Thursday, May 22, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Love, A Key Ingriedient To Christian Behavior", 5/25/2014



Leviticus 19:18, Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Mark 12:28-34


Leviticus 19:18

18 "'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

  A. Defn: Revenge=nagam= grudge, punish

                 grudge= natar= to guard, anger

                 love= ahab= have affection for

      1. We have to change the way we deal with the issues we have with others.

      2. God gave us the recipe;  "two" don't and "one" do.

          a. God commands us not to attempt to get even or punish others.

          b. God commands us not to get angry with others.

          c. We must not allow our emotions to rule our actions.

          d. We must not allow any wrong done to us, to destroy the love God commands

`             us to show the wrong doers.

      3. God commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

          a. The way we treat ourselves is the way we should treat others.

          b. We should want the best for our neighbors regardless of their behavior.

  B. "I am the Lord".

      1. God does not want our opinion on this issue.

      2. God's commands are not options that we can choose to obey.

      3. God does not care if we like our neighbors or not.

          a. Our neighbors should be treated with respect even if they do not respect


          b. We should not make the bad attitudes of others our attitude.

          c. As Christians, we are the role models for correct behavior.

     4. What God commands us to do is the right thing to do.

          a. Following God's commands will always be effective.

          b. We do not have to understand God's commands to follow them.

          c. We have a limited view. God has the entire view.

          d. We can only see a short distance, but God sees the end from the


Deuteronomy 6:4-8

V:4. " Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

  A.  Hear= shama= attention and obedience.

       1. God commands us to pay attention to His Word and to be obedient to His


       2. Israel= Yisrael= He will rule as God.

           a. God created us to be under His rule.

           b. God did not intend that we be influenced by the world around us.

  B. The Lord= Yehovah= self existant, eternal

      1. God= Elohiym= Supreme God

           a. The word "Elohiym" is plural indicating the Godhead.

      2. The Lord is about unity. One God in three persons.

          a. God the Father.

          b. God the Son.

          c. God the Holy Spirit.

      3. The Israelites were surrounded by people who believed in many gods.

       a. We have one God, the I Am God, who is everything we need Him to be.

       b. No man, thing or object can serve as our God.

       c. No man, thing or object can provide eternal life.   


V:5. " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

    your strength. "

         Defn: Love= ahab= have affection for

  A. God wants all of you.

      1. God does not share you with anyone.

      2. God wants your total attention and obedience all the time.

  B. God commands us to Love Him.

      1. With all your heart.

          a. The heart is the seat of understanding. ( Barnes Notes)

      2. With all your soul.

          a. The center of your will and personality.

      3. With all your strength.

          b. The out goings of all your energies and vital powers.

      4.  God wants all of our efforts, thoughts and activities to be devoted to Him.


V:6. " These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts."

     A. The Word must be the only guide to your way of living.

         1. If you are not living by the Word, it is not in your heart.

         2. When you think, your thinking must start with the Lord.

         3. When you reason, you must start your reasoning with the Word of the Lord.

         4. When you act, you must act according to the will of the Lord.

     B. God promised that obedience to His commands will be the success in our


V:7. " Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when

   you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

    A. The commands of the Lord must be taught to our children.

        1. It is the duty of the parents to study the Bible with their children.

        2. Our own understanding grows as we study with our families.

    B. Our children are very impressible.

        1. They will be influenced by us or the world.

        2. It the job of the parents to make time in their schedule to study the Word

            with their children.

            a. If parents don't teach their children, the world will teach them.

            b. We must get the Word into our children so they have the tools to resist the

                 world's influence.

    C. We are commanded to set aside time for Bible study.

         1. Bible study must start at home.

         2. When we are riding in our cars, our talk should not be idle, but about the Lord.

         3. We should teach our children to pray before going to bed.

         4. We should teach our children to pray when they get up in the morning.  

              a. We should get on our knees and lead them in prayer while they are


              b. We must teach them to pray before every meal.

              c. Think of the impact they will have at lunch time at school when their peers

                  see them praying.


Mark 12:28-34

V:28. "One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

 A. There are many people who make it a habit to debate the Word of God with others.

       1. They did not want to learn more about the Word, but to prove they knew

            more than anyone else.

       2. The teachers of the law thought they were the experts on the Word of God.

       3. They believed that Jesus was no match for them.

       4. They failed to realize that Jesus was the Word.

       5. They failed to realize that their knowledge was limited to their human

            teaching and understanding.

        6. There is no limit to the knowledge of Jesus. He is omniscience.

            a. He knew what they were thinking before they said a word.

            b. He knew the motives behind their questions.

            c. His response to them was set before the foundation of the world.

   B. Not everybody that comes with the crowd, is apart of the crowd.

       1. One of the teachers came to learn more about the Word.

       2. He came to listen, not to debate.

       3. He came to be enlighten, not to impress others.

       4. He came to add to his knowledge, not to display what he knew.

    C. "Of all the commandments, which is the greatest?

        1. If we have questions, others may have the same questions.

        2. Questions provide us with the opportunity to have Bible study.

        3. Answers to our questions may enlighten others.

     D. The Word is the resource for all our questions.

        1. Since the Word cannot return void, someone will be enlighten, encouraged

            or given new directions.


V:29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our

  God, the Lord is one."

 A. Jesus who is the Word used the recorded Word to answer all questions.

    1. The Word is eternal and will never change.

    2. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word will not pass away"

        Matt 24:35

 B. Jesus uses the Word we have studied to give us answers.

     1. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to bring to our remembrance the Word

         we have studied.  

     2. Jesus said, " If you abide in me and my Words abide in you, ask whatever you

         wish   and it will be done for you."

        a. All we have to do is ask and Jesus will give us an understanding of His Word.

 C. We must understand that we are in the presence of the Lord at all times and that He

       hears our requests.

     1. Jesus is one with the Father.

     2. Jesus is one with the Holy Spirit that indwells us.

     3. We are connected to the one God who has all the answers.


V:30. " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all  

 your mind and with all your strength."

     Defn: Love = agapao= regard with strong affection

 A. God is Love.

     1. Love is the most important aspect of Christian living.

     2. The Word of God never changes.

     3. Jesus repeated the command God gave to Israel some 1400 years earlier.

 B. It is because of God's love that He sent His Son to die for our sins.

     1. God expects us to respond to His love by giving Him our total love.

     2. God expects us to put Him first above all other interest we have.

     3. God promises that if we seek Him first, all other things will be given to us.


V:31. " The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment

   greater than these."

 A. Since God has treated us with great favor, He expects us to treat our neighbors with

      the same favor.

    1. We are commanded to love our neighbors.

    2. It is a command, not an option.

    3. This command does not come with any conditions.

 B. We are commanded to love our neighbors regardless of whether they love us or not.

    1. We are commanded to be the role models of Christian love.

    2. Some people don't know how to love because they have never experience true

       Godly love.


V:32. "Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and  there is no other but him."

 A. The questions from those who opposed Jesus was His opportunity  to explain

      Christian doctrine.

    1. Jesus uses our questions to give us a proper understanding of His Word.

    2. We should look for opportunities to discuss the Word with others.

 B. Notice, the scribe gave Jesus his approval.

    1. The scribe was testing the correctness of the Word based on his limited


    2. We can't test the correctness of the eternal Word with our finite knowledge.

    3. The best we can do, is to trust the Word.

    4. We will come to know the truth of the Word through our life's experiences.


V:33. " To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."

 A. By asking questions, this scribe came to a clearer understanding of God's Word.

     1. He stated the Word in His own language.

     2. The Word becomes real in our lives when we can relate it to our conditions.

 B. The Word is stored into our hearts when we can see it working in our lives.

    1. The more we live by the Word, the more we will learn to rely on it.

    2. The more we discuss the Word, the more we will understand the Word.

 C. The scribe came to understand that  Love was more important than all

      our sacrifices to the Lord.

     1. Samuel said that to obey is better than sacrifice.  1 Samuel 15:22

     2. This is love, that we walk in obedience to His commands.  2 John 6


V:34. " When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far

 from the kingdom of God." And from then on no one dared ask him any more  


 A. This scribe was trained by those who opposed the teaching's of Jesus.

     1. By studying the Word for himself, the scribe came to the light.

     2. Just because someone is in the dark does not mean they will stay in the dark.

     3. The Word changes hearts.

     4. The Word draws people to Christ.

 B. Jesus approved the scribe's progress in understanding the Word.

     1. Jesus is always in the mist of our study.

     2. It is Jesus who helps our unbelief.

     3. It is Jesus who elected us out of a world of darkness to be His disciples.

  C. When you know God's Word for yourself, no one can persuade you to

       believe the lies of the devil.

     1. When you know God's Word for yourself, you can easily determine who is

          influenced by the devil.

     2. A knowledge of God's Word gives you advance warning to avoid the devil and

         his influences.

 D. Why did Jesus say, "You are not far from the Kingdom of God?"

    1. The scribe was still in the crowd.  Matt 23:1-12

    2. His heart was different from the crowd, but he did not standout from the crowd.

    3. Perhaps, he wanted to come out and announce his faith in Jesus, but he was


    4. Perhaps he wanted to be different, but he did not want to chance being kicked

        out of his position of being a scribe.

     5. It takes courage to stand up for Jesus.

         a. You have to love Jesus more than you love your position, status or


         b. He talked about love but he was not ready to love. 




Rev. Mitchell

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