Friday, November 30, 2012

This week's Sunday School Lesson, "Redemption, The Grace Of God", 12/2/2012




Ephesians 1:3-14


V: 3. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ."

A. Bless= euglogetos= fine speaking, adoration, praise

   1. We ought to speak well of the Lord.

   2. He is the Father of Jesus, our Lord and savior.

B. We ought to bless the Lord because He blessed us first.

   1. He blessed us with Jesus.

   2. He blessed us with "all spiritual blessing."

       a. He blessed us with the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit.

       b. He blessed us by justifying us.

       c. He blessed us with sanctification.

       d. He blessed us with a measure of faith.

 C. He blessed us in heavenly places.

    1. He changed our position.

    2. Before Christ, we had an earthly state. We now have a heavenly state.

    3. This is not our home, we are just passing through.


V:4. "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."

 A. God has chosen those He desires to be in the body of Christ.

     1. He chose all who would believe in Christ for all times before He formed the

 B. God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.

     1. We were in Christ before the foundation of the world.

        a. The word "in (en)" denotes a fixed position.

     2. God chose to allow us to be born in the flesh and commit sins against Him before

          calling us out of the world.

       a. God's grace has always covered us; even in our sins!

 C. God chose us to be holy and without blame.

     1. Any holiness we have is in Jesus and not us.

     2. God chose Jesus to be our salvation before the foundation of the world.

     3. God chose the cross for Jesus before the foundation of the world.

        a. The cross was part of God's divine plan of redemption.

 D. God chose us to be before Him in love.

     1. God chose heaven for us before He created the world.

     2. God dedicated His love to us before He created us.

     3. The word "love" is from the Greek word "agape" which means from His
         affection or  love feast.

         a. God willfully chose His Son for our redemption before we existed to be


 E. By the same argument God chose some to be saved and some not to be saved.

     1. Salvation is by God's grace and by His grace only.

V:5. "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will."

 A. Definition:

     1. Predestinated= proorizo = determined before hand, to decree

     2. Adoption of children= huiothesian= placing as sons

        a. This adoption (huiothesian) is a legal term giving the same right as one born

            in the family.

        b. We are to conform to the image, the purpose and interest of God the Father.

 B. Our adoption is by the finish work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

 C. Our adoption is by the good pleasure of God's will.

      1."Good pleasure" = eudokia = delight, kindness

      2. "Will"= thelema= choice, a determined thing

      3. God decided to take pleasure in saving us.

          a. God decided to allow man to fall in sin, and therefore in need of redemption.

 D. God decided to take pleasure in sending Jesus to the cross.

     1. It was God's kindness to us, to send His Son to be crucified.

     2. God determined all of this before anything was created.

     3. God determined your salvation before you, your parents or your grandparents

         ever existed.

 E. The blessing of the believer is by the Father' election, the Son dying and the

     Holy Spirit sealing (Bible Knowledge Commentary)


V:6. "To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

 A. God elected us for salvation to give Himself the glory.

    1. Our Salvation is the manifestation of His Grace.

    2. God's Grace is indicated in His plan of redemption for man.

 B. God made us acceptable to Himself through the death of His Son.

    1. His blood washes us continuously of our sins.

    2. It is the blood of Jesus that is the atonement for our sins.

 C. God's goal for our redemption is that Christians give Him praise and honor.


V:7. "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace."

 A. All believers have been redeemed from their natural state of being hell bound.

     1. Without Christ, their is no righteousness in us. Rom 3:10

     2. Before Christ, Satan held us captive. Psalms 68:18

     3. Before Christ, we were condemned by our sins. The wages of sin is death.

     4. Christ the unblemished sacrifice, satisfied Gods demand for justice.

     5. Through Christ, God restored us to a right relationship with Himself.

     6. Through Christ, we are positioned back in our heavenly home.

 B. There is no forgiveness of sin without faith in Jesus Christ.

     1. Jesus said, "I Am the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the Father
         except through me."

     2. Jesus is the way to redemption.

        a. Jesus is the truth about redemption.

        b. Jesus is our eternal life upon redemption.

 C. God's grace is unending.

     1. There is no end to those who need saving while this earth exists.

     2. There is no end to our sins.

     3. God is rich in grace and mercy.

     4. God is rich in forgiveness.

     5. God is rich in His love.



V:8. "Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence."

 A. God supplies grace, mercy, goodness and kindness to those He chose by

      council of His will.

 B. God has equipped every believer with a guide to wisdom and prudence.

     1. We have His Word that he gave the Prophets and the Apostles.

     2. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

 C. We need the wisdom of God for good understanding and to make proper decisions.

     1. Prudence is wisdom in practice.

 D. Believers are equipped with the Holy Spirit to understand God's Word.

     1. The world cannot receive God's Word because they are foolish to them.

     2. The Holy Spirit guides our understanding so that we are able to make proper


     3. The Holy Spirit guides us to an understanding of the righteousness of God and
          our sinfulness.


V:9. "Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself."

 A. God's mystery is revealed to the believers in His Word.

     1. How the Blood of Jesus can redeem the world is a mystery.

     2. How the blood of Jesus can cleanse the world of unrighteousness is a mystery to


     3. Why God predetermined to save some and leave some unsaved is a mystery.

     4. Christians are inspired to understand and accept the sovereignty of God.

         Jer 27:5

 B. Believers receive the wisdom of God because it pleases Him.

     1. Believers receive the grace of God because it pleases Him.

     2. Believers are chosen for redemption of God because it pleases Him.


V:10. "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him."

A. Dispensation= oikonomia= administration of the household

   1. The "fullness of time" is the end of house rules.

       a. The Church is God's house.

       b. The body of believers is the temple of the Lord.

   2. The second coming of Christ will be the end of the Church age in the fullness of

   3. At the second coming of Christ, all believers living and dead will be translated

       into heaven to be with Christ. Col 1:20

 B. How God can rapture the Church in an instant is a mystery revealed to believers.

      1 Thes 4:16-17



V:11. "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will."

 A. Our inheritance is the Kingdom of heaven.

      1. This inheritance was determined before the foundation of the earth.

      2. Our inheritance came through Jesus Christ.

      3. God determined to bring both Jews and Gentiles to salvation not by works but

          by His grace.

      4. The work of Christ on the cross is the only work necessary for salvation.

      5. God works faith in believers to accept Jesus as Savior.

 B. God counseled with Himself to work out man's salvation.

      1. God chose the way of salvation for us.


V:12. "That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ."

 A. What a great God we serve to save undeserving sinners like us.

     1. The trust we have in Christ did not begin in us but in God the Father.

 B. We have a duty, a responsibility and an obligation to give God the praise.

     1. Our redemption is God's glory.

 C. God did not save us to live a life of poverty on earth.

    1. Jesus said, "I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly."

    2.  God's redemptive process should be proof that we can trust God in all things.

 D. Our health and strength belongs to the Lord.

    1. God has made us His children, therefore we must give Him praise and glory.

V:13. "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."

 A. Our Salvation is all God's doing.

    1. First, He chose us before the foundation of the world.

    2. Second, He gave us His Son.

    3. Third, He gave us His Word.

    4. Fourth, He gave us a spirit to believe in His Word.

    5. Fifth, He redeemed us by  faith in Jesus that He gave us.

 B. The Lord sealed our salvation by the Holy Spirit.

     1. Without that seal, we would return to our unredeemed state.

 C. We can trust the God who saved us from ourselves.

     1. Our salvation is secure.

     2. Once saved always saved.

     3. Heaven is ours by God's divine election.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Prison Ministry", 11/25/2012


Acts 28:23-31


Paul arrived in Rome as prisoner of the Roman government. His objective was to

get to Rome to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God showed him favor by allowing

him to establish a Church in his home. As was his custom, he called the leading Jews

of the city first.



23." And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening."

A. Paul's objective was to get to Rome to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

   1. By divine intervention and protection, he made it to Rome as a prisoner.

   2. He wasted no time getting the chief Jews together.

      a. When we are committed to God's work, we should not procrastinate.

      b. The time we have is God's time and it should not be wasted.

B. Paul preached what was common to him and the Jews.

     1. They both believed in the law of Moses (the first 5 books of the Old Testament)
          and the prophets.

     2. They had a common heritage. They could trace their decendence back to

     3. They had a belief in a supreme God in common.

     4. They had a belief in a coming Messiah.

C. In preaching the Gospel, it would be good to start with common beliefs.

    1. Paul preached Jesus in the Old Testament.   Num 24:17, Isa 7:10, Mal 3:1-4

    2. The Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus in the flesh.

    3. A convincing argument for Jesus may take considerable time, especially to those

       who have other beliefs.

    4. Our preaching should be from the Word and the Word only.

        a. People do not need to hear our opinions, but our interpretation of the Word.

        b. People need our time to enlighten them with what God has given us.

 D. There is always an audience ready to here the Word of God.

     1. Our job is to make ourselves available to serve God.

     2. We have make time to proclaim the Word and to listen to the beliefs of others.

     3. We have to prepare ourselves to proclaim the Word by continuous study of the




V:24. And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.

   A. The Good News about preaching the Gospel is some will believe in Jesus.

       1. The task of a minister of Jesus is to enlighten others that salvation is through

            faith in Jesus.

       2. Some, after hearing the Word will accept Christ as their savior.

   B. The Sad News is that some after hearing the Gospel will not believe.

    1. You cannot bring everyone to the truth about Jesus

    2. Some are stuck on their beliefs and will never accept Jesus.

    3. Some will consider Jesus and come to faith later in their life.

    4. Our job is to give our testimony about Jesus and leave the conviction to the Lord.

        a. We may be planting the Word for the first time.

        b. We may be watering what someone has planted.



V:25. "And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers."

 A. It is not uncommon to have different interpretations of God's Word.

     1. We have many different religions because there are many different beliefs

         about God and many different interpretations of His Word.

     2. Christians believe in a triune God; God the Father, God the Son and God the
         Holy Spirit. One God in three persons.

     3. Some religions believe in God, but leave out a belief in Jesus Christ.

     4. Some believe in the Old Testament but not the New Testament.

 B. Some religions have a book that is not the Bible that we Christians read.

     1. The Mormons have their book.

     2. The Muslins have their book. (The Quran)

     3. The Jews have their Bible which does not include Jesus as savior.

 C. When people are set in their beliefs which does not include Jesus, we must depart

      from them and keep our faith.

     1. The Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher.

     2. The Holy Spirit guided the prophets.

     3. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit will not understand God's Word.

     4. The Holy Spirit was not given to all believers until after resurrection and

          the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven.

     5. Those who do not accept Jesus as their personal savior will not receive the

          Holy Spirit.


V:26. "Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive."

A. Paul gave the unbelievers a parting word from Isa 6:9-10.

    1. Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.

    2. We have to believe the whole Bible, not just the part we agree with.

B. The Question is: having heard the Word of God, why are some inspired to believe

   in Jesus and others  rejected Jesus?

    1. God has prepared the hearts of those who He has called to be His

        John 6:37

    2. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God draws those He has called. John 6:44

    3. With His Word, God convicts those He has called.

         a. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

    4. There are people, God has not called to salvation. John 14:16, 17


V:27. "For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them."

 A. The Gospel message was presented to the Jews first.

      1. Paul came to Rome to present the Gospel to the Jews who had been scattered

      2. He would next, present the Gospel to the Roman government.

 A. The effect of unbelief affects the body from the inside out.

     1. Hearts are waxed gross. The heart of Israel became insensitive of God.

     2. Their ears are closed. They heard the Word but could not understand it.

     3. Their eyes are closed.  They could not see the glory of God that was before them.

 B. God desires that the whole world be saved.  John 3:17

     1. God desires that the whole world will understand the Gospel of Truth.

     2. God desires that the World be converted from their sins and accept salvation

         through Jesus.

     3.  God desires that the world be healed of deceases and sicknesses and made



V:28. "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it."

 A. The progressive mission of the Gospel is that salvation be brought to the Jews first

      and then to the Gentiles. Romans 1:16, 2:20.

     1. The Jewish Nation is God's first chosen people.

         a. Out of the Jewish Nation came salvation for the whole world.

     2. Jesus, Our Lord and Savior was born a Jew, but died to save the whole world.

 B. God is in control of all who will hear and accept the message of salvation.

     1. The Gentiles "will" hear it.

     2. God is no respecter of person.

        a. Everyone is given the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus as their personal



V:29. "And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves."

 A. Bible Study requires personal meditation.

     1. Having heard the Word of God, you have the responsibility to make a decision

         regarding salvation through Jesus Christ.

     2. You will accept or reject Christ as your personal Savior.

 B. To understand the Word, you have to meditate on the Word.

     1. To understand the Word, takes Bible study with other believers.

     2. To understand the Word, takes time in the Word.


V:30. "And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him."

 A. When you are devoted to the Lord's work, He will give you favor with men.

     1. Even though he was a prisoner of the Roman government, he was first, a

         prisoner of Jesus.

     2. God blessed him with a house to stay in rather than a jail cell.

     3. God blessed him with an income to pay for his shelter and provisions.

 B. Paul used his blessed position to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     1. God blesses us so we can bless others giving God the glory.

     2. Paul was not selective in who he blessed. He received all.

     3. God's elect come in all nationalities.

 V:31. "Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him."

 A. A Minister has the responsibility of teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus


    1. It is our circumstances that gives us the opportunity to serve God.

    2. Some circumstances are designed for us by God to put us in contact with

        those in need of salvation and enlightenment .

 B.  All believers are ministers for Jesus Christ.

    1. Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus until His death.

    2.  As long as we have breath, we should use it to give God the glory.





















Thursday, November 15, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Mission Out Of Tradedy", 11/18/2012


ACTS 28:1-10

The Apostle Paul and 275 others were on ship to Rome which got caught in a storm and tore apart. The ship ran aground and was broken into pieces by violent waves. It was by the grace of God that all on the ship survived. God is bigger than all our storms.


V:1. "And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita."

  A. When you trust God, He will bring you through the storms of life.

       1. God has a place of refuge for us.

       2. God is our refuge.

  B. God will not leave you in the dark.

       1. God will give you the understanding you need when you need it.

       2. God will place you where you need to be for the next step of your life's journey.

       3. You are never lost from God.

  C. Some of God's blessings are universal.

      1. He blesses the righteous and the unrighteous alike.

      2. They all were saved out of the storm.


V:2. "And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold."

 A. Barbarous=barbaroi= a foreigner, non Greek, a strange language

  1. The native language of the people of the Island of Melita was not Greek.

  2. God can inspire strangers to bless us.

 B. The native people on the island took care of 276 strangers.

  1. God can use your sorrow to cause an outpouring of help.

  2. Kindness is a virtue that God places in the hearts of people.



V:3. "And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand."

 A. The devil is always busy.

      1. They were saved out of the storm and the devil showed his presence

      2. Paul was busy being helpful to others.

      3. The devil was busy being discouraging.

          a. The devil knows in your weakest moment it is easy for you to become


          b. In the midst of great kindness, the devil will attempt to distract us from

              rejoicing in the grace and mercy of God.

  B.  Devilish behavior is sometimes directed at the one who is being helpful.

      1. Definitions

        a. Fastened=kathaptoo= bind on, lay hold of.

        b. bite= dakno=strike with a sting

      2. A viper came out of the fire.

         a. This snake was out of its place.

         b. Animals are usually afraid of fire.

         c. The text says that the snake laid hold of Paul's hand, but it did not say he was


      3. God controls the storms and He also controls the animals.

         a. Satan can't do anything to you that God doesn’t allow.

         b. What God allows to happen gives Him the glory.

         c. Let me suggest that God used the viper to draw attention to Paul's faith.


V:4. "And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said amongst themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live."

 A. The non-Greek speaking natives were superstitious.

     1. Superstition is Satan's playground.

         a. It sounds good, but it is not true.

         b. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy.

     2. In the middle of God's mission, Satan shows up to steal God's glory.

     3. The natives first reaction was that Paul was a murderer, getting what he deserved.

 B. Don't pay attention to superstitious beliefs.

     1. If Satan can get you  to believe in superstitions, he can steer your focus away
         from the Lord.

     2. If you trust man's beliefs, you can't trust God.  


V:5. "And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm."

  A. When the Devil shows up, you have to "SHAKE HIM OFF".

      1. You must send the Devil back where he came from.

          a. If he came out of the fire, send him back into the fire.

      2. The Devil can't do you any harm.

          a. He can do only what God allows.

          b. Put on the full armor of God to "STAND" against the wise of the devil

 B. We are the Lord's children.

      1. We can take a licking and keep on ticking.

      2. Don't allow your faith to be shaken by the troubles that come into your life.

      3. You can be sure that when you are at your weakest point, Satan will attack.

      4. When we recognize our weakness, we can be strong in the Lord.

      5. Our weakness is God's opportunity to be glorified.

V:6. "Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god."

 A. The world will watch to see how Christians handle the trouble in their lives.

      1. If you fall down and break down, the world will have no reason to believe in the

          God you serve.

 B. The world will watch you closely for any evidence of weakened faith.

      1. They looked to see if Paul would blow up or fall down.

      2. If you blow up when trouble comes your way, that is evidence that you don't

          trust God.

      3. If you fall down and stay down while serving God, that is evidence that your  
          faith  is not in God.

  C. They changed their minds and said that he was a god.

      1. This is the purpose for snakes in your life.

           a. People need to see that you still trust God in the midst of trouble.

           b. People need to see that you still have joy while facing difficulties.

           c. People need to see that you still have peace in the midst of a confused world.

      2. When people see that your confidence in God is not shaken no matter

           what your circumstances are, they are more likely to believe in your God.

      3. Paul was not a god, but he had the spirit of God.

          a. The natives believed in gods, they just didn't know the true and living God.

          b. Paul used this opportunity to bring the natives to God.

  V:7. "In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose
       name was Publius; who received us, and lodged us three days courteously."

 A. When you trust God with your outcome, God will bring you favor with men.

      1. To please God, you must believe that He is and that He will reward  those

           who trust Him.

      2. Your acts of faith affect the lives of others.

 B. The chief of the island gave the whole group (276) favor.

     1. Not only did he give them favor, but he did it with joy.

     2. God will protect and provide for those who trust Him.


V:8. "And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him."

 A. Wherever we go, God has a mission for us.

     1. The prayers of the righteous accomplish much.

     2. The natives didn't know God, but they came to know His power through Paul's


     3. Church begins when you start serving God.

 B. God puts trouble in our lives to challenge our faith and to draw others to Him.

    1. Paul used his gift of healing to restore a sick man to health.

    2. God has gifted each believer with the ability to serve others.

V:9. "So when this was done, others also, which had diseases in the island, came, and were healed."

 A. Our lives can affect the lives of many other people.

    1. If we can bring one to faith, others will follow.

    2. God uses his healing power to draw people to Him and to increase our faith.

 B. God uses us as His missionaries.

     1. We should never get to caught up in our problems that we can't help others.

     2. Serving others in the mist of our troubles is a testimony to our faith in God.

     3. When we serve others, our troubles will seem small.

     4. Others will be drawn to faith in Jesus when they see us serving others because
         of our love for Jesus and our love for them.


V:10. "Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary."

 A. What goes around comes around.

     1. When you bless others, others will bless you.

     2. When you serve God, He will see to it that others serve you.

 B. When you honor God with your service and commitment, He will honor you with

      protection and provisions.

   1. God places us in the mist of people who can help us along the way of life.

   2. We are a dependant people. We all need each other.

   3. It is always good to be kind, because your kindness at some point will be returned
       to you.









Thursday, November 1, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, In Defense Of The Gospel" 11/4/2012


ACTS 26:19-32

The Apostle Paul, a missionary for God, winding up his missionary trips was determined to visit Rome to preach the Gospel ( Act 19:21). God arranged for him to be taken captive in Jerusalem (Act 21:10). The non believing Jews in Jerusalem were determined to kill him without a trial (Acts 21:31). But God protected Paul so that his case would be heard before Caesar in Rome (Acts 25:11).


V:19.  "So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven."

 A. Our obedience is to God and not the world.

     1. Following God's commands will sometimes cause the world to oppose you.

     2. Paul was imprisoned because the non believing Jews hated his message that

         Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the redeemer of mankind.

        a. They hated Paul, because he had been one of them and changed sides to follow


        b. They hated Paul because he loved the Lord.

        c. They hated Paul because he preached the truth.

 B. When we stand on God's Word in opposition to the world, God's message will

      the top of any organization. 

      1. King Agrippa was the top local official of the Roman government.

      2. God can open doors of opportunity for us to preach the Gospel in ways that may

          not be comfortable to us.

      3. When we rely on God, we can expect some trouble in our lives.

           a. The trouble in our lives as a result of our obedience will give God Glory and

               be effective in moving the Gospel into the lives of others.

           b. Our work in the ministry is not about us, but the glory of God.



V:20. " First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds."

 A. Nobody can tell your story like you.

      1. If someone  else tells your story, they may tell it wrong.

      2. You need a defense for why you preach the Gospel.

 B. Give an account of the road you have traveled with the Lord.

     1. Paul spoke of the places he had been and the people he preached the Gospel to.

     2. Every Christian ought to have a track record of service.

 C. Paul gave us his method of preaching the Gospel.

      1. He preached repentance.

          a. Stop doing wrong and do what is right.

      2. Turn to God.

          a. Rely on God's Word for directions.

      3. Serve God.

          a. The evidence of a changed heart is what you do for God.

          b. Talking the talk is easy.

          c. Walking in obedience to God takes time and effort.



 V:21. "That is why the Jews seized me in the temple courts and tried to kill me."

   A.  The truth shed light on those who are doing wrong.

        1. Those who do wrong hate the truth and they hate the ones who preach the truth.

   B. Some who hate the truth are in the church.

        1. Some who hate the truth will make trouble for you in the church.

        2. Don't be surprised if the one who smiles with you is the one who is against you.

   C. Paul was caught preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Church.

        1. We ought to be caught teaching the Gospel wherever we go.

        2. It is a good thing to be brought up on charges for proclaiming the Gospel.

            a. Recently, some High School cheerleaders  in Texas were brought up on the

                charge of displaying a banner with the Word of God during game time.

            b. Their efforts drew the attention of the Governor of Texas who was on

                 their side. 

            c. Your stand for the Gospel encourages others in their faith.

            d. We need opposition to increase our faith.

        3. Paul was not running away from his opposition.

           a. Paul ran toward his opposition to get caught. Acts 21:13

           b. God's divine plan for us includes both the good and bad times.

           c. It is the bad times when our faith is tested and we mature in the faith.

       4. There are times when conflict between the Gospel and the world cannot be


          a. When you travel with the Gospel of Jesus as your focus, the world will   
              confront  you.



V:22. " But I have had God's help to this very day, and so I stand here and testify to small and great alike. I am saying nothing beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen."

 A. You don't have to worry about your enemy, because God is your help.

      1. Give God the credit for your success.

      2. Give God the glory for His guidance, directions and protection.  

 B. Our charge from God is to stand on the Word before the small and the great.

      1. Everybody needs to hear the Gospel.

      2. God is no respecter of person.

 C. Speak the truth about Jesus and nothing but the truth.

     1. The Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, his mission his

          death and His resurrection.

     2. The prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Jesus were fulfilled in the New


          a. The Old Testament was completed 400 years before the birth of Christ.

          b. This should give us confidence in the truth of the New Testament.

          c. This should give us confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 D. No matter how many people oppose the message about Jesus, you should stand on

      Word, because God is your help.

     1. God is more than the whole world against you.



V:23. " That the Christ would suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, would proclaim light to his own people and to the Gentiles."

 A. The New Testament is the proof of the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus

      1. Christ would suffer by the will of the Father.  Isa 53:10

      2. Christ would rise from the dead. Isa 53:12

      3. Christ would proclaim the light to his people and the Gentiles. Isa 53:11, 49:6.

 B. Jesus is the First to rise from the dead.

     1. Jesus death paid the price for all believers to be resurrected with Him.


V:24. " At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane."

  A. When you proclaim the Gospel, some non believers will call you crazy.

      1. The Christian faith is odd to the world.

      2. The Word of God is spiritually inspired and foolish to the World.

  B.  When others call you crazy for your belief in Jesus, it is a testimony to the

        effectiveness of the Word. 

     1. First, it says that the Word has been heard.

     2. Second, it says that the Word has affected the hearer's belief.

     3. Third, the hearer has been brought to the light.

         a. The hearer now has a decision to make; to accept or reject the Word of truth.

    b. The hearer, having heard the Word is responsible for his decision.


V:25. " "I am not insane, most excellent Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and reasonable."

 A. Don't let your faith be affected by the non belief of others.

     1. It is not our job to convince others of the truth of the Gospel.

     2. It is our job to proclaim the Word.

     3. The Word will convict others who have been drawn to Christ.

         a. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. 

         b. God uses believers to put the Word in the ears of the non believers.

 B. Don't get offended by an attack from non believers.

     1. They are not attacking you, but the Word of God.

     2. Ridicule by non believers goes with the commitment of proclaiming the Gospel.

 C. The Word is true whether others agree or not.

     1. Be calm and courteous to those who do not believe the Word.

        a. Down the road of life, their hearts may be convicted by what they have heard.

        b. The calmness of our attitude is evidence of your faith.


V:26. " The king is familiar with these things, and I can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner."

 A. You history is an open book for others to review.

    1. Be quick to remind others of what they know about you.

    2. When you have a history of serving the Lord, people know what you have done
        and when you did it.

 B. You don't have to be ashamed of you work for the Lord.

     1. Speak boldly and confident about the Lord.

     2. It is the Lord's call that you testify to others about Him.

     3. Your testimony will affect the lives of others.


V:27. "King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do."

    A. It is a good idea to know what your accusers believe.

        1. When you know what they believe, you can use this knowledge as common

            ground to begin your defense of the Gospel.

        2. Many times people base their beliefs on the Word, but arrive at different


           a. It is the interpretations that become the reason for disagreements.

           b. Differences in interpretation of the Word is a reason for serious Bible Study.

 B. Notice, Paul expressed confidence in the King's belief.

       1. This confidence could be the start of effective Bible Study.

       2. It is the continued Bible Study that brings about a right understanding of



V:28. "Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?"

 A. When you are exposed to the light, you will understand the direction that God is

       taking you.

    1. The King understood that belief in the Word was belief in Jesus Christ.

    2. The King understood that belief in Christ would set him apart from his crowd.

   3. The King having heard the Word, was now in a position to make a decision

        about Christ.

  4. His "question" indicated that he was rejecting the truth about Jesus.



V:29. " Paul replied, "Short time or long — I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains."

 A. It should be the Christians desire that all who comes in contact with him

      hears the Gospel and become believers.

    1. Not all who hear the Gospel will accept it immediately.

    2. Some come to faith early in life and others later in life.

    3. We should not become discourage at the slowness of some to accept Christ.

 B. We should be in constant prayer for the salvation of others.


V:30. " The king rose, and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with

 A. Non believers are not qualified to judge the actions of a Christian. John 8:15-16

     1. Since they are of this world, their judgment will be based on worldly values.

 B. You can't always expect a fair judgment from people who have their focus on the


     1. You can't always expect a fair judgment from people who are tied to the

         a. Fetus favored the Jewish accusers.  Acts 25:3

     2. You can't always expect a fair judgment from people who have questionable


        a. Felix who was replaced by Fetus wanted a bribe to release Paul. Acts 24:26-27.

        b. Felix had no evidence to hold Paul, but left him in prison for two years.



V:31. "They left the room, and while talking with one another, they said, "This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment."

  A.  The truth is the light.

       1. They could not find any evidence to convict or hold Paul.

       2. Men don't always make judgments based on the truth.

       3. Sometimes judgments are made to satisfy the loudest voice.


 V:32. "Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he
  had not appealed unto Caesar."

 A. Paul was found innocent of the charges against Him, yet he was not released.

     1. Because Paul had appealed to Ceasar, his case was taken to Rome.

     2. When men don't have the strength to stand against the opposition, they take the
         easy way and pass the responsibility to someone else.

 B. God is in control of all situations.

    1. God used the injustice done to Paul to move the Gospel to Rome. 

         a. It was Paul's desire to reach Rome before he was held captive.  Acts 19:21

         b. Trouble does happen to good people, but for good reason intended by God.

   2. Sometimes it takes injustice to call attention to the truth about Jesus Christ.