John 3:13-16
14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
This conversation began with Nicodemus, a pharisee who was part
Of the Jewish ruling religious committee. The majority of the Jewish
The ruling hierarchy wanted to kill Jesus, Obviously, Nicodemus did not
Agree with them but was too scared to speak up. He came to Jesus
By night wanting salvation. Imaging what impact Nicodemus could
Have had if he opposed wrong.
The New Testament was written in Greek. The original layout of John 3:16
Is as follows
So for Loved, God the world that the Son, his only begotten He gave that whosoever believeth in Him not should perish but have life, everlasting
The word So in Greek is houtos which means “In this manner’ This takes you back to verse 3:14 which refers to Numbers 21:9-9
Numbers 21:8-9
8 The Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live." 9 So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake lived.
The people of Israel in the desert began grumbling against the Lord after He gave the victory over the Cannanite. God got steamed and sent
Poisonous Serpents in the camp to bite them. Some died.
They came to Moses confessing their sins and pleaded with him to
Intercede to God for them. Moses did. Likewise, Jesus is our intercessor
Before the Almighty Father.
The lifted-up serpent on the pole represents Jesus lifted up on the cross
Anyone believing in Jesus will live. We have been bitten by the serpent of
Sin and in the same manner we look to Jesus as savior. High and lifted up
with a humble attitude.
Notice in Numbers, some died but some were saved. Similar to the church
And the world. Some die and some will live. Some come to light and some
Remain in darkness.
The Word love in Greek is agape which means love feast. It's in the past tense which means God always loved the world. Sin did not change God’s love for the World, it just moved Him to His plan of redemption
What is a love feast? Its grace and mercy, tolerance, forgiveness sacrifice,
Kindness, gentleness, rebuking,
Some say Agape is sacrificial love, which it is, but the Greek definition does
Not describe it that way, God shows us sacrifice as love in action
Love is not self-centered, but God-centered with an outflow to mankind.
Who is this God?
He is omnipotent. Has all power. There is nothing too hard for God.
He is the creator of all things seen and unseen
Do you rely on Him for all your help? Do you think of God when you get out of a chair? Getting into and getting out of your car. Or do you call on God for the big and important things? Is your God big enough to handle
The small things?
He is omniscient. He knows everything all the time. Is God the first person you contact when you have a problem? Do you see God giving
You advise through other people? How often do you consult God?
He is Omnipresent. Is God in your car when you drive? Or do you invite
Satan in on the popular radio? Is God on your mind before you fall asleep?
Would God like your attitude in the grocery store?
The Bible gives us a lot of terms to describe God. Is He that for you/?
He is Jehovah Jireh The Lord will provide. Gen 22:14 Does Hw always
Provide or do yourself sometimes going wanting?
He Jehovah Rapha The God who heals Ex 15:25 Are you still
Waiting on God to heal you? Are looking for your own solution?
He is Jehovah Nissi The Lord My Banner Exodus 17:8 Are you loosing waiting on God? Are you confident He will win the battle for you?
He is Jehovah Shalom The Lord is peace Judges 6:24 Is there trouble in your Life. Can you sleep at night.? Will God bring peace?
He is Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there Ex:48:35 Have You called on God And got no answer. He was there for others. But what about you?
How you see God determines how you trust and rely on Him. Only you
Can answer these questions.
The World, not the earth is God’s focus which includes every human being. Good bad or indifferent
His only begotten son The word begotten is momogene means a unique one, One of a kind, There was no sperm of Joseph to connect with an egg of Mary. The spirit of Jesus was placed in Mary by the Holy Spirit to
Take on human flesh to become a man. Jesus was fully God and fully man.
The Word gave in the text means brought forth. Jesus was brought forth to
Dwell with us.
Genesis 3:15-16 describes God’s plan of redemption for mankind
After Adam sinned. “A woman's seed will crush the head of the serpent (Satan). The seed represents Jesus.
Luke 1:31-33 describes the planting of the seed in the womb of Mary
Jesus the eternal second person in the Holy Trinty humbled Himself
Before God and man to take on human flesh. He did not think it
Robbery to take off His robe of glory become man to die on the cross
For our sins.
After His death on the cross, He ascended back into heaven and took His Seat at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for you and me.
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