Friday, May 17, 2013

This Week Sunday School Lesson, "Growing In Christ", 5/19/2013



1 PETER 4:1-11


V:1. "Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin."

 A. The purpose of Christ first coming was to suffer for us in the flesh.

     1. When Christ step down out of heaven, He had a view of the cross.

     2. When Christ step down out of heaven, He had full knowledge of our sins.

     3. When Christ step down out of heaven, He knew what it would take to redeem us

         out of the world.

     4. When Christ step down out of Heaven, He knew He would be persecuted by
         leaders of His temple.

         a. Christ knew that leaders of His temple would try to protect their self interest

             by falsely accusing Him and nail Him to the cross.

     5. When Christ step down out of heaven, it was His divine plan to shed His blood
         on  the cross.

  B. If they did it to our Lord and Savior, they will do same to us.

      1. We have to arm ourselves with the knowledge  that an important part of our

          experience in this life is trials and tribulations.

      2. An athlete has to train himself to endure the strain of running the race.

         a. In the race, an athlete has to strain to cross the finish line.

      3. Likewise, we who believe in Christ Jesus, must arm ourselves with His Word to

          endure this Christian race.

  C. It is purpose of God's Word to point out our sins and arm us with power to resist
       the desire to sin.


V:2. "That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God."

 A. Armed with God's Word, we can easily identify the lust of our flesh and the means
      to  our sin.

    1. With indwelling of the Holy Spirit we are well equipped to live this life according
         to  the will of God.

    2. We got the "I will power" and the "I want power."

        a. I will follow God's commands.

        b. I want follow the ways of the world.

        d. I will seek the righteousness of God.

        e. I want follow the desires of my flesh.

 B. The most joyous time in life is under God's commands.

      1. The most peaceful time in life is the peace we have with Jesus.

      2. The most comfortable time in life is the comfort we find in God's Word.


V:3. "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries. "

 A. We all got a past life in the world.

    1. We use to do some stuff that was not pleasing to God.

    2. We use to do everything that pleased our flesh.

    3. We talked like the world, walked like the world and were glad to be apart of

         the worldly scene.

    4. It was our desire to be in the "in crowd" because we did not want to be left out.


 B. Thank God for His grace and mercy.

    1. Thank God that He saw fit to call us out of the world.

    2. Thank God that He showed us His light so we could recognize how deep in the

         dark we were.

    3. Thank God that He changed our appetite for darkness to an appetite for His light.

    4. Before Christ we had no choice but to walk in darkness, because we knew no

        better way.

       a. Thank God, He gave us a choice through His Son, Jesus Christ.

V:4. "Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you."

 A. The world, the crowd you used to run with, can't understand the change in your

     1. The world can't understand the joy you have in serving God.

     2. The world can't understand how you can drop them for a life with Christ.

     3. The world can't understand why you don't want to enjoy the good times with

 B. Because you want run with them, the world will turn against you.

     1. They will point out your faults to show that you are no better than them.

     2. The world does not  have anything good to say about your walk with Christ.

 C. We have to arm ourselves with the hope in Christ to keep from being brought down

      by the evil of the world.


V:5. "Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead."

 A. God could put an end to this world and judge the living and the dead.

    1. The quick (the living) are those in Christ.

    2. The dead are those in the world without Christ.

 B. We will all have to give an account to God for all of our deeds.

    1. God keeps up with what you do.

    2. You can't hide anything from God.

 C. In the End Time, God will judge the world according to their sins and cast them
     into the lake of fire.

    1. God  looks over the sins of believers because they have been covered

        by the blood of Jesus.

       a. Believers will be judged according to their good works and crowed for their

           position in heaven.

    2. While the world looks at us with a frown, God favors us with His glory.


V:6. "For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit."

 A. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.

     1. His death on the cross makes atonement to the Father for every ones sins.

     2. God has made the Gospel known to the whole world.

        a. The Gospel is preached in Churches around the globe.

       b. The Gospel is in the airwaves of the world.

       c. The Gospel is available on the internet which reaches around the globe.

B. God caused His ministers to preach the Gospel so that everyone would have

     opportunity for salvation.

    1. The dead in Christ are judged by the world, but glorified by Christ.

       a. Absent from the body, but present with God in the spirit.

       b. Weather dead or alive, we still are in the spirit with God.

    2. The dead outside of Christ will have their day in hell.

       b. Absent from the body and absent from God in the spirit.


V:7. "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."

 A. Two thing are sure; death and taxes.

     1. We don't know the time, but there will be an End Time.

     2. This present Church age will come to an end.

 B. The Lord says, the End Time is at hand.

     1. God is no respecter of time. To God, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand

         years is a day.

     2. It is not our job to worry about the time.

        a. It is our job to be alert and watchful of the time.

        b. We need to always be ready for the return of Christ.

        c. We need to pray without ceasing lest we forget that End Time is at hand.

     3. The train is coming, Christ is your ticket to board

        a. The destination is heaven, no baggage is allowed.


V:8. "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."

 A. There are some recommended preparations for the second coming of Christ.

     1. Love is recommended.

     2. We need to love the brethren as we love ourselves.

     3. It is recommended that we strain ourselves to extend goodwill to others.

     4. We need to ensure that we do good to those in the body of Christ.

 B The reason to love is that it covers a multitude of sins.

     1. Love allows us to overlook the sins of others.

         a. Love allows us to serve others without being concerned with how they see us.

         b. Love allows us to see the person and not their issues.

         c. Love forced us to be concerned about needs of others.

     2. The mercy of God overlooks our sins.

     3. What goes around comes around.

     4. When we love others, that same love will be returned to us.

V:9. "Use hospitality one to another without grudging."

  A. Another recommended preparation for the End Time is to be hospitable.

      1. We ought to be careful to entertain those in the body of Christ.

      2. God has equipped us with ability to be helpful to others.

      3. Some of us are gifted with a heart to share ourselves with others.

  B. Some of us are gifted to visit the sick.

       1. Some of us are gifted to entertain others in our homes.

       2. There are many ways to be hospitable to others.


V:10. "As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

 A. We are all ministers of Christ.

     1. Our job is to minister to others.

 B. God has gifted each of us with spiritual gifts.

     1. We have an obligation to be good stewards of God's gifts.

     2.  What ever God has gifted us with, we should be actively using to serve

          in the body of Christ.

     3. Nobody in the body of Christ at anytime should be unemployed.

         a. We ought to always be employed doing good and serving others.


V:11. "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen."

 A. We have only one conversation that is important.

     1. The Word of God  should be the center of all our talking.

     2. Any advice we give should be according to the Word.

     3. Any consolation should be according  to the Word.

     4. Any encouragement we give should be according to the Word.

 B. We are all God's ministers.

     1. The Word of God is the source of all ministering.

     2. The Holy Spirit, our teacher should guide our ministry.

 C. The object of any ministry is to give God the glory.

     1. God should get our praise and honor.

     2. We should never take credit for ourselves but give it all to God.



















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