There are three types of characters in this text. The shepherd, the sheep, and the enemy.
We all have been each of these characters at some time in our lives. We started our lives
as the enemy of Christ. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. When you accepted
Christ as your personal savior, you became His sheep. If you are a parent, a role model
a counselor you have been or are a shepherd. We are in one or all of these roles now.
This sounds like something Jesus would say. He said to His disciples be His crucifixion
I am going to prepare a place for you.
The Shepherd takes the responsibility for the preparation. He was not ordered to do it
by the Father. It was his own initiative. The shepherd knows the needs of His sheep.
The shepherd is always at work for His sheep.
Like a parent, always getting prepared for some event. Unlike a parent, the shepherd
knows all the events and they only happen according to His will. Every event that happens
is for the good of the sheep.
All events occur according to the shepherd's plan. The plan of the shepherd includes getting
the sheep ready for the plan. You and I had to be prepared to work in God’s plan
He gave us a measure of faith. He drew us to himself. He died as a ransom for our sin.
He cleaned us with His divine word. That was just the beginning for us to work in
His plan
The Hebrew word for table is Shulchan which means something spread out. David understood
the shepherd's responsibility. Sheep being out of the fold all day would be taken to a flat place
with abundant grass to eat before going in the fold to sleep. Sometimes in the fold, the shepherd
would spread our feed in a trough for the sheep to eat. The sheep want to lie down unless
they are full.
From a spiritual point of view, the Lord is a great chef. The table contains all the spiritual fruits; love, joy, kindness, gentleness, self-control, patience, and faithfulness for the development of Christian character. The Lord serves up His word, topped with commandments and promises.
We can not lay down and rest peacefully with out trusting the Lord
Psalms 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.
God favors us so all can see. The devil hates to see God’s people blessed. Sheep
graze in full view of the enemy. David as a young shepherd protected his
sheep from lions and bears. When David became king, he protected Israel with the
same dedication. The king’s table is laid out with an abundance for all his subjects
While the enemy looks on he is aware that we are blessed by Jesus our shepherd.
We are reminded of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19. Lazarus a beggar
was laid at the gate of a rich man who ignored him. They both died. The rich man
was conscience and tormented in hell looked and saw Lazarus by the side of Abraham
enjoying eternity. The rich man in hell asked if Lazarus could console him with a finger of
water. But there was a great chasm between them which could not be crossed.
A table was prepared for Lazarus in the plain sight of the rich man.
The enemy see the blessings God bestows upon His people but can't do anything about them.
Like the rich man he look up and saw the comfort of Lazarus, but was fixed in his
position of misery unable to change his situation.
That valley of the shadow of death is always upon us. But God protects and provides an
abundance as we travel through the valley. O what comfort we enjoy as we trust the Lord
Jesus in the midst of our storms
Jesus treats us as His guests. He died while we were sinners to make us guests at His table.
In Biblical times, God anointed selected people with special responsibilities, talents, and
power to serve His people and to glorify Him.
Aaron the first priest of Israel was anointed with oil to serve in making sacrifices and offering
to the Lord. Saul the first King of Israel was anointed to serve and given the spirit of God.
David was anointed as the second king of Israel. Jesus’s head was anointed with expensive
perfume by a woman disciple. In another instance, His feet were washed with the hair and tears
of another woman disciple. He was anointed and treated as a guest before His death and resurrection as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Every believer is anointed with the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to be His servant.
We are treated as guests at the table He prepared for us. His guidance, direction, and
wisdom are available to us.
Jesus has provided a special cup for His sheep that is refreshing, life-giving, and sustaining.
Not only does He provide enough, but more than enough. He promised to give us the desires
of our hearts. He does all for us for His name's sake. He provides a state of extreme pleasure
in His love. Not only are we happy, and joyful but excited to be at His table.
There is no feast on earth that comes close to the time Jesus has set aside to dine with
us. None of us has earned the right to feast with Jesus and do not deserve an overflowing
cup of His graces. This is a testimony to His love and compassion for us.
Rev. M. Mitchell
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