Thursday, May 8, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Good News: Set Free By Jesus", 5/11/2014




Luke 4:14-22


After Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, he was lead to the wilderness

to be tempted by Satan. He returned to Galilee where He picked His first five disciples.

He and his disciples attended a wedding in Cana where He turned water into



He traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover, where he  drove out the money

changers and the sellers of animals from the Temple. He performed miracles on

his way back to Galilee.


V:14. " Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. "

 A. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that drives the Church.

     1. It is the power of the Holy Spirit the draws us to Christ.

     2. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Church is built.

     3. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that maintains the Church.

 B. People like a good show.

     1. When a man of God  is able to do some things that are unusual, the news about

          him will spread .

      2. Some will come to be healed, some will come to hear a word from the Lord and

          others will come out of curiosity.

  C. We must be careful that we come to  the assembly of the saints for praise and


       1.  I think too often our worship is for "show".

       2. We may come to show off a new outfit.

       3. We may come to show off a new dance routine.

       4. We may come  to show off a new style of preaching or teaching.

       5. In themselves, there is nothing wrong with these things as long as the purpose

           is the praise and worship of Jesus our Lord and Savior.

   D. When people see us and not the power of the Holy Spirit that drives us,

        they will never see the Christ that is in us.

      1. We must be careful that it is Christ that is visible in our worship and not us.

      2. We must be careful that we don't accept the praise that is due Christ.

      3. Christ is the purpose of our worship and we are just the participants.


V:15. " He taught in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
     A. Notice the word "their".

       1. Jesus did not consider their synagogues His house.

       2. Jesus did not consider the synagogue a place of true worship.

       3. He said to the people, "you worship Me with your mouths, but

           your hearts are far from Me."  Mat 15:8

     B. Jesus followed their custom of teaching.

         1. It was the place where the scripture was read.

         2. It was the place where the scripture was kept and protected.

      C. Jesus used their custom to start His ministry.

          1. They had heard of his fame and wanted to hear his words.

          2. This man Jesus, they knew as Mary's and Joseph son had become of age and

              was  doing some amazing things.

          3. Is was not to long ago, he was just a carpenter's son and now He was


          4. They did not know of any education he had received.

          5. How was He qualified to teach the Word?

     D. They praise the man because of His gracious words, but not because of the truth

           of the Word.

         1. They praise the man that he was, but not the God that He is.

         2. They praise the son of their community, but not the Christ, not the Messiah,

             not the Lord of Lords and not the King of Kings that He is.


V:16. " He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read."

 A. Jesus was obedient to the law.

      1. The Sabbath was a day of worship.

      2. The Sabbath was a day to reflect on the goodness of the Lord.

      3. The Sabbath was a day of rest.

  B. The Sabbath had become their religion.

       1. They worshipped the Sabbath and not the God of the Sabbath.

       2. They took pride in the rituals and the traditions of the Sabbath.

   C. Jesus stood up to change the rituals and traditions to the spiritual purposes

       of Worship.

        1. Somebody in the house should stand for the righteousness of God.

        2. Somebody in the house ought to set the standard for worship.

    D. The teaching of the Word should began at home.

        1. Family and close friends should be the first to hear the Word from a prophet.

        2. Family and close friends should be the first to get an understanding of the Word

            from a prophet.



V:17. " The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written."

 A. When there are misconceptions about the Word, you start with the Word.

      1. Bible study can not begin with any other book.

      2. We can use other study aids to help us understand the Word of God, but not as

          a replacement of the Word.

  B. The Father sent the Word to teach the Word.

      1. The time was at hand for the prophecy to be fulfilled concerning Jesus, so

           He started with this prophecy.

      2. Notice Jesus by reading their scrolls gave  approval to the accuracy

          the Word printed on the scroll.


      3.  Notice Jesus by reading the scroll identified Himself as the author of the


      4. Notice Jesus by reading the scroll identified that the Word as spiritually


    C. Notice,  Jesus doing His temptation in the wilderness, dealt with the misquoting

        of  the Word by Satan  by correctly quoting the Scripture printed on their scrolls.

       1. Not all of our worship is prefect.

       2. Where the Word is taught, it will not return void.

       3. It is better to have imperfect worship, than no worship at all.

       4. Imperfect worship, gives us an opportunity to correct our worship.

       5. Imperfect interpretation of the Word gives us an opportunity to correct our


       6. Imperfect interpretation gives others a chance to standup with a better


           a. Imperfect interpretation give us the opportunity for Bible Study.   

V:18.  "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed."

 A. Jesus began by relating the scripture to Himself.

     1. Jesus is the fulfillment of all scripture.

     2. Jesus is the author of all scripture.

     3. Jesus is the eternal Word.

     4. By reading the Word, Jesus proclaimed the He is the promised Messiah.

 B. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me."

     1. The power to fulfill the scripture is the Spirit.

     2. The Spirit sat on His shoulders as a dove immediately after His baptism by

         John the Baptist.

     3. The Spirit is our guide and our teacher.

     4. Jesus was headed to the cross and in the flesh. He needed the power of the Spirit.

 C. "He has anointed Me to preach  good news to the poor."

     1. The word "anoint"  from the Greek word "chiro" means  set apart, the return of

         God's favor.

         a. In this case Jesus was consecrated by the Father to the Messianic office and

             furnished with powers necessary for it's administration.

         b. God favored Israel first and the Gentiles second with His favor of the

             redemptive   power of the blood of Jesus.

     2. The poor had been denied the favor of the Lord.

     3. Because of Israel's sins, they were oppressed, depressed, and under Roman


     4. Jesus was appointed to return the favor of God to the poor.

 D. "He Has sent me  to proclaim the freedom to the captives."

     1. Because of Israel's sins they had lost the freedom given them by God in the

         their promised land.

     2. Jesus mission was to redeem them from their sins.

     3. Jesus is the good news of our redemption, providing the way to eternal life.

     4. The hearts of the people had been broken because of their long captivity

          which resulted from their continued sins.

     5. There is no true freedom without faith in Jesus.

         a. Disobedience is the cause of the lost of freedom.

         b. Obedience is the protection of our freedom.

 E. He  has sent me to recover the sight of the blind.

    1. Israel had blinded themselves to the truth of the Word of God by their

        consistent disobedience.

    2. They found pleasure in serving themselves and idol gods.

    3. They were blinded by their corrupt teaching and their religious traditions.

    4. Jesus came as their true teacher and the role model for righteousness.

    5. Jesus taught the Word among them for three and a half years.

 F. Jesus released the oppressed.

    1. Jesus provides hope for redemption.

    2. Jesus came that we might have life and life abundantly.

    3. Jesus came to restore joy to our hearts.

    4. Jesus came to provide peace between the Father and us.

    5. Sometimes it is our state of mind that oppresses us.

        a. Jesus came to restore us to our right mind. 


V:19.  " To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

    A. Because of Jesus blood shed on the cross, we are living in the

        the year of the Lord's favor.

       1. It is because of God's Love that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for

           our sin.

       2. It is by His grace that we were elected before the foundation of the earth

           to be adopted as sons of God.

       3. It is by His mercy that the death of Jesus on the cross is the final

           payment for all our sins.

    B. It is by His divine love that Heaven is our Home.

V:20. " Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him."

 A. It was the custom of the teacher to stand while reading the Word.

     1. It was the custom of the teacher to sit down to explain the Word.

     2. Jesus is the master teacher.

     3. Jesus taught by word and deed.

     4. Jesus being the author of the Word, has the only full understanding of the Word.

 B. The Word is safe when it is bound by the attendant.

     1. All believers are the attendants of the Word.

     2. The Word should be bounded up in our hearts.

     3. The Word should be kept in a safe place for constant study and meditation.

 C. The Holy Spirit is our teacher.

     1. We should be in constant anticipation for the enlighten of the Word by the Holy


          a. We should get up in the morning excited about what God is going to reveal to


     2. Once we start studying the Word, the Holy Spirit gets busy opening our

         understanding of the Word.

    3. Everyone in the Church should be involved in Bible Study.

        a. We gain so much more in life if we get understanding of God's Word.

        b. It should be our business to get an understanding of God.

        c. It is our duty to our families and everyone around us to have the correct

            knowledge of God's Word.

     4. We fasten ourselves to the TV, the internet, Face book and other electronic


        1. None of these mediums will provide you with a profitable successful


        2. Success in life come through God and God only.

        3. Why would you waste time studying anything else?


V:21. " And he began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your


  A.  Jesus proclaimed that He is the fulfillment of all God's prophecies.

      1. No one could fulfill all the requirements of the Law but Jesus.

      2. No one could keep the Law but Jesus.

      3. No one is qualified to be the mediator between us and the Father but Jesus.

      4. No blood shed on the cross can cover our sins but Jesus'

      5. No one can redeem us from the penalty of sin but Jesus.

  A. When you start studying the Word, Jesus is talking to you.

      1. Jesus can provide joy when you are sad.

      2. Jesus can provide directions when you are lost.

      3. Jesus can open doors that are closed to you.

      4. Jesus can provide healing for the soul.

 B. Jesus is the fulfillment of all your hopes and dreams according to the will of the


V:22. " All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. "Isn't this Joseph's son?" they asked. "

 A. After hearing the Word, the devil will try to convince you that these are just words

      from an ordinary person just like you.

    1. They were in the presence of the Eternal Word and could not believe what they

        heard because of who He was to them.

    2. They knew of His miracles.

    3. They knew He did what ordinary men couldn't do.

    4. Yet they minimized Jesus as just another man.

 B. They said His words sound good, but since it came from someone in their

      community it can't be true.

    1. We have a habit of discounting the Words of God's anointed preachers.

    2. We have a habit of ignoring the preached Word.

    3. We have a habit believing what we want to believe about the Word of God.

    4. God's Word is always profitable no matter who the preacher is.

Jesus completed his mission on earth when He hung His head

and died on the cross.


    His blood finished our sins.

    His blood finished our redemption.

    His blood finished our joy.

    His blood finished our hope.

    His blood finished our death and resurrection to live with Him forever in heaven.




Rev. Mitchell


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