Friday, November 30, 2012

This week's Sunday School Lesson, "Redemption, The Grace Of God", 12/2/2012




Ephesians 1:3-14


V: 3. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ."

A. Bless= euglogetos= fine speaking, adoration, praise

   1. We ought to speak well of the Lord.

   2. He is the Father of Jesus, our Lord and savior.

B. We ought to bless the Lord because He blessed us first.

   1. He blessed us with Jesus.

   2. He blessed us with "all spiritual blessing."

       a. He blessed us with the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit.

       b. He blessed us by justifying us.

       c. He blessed us with sanctification.

       d. He blessed us with a measure of faith.

 C. He blessed us in heavenly places.

    1. He changed our position.

    2. Before Christ, we had an earthly state. We now have a heavenly state.

    3. This is not our home, we are just passing through.


V:4. "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."

 A. God has chosen those He desires to be in the body of Christ.

     1. He chose all who would believe in Christ for all times before He formed the

 B. God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.

     1. We were in Christ before the foundation of the world.

        a. The word "in (en)" denotes a fixed position.

     2. God chose to allow us to be born in the flesh and commit sins against Him before

          calling us out of the world.

       a. God's grace has always covered us; even in our sins!

 C. God chose us to be holy and without blame.

     1. Any holiness we have is in Jesus and not us.

     2. God chose Jesus to be our salvation before the foundation of the world.

     3. God chose the cross for Jesus before the foundation of the world.

        a. The cross was part of God's divine plan of redemption.

 D. God chose us to be before Him in love.

     1. God chose heaven for us before He created the world.

     2. God dedicated His love to us before He created us.

     3. The word "love" is from the Greek word "agape" which means from His
         affection or  love feast.

         a. God willfully chose His Son for our redemption before we existed to be


 E. By the same argument God chose some to be saved and some not to be saved.

     1. Salvation is by God's grace and by His grace only.

V:5. "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will."

 A. Definition:

     1. Predestinated= proorizo = determined before hand, to decree

     2. Adoption of children= huiothesian= placing as sons

        a. This adoption (huiothesian) is a legal term giving the same right as one born

            in the family.

        b. We are to conform to the image, the purpose and interest of God the Father.

 B. Our adoption is by the finish work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

 C. Our adoption is by the good pleasure of God's will.

      1."Good pleasure" = eudokia = delight, kindness

      2. "Will"= thelema= choice, a determined thing

      3. God decided to take pleasure in saving us.

          a. God decided to allow man to fall in sin, and therefore in need of redemption.

 D. God decided to take pleasure in sending Jesus to the cross.

     1. It was God's kindness to us, to send His Son to be crucified.

     2. God determined all of this before anything was created.

     3. God determined your salvation before you, your parents or your grandparents

         ever existed.

 E. The blessing of the believer is by the Father' election, the Son dying and the

     Holy Spirit sealing (Bible Knowledge Commentary)


V:6. "To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

 A. God elected us for salvation to give Himself the glory.

    1. Our Salvation is the manifestation of His Grace.

    2. God's Grace is indicated in His plan of redemption for man.

 B. God made us acceptable to Himself through the death of His Son.

    1. His blood washes us continuously of our sins.

    2. It is the blood of Jesus that is the atonement for our sins.

 C. God's goal for our redemption is that Christians give Him praise and honor.


V:7. "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace."

 A. All believers have been redeemed from their natural state of being hell bound.

     1. Without Christ, their is no righteousness in us. Rom 3:10

     2. Before Christ, Satan held us captive. Psalms 68:18

     3. Before Christ, we were condemned by our sins. The wages of sin is death.

     4. Christ the unblemished sacrifice, satisfied Gods demand for justice.

     5. Through Christ, God restored us to a right relationship with Himself.

     6. Through Christ, we are positioned back in our heavenly home.

 B. There is no forgiveness of sin without faith in Jesus Christ.

     1. Jesus said, "I Am the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the Father
         except through me."

     2. Jesus is the way to redemption.

        a. Jesus is the truth about redemption.

        b. Jesus is our eternal life upon redemption.

 C. God's grace is unending.

     1. There is no end to those who need saving while this earth exists.

     2. There is no end to our sins.

     3. God is rich in grace and mercy.

     4. God is rich in forgiveness.

     5. God is rich in His love.



V:8. "Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence."

 A. God supplies grace, mercy, goodness and kindness to those He chose by

      council of His will.

 B. God has equipped every believer with a guide to wisdom and prudence.

     1. We have His Word that he gave the Prophets and the Apostles.

     2. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

 C. We need the wisdom of God for good understanding and to make proper decisions.

     1. Prudence is wisdom in practice.

 D. Believers are equipped with the Holy Spirit to understand God's Word.

     1. The world cannot receive God's Word because they are foolish to them.

     2. The Holy Spirit guides our understanding so that we are able to make proper


     3. The Holy Spirit guides us to an understanding of the righteousness of God and
          our sinfulness.


V:9. "Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself."

 A. God's mystery is revealed to the believers in His Word.

     1. How the Blood of Jesus can redeem the world is a mystery.

     2. How the blood of Jesus can cleanse the world of unrighteousness is a mystery to


     3. Why God predetermined to save some and leave some unsaved is a mystery.

     4. Christians are inspired to understand and accept the sovereignty of God.

         Jer 27:5

 B. Believers receive the wisdom of God because it pleases Him.

     1. Believers receive the grace of God because it pleases Him.

     2. Believers are chosen for redemption of God because it pleases Him.


V:10. "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him."

A. Dispensation= oikonomia= administration of the household

   1. The "fullness of time" is the end of house rules.

       a. The Church is God's house.

       b. The body of believers is the temple of the Lord.

   2. The second coming of Christ will be the end of the Church age in the fullness of

   3. At the second coming of Christ, all believers living and dead will be translated

       into heaven to be with Christ. Col 1:20

 B. How God can rapture the Church in an instant is a mystery revealed to believers.

      1 Thes 4:16-17



V:11. "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will."

 A. Our inheritance is the Kingdom of heaven.

      1. This inheritance was determined before the foundation of the earth.

      2. Our inheritance came through Jesus Christ.

      3. God determined to bring both Jews and Gentiles to salvation not by works but

          by His grace.

      4. The work of Christ on the cross is the only work necessary for salvation.

      5. God works faith in believers to accept Jesus as Savior.

 B. God counseled with Himself to work out man's salvation.

      1. God chose the way of salvation for us.


V:12. "That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ."

 A. What a great God we serve to save undeserving sinners like us.

     1. The trust we have in Christ did not begin in us but in God the Father.

 B. We have a duty, a responsibility and an obligation to give God the praise.

     1. Our redemption is God's glory.

 C. God did not save us to live a life of poverty on earth.

    1. Jesus said, "I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly."

    2.  God's redemptive process should be proof that we can trust God in all things.

 D. Our health and strength belongs to the Lord.

    1. God has made us His children, therefore we must give Him praise and glory.

V:13. "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."

 A. Our Salvation is all God's doing.

    1. First, He chose us before the foundation of the world.

    2. Second, He gave us His Son.

    3. Third, He gave us His Word.

    4. Fourth, He gave us a spirit to believe in His Word.

    5. Fifth, He redeemed us by  faith in Jesus that He gave us.

 B. The Lord sealed our salvation by the Holy Spirit.

     1. Without that seal, we would return to our unredeemed state.

 C. We can trust the God who saved us from ourselves.

     1. Our salvation is secure.

     2. Once saved always saved.

     3. Heaven is ours by God's divine election.

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