Sunday, January 19, 2025

God Created The Atmosphere Genesis 1:6-13


GENESIS 1:6-13

Genesis 1:6-13

6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning — the second day. 

9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good. 

11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning — the third day. 

Have you ever wondered why vegetables and fruit have seed? To

Reproduce themselves


God is the Father of chemistry. He is a construction engineer. He is an architect.  He is so complete that nothing Is left to chance.

In Verses 6-8 God created an expanse or firmament between the heavens and the earth which was mixed together at creation on

The first day.  

God separated the sky(heavens) from the surface of the waters.

In other words God created a space between the sky  and the waters

How was that done? No one knows.  God introduces us to gravitational forces.   g=9.76 m/s2  which is net acceleration on objects

When a car moves there is a force applied that causes it to move.

God is the all-powerful force that moved heaven and earth. We cannot imagine the force that it took move the earth down to separate the

Water covered earth to create a sky.



On day two God created an atmosphere suitable for life which includes the air we breathe. 

It is important for us to consider the importance of the air that surrounds us. Its chemical makeup is mixed by God to allow

Man, all life in plants, and animals to exist. 

On the second day, God created an expanse between the upper 

Atmosphere and the ground. The expanse is the space between the 

Ground and the sky. Initially created in water. He separated the

Waters of the sky from the waters of the earth, creating the

Air and the atmosphere that surrounds us

To give more details consider the discussion by Brewer of the Bible Illustrator Commentary

The composition of the atmosphere: -- But the atmosphere with which the Creator has surrounded the earth is wonderful also in its composition. The two elements of which it chiefly consists -- oxygen and nitrogen -- are mixed in definite proportions in parts. If this proportion were but slightly altered, as nitrogen destroys life and extinguishes flame, the result of any perceptible increase of it would be that fires would lose their strength and lamps their brightness, plants would wither, and man, with the whole animal kingdom, would perform their functions with difficulty and pain. Or if the quantity of nitrogen were much diminished, and the oxygen increased, the opposite effect would be produced. The least spark would set anything combustible in a flame; candles and lamps would burn with the most brilliant blaze for a moment, but would be quickly consumed. If a house caught fire, the whole city would be burnt down. The animal fluids would circulate with the greatest rapidity, brain fever would soon set in, and the lunatic asylums would be filled. A day is coming when "the elements shall melt with fervent heat." God has but to subtract the nitrogen from the air, and the whole world would instantly take fire; such is the activity and energy of the oxygen when left uncontrolled.

(from The Biblical Illustrator Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006 Ages Software, Inc. and Biblesoft, Inc.)

The air we breathe was designed by God for the perfect consumption

By man and all living creatures and plants, and trees. 

Air is 21 percent oxygen and 78 percent nitrogen and a very small

Percent of carbonic acid. This mixture is perfect for life on earth

As stated by the Biblical Illustrator commentary, if the mixture is

Altered, there would be significant problems.

The chemicals molecules  known to us and identified during creation are water H2O, Nitrogen, Oxygen O2, Carbonic Acid H2CO3.  All are required for everything that lives. 


Not only is the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen important but the

The pressure that exists on earth is important.  The atmospheric pressure, at sea level is about 14.696 psi per square in of surface

Area. Only an all-powerful God can create pressure.

Consider what Science ABC says;

Equilibrium: The Great Equalizer

The air around us exerts pressure on our entire body. However, what is fascinating is that the same amount of pressure is exerted back onto the air molecules by the inside of our bodies, creating a state of equilibrium. 

Simply put, the human body has evolved over time in the presence of air and in accordance with the pressure exerted upon it. If the human body were an empty shell, it would have popped like a tin can under our atmospheric pressure. But that doesn’t happen. 

With Barometric pressure, God gave some the ability to predict weather changes. People suffering from arthritis, migranes and sinuses.

For suffers with arthritis an increase in pressure causes muscles to

Contract leading to pain

For sufferers of Migrains. Low barometric causes headaches

For Suffers of sinuses an increase in barometric pressure causes mucus to thicken blocking air

Barometric pressure controls the weather and pain in our bodies

The atmosphere we live in was designed by God to do many

Things that are beneficial to us.

The Atmosphere protects us from the radiation of the sun. In the upper atmosphere is an ozone layer O3 

The atmosphere contains moisture for rain which is collected

In clouds.

The atmosphere controls the heat. It insulates the Earth by trapping

Heat and transporting heat from warmer to cooler areas.  

The radiated heat causes the evaporation of moister, equalizes the climate, producing winds forming clouds and diffusing light 

Every living thing consumes air, but God has a way of controlling 

it so it is never depleted.  No matter what we admit into the air,  it

Never changes the mixture of the air over the earth so it is unsuitable for consumption 

Air is the receptacle and vehicle of LIght 

The Atmosphere was made for lungs were made for the atmosphere

The atmosphere controls sound

Speech is only possible because of the atmosphere. The larynx,

The tongue, the mouth, and the lips have the skill to form air into



After God created an environment suitable for life, He design a

Place suitable for life and food suitable for consumption to support life.

9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good. 

11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning — the third day. 

The Habitation for Mankind 

Dry ground is necessary for all plant life. He planted the ground with

Trees and plants equipped with seeds for continual reproduction.

The entire earth was made fertile for growth. The land was dry, but

We must assume there was moisture in the ground to water the plants

That God placed to grow and multiply.

The Water was gatherted in a place called sea. The Hebrew word for

Sea is yam which means a large body of roaring waters. The water was moving, not stagnant flowing throughout the earth. 

Jesus is the water of life ( John 7:38-39)      Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:35). Jesus is everywhere all the time providing provisions for


It has been determined that 71 percent of the earth is water. History

Tells us that the earth is constantly being replenished with living water. Water evaporates from the earth and is collected in clouds producing rain which returns it to earth. 

God looked at the dry land and the sea and proclaimed it good. He looked at growth on earth and proclaimed it good. The goodness of

The Lord endures forever. 

The earth and the waters were created on the first day. The divine call 

Educated them to the full exercise of their duties. God ordained all 

Believers before the foundation of the earth and have educated us to 

The duties of good work.

I can only imagine as the earth rose to its heights of dry land and mountains that there was a mighty rush of water into their divine

Places of seas and rivers. What we know about the earth is that it

Is full of hollow places containing water beneath the surface of the earth. It is evident by the wells Abraham dug for himself, family and flocks. Genesis 21:25

God created everything in darkness covered by water. He then called

Everything into order by His word. We all started in the darkness of

The mother's womb covered in water  and were born into light for

God’s use.  

When God says good, I can assume His creation is perfect and good

For the use according to His Will.

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