Friday, May 10, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Change For Christ", 5/12/2013



2 Peter 1:3-14



V:3. "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue."

A. God has given us all we need to live a godly life.

    1. The Word has the power to change our worldly  thoughts and actions to that

         which pleases the Father.

    2. God inspired  the writers of His Word to put His scripture in print for our
        education enlightenment, comfort and hope.

        a. Throughout time God has preserved the word of truth so that it would not be

            changed or lose it's power.

        b. God has provided us with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a teacher of His


  B. God has given us every spiritual gift necessary for successful living. 

     1. All believers are gifted according to His grace.

  C. God has given us the power to resist temptation and the power to live a virtuous

  D. God called us out of the world to give Him the glory.


V:4. "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

 A. The precious promise is the salvation through our faith in Jesus.

     1. Faith in Jesus secures a home in heaven.

     2. Faith in Jesus secures eternal life.


 B. There is a divine nature and a fleshly nature.

     1. Only God has a divine nature.

     2. We are fleshly.

     3. There is a GREAT distance between the divine nature of God and our fleshly

     4. God has made it possible for us to experience His divine nature through His Son

         Jesus Christ.

 C. Through Jesus we escape  the corruption of the World.

     1. In ourselves we are corrupt.

         a. In Jesus, we are a new creation having the impartation of His righteousness.

         b. Our corruption is covered by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

     2. Because of His great love for us, God sent Jesus to atone for our sins.     

     3. Not that we are righteous, but we have the declaration of the righteousness of




V:5. "And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge."

 A. God is not slow in giving us His righteousness.

      1. Therefore, we should not be slow in committing ourselves to His righteousness.

      2. We should make it our business to continue reaching toward the mark of Jesus.

 B. Our faith in Jesus grows through dedication and service.

     1. God demands that we be virtuous.

        a. The word "virtue" means excellence or praise.

        b. Our attitude and action ought to be worthy of praise.

        c. The Lord deserves our best and our praise.

  C. Knowledge of God's Word is the key to wisdom.

      1. As Our knowledge of the Lord grows, we understand our sinfulness

          and our need to be righteous.

      2. In God's Word is our direction and guidance.

      3. Excellence in the Lord, can only come through knowledge of His Word.

         a. Therefore we should study to show ourselves approved to the Lord.

V:6. "And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness."

 A. The Word teaches us the meaning of temperance.

     1. Temperance is mastery over evil inclinations and appetites.

     2. We must learn to constrain our thoughts that lead to evil temptations.

     3. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to resist temptations.

     4. We can control what we do through prayer and the counsel of God's Word.

 B. We have to learn to be patience with ourselves before we can be patient

      with anyone else.

     1.   Patience is the ability to endure with cheerfulness.

          a. A patient person continually waits and endures his situation with cheerfulness.

          b. A patient person, under trial continues to serve the Lord, being hopeful that

              God will work things out.

      2. We must be patient with others, because we do not always know what they are

           going through.

 C. A godly person has respect for others including his parents, friends and his

      1. A godly person worships the Lord in all his activities regardless of his situation.

      2. A godly person speaks with grace seasoned with salt.

      3. A godly person is always truthful.


V:7. "And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity."

  A. Brotherly kindness = philadelphia= a fraternal affection.

       1. We are all part of the body of Christ.

       2. We are all family in Christ Jesus.

       3. We should always be kind to each other.

       4. We should be careful not to be harsh with each other.

 B. Charity= agape= love feast, affection, goodwill.

     1. Believers ought to have a holy affection for those in the body of Christ.

     2. We should be in the business of exercising our love for each other.

         a. We should not talk down or degrade one another.

         b. We should lift up one another in "agape".


V:8. "For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

  A. It is God's desire that we serve one another in love.

      1. It is the business of Christians to treat others out of love and respect.

      2. The word barren is the Greek word "argos: which means to be idle, unemployed

          or lazy.

      3. We should never be unemployed in Christian love.

      4. There should always be some evidence of our spiritual growth in Christ.

  B. Our knowledge of Christ should always be on the increase.

       1. The evidence of our knowledge ought to show up in our actions toward others.

       2. There must be a constant study of God's Word.


V:9. "But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins."

  A. There are two types of Christians, none growing and spiritually growing.

      1. A none growing Christian is stuck on "I have been saved".

         a. A none growing Christian still acts like and looks like the world he has been

             called out of.

         b. A none growing Christian is still in the dark although he is part of the light.

         c. A none growing Christian still needs milk when he should be feasting on meat.

  B. We are a new creation in Christ.

      1. The old self should be dead and Christ should be alive in us.

      2. We have to put off the old man to live in Christ.

  C. Those who are not growing in Christ cannot experience the glories of Christ.

     1. Those who are not growing in Christ are not growing in the faith.

  D. A spiritually mature Christian express his faith though trial and tribulation.

     1. Those who are growing in the faith will abound in love and good works.

     2. Our personal situations should not prevent us from growing in Christ.


V:10. "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall."

 A. We have been called by God and elected in the faith of Jesus to do good works.

     1. The fruit of our labor will be love and compassion for those in the body of Christ.


 B. When we put on the attitude of Christ, even though we face trials and tribulations,

      we will never fail or lose hope in the abundant living promised us.

    1. The success of this journey through life is based on our faith in Jesus Christ.

    2. Through our faith in Jesus Christ we will be strengthen to endure all things.

    3. Because we are sure in our faith we can stay calm in all situations.



V:11. "For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

  A. In the "End Time", Jesus will set up an empire over the souls of all His redeemed

      1. This kingdom in heaven will be everlasting.

      2. Because of our faith in Jesus, we will enjoy the abundance of His glory.

  B. Heaven and all it's splendor will be open to the faithful.



V:12. "Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth."

  A. Having grown in Christ, we have a responsibility to other brothers and sisters

       in Christ.

     1. It is our job to remind ourselves first, and then others of the promises of God and

         our sure hope of heaven.

     2. We must remind ourselves first and others in Christ of our need to continue

          growing in Christ.

     3. Over time, we should become a new person in Christ having taking on the
        attributes and practices of Christ.

  B. We must continue our study of God's Word.

      1. The foundation of our spiritual growth is the study of God's Word.

      2. If we are to reach toward the high mark of Christ, we must continue to study


      3. There is always a deeper understanding of God's to be gained through the

           interaction of the Holy Spirit with us through our constant study and meditation

           on God's Word.



V:13. "Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance.

 A. As long as we have breath, we ought to be stirred up for Christ.

     1. As long as we have breath, we ought to proclaim the goodness of the Lord.

     2. As long as we have breath, we ought to be continuing our study of Jesus.

 B. As long as we have breath, we ought to teach others what we have gained in our

     years of study.

   1. As long as we have breath, we should be role models for Christ.

   2. As long as we have breath, we ought to continue our assemble with the saints of

       Jesus Christ.

   3. As long as we have breath, we ought to give God praise and honor.



V:14. "Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me."

 A. We must keep in mind that God has an appointed time to call us home to heaven.

     1. We don't know the time or the hour, but we know for sure that we will be taken

          home to be with Christ.

     2. This time we have is "getting ready time."

 B. When He calls, He ought find us working and ready.

     1. We ought to do what we can while we can, because we don't know if we will get

         back this way again.

     2. Any day now, it could be good bye world and hello heaven.

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