Thursday, April 24, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Walking With Jesus", 4/27/2014




Isa 53:5-8, Luke 24:25-27, 44-47


Isaiah 53:5-8

V:5. " But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

 A. It is all about Jesus.

     1. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts.

     2. He was wounded for our transgressions because we willfully

         disobeyed God's commands.

        a. Transgressions = pesha= revolt, rebellion

        b. We as a people, rebelled against God.

        c. Jesus took the punishment for our rebellion.

 B. He was crushed for our iniquities.

     1. Iniquities = avon= mischief, faults, sins

     2. Crushed = daka= bruised,  beat

     3. Our Savior took the beating (40 lashes with a stone laden whip) for our sins.

 C. We were enemies of God.

     1. The blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross was the payment for our sins. this

         satisfied God's demand for justice.

     2. The blood of Jesus shed on the cross, provides peace between the Father and


 D. By His stripes we are healed.

     1. It was the beating of Jesus by His enemies that provides the way for our healing.

     2. We were sick with all sorts of sins. Jesus is our doctor.

     3. Sickness has it's origin in the Garden of Eden.

         a. By one man's sin (Adam), all mankind became sick.

         b. By one man's death (Jesus), the way to end sickness was provided.

V:6. "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

 A. The reason Jesus stepped down from His throne in heaven was because we had

      walked away from the Father.

     1. Our ways lead to hell.

     2. The Father decided to lay the burden of our sins on His Son Jesus.

 B. We are good at following the crowd.

     1. It always appears that the crowd is headed in a direction that leads to satisfaction.

     2. The desires of the world does not satisfy God's desire for righteousness.

     3. We must be careful that we do not confuse our desires with God's desires.

     4. The will of the Lord should always over rule our own will.

V:7. " He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth."

 A. Jesus did not object to what He planned for Himself on behalf of us.

     1. The oppressions and the afflictions were part of the stripes He knew He must

         bear for our healing.

         a. If Jesus had objected to His treatment at the hands of sinful men, it would not

             have been for our salvation.

     2. He allowed a public display of Himself to show us the way to bear our trials and



 B. Jesus gave His oppressors the silent treatment.

     1. He did not open His mouth while being mistreated.

     2. Jesus did not give His oppressors the satisfaction of an argument.

     3. You can say more by saying nothing when someone is trying to harm you.

     4. When someone shows no reaction to the hurt you are attempting to cause them, it

         results in frustration to you.


V:8. " By oppression and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken."  

 A. The nation of Israel did not declare the innocence of Jesus before His crucifixion.

      1. Herod and Pilate, the Roman leaders found no fault in Jesus worthy of death.

          a. They yielded to the custom of releasing one man during the Passover.

          b. The Jewish community chose a criminal to release over their Messiah.

      2. On the cross, it was one of the condemned criminals who declared Jesus


      3. Nine thousand (5000 one day and 4000 another day) Jews were fed on two

          different occasions after been taught and their sick were healed by Jesus.

          a. Where were the hearts of these people when they yelled, "crucify him"?

          b. Barabbas was a murderer who never fed or healed anyone. Yet they

              participated in the crucifixion of Jesus who did much for them.

          c. It is funny when people can't use you for their purposes, they drop you.

  B. It was the plan of Jesus that He and He alone would die for the sins of the world.

      1. While it might appear that man had a hand in the death of Jesus, they did not.

      2. Jesus set the circumstances, selected the people to accuse Him falsely and the

          time  of His death for the redemption of all believers.

         a. Jesus said, "No one take my life. I have power to lay it down and the power to

             pick it up again."

      3. The prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the death of Jesus, hundreds of

          years before the event is the proof that Jesus was in charge.

      4. Jesus is in charge of all the events of our lives.  

      5. Jesus does not leave nothing to chance for those He loves.


 Luke 24:25-28

V:25. " He said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! "

 A. The Word of God is the only truth known to man that does not change over time.

      1. In the beginning was the Word and that Word was God. 

      2. The Word of God is the same today as it was in the beginning.

 B. We have the Old Testament and the New Testament.

      1. The New Testament is the proof of the fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament.

 C. We are foolish when we don't believe or take seriously the Word of God.

      1. Man makes promises that he can't keep.

      2. God always keeps His promises.

      3. Man can't see beyond this moment.

      4. God knows the end from the beginning.

      5. Man can provide only what he has.

      6. God owns everything and can provide all you need.

      7. We are foolish not to trust the Word of God.


V:26 "Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" "

 A. The wages of sin is death.

     1. God established the death of an animal for the covering of sin in the Garden

         of Eden.

        a. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden by eating from the Tree of

            Knowledge and of Good and Evil, they knew immediately that they were


        b. They made a make shift covering with fig leaves they sewed together.

        c. God was not satisfied with their covering. After judging them, He killed

            an animal and made  coverings of skin to clothed both of them.

     2. This covering of an animal skin for their nakedness was temporary.

        a. The chief Priests offered unblemished animals for the sins of the


        b. Since the people continued to sin, animals had to be continuously sacrificed.

     3. Jesus put an end to animal sacrifices with His shed blood on the cross.    

        a. Only the blood of Jesus  qualifies as the final sacrifice for the sins of

            the world.

 B. Why did Jesus have to suffer?

     1. Jesus had to suffer for righteous sake.

         a. There is no righteousness in us, but the righteousness Jesus  bestowed

              upon us through faith in His blood shed on the cross.  

      2. Jesus had to suffer for God to reconciled the world back to himself. 

      3. Christ had to suffer to be the mediator between us and God.

      4. Christ had to suffer to fulfill all the prophesies concerning Himself.

      5. Christ had to suffer to show the truth of His Word.

      6. Christ had to suffer for our redemption from sin.

      7. Christ had to suffer for the forgiveness of our sin.

      8. Christ had to suffer for the love of God the Father.

      9. Christ had to suffer to show us how to be patient under trials.

      10. Christ had to suffer for our hope in heaven.

      11. Christ had to suffer to show us how to be faithful under trials.

      12. Christ had to suffer to show that death is not
             the  end.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


V:27. " And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself."

 A. Jesus put in His eternal Word all the events concerning His birth, life, death

      and resurrection.

     1. God established His Law with Moses concerning sacrifice, sin and worship.

     2. Through out the Old Testament, God progressively revealed His plan

         of redemption for man.

 B. The study of the Bible is the only way we can know God and all His promises.

     1. We are commanded to study to show ourselves approved.

     2. The Word reveals the righteousness of God and the sinful nature of man.

     3. A study of the Old Testament prophecies should give us confidence in

         the truth of the Word.



Luke 24:44-48

V:44. " He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."

 A. There is no section in the Bible that we can eliminate.

     1. All of God's Words are the Words of Jesus.

     2. All of God's Words are given for our edification, enlightenment and education.

     3. There is no rewarding life without the Word.

     4. Every word printed in the Bible are words of wisdom.

 B. The Lord is emphasizing the importance of Bible Study.

     1. You can't fully understand the New Testament without an understanding of the

         Old Testament.

     2. You can't build a house without a solid foundation.

     3. The Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament.

 C. We must learn to trust the words of Jesus.

     1. We should believe God's Word whether we understand it or not.

     2. We should trust God's Word whether we agree with it or not.

     3. We must seek to be in agreement with all of God's Word.

 D. You should not be surprised when Jesus does what He told you He was going to

     1. We should not get angry with Jesus because He does what He told us He was

         going to do.

         a. His Word tell us that there is a reward for obedience.

         b. His Word tell us that there is chastisement for disobedience.

      2. We should find joy and peace in the Word of God.


V:45. " Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures."

  A.  It is Bible Study that opens your mind to the scriptures.

      1. When you study the Word, Jesus is in the mist of your study.

      2. Jesus promised that when He ascended into Heaven, He would send you a

           comforter who would teach you all things.

         a. That comforter is the Holy Spirit that indwells all believers.

         b. When you study the Word, the Holy Spirit is the one who opens your


  B. Why is it that the disciples minds were not open to the scriptures while Jesus was

       with them?

      1. Jesus taught them the Word. Why didn't He give them an understanding of the


           a. It was not the right time.

           b. There is a time for everything.

     2. While Jesus was with them, He was the light that shined upon them.

     3. While Jesus was with them, He was the role model of life for them.

     4. While Jesus was with His disciples, He had them focused on Him.

     5. While Jesus was with His disciples, He had them focused on the righteousness

        of God.

  C. It is not possible for us to understand the entire Bible at one time.

      1. The Lord chooses the time He wants you to understand certain parts of

          of scripture.

      2. Unless we get an understanding of the basic doctrines of the Bible, we

          will not be able to understand the deeper truths.

      3. The Apostle Paul said, "I determine to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him


         a. You got to understand the crucifixion before you can understand love.

         b. You got to understand the crucifixion before  you can understand forgiveness.

         c. You got to understand the crucifixion before you can understand salvation.


V:46. " He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day."

 A. What was written in the Word in the Old Testament is what happen.

     1. We must learn to trust the Word of God.

     2. We must learn to trust every word of God.

     3. Trusting God comes with time and maturity.

     4. We learn to trust someone when they have a history of doing what they said they

         would do.

     5. Trust is earned. It is never given.

          a. Jesus earned our trust by executing His Word.

          b. Jesus earned our trust by doing exactly what He said He would do.

   B. Trust in the Word settles all the issues of life.

       1. Trust in the Word settles the issues of love.

       2. Trust in the Word settles forgiveness.

       3. Trust in the Word settles how we should act or react.

       4. Trust in the Word settles our way of worship.

       5. Trust in the Word settles who we should worship.

       6. Trust in the Word settles our concerns about heaven and hell.

       7. Trust in the Word settles our life after death.

V:47 "And repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. "

   A. Trust in the Word settles our mission of life.

        1. We have the mission to preach repentance of  sins.

        2. We have the mission to preach forgiveness of sins.

  B. We have the mission to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



Rev. Mitchell



Saturday, April 19, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Resurrection", 4/20/2013



Hosea 6:1-3, Luke 24:1-12

 Hosea 6:1-3

 V:6.  "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. "

A. The best thing you can do is return to the Lord.

     1. If we look back over our lives, I would be willing to bet that most of our troubles

         have been caused by us.

        a. Poor decisions we made in the past, leads to trouble in the future.

        b. Failure to save money leads to an empty bank account.

        c. Failure to follow God's commands leads to His chastisement.

        d. Failure to study, leads to poor grades.

        e. Failure to take advantage of the opportunities God places in front of us, leads to

            an unfulfilled life..  

     2. When we turn to the Lord and confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive.

 B. God will tear us apart, to put us back together again.

     1. Sometimes God has to let us fall and put us into a position that we can't get out of

         by ourselves.

         a. When we can't do it on our own, we will realize we need to reach out to God.

         b. God is our present help if we trust Him.

     2. Because of our disobedience, God sometimes causes our troubles to bring us to

       our  right mind.


V:2 . "After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence."

 A. The  body of Jesus was in a dead state for two days, but on the third day He was


   1. Once we ask for forgiveness of our sins, God will restore us to right fellowship

       with Him.

   2. God does not hold grudges. His forgiveness is immediate.

   3. It should be our desire  to stay in the presence of the Lord in right fellowship.

 B. There is no better place to be, than with Jesus.

    1. We must live with Jesus while on this earth so we can live with Him in heaven.

    2. Obedience leads to a successful life.


V:3 "Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."

 A. It is our duty to give God praise and honor.

     1. We honor the Lord by proclaiming His presence in our lives.

     2. The proclamation of His presence should be continuous.

     3. When we continuously acknowledge the Lord, our focus will be on what is right.

     4. The more we acknowledge Him, the closer we will be to Him.


 B.  We are assured of God's presence in our live, when we give Him praise

        and worship.

      1. God inhabits the praises of His people.  Psalms 22:3

      2. If we abide in His Word, He promises to abide in us.

 C. Farmers need the winter rains to plant their fields.

     1. Farmers need the spring rains to promote their harvest.

     2. Jesus came in the flesh to redeem us from the world.

         a. We need the Word to establish faith in Jesus.

         b. We grow to spiritual maturity by our continuous study of the Word.

     4. The farmer will come in due season to harvest his crops.

         a. Jesus will come again to harvest His Church.


Luke 24:1-13

V:24. " On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb."

 A. No matter the circumstances , a good servant never cease to serve

      the Lord.

    1. The women stood by helplessly watching their Lord and Savior die on the cross.

    2. They saw his body taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb.

    3. For them, the one who gave them joy, peace and a reason to live was gone.

    4. Knowing that His body had not been prepared for burial properly before

        sundown on Friday, they came Sunday morning to complete the job.

    5. Even though Jesus was gone, they still found a way to worship Him with

        their service.

 B. The women went boldly to the tomb early in the morning. 

    1. The women were not worried if it was known that they were

        disciples of Jesus.

    2. Where were the men?

        a. Where were the 12 disciples who walked with Him daily?

        b. Judas was dead. He hung himself because he betrayed Jesus.

        c. The rest of them were scared. They were hiding out.

        d. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times to save his neck.

        e. The other 10 apostles also feared that the Roman solders would tie them to


    3. Fear will cause us to be stuck in an immovable position.

        a. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and sound mind.

        b. Fear causes us to forget to God.

        c. It takes courage to trust God in troubling situations.

    4. A devotion to God overrides our fears.


V:2. " They found the stone rolled away from the tomb."

 A. The women went to the tomb looking for a dead Jesus.

      1. They came to pay their final respects.

      2. They came to give Him their best for the last time.

      3. When you are devoted to following Jesus, you find the unexpected in your life.

       a. They came knowing that there was a large stone rolled in front of the entry

           to the tomb.

       b. They may have come knowing that Roman soldiers were posted at the tomb.

       c. They had a problem. How to get inside the tomb.

       d. They had a problem. The problem was how to roll away the stone.

   B. When you don't know what to do, you need to turn it over to the Lord.

       1. What do you do when you don't know what to do? Just stand.

       2. Faith is moving past our fears and attempting to do for Jesus what we can't

           do for ourselves.


V:3. " But when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. "

      A. When the women got to the tomb, they found the unexpected.

           1. The Roman guards were not there.

           2. The stone had been rolled away.

           3. Jesus can roll away the stones in your life.

           4. Jesus can remove folk in your life who try to prevent you from doing

               God's work.

     B. The women looked into the tomb and did not see Jesus.

         1. They knew He died on Friday.

         2. They knew He was placed into the tomb.

         3. They knew when they got to the tomb, Jesus should be there "dead."

     C. The Lord does not operate by what we think we know.

         1. The Lord does not operate according to the normal.

         2. The Lord can do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ask or



V:4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed

        like lightning stood beside them."

    A. We should always be in wonder in what the Lord is going to do for us next.

        1. Jesus was not there and two men suddenly showed up.

        2. They were not ordinary men because their clothes looked like lightening.

        3. They were not ordinary men because they had a glow about them.

   B. When we follow the Lord, we will be blessed.

       1. When we follow the Lord, we can expect the extraordinary.

       2. God can place extraordinary people in your life.


V:5. " In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? "

 A. There are some things the Lord will do that will frighten us.

     1. The lightening and thunder can get so close to you that you will be frighten.

     2. When ever you stand in the presence of the Lord, you should bow down before


      3. The Lord is to be feared at all times.

 B. Sometimes God will use His messengers to enlighten you.

     1. Sometimes God has to make us review His Word.

     2. There are times when we are so blinded by our circumstances that we can't see

         Him or His Word.

    3. There are times when we need a refresher course in Jesus.

 C. Why do you look for the living among the dead?

     1. I think there are times when we think Jesus is absent from our lives.

     2. When our troubles are long and our suffering seems unbearable, we may

          wonder why Jesus is not acting on our problems.

     3. When we live in fear, worried about tomorrow, we are acting like Jesus

          is dead.

        a. When our focus is on the world and not on Jesus, we are living like

            Jesus is dead.

        b. When we seek advice from everybody but Jesus, we are living like Jesus is



V:6. " He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee."

 A. Jesus is not dead, He is alive in your life.

     1. Jesus is not silent, He is active.

     2. You are not on your own, Jesus is on your side.

 B. Sometimes we have to be reminded what Jesus said.

    1. We have to remember that Jesus keeps His promises.

    2. We have to remember that there is no time limit on the Word of Jesus.


V:7.  "The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again."

 A. "The Son of Man"

      1. Jesus describes the mission of His life on earth.

      2. He clothed Himself into human flesh to take on the office of the Son Of Man.

          a. He was not the Son of any man. He is the Son of God.

          b. He has a human nature (Son of Man).

          c. He has a divine nature (Son of God).

      3. His mission was to die at the hand of evil men to redeem all men from their

          sinful nature.

      4. He accomplished His mission by allowing Himself to be crucified on the Cross.

          a. His blood shed on the cross became the covering for the sins of all men.

          b. His stripes became the healing source of all men.

          c. While Christ was dying on the cross, God was reconciling the world to


  B. The evidence of the success of His mission is His resurrection on the third day.

      1. His resurrection is the victory over death.

      2. Oh death, oh death where is your sting.


V:8. "Then they remembered his words. "

      A. It did not take much to convince the women at the tomb that Jesus had risen

          from the dead.

          1. Faith in the Word, ends the agony of life.

          2. They came to the tomb in sorrow with broken hearts.

          3. Having been reminded of the Word, their sorrow turned to joy and their hearts

              were healed.

  B. It is a great reward to stay in the Word because the world is filled with sorrow and


      1. It is a greater reward to have an unyielding faith in the Word.

      2. Faith in the Word is the comfort in times of trouble.

      3. Faith in the Word is the assurance of the success of the promises of God.


V:9. " When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others."

 A. The first to learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ were the women disciples of Jesus.

     1. The first to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ were the women supporters of


     2. It is the mission of every believer to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

     3. It is the gift of believers to comfort other believers in their sorrow.

 B.  The Eleven were the remaining Apostles. Judas was dead.

     1. In Jesus circle was  120 disciples.

     2. The women were instrumental in lifting the spirits of the grieving disciples.


V:10. " It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles."

 A. God never forgets the labor of the faithful.

     1. What a great honor it is to be mentioned in the Eternal Word as laborers for


     2. It was a labor of love that drove these women to the tomb early Sunday morning.

 B. Christ casted out seven demons from Mary Magdalene.

     1. Mary, the mother of James the little, was the sister of Mary the mother of Jesus.

     2. Joanna was the wife of Chuza . Jesus cured her of some diseases.

 C. Christ gives eternal honor to those He loves.



V:11. " But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. "

 A. Having the witness of several women, the eleven apostles would not believe what

      they heard.

    1. They belittled the testimony of the women as nonsense.

    2. The Word of God is foolishness to none believers.

B. The disciples having heard the word of Jesus resurrection would not believe.

    1. Their unbelief added additional sorrow to their lives.

    2. Instead of being joyful at the witness of the women, they were stuck in their grief.

       a. We need to be careful not to discount the witness of others regarding Christ.

       b. Everyone has an important testimony about Jesus that should encourage others.

    3. Human logic will always lead to unbelief in the Word.   


V:12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened."

A. The witness of the woman caused Peter to run to the tomb to check their story.

     1. Once in the tomb he had more evidence that Jesus had been raised from the dead.

     2. Even with new evidence, Peter still would not believe.

   3. Having the testimony of the women and his own view of the empty tomb,

       Peter remained in his state of unbelief.

     a. His unbelief blinded Him the to Words Jesus taught about His resurrection.

     b. Unbelief blinds us to the glory of God.

     c. Unbelief robs Jesus of His praise and worship.

     d. Unbelief blinds us to the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.



Thursday, April 10, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Our King On His Throne" 4/13/2014

Jer 23:5-6, Zech 6:9-15, John 19:1-5
There are three time frames represented in this lesson. Jeremiah was written during the period before the Babylonian captivity (629-588 BC).The 70 year Babylonian captivity began around 595 BC. Zachariah was written after the Babylonian captivity of Israel
(520-518 BC). The Gospel of John was written after the death and resurrection of Jesus, Christ our Lord and Savior (30 AD).
The nation of Israel refused to follow God's commands. They abandoned the true and
 living God and worshiped idol gods. God allowed the Babylonians to take Israel captive for 70 years. The Babylonians destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and the city. After the 70 year captivity, the Israelites were released to return to their promised land and  rebuild the Temple. 
Jeremiah 23:5-7
V:5. "The days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. "
A. The name Jeremiah means "Jehovah will lift up".
     1. The leaders of Israel became corrupt, abandoning God and worshiped idol gods.
     2. In verses 1-4, God promised  judgment and punishment of the leaders and the
         whole nation of Israel for their disobedience.
     3. God also promised the redemption of Israel.
 B. The God we serve is long suffering.
    1. The God we serve chastises those He loves.
    2. He warns us of the consequences of our disobedience.
    3. God gives us time to get right before Him.
 C. Because the leaders of Israel were not obedient, God promised a righteous branch
      to lead Israel.
    1. Jesus is the righteous branch that God promised.
    2. There two time frames  presented in this verse.
       a. Jesus the righteous King was born in the flesh, died on the cross for our sins
           and was resurrected.
       b. Jesus ascended back into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    3.  The second time frame includes the second coming of Jesus and His thousand
         year reign on earth.
    4. The Lord not only deals with our present conditions, but also our future welfare.
 D. God described some of the characteristics of the reign of Jesus.
    1. He will rule wisely.
        a. Jesus is the author of wisdom.
        b. Jesus knows what is best for us.
        c. Jesus knows the outcome before any situation develops.
        d. It is to our advantage to trust Jesus.
   2. He will do what is just and right.
      a. Jesus is the author of righteousness.
      b. Jesus can do nothing but what is right.
      c. There is no shadow of sin in Him.
      d. Whatever Jesus does is in our best interest.   
V:6. " In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteousness."
 A. At one time, Israel was divided into two kingdoms. The Southern Kingdom was
      Judah. The Northern Kingdom was call Israel.
     1. Jesus is from the tribe of Judah and is the unity between both Kingdoms and all
         who believe in Him.
     2. Jesus is the salvation for all who believe in Him.
     3. During the 1000 year reign of Christ, there will be no oppression of Israel.
     4. Jesus will reign as King over Israel.
 B.  Jesus is the Lord Our Righteousness (Yahweh Sidqenu).
      1. God gave the Israelites His Law.
      2. Those who are obedient to His Law approach His righteousness.
      3. It is the imputed righteousness of Jesus that makes believers acceptable to the
      4. No one can come to the Father but through the righteousness of Jesus.
Zechariah 6:9-15
V:9. " The word of the Lord came to me."
 A.  When you meditate on the Word of God, He will enlighten you.
     1. The name Zachariah means "remembered by Jehovah".
     2. It good to know that those who serve the Lord are remembered by Him.
     3. Out of sight, out of mind is normal for us. But the Lord will never leave us or
         forsake us.
 B. We must be open and ready to receive a word from the Lord.
     1. In the Old Testament times, God selected and used prophets to communicate His
         commands and directions to His people.
V:10 "Take [silver and gold] from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah."
 A. God trusts us with valuable gifts to be used in His Temple.
     1. We are to be good stewards of that which God has given us.
     2. What God gives us is to be used to give Him glory.
 B. Three Israelites; Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah were trusted with the Temple
     1. Sometimes, God selects a team to carry out His plans.
     2. It is very important that we learn to work together.
     3. When one job is done, God may used the same team for another project.
     4. Sometimes God adds members to a team to do other projects.
V:11. " Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak. "
 A. Normally priest did not ware crowns.
     1. The crown placed on the high priest head was symbolic of the two offices of
        a. Jesus is our High priest.
        b. Jesus is the King of Kings.
 B. Sometimes, God uses believers to be an example to others.
     1. We are the church that none believers see.
     2. The placing of the crown on the head of the high priest was a forward look a the
         1000 year reign of Christ on earth.
         a. Christ will be both high priest and king during His reign.
         b. The 1000 year reign of Christ will begin after the rapture of the Church to
         c. There will be a 7 period of war called the Tribulation, when Satan and all the
             enemies of Israel are defeated. Then the 1000 year reign will begin.
   C. The God we serve is more precious than silver and gold.
       1. The crown of silver and gold represents His supreme authority.
       2. His Word is wisdom and should be valued by us as much more than silver and
V:12. " Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says: 'Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord. "
 A. The Branch from the line of King David is Jesus Christ.
      1. God gave David the plans to build the first temple in Jerusalem.
      2. The first physical temple was destroyed because of the sins of Israel.
      3. After returning from the Babylonian captivity, a second smaller temple was
          built to worship the Lord.
 B. Jesus the Great High Priest is building the Spiritual Temple.
     1. After the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the Church began with
         the body of believers.
     2. Our bodies are the temple of the Lord.
     3. Everyday, new members are added to the body as the lost come to Christ.
 C. In 70 AD after the death and resurrection of Christ, the temple in Jerusalem was
      destroyed again and has never been rebuilt.
    1. The temple was destroyed because the Israelites rejected Jesus as their King.
        a. Those who accept Jesus as their King are now His temple.
    2. In the 1000 reign of Christ on earth, He will establish a new temple and will
        be High priest and King.
V:13. " It is he who will build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two."
 A. The "He" in this verse is Jesus Christ.
    1. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, He ascended into heaven and is seated
        at the right hand of the Father.
   2. At His second coming, the church will be taken into Heaven to reign with Him
       during the Millennium (1000 yrs).
 B. During the Old Testament times, the chief priest and the king were not always in
    1. During the 33 years that Christ was on earth, the chief priest and the king opposed
      a. It was the chief priest who brought false charges against Christ which lead to His
      b. All this was done by Christ design for the salvation of mankind.
 C. During the Millennium Kingdom, the two offices will be combined into one office
      with Jesus as King and Chief Priest.
    1. There will be harmony, because Jesus will reign in truth with justice for all.
V:14. " The crown will be given to Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen son of Zephaniah
        as a memorial in the temple of the Lord."
 A. The Lord gave us His Word so that we will be constantly encouraged.
     1. The Word of God reminds us of great things that are in store for us.
     2. The Word of the Lord reminds us of His power and His glory.
 B. The men God used for this task of crowning the high priest, reminds us that we
      are called to serve and our lives have a divine purpose.
    1. The name Heldai means "robust".
    2. The name Tobijah means "the Lord is good".
    3. The name Jedaiah mens " confessing the Lord".
    4. The name Hen or Josiah, means "the fire of the Lord or the gracious one".
    5. We should confess that Lord is good, robust and is the gracious one.
V:15. " Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the Lord your God."
 A. Because the Israelites had a long history of disobedience and ultimately rejected
      their promised Messiah, they were scattered from the promise land to far places.
    1. Even in their disobedience, the Lord promised their redemption.
    2. We have all been disobedient at times and deserve the penalty of death.
    3. Because of the grace of our Lord and Savior, we have been redeemed to eternal
 B. The Israelites who are scattered to the four corners of the earth will be gathered
      together to rebuild the temple of the Lord.
    1. During the Millennium, Christ will be their chief priest and king.
    2. Obedience is a prerequisite to enjoying the promises of the Lord.
        a. Jesus said, I would rather obedience than sacrifice.
    3. The Lord's promises are not dependant on the disobedience of one generation.
    4. God brings about change in the hearts of men so all the requirements are meet
        for fulfillment.
John 19:1-5
V:19. " Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged."
 A. Pilate was the reining military authority of the Roman government assigned to
    1. Jesus was wrongly accused and taken before the Roman authority to be judged
        and then crucified.
    2. It was the chief priest who knowingly, wrongly accused Jesus of breaking the
       Jewish law.
      a. It was the chief priest who hated Jesus for the truth He taught and the influence
          He held over the Jewish people.
      b. The chief priest hated their promised King.
 B. While their promised King of mercy was being beaten without mercy, the chief
       priest stood by and approved the injustice.
V:2. " The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They
  clothed him in a purple robe."
 A. The Roman soldiers while mocking Jesus, unknowingly dressed Him as a King.
     1. The put a crown on His head, symbolizing His authority as king.
     2. They dressed Him in a purple robe symbolizing the royalty that He is.
 B. The Roman soldiers unknowing fulfilled the prophecy concerning the death
      of Jesus.
V:3. " And went up to him again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!" And they
 struck him in the face."
 A. While the Roman soldiers were mocking and disrespecting Jesus, they proclaimed
      Him as King of the Jews.
    1. It was a game to the Roman soldiers, but it was God's divine plan.
    2. Jesus was delivered to death for our sins.  Rom 4:25
B. There is no record of Jesus proclaiming the injustice done to Him.
    a. Jesus has authority over the world and allowed Himself to be mistreated for our
    b. Jesus planned His mistreatment for the glory of the Father.
    c. By His stripes, we are healed.
V:4. " Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him."
 A. Jesus did not have to proclaim His innocence. His executioners proclaimed Him to
      be innocence of all charges against Him. 
    1. Using evil men, God made a public declaration of Jesus innocence.
 B. Jesus was brought back out to the people of Israel for their final say on His life
      or death .
    1. It was the people of Israel who longed for a Messiah, who yelled crucify him.
    2. It was the general population of Israel who allowed themselves to be persuaded
        by a few men at the top to deny Jesus.
    3. Following the crowd, will most likely lead you down the wrong path.
    4. In all cases, we must stand for what is right and proclaim Jesus as the authority.
    3. A few righteous folk standing up for Jesus can make a big difference in the
        lives of others.
V:5. " When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate
       said to them, "Here is the man!"
 A. Jesus was presented to His people as a lowly king in royal colors and as the
      crowned Messiah.
    1. Jesus was rejected by His people in favor of a known murderer.
        a. The murderer had never healed, comforted or fed them.
        b. The murderer stole all he could and killed to satisfy his desires.
        c. Jesus fed them when they were hungry, healed their sick and cast out demons
            that possessed them.
        d. Yet they chose the bad over the good that was Jesus Christ.
    2. Pilate said "Here is the Man"
        a. Israel allowed the pagan authority to present their King as just a man.
    3. Jesus is man and God.
    4. Jesus has a human nature and a divine nature.
 B. The people saw Jesus, but did not recognize Him as their king.
    1. The question is, do you see Jesus as your King?
    2. Do you recognize Jesus as your Messiah?
    3. Do you recognize Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
    4. Do you recognize Jesus as the resurrection and the life?
    5. Do you recognize Jesus as the way, the truth and the life?
    6. Do you give Jesus praise and glory?
C. Jesus was lifted up on a hill and nailed to a cross, so He could draw all men to 
    1. Will you proclaim Him to be your God or reject Him with the crowd?
Rev Mitchell, Asst Pastor