ACTS 26:19-32
The Apostle Paul, a missionary for God, winding up his
missionary trips was determined to visit Rome
to preach the Gospel ( Act 19:21 ).
God arranged for him to be taken captive in Jerusalem
(Act 21:10 ). The non believing Jews
in Jerusalem were determined to
kill him without a trial (Acts 21:31 ).
But God protected Paul so that his case would be heard before Caesar in Rome
(Acts 25:11).
V:19. "So then,
King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven."
A. Our obedience is
to God and not the world.
1. Following
God's commands will sometimes cause the world to oppose you.
2. Paul was
imprisoned because the non believing Jews hated his message that
Jesus Christ
was the Messiah, the redeemer of mankind.
a. They hated
Paul, because he had been one of them and changed sides to follow
b. They hated
Paul because he loved the Lord.
c. They hated
Paul because he preached the truth.
B. When we stand on
God's Word in opposition to the world, God's message will
the top of any
1. King Agrippa
was the top local official of the Roman government.
2. God can open
doors of opportunity for us to preach the Gospel in ways that may
not be
comfortable to us.
3. When we rely
on God, we can expect some trouble in our lives.
a. The
trouble in our lives as a result of our obedience will give God Glory and
be effective
in moving the Gospel into the lives of others.
b. Our work
in the ministry is not about us, but the glory of God.
V:20. " First to those in Damascus ,
then to those in Jerusalem and in
all Judea , and to the Gentiles also, I preached that
they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their
A. Nobody can tell
your story like you.
1. If someone else tells your story, they may tell it wrong.
2. You need a
defense for why you preach the Gospel.
B. Give an account of
the road you have traveled with the Lord.
1. Paul spoke of
the places he had been and the people he preached the Gospel to.
2. Every
Christian ought to have a track record of service.
C. Paul gave us his
method of preaching the Gospel.
1. He preached repentance.
a. Stop
doing wrong and do what is right.
2. Turn to God.
a. Rely on
God's Word for directions.
3. Serve God.
a. The
evidence of a changed heart is what you do for God.
b. Talking
the talk is easy.
c. Walking
in obedience to God takes time and effort.
V:21. "That is
why the Jews seized me in the temple courts and tried to kill me."
A. The truth shed light on those who are doing
1. Those who
do wrong hate the truth and they hate the ones who preach the truth.
B. Some who hate
the truth are in the church.
1. Some who
hate the truth will make trouble for you in the church.
2. Don't be
surprised if the one who smiles with you is the one who is against you.
C. Paul was caught
preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Church.
1. We ought to
be caught teaching the Gospel wherever we go.
2. It is a
good thing to be brought up on charges for proclaiming the Gospel.
a. Recently,
some High School cheerleaders in Texas
were brought up on the
of displaying a banner with the Word of God during game time.
b. Their efforts drew the attention of the
Governor of Texas who was on
c. Your stand for the Gospel encourages
others in their faith.
d. We need
opposition to increase our faith.
3. Paul was
not running away from his opposition.
a. Paul ran
toward his opposition to get caught. Acts 21:13
b. God's
divine plan for us includes both the good and bad times.
c. It is the bad times when our faith is
tested and we mature in the faith.
4. There are
times when conflict between the Gospel and the world cannot be
a. When you
travel with the Gospel of Jesus as your focus, the world will
confront you.
V:22. " But I have had God's help to this very day, and
so I stand here and testify to small and great alike. I am saying nothing
beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen."
A. You don't have to
worry about your enemy, because God is your help.
1. Give God the
credit for your success.
2. Give God the
glory for His guidance, directions and protection.
B. Our charge from
God is to stand on the Word before the small and the great.
1. Everybody
needs to hear the Gospel.
2. God is no respecter of person.
C. Speak the truth
about Jesus and nothing but the truth.
1. The Old
Testament foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, his mission his
death and
His resurrection.
2. The prophecies
in the Old Testament concerning Jesus were fulfilled in the New
a. The Old
Testament was completed 400 years before the birth of Christ.
b. This
should give us confidence in the truth of the New Testament.
c. This
should give us confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
D. No matter how many
people oppose the message about Jesus, you should stand on
Word, because
God is your help.
1. God is more
than the whole world against you.
V:23. " That the Christ would suffer and, as the first
to rise from the dead, would proclaim light to his own people and to the
A. The New Testament
is the proof of the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus
1. Christ would
suffer by the will of the Father. Isa
2. Christ would
rise from the dead. Isa 53:12
3. Christ would
proclaim the light to his people and the Gentiles. Isa 53:11, 49:6.
B. Jesus is the First
to rise from the dead.
1. Jesus death
paid the price for all believers to be resurrected with Him.
V:24. " At this point Festus interrupted Paul's
defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your
great learning is driving you insane."
A. When you proclaim
the Gospel, some non believers will call you crazy.
1. The Christian
faith is odd to the world.
2. The Word of
God is spiritually inspired and foolish to the World.
B. When others call you crazy for your belief in
Jesus, it is a testimony to the
effectiveness of
the Word.
1. First, it says
that the Word has been heard.
2. Second, it
says that the Word has affected the hearer's belief.
3. Third, the
hearer has been brought to the light.
a. The hearer
now has a decision to make; to accept or reject the Word of truth.
b. The hearer,
having heard the Word is responsible for his decision.
V:25. " "I am not insane, most excellent
Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and
A. Don't let your
faith be affected by the non belief of others.
1. It is not our
job to convince others of the truth of the Gospel.
2. It is our job
to proclaim the Word.
3. The Word will
convict others who have been drawn to Christ.
a. Faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
b. God uses
believers to put the Word in the ears of the non believers.
B. Don't get offended
by an attack from non believers.
1. They are not
attacking you, but the Word of God.
2. Ridicule by
non believers goes with the commitment of proclaiming the Gospel.
C. The Word is true
whether others agree or not.
1. Be calm and
courteous to those who do not believe the Word.
a. Down the
road of life, their hearts may be convicted by what they have heard.
b. The
calmness of our attitude is evidence of your faith.
V:26. " The king is familiar with these things, and I
can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his
notice, because it was not done in a corner."
A. You history is an
open book for others to review.
1. Be quick to
remind others of what they know about you.
2. When you have a
history of serving the Lord, people know what you have done
and when you did
B. You don't have to
be ashamed of you work for the Lord.
1. Speak boldly
and confident about the Lord.
2. It is the
Lord's call that you testify to others about Him.
3. Your testimony
will affect the lives of others.
V:27. "King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know
you do."
A. It is a good
idea to know what your accusers believe.
1. When you
know what they believe, you can use this knowledge as common
ground to
begin your defense of the Gospel.
2. Many times
people base their beliefs on the Word, but arrive at different
a. It is the
interpretations that become the reason for disagreements.
Differences in interpretation of the Word is a reason for serious Bible Study.
B. Notice, Paul
expressed confidence in the King's belief.
1. This
confidence could be the start of effective Bible Study.
2. It is the
continued Bible Study that brings about a right understanding of
V:28. "Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think
that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?"
A. When you are
exposed to the light, you will understand the direction that God is
taking you.
1. The King
understood that belief in the Word was belief in Jesus Christ.
2. The King
understood that belief in Christ would set him apart from his crowd.
3. The King having
heard the Word, was now in a position to make a decision
about Christ.
4. His
"question" indicated that he was rejecting the truth about Jesus.
V:29. " Paul replied, "Short time or long — I pray
God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I
am, except for these chains."
A. It should be the Christians
desire that all who comes in contact with him
hears the Gospel
and become believers.
1. Not all who
hear the Gospel will accept it immediately.
2. Some come to
faith early in life and others later in life.
3. We should not
become discourage at the slowness of some to accept Christ.
B. We should be in
constant prayer for the salvation of others.
V:30. " The king rose, and with him the governor and
Bernice and those sitting with
A. Non believers are
not qualified to judge the actions of a Christian. John 8:15-16
1. Since they are
of this world, their judgment will be based on worldly values.
B. You can't always
expect a fair judgment from people who have their focus on the
1. You can't
always expect a fair judgment from people who are tied to the
a. Fetus
favored the Jewish accusers. Acts 25:3
2. You can't always expect a fair judgment
from people who have questionable
a. Felix who
was replaced by Fetus wanted a bribe to release Paul. Acts 24:26-27.
b. Felix had
no evidence to hold Paul, but left him in prison for two years.
V:31. "They left the room, and while talking with one
another, they said, "This man is not doing anything that deserves death or
A. The truth is the light.
1. They could not find any evidence to
convict or hold Paul.
2. Men don't
always make judgments based on the truth.
3. Sometimes
judgments are made to satisfy the loudest voice.
V:32. "Then said
Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he
had not
appealed unto Caesar."
A. Paul was found
innocent of the charges against Him, yet he was not released.
1. Because Paul
had appealed to Ceasar, his case was taken to Rome .
2. When men don't
have the strength to stand against the opposition, they take the
easy way and pass the
responsibility to someone else.
B. God is in control
of all situations.
1. God used the
injustice done to Paul to move the Gospel to Rome .
a. It was
Paul's desire to reach Rome before
he was held captive. Acts 19:21
b. Trouble
does happen to good people, but for good reason intended by God.
2. Sometimes it takes
injustice to call attention to the truth about Jesus Christ.
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