalem= the capital of Palestine, the religious capital of Israel)
         a. Bethphage may have been at the peak of the Mount of Olives (orchard).
         b. Bethphage is at an elevation of 2600 feet which provides an excellent
             view of the Holy City.
             Bethphage= house of unripe figs
         c. Bethany was a little lower on the Mount of Olives
             Bethany= house of depression, misery
         d. Bethany was the village where Mary and Martha lived and the site of the tomb of
         e. Bethany is also thought to be the place for the almshouse for the poor.
     2. Jesus selected two of His disciples to send ahead of Him to Jerusalem.
 C. Why did Jesus select two of His disciples?
      1. I can only suggest that by two witnesses a thing can be confirmed.
      2. Maybe with two and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a cord is made strong.
      3. Maybe the two could support and comfort each other.
      4. Maybe the task ahead of them would require two men.
      5. The only truth that is relevant is Jesus sent two.
      6. When Jesus sends you out, you are on His mission and under His care.

V:2. " Saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here."
 A. Jesus is omniscience. He knows everything.
     1. Jesus knew that there would be a colt tied up.
     2. Jesus knew where the colt would be.
     3. He knew the condition of the colt.
     4. Jesus knew the colt would be tied with his mother. Mat 21:2
     5. Jesus knew that the colt and his mother would be available for His use.
 B. Jesus knows the future, so He knows what is ahead of us.
     1. Jesus will make available to us whatever we need to do His will.
     2. When Jesus sends us on a mission, He send us with His authority and His power.
     3. The disciples had the authority to untie the colt and it's mother and bring them
          to Jesus.
     4. Maybe one of the reasons Jesus sent two disciples was because they were to bring
         two animals for His use.

  C. We support the mission of Jesus by being obedient to His commands.
      1. We may not know the reason God called us to do something, but we can be
           sure that it will work out for our benefit.
      2. The two disciples didn't ask Jesus "why", they immediately started their journey to
          do what Jesus told them to do.
      3. Perhaps Jesus chose a colt that had never been broken, because He would not be
          broken by men.
         a. When we come to Jesus by faith, we are made new in Christ, never to be broken
             by  men or circumstances.
         b. The colt was loosed as we are loosed from the sins that binds us.
         c. Before we met Christ, we were tied up in our sins, but now we are free.
         d. Jesus said that we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. Jn 8:32
V:3. " If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly."
 A. Jesus knows the thoughts and actions  of men before they think or act.
     1. Jesus prepared the hearts of men who don't know Him to serve Him.
     2. When we are doing the Lord's work, the Holy Spirit will guide our conversation
          when we are confronted by men.  Mat 10:19
 B. Jesus do not need what we have, but we must allow Him to use what we have so that
      the Father gets the glory.
    1. The Lord will always return what we sacrifice for Him.  Mat 19:29
    2. The Lord does not just return what we give to Him, He multiplies the return.

V:4. " They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway."
  A. In time, God will confirm to us that His Word is the truth.
      1. The two disciples found the colt  just as Jesus said.
      2. God does not always reveal everything about His mission to us at one time.
      3. He will in His time confirm His mission to us.
 B. Obedience is the key to the success of any Church mission.
     1. We have to eliminate what we want, to do what God wants us to do.
     2. It takes courage to follow the commands of God, when you can't see the outcome
         before you act.
     3. The just live by faith and not by sight.
     4. In all things, we should act on the council of the Lord.      
V:5. " As they untied it, some people standing there asked, "What are you doing, untying
  the  colt?"
  A. It was the owners of the colt and the ass who asked the disciples why they were
       untying what belong to them.   Luke 19:33
      1. Jesus knew the owners of the colt would be present when His disciples
          untied the colt.
          a. He prepared the disciples with an answer to give the owners.
          b. Jesus prepared the hearts of the owners to accept His answer.
 B. Your confidence in Jesus will be tested.
      1. People will ask why you follow a Jesus that they can't see.
      2. All we are instructed to do is to proclaim the Word of Jesus.
      3. The Word will convict the hearts of man to do what Jesus ask.
      4. The Word will cause others to follow Jesus.
V:6. " They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. "
  A. To be successful in the ministry of Jesus Christ, you have to stand on His Word.
      1. Our conversation should be all about Jesus.
      2. People in the dark need a conversation with someone in the light.
  B. Don't allow your circumstances to cause you to stray from the Word of God.
      1. Use your circumstances to test the Word of God.
      2. You circumstances may be allowed for you to get closer to God.

V:7 "When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it."
  A. Jesus didn't tell His disciple why He needed the colt before they brought it to Him.
      1. We will eventually know the plan of God as we follow His commands.
      2. Perhaps Jesus discussed the purpose of the colt when they brought it to Him.
 B. They honored Jesus with their obedience and their substance.
      1. They honored Jesus by following His command to get the colt.
      2. They honored Jesus by placing their coats on the back of the colt for Him to ride.
 C. The colt had similar characteristics  as Jesus.
      1. The colt was a lowly animal esteemed by his works.
      2. Jesus came in a lowly, humble form and is esteemed by what He has done for us.
          a. He was king but He allowed Himself to be treated as a criminal  for our sakes.
 B. Jesus rode on the colt as the lowly King of the Jews.
     1. He took off His robe of glory, stepped down from Heaven to become the
         shepherd of mankind.
     2. He took the position of King by getting on the donkey.
         a. The ride to Jerusalem was a triumphal entry as the anointed King and Savior.
         b. The donkey was considered an animal fit for a king to ride.  1 Kings 1:33
     3. He and the colt still low and humble began the journey to the cross.
     4. Jerusalem and the temple was a temporary stopping point.

V:8. " Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields."
 A. When you get excited about Jesus as your King, others will become excited.
     1. Everybody at some point in their lives seek the excitement of life.
     2. Some people need to be directed toward the excitement in Jesus.
     3. Some people need to be reminded of the excitement of having a relationship with
 B. The world needs to see you as the Church, serving Jesus.
      1. The world need to see you praising Jesus to know that they need to praise Jesus.
      2. We are God's ambassadors called to lead others to Jesus.
      3. When the crowd saw the disciples worshiping Jesus, they started worshipping
           Jesus in the same manner.
      4. The crowd made a carpet of branches cut from trees to worship Jesus.
      5. All you got to do is to start the worship and others will follow.
      6. Some people need to be led in the worship of the Lord.
      7. God will always present you with an opportunity to worship His Son.  

V:9 Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, "Hosanna!"  "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
A. Once the Church shows up for worship, others will come and join in.
     1. Some will become leaders.
     2. Others will be followers.
     3. Some will bring new praise and worship songs.
     4. Others will add their voices to the new songs.
 B. The Word "Hosanna" means "save now".
     1. Israel was looking for a King to replace the Roman government.
     2. Israel want to have a king from the line of David to rule over them.   John 6:15
     3. Israel was looking for the Messiah promised in Daniel 9:25:
         "Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment
          to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven
          weeks and threescore and two weeks." (483 years). Three decrees were given
          concerning the rebuilding of the Temple, 2 Chronicles 36:22, Ezra 1:1-3, Ezra

V:10 "Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!" "Hosanna in the highest!"
 A. Jesus chose a donkey to ride into Jerusalem to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9:
      " Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion: shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold thy
         King cometh unto thee; he is just, and having salvation; lowly and riding upon an
         an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." 
 B. In fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, Jesus claimed Himself to be King of Israel
      and the Messiah.
     1. He again, angered the religious authorities of Israel which led to His trial and
     2. With the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, God's plan of redemption for man was
V:11. " Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple. He looked around at everything,
 but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve. "
 A. Jesus rode into Jerusalem with much praise from His followers.
     1. He made no attempt to claim Jerusalem or the Temple as belonging to Him.
     2. He went into the Temple looked around and then went back out of the city.
 B. Jesus probably was not impressed with what He saw.
    1. The Temple was not His design; It had been modified by Herod.
    2. The Temple had become a house of commerce rather than a House of prayer.
    3. The religious leaders were involved in their traditions rather than the righteousness
        of God.
    4. He grieved for Israel because they would reject Him in favor of their traditions.
 C. Jesus came into the city with much praise from many so called worshippers,
      but left with only the twelve.
    1. True worshipers of Jesus worship Him all the time, not just during Church
    2. True worshipers of Jesus do not follow the crowd, they follow Jesus.
    3. True worshipers of Jesus are not moved by the emotions of the crowd, but by
        a spirit of gratefulness.
 D. The Jews missed Jesus, because He did not look like the king they expected.
     1. Do not miss out on life because God does not give you the answer in the form
         fashion that you seek.
     2. God answers prayer in His way and His time.


Rev M. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC

Thursday, March 19, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What Happen On Resurrection Sunday", 3/22/2015


John 20:19-23

V:19. " On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
 A. The women got up at daylight, the Sunday after Jesus crucifixion.
      1.They headed to the tomb where they knew the body of Jesus was laid on Friday.
      2. They carried spices to properly prepare the body of Jesus for it's final resting place.
      3. They went looking for a dead body but were met at the tomb by angels who
           informed them that Jesus had risen from the dead on Sunday Morning.
 B. The women went to the grave looking for the dead, but found the living.
     1. They went looking for a body but found only grave clothing.
     2. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene outside the tomb, who was in a confused state
         because of  what she heard and what she saw.
     3. Jesus told Mary to go tell the 11 disciples that He was alive.
 C. The women did as Jesus instructed them to do, but the eleven considered them
      delusional and  speaking idle tales.
      1. Peter and John raced to the tomb, and found it empty and the grave clothes in place    
          as the women had said.
      2. They went back to the room where the disciples were hiding, not believing in the
      3. They were confused and afraid.
      4. The eleven disciples could not remember that Jesus told them several times
           that He would be killed and would be resurrected on the third day.

 D. The Same Day was Sunday.
      1. The Same Day, the Church begin it's operation.
      2. The Same Day, the prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus was fulfilled.
      3. The Same Day, Sunday, the worship day for the church to assembly was
      4. The Same Day, the proof of Gospel was established in the hearts of the disciples.
      5. The Same Day, there was victory over death forever.
      6. The Same Day, there was victory over sin forever.

 E. Sunday was the first day of the new Church in Jesus Christ.
     1. This was the First Day when belief in Jesus assured salvation.
     2. This was the First day when men received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
     3. This was the First Day when God looked at sinful us through the blood of Jesus.
     4. This was the First Day when the sins of the world, passed, present and future were
         settled with God the Father forever.   Rom  5:15
     5. This was the First Day when the light of the Word could be received by the
          whole world.
     6. This was the First Day when people all over the world could be joined into
         one family, the body of Christ.
     7. This was the First Day when the regeneration of the mind was possible through
         faith in Jesus.
     8. This was the First Day when the Church realized the truth of the Word that
         "God did not give us the spirit of fear, but power, love and sound mind." 

F. It was the Last Day.
    1. It was the last day that men were under the penalty of the Law.
    2. It was the last day when an unblemished animal had to be sacrificed for the sins of
    3. It was the last day when men needed to go to an earthly priest to intercede on
        their behalf before God.

 G. The disciples unbelief kept them in fear.
     1. The disciples unbelief kept them powerless.
     2. The disciples unbelief kept them stuck in the past.
     3. The disciples unbelief kept them in the same circle.
     4. The disciples unbelief kept them from experiencing the joy of the resurrection.
     5. The disciples unbelief kept their focus off Jesus and on their circumstances and

 H. For those who believe in Jesus, He stands in their mist.
     1. Jesus speaks to those who believe in Him.
     2. Jesus brings peace to those who believe in Him.
     3. Jesus brings joy to those who believe in Him.
     4. Jesus brings hope to those who believe in Him.
     5. Jesus brings comfort to those who believe in Him.
     6. Jesus brings contentment to those who believe in Him.
     7. Jesus brings enlightenment to those who believe in Him.
     8. Jesus brings direction to those who believe in Him,
     9. Jesus is the "ALL" for those who believe in Him.
         a. All things work together for those who love the Lord and are call according to
             His proposes.
     10. Jesus brings eternal life to those who believe in Him.

V:20. " After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord."
 A. Jesus provides proof that He is the resurrected Christ.
     1. To the disciples, He showed up.
     2. He showed them the holes in His hands and His side.
        a. If you got a hole in your flesh, you ought to be bleeding to death.
        b. Jesus resurrected body was not flesh and blood.
        c. Jesus came through closed doors.
        d. Jesus resurrected body could be touched by the disciples, so it had a
            physical presence.
        e. Jesus resurrected body was spiritual because He could appear and disappear
            in an instant at His will.
 B. The disciples belief in the resurrection of Jesus came by sight and not by faith.
      1. They had the report from the women that Jesus was alive.
      2. They had the report of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus that Jesus was
            alive. Luke 24:13-26
      3. They had the evidence of the empty tomb.
      4. They had the evidence of the graves clothes in the tomb without Jesus.
      5. It was only when Jesus was in their presence that they believed that  
            He was alive.
   C. To us, 2000 years later, Jesus gives us proof that He is alive.
       1. He drew us to Him even though we did not know Him
       2. He made us believe in Him even though we can not see Him.
       3. He gives us an understanding of His Word.
       4. He gives us a measure of faith to continue to grow in the knowledge of Him.
       5. He gives us joy in good times and in tough times.

V:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
 A. We have to have peace within ourselves to extend peace to others.
      1. If we don't have a peaceful heart, sooner or later our frustration will manifest
          itself in our demeanor and actions.
      2. Without peace in our heart, we could unintentionally discourage those we are
          trying to draw to Christ.
      3. Jesus gives us His peace because it surpasses all understanding.
      4. There has to be a calmness about us, in mist of our troubles.
      5. There has to be a calmness about us, when others are troubled.
      6. Some who come to us, will come with their troubles.
 B. Before we start on the mission of Christ, we must put on the full armor of
     1. Satan is busy and ready to block the mission of Christ.
     2. We cannot afford to get weary in well doing, because in due season we will
          find success in Christ.
 C. Christ commissioned His disciples to be His ambassadors.
     1. The Father commission Jesus to be way to salvation for men.
     2. Jesus commissioned us (all believers) to proclaim the Gospel message to all we
         come in contact with. 
     3. Our mission is to establish grace in every potential believer through faith
         in Jesus Christ. Mat 28:19
     4. There is power in proclaiming the Word.
         1. The Word convicts the hearts of the hearers.
         2. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
     5. We have the same job that Jesus had on earth.
         1. The Father sent Jesus into the world on a mission to redeem man from
             his sins.
         2. Jesus sends us into the world with the message of redemption through faith in

V:22. " And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. "
 A. The Same Day, Jesus breath His spirit into the ten disciples.
      1. The Same Day, the disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit
          (Thomas was not in the room).
          a. Doing the creative period, God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground.
          b. God breathed on the lifeless body He formed, and Adam became a living soul.
      2. Jesus breathed on His disciples and they became new creations in Him.
 B. The Same Day, Jesus disciples became His apostles.
     1. They were empowered with the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
     2. They were empowered with the Holy Spirit to stand on the truth.
     3. They were empowered to endure the hardships of the Gospel.
     4. They were empowered to endure persecutions.
     5. They were empowered to face death with Jesus Joy.
     6. The Spirit they received kept them until they received power from on high,
         50 days later( the day of Pentecost).  Luke 24:49, Act 2:2
 C. They put on Christ.
     1. They were baptized into his death and resurrected into His life.
     2. The righteousness of Christ was imputed on them.
     3. They were refocused on Jesus and His mission.
 D. These were the first pastors of the church.
     1. They were the first to receive Jesus as their High Priest.
     2. The Jews under the Law had many earthly priest to make sacrifices for their sins.
     3. The Church under grace has only one High Priest; Jesus Christ.
     4. Under the Law, the earthly priest made intercessions for the people.
     5. Under Grace, Jesus is the intercessor seated at the right hand of the Father.

V:23. " If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."
 A. The New Pastors of the Church were empower by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the
      forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ.
    1. The disciples of Jesus was given the power to accept into the Church
         believers in Jesus Christ by their confession of faith.
    2. The Church is given the power to reject those who reject Christ as Lord and
        Savior.  Mat 10:14
 B. The mission of the Church is to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2
    1. The mission of the Church is to proclaim faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ
         for the atonement of sin.  Rom 3:25
         a. Jesus said to his disciples; "Upon this rock (confession of faith) I will build
             my Church."  Mat 16:18
    2. The mission of the Church is to proclaim that Christ died on the cross for sinners
        like you and me.  Rom 5:8
    3. Sinless Christ was counted among the worst criminals  for the worst in us.
        Luke 22:37

Rev. M. Mitchell Asst. Pastor of GMBC

Thursday, March 12, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Work Of The Holy Spirit", 3/15/2015


John 16:4-15

V:4. " I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you."
 A. Jesus prepared His disciples for the time when He would die on the cross and return
      to the right hand of the Father.
      1. They witness the cruelty of His death on the cross.
      2. They  started the Church without His physical presence.
      3. They were hated by their own people for preaching Jesus Christ.
      4. They were run out of their own synagogues by the religious leaders.
      5. They were lied on by the leaders of the religious community.
      6. Some were persecuted for their belief in Jesus.
 B. When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, they  did not fully understand
      them, but would in a short period of time.
     1.  It is good to be warned about things to come.
     2. One of the jobs of the resident  Holy Spirit is to warn us about the devices of
         the Devil. 
     3. The Devil is always busy and we need to recognize his work.
         a. If we don't recognize the Devil's work, we  will get up set with his workers
             and not do battle with him.
         b. Another Job of the Holy Spirit is to strengthen us for the battle.
 C. God does not reveal to us everything about His mission  because we are
      not able to handle all that He has planned for us a one time.
     1. If we were told early in our lives all that would happen to us throughout
         our lives, we would be overwhelmed.
     2. God reveals to us only that which we can handle at one time.
     3. We have to trust God to empower us to handle that which He allows  to
          happen in our lives.

V:5.  "Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, Where are you going?"
 A. The disciples of Jesus were so involved  in the mission of Jesus, that they could not
      understand the vision of Jesus.
     1. The disciples were so involved in the mission of Jesus that could not understand the
         plan of Jesus.
     2. The disciples were so involved in their agenda for the mission, that they understand
         God's agenda.
    3. The disciples were so involved with the physical work of Jesus that they could not
        see spiritual work of Jesus.
    4. The disciples were so involved with what they wanted Jesus to do that they could
        not hear what He told them He was going to do.
B. The disciples of Jesus did not want to hear about the cross, they wanted hear about
     the victory.
   1. The disciples wanted to hear about the kingdom, but did not want to do what it would
       take to get to the kingdom.  
   2. The disciples were excited about the movement, but not interested in where
        movement would take them.
 C. The disciples missed it.
      1. Jesus told His disciple He was going away, and they did not ask where He was
      2. Jesus told His disciples He was going to the Father and they didn't ask how He
          was going to get to the Father.
      3. Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer at the hands of men and they didn't
          ask what men.
      4. Jesus told His disciple that He would be killed, but would rise again in three days.
          a. And they didn't ask who would kill him and when He would be killed.
          b. It did not occur to them to ask how He would he be raised.
 D. If we don't listen to Jesus, we will not hear Him.
     1. If we try to over ride the Word with our agenda, we will miss the mark.
     2. If we are doing too much talking and too much thinking, we may not be able to
         hear Jesus when He is speaking to us.
         a. There is a time to speak.
         b. There is a time to shut up and listen.
         c. When the Word is being taught, is the time to listen.
     3. We must believe every Word of Jesus and take Him seriously.

V:6. " Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief."
 A. The disciples were like us, they heard what they wanted to hear.
     1. Jesus told His disciples He was going away, but they did not hear
         that he would come again.
     2. They were grieved at His leaving, but they could not find joy in His statement
          that He would return.
 B. The disciple knew that Jesus could resurrect people from the dead.
     1. He had raised several people from the dead in their presence.
     2. They could not see Jesus being raised from the dead,
          even though He said, "I am the resurrection and the life".
     3. They did not want to entertain the thought of their leader dying.
     4. They missed the mark because of their unbelief.
     5. They missed the mark because they failed to listen to the Word.
         and take it seriously.

V:7. " But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
 A. The Counselor, Jesus Christ, referred to another Counselor, the Holy Spirit who
      would take His place in the hearts of men.
     1. The Word is the truth, you either receive it or reject it.
     2. The Word is the truth, you either trust it or trust yourself.
 B. Whatever Jesus does is for our good.
     1. We don't have to understand the Word to believe it.
     2. You don't have to understand the Word to act on it.
     3. You don't have to understand  the Word to know that it is for your good.
 C. Our life with Jesus goes in stages.
    1. When we complete one stage, Jesus moves us to the next stage.
    2. We have the unbelief stage, the infant stage, the child stage, the mature
        stage and the out of here to heaven stage.
    3. Each stage has it's problems, but each stage is designed for our growth and

V:8. " When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment."
A. There is a purpose for the giving of the Holy Spirit.
    1. The Holy Spirit was given for believers and for none believers.
    2. To believers, the Holy Spirit was given to be a help.
    3. To none believers, it was given to be a warning and a judge.
B. The Holy Spirit will convict the world.
   1. No one can claim that they don't know right from wrong.
   2. Everybody was given a mind to know right from wrong.
   3. The Holy spirit uses our minds to point and convict us of our sins.
C. The Holy Spirit is the believer's teacher of the righteousness of God.
      a. Once we know Jesus, we know the guilt of our sins.
      b. Once we know Jesus, we know the Mercy of God that covers our sins.
      c. Once we know Jesus, we know the Grace of God in redeeming us.
D. Everybody will come to the realization that there is a day of judgment.
    1. God created governments to remind us of our wrongful behavior.
    2. The law was given for those whose intent is to do wrong.

V:9. " In regard to sin, because men do not believe in me."
 A. Jesus died at the hands of sinful men presenting themselves as God's judges.
    1. After the death of Jesus, some who rejected Him came to know Him
       as the true and living God.
    2. The greatest sin of man is to reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.
    3. The Holy Spirit will convict those who rejected Jesus of their sins and
        their need of atonement for their sins.
 B. Others who reject Jesus and never repent will be convicted into the eternal hell.

V:10. " In regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer."
A. The resurrection of Jesus would be proof to His disciples that He came from God,
     that He was God and was exalted to the right hand of the Father.
    1. The proof of the resurrection of Jesus would convict His disciples of His
        innocence and perfect righteousness.
    2. They were convicted of their need for the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
B. All disciples of Jesus are convicted by the Holy Spirit that the righteousness of Jesus
     is imputed to them because of their faith.
   1. We are sinful by nature, but the Grace of God makes us right before the Father
       through our faith in Jesus.
   2. We are convicted daily of our sins by Holy Spirit that resides in us.

 V:11. " And in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands
 A. It is because of our faith in the Word, powered by the Holy Spirit that we know that
      Satan is doomed and Jesus is  the victory over sin.
    1. Death has no reign in our mortal bodies because we live in Jesus.
    2. Satan has been judged and found guilty of rejecting God the Father.
 B. By the grace of God, believers are not judged for their sins, but counted
     righteous by the atoning blood of Jesus.

 V:12 "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."
  A. We can only absorb a limited amount of information at one time.
      1. God will not put more on us than we can handle.
      2. The entire body of the Word is too much for us to comprehend. 
      3. It is only by faith that we understand God's Word.   Heb  11:3
  B. As our faith grows, our understanding of God's Word will increase.
      1. When I first began to study God's Word, I didn't understand most of
           what I read.
      2. As I matured in the Word, my understanding increased.
      3. Every time I study God's Word, I understand more.
      4. I do not believe we will ever fully understand all of the Bible.
      5. For me, there is always more to learn.
      6. You don't get too old or too educated to learn more about God.

 V:13. " But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."
 A. The work of the Holy Spirit in us is awesome.
     1. Every thing that is true that we need to know we will know through the
         guidance of  the Holy Spirit.
     2. The Holy Spirit is the supreme teacher of the Word of God.
     3. The Holy Spirit will not teach us anything that Jesus has not taught.
     4. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in us on His behalf, but on the behalf of the
         Father and the Son.
    5. The Holy Spirit did not come own His own but was sent by the Father and the Son
         to us, for the purpose of sealing us.
 B. Some of the prophecies of the Bible has been fulfilled.
     1. There are some prophecies of God that have not been fulfilled that the Holy Spirit
          will teach us.
     2. The Holy Spirit is our understanding of the past and our insight into the future.  
     3. The Holy Spirit is our guide in both good times and troubled  times.

V:14. " He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you."
A. Another job of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus, by making known to us
    His Word.
   1. The Holy Spirit was given to guide the work of Jesus through us.
   2. We were given the great commission to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
   3. We were given the authority of making disciples and baptizing new
        disciples in the name of the Father, The Son And the Holy Spirit.
B. The Power of the Church of Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit.
   1. The Holy Spirit is the great reminder of Word of God.
   2. The Holy Spirit is the great keeper of The Church.
   3. The Holy Spirit is the great teacher of the Word of God.

 V:15. " All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."
 A. We belong to Jesus and we belong to the Father.
      1. The Word is Jesus and the Father at the same time.
      2. There is unity between the Father and Jesus.
 B. The Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son are one God in three persons.
     1. They are all equal and there is no division.
     2. They are the triune God.  1 Peter 1:2
 C. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is make known to us all that is Jesus.
     1. Joy is Jesus.
     2. Peace is Jesus.
     3. Love is Jesus.
     4. Forgiveness is Jesus.
     5. Tolerance is Jesus.
     6. Salvation is Jesus.
     7. Wisdom is Jesus.
     8. Abundance is Jesus.
     9. We have a friend in Jesus.
     10. Heaven is Jesus.
     11. We belong to Jesus.

Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of GMBC

Friday, March 6, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "How To Love God", 3/8/2015


John 14:15-26

V:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command."
 A. The definition of love; keep God's commands.
      1.The Lord said, I would rather have obedience than sacrifice.  Hosea 6:6
      2. God is love.   Rom 10:15
      3. Everything good is a result of God's love.
  B. To know what God commands, you must study His Word.
      1. Reading the Bible to know the Word is not enough.
      2. Reading the Bible to be obedient to the Word is the objective.
 C. Love is not a feeling, but an action.
     1. Our love for God causes us to be unselfish toward one another.
     2. Our love is shown by what we do unselfishly for others.
     3. Love causes us to consider the will of God first.
     4. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son as a sacrifice for
         our sins.

 V:16. " And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever."
 A. While Jesus was on earth, He was the Counselor for His disciples.
     1. The word "Counselor" is the Greek word "paraklecton" which means advocate
         or defender.
        a. The work of the Holy Spirit is to "call one to us", call one to aid us,  pray or
        b. The Holy Spirit is applying the work of God to the hearts of men.
     2. The Holy Spirit can cause your enemy to be your help.
         a. He can cause strangers to come to your rescue.
         b. The Holy Spirit takes our groans and turns them into prayers before the Father.
             Rom 8:26
 B. While Jesus was on earth in the flesh, He was with a few disciples.
      1. The Holy Spirit is present in the flesh of all believers.
      2. Jesus in the flesh, operated in just a small area, less than the size of Texas.
      3. The Holy Spirit operates in the hearts of believers around the world.
 C. The Holy Spirit empowers the Church to do the work of the Lord.
      1. The Holy Spirit is our teacher of the Word.
      2. The Holy Spirit causes us to remember the Word of God.
   D. Jesus is our advocate at the right hand of the Father.
     1. The Holy Spirit is our advocate here on earth.
     2. The Holy Spirit guides our understanding of God's Word.

 V:17. " The Spirit of truth, The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor
   knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."
 A. There are two types of people in the world.
      1. Believers and none believers.
      2. Those with the Word of Truth and those without the Word.
      3. Those with the Holy Spirit and those without the Holy Spirit.
      4. Those destine for heaven and those destine for hell.
 B. Before the foundation of the world, God selected those who He would call out of the
      world.    Isa 43:1,  1 Peter 1:2
      1. No one can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father.  John 6:44
      2. God causes us to believe in Him.
      3. We were born in sin with the nature of sin.
          a. We were not capable on our own of believing in Jesus.
          b. There is none righteous, no not one.
          c. God caused our minds to turn toward Him.
      4. The instant we accepted Christ as our personal Savior, the nature of sin was
           replaced with the nature of Jesus, prepared to grow in the Spirit.
           a. Anyone in Christ is a new creation.
           b. Jesus is that new creation in us.

 V:18. " I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
  A. Jesus expressed His love for his disciples as a mother loves her children.
      1. Even though Jesus was going to the cross to die for the sins of the world, he would
          continue to live in His disciples, as they meditated on His Word.
      2. Jesus said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
      3. Jesus is present with us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
 B. Jesus ascended back into heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.
      1. He sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples to be their comforter.
      2. The Holy Spirit is our constant reminder of the Word.
 C. Jesus will return again to receive His Church to Himself.
     1. The reason Jesus came down from heaven was to die on  the cross as the
         atonement for the sins of the world.
     2. Those He redeemed are part of His Church.
         a. Upon the confession of faith, the Church is built.
         b. Our faith comes by hearing and our hearing by the Word of God.
     3. Christ loves His Church.

 V:19. " Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I
  live, you also will live."
 A. In the flesh, everyone who came in contact with Jesus could see Him.
     1. Seeing Jesus and knowing Jesus are two different things.
     2. They that worship him must worship Him in spirit and truth.
     3. Now that Jesus is in heaven, only those who are spiritual can see Him.
     4. The just live by faith and not by sight.
         a. We must trust God to do what we can't do for ourselves.
         b. God has more in store for us than we can know or even concieve.
     5. Faith is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.
 B. If we abide in the Word of Jesus, He will abide in us.   John 17:14-17
     1. God gives us spiritual sight to see by faith His vision of our lives and our
         purpose for being here.     Rom 10:17
     2. Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
     3. It is the understanding of the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit that
         cleanses us.  John 15:3    

 V:20. " On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am
  in you."
  A. Jesus and the Father are one.
      1. Once we see Jesus in the Spirit, we will see the Father.
      2. We should see Jesus as being obedient to the Father.
      3. Jesus said that those that the Father gave Him would not be lost.
  B. We cannot be lost from Jesus.
      1. Jesus is omnipresence as the Father is omnipresence.
      2. There is no where we can go to get away from the Father.
      3. We will come to a point in our spiritual walk to know that we are in Jesus.

 V:21. " Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."
 A. Jesus gave us the benefits of  being  obedient to His commands.
     1. He gave us the opportunity of knowing Him.
     2. He gave us a new life in Him.
     3. He gave us the opportunity to love Him more than anyone or anything else.
     4. All we have to do to show our love for Him is to be obedient to
         His commands.
     5. By loving Jesus, we also love the Father.
 B. God's Love not only includes our eternal life but also our needs on earth.
     1. Jesus said if we live according to God's will, we can ask what we want and it
         will be done for us.
     2. God is concerned about our welfare.
         a. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
         b. Jesus' love covers our every concern.
 C. God shows His love to us through His creation.
      1. Each day, He shows us His glory when the sun rises and air around us is
      2. God  informs us that if He provides for the birds who neither plant or
          toil, plan or worry, He certainly  will provide for us. 

 V:22. " Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, "But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?"
 A. Good question?
     1. God has revealed Himself to all believers through His Word.
     2. The world can not receive Him, nor will they ever know Him.
     3. The world does not seek to know Jesus.
     4. Jesus said Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you shall find, Knock
         and the door will be opened.
         a. The world is not given this information because it is foolish to them.
         b. The world knows only what it can see.
         c. Believers know what the Spirit reveals.
         d. Believers know the will of God. Nonbelievers do not have this insight.
 B. God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
      1. We will never know the mind of God.
      2. But what we do know is, God makes all things work for the good of those
          who love Him.

 V:23. " Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."
 A. The love of God means obedience to His teaching.
     1. Obedience activates the promises of God.
     2. When we live our lives out of obedience, the love of God covers us.
 B. Our eternal life is secured through our faith in God's Word.
    1. God comes to us because of our obedience.
    2. God promises a home with Him because of our obedience.

 V:24. " He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are
  not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."
 A. Those without the Word of Truth don't know what love is.
     1. We have been taught by the world that love is a feeling.
     2. Therefore we go through life looking for this special feeling.
     3. On the night time soap opera, "The Bachelor", one man is
         seeking love among many women.
         a. His feelings are messed up because he is around too many women.
         b. It will be difficult for him to find love, because he is allowing
             his feelings to direct him.
         c. Love is not found in a kiss or casual conversation.
         b. Love is found in proven devotion and dedication to one another.
         c. Love will be found in one who loves the Word of God and practices
             the Word in their lives.
 B. God does not define love in feelings or emotions, but in obedience to His Word.
     1. Love is what we are willing to unselfishly sacrifice for the Father because
         of His unselfish sacrifice of His Son.
     2. Our greatest sacrifice is to give up ourselves and take on the mission of Christ.
     3. We may not feel like doing something, but if God said it, love demands it.

 V:25-26. "All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy  
  Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind
  you of everything I have said to you."
 A. These two verses present the triune God.
      1. Jesus, The Son is speaking.
      2. In verse 26, He speaks of the work of the Father and the work of the
          Holy Spirit.
 B. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
     1. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit work in unity.
     2. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit work together to
         redeem God's Elect.
     3. The Father sent Jesus the Son with the Word to die on the cross
          to satisfy His demand for justice for the sins of the World.
     4. The Father sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, His redeemed,
          the Word of Jesus.
         a. The Holy Spirit is our advocate on earth.
         b. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor.
         c. The Holy Spirit is our comforter.
         b. The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the Word.
         c. The Holy Spirit is the one who reminds us of God's Word.
 C. The text says that the Holy Spirit will teach us "all things".
     1. Certainly, the Holy Spirit will teach us God's Word.
     2. There are some "things", some situations, some temptations that
         are not specified in the Word of Truth that will happen to us
         living on earth.
         a. The Holy Spirit will teach us how to handle these "things"
             according to the Word.
         b. We do not know all the devices of the Devil, but the Holy Spirit
             will teach us how to recognize them and how to handle them.
    3. There are some things about God that we do not know, that the Holy
         Spirit will teach us in God's time.


Rev. M. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC