Saturday, April 15, 2023

Bible Study Series: Jesus Joy, John 15:11

                                                               JESUS JOY

John 15:11

John 15:11

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

The first thing we need to do is talk about is the origin of joy and the difference between joy

and happiness.

The Origin of Joy

Joy begins in the Garden of Eden

Man was made for Joy

It was sin that destroyed joy.

After Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, they were kicked out of

garden of Eden and hardships began.

Genesis 3:17-19

To Adam, he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,'

"Cursed is the ground because of you;

through painful toil, you will eat of it

all the days of your life.

18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,

and you will eat the plants of the field.

19 By the sweat of your brow

you will eat your food

until you return to the ground,

since from it, you were taken;

for dust you are

and to dust you will return."

Disobedience is a death sentence.

In the garden, there was no trouble. There was only complete harmony with

the Father. There was work, but it was pleasurable. The Bible says that in the cool

of the evening, God talked with Adam and Eve. Can't tell you what the discussion

was, but I can imagine it was a great conversation. In my mind, the greatest storyteller

is God Himself. Can you imagine the joy of sitting in a circle with God telling you

How He created everything from nothing?

It was after man sinned that God said

Job 14:1

14 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.

Notice, Job was the man that God said there is none more righteous than him.

God loved Job evidenced by all He gave him. Yet god put Job to the test.

To test Job’s love for God, he was put to test with trials. All Job's and animals were

destroyed. Job’s seven children were killed. Job’s body was filled with sores.

Job never cursed God as Satan predicted. Job keeps his focus on God the Father.

A lot happen to Job, he certainly wasn’t happy, but his joy remained in the Lord.

There is a difference between joy and happiness

In the Bible, the Greek and Hebrew languages rarely used the word happy. The King James

translation has a number of verses with the word happy in them which in Hebrew and Greek

are joyful, merry, or blessed.

Happiness is what happens to us, outside of the soul

The English definition of happy is a feeling or showing pleasure or contentment,

a sense of confidence

Joy is what happens in the Soul. It has its source in Jesus', not agreeable circumstances.

In John 15:11, (I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete),

The first thing we notice is Joy come from the knowledge 

of the Word of God

The false illusion of Joy is that it is the absence of problems, trials, and tribulations.

Quite to the contrary, joy exists in the midst of trials and tribulations. Jesus was headed

to the cross with joy.

Hebrews 12:2

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The Greek word for Joy in this text is chara which means calm delight, and cheerfulness.

Joy comes from the Word of God. Joy comes from our relationship with Jesus.

Starting in 15:1, Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches. As long as we abide in

the Word, He will abide in us. The desire of the Father is that we produce fruit.

He prunes us ( trials and tribulation) to produce more fruit.

Jesus' joy comes with promises

As long as we remain in Jesus we have the promise that we can ask what we want and it will be

given to us.

I will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you are experiencing the worst time

of life, Jesus is standing beside you.

Consider Job’s ordeal. His three trusted friends shows up at his worst and started beating

him down. YOU DID SOMETHING TO DESERVE THIS. Nothing but the devil.

Most of the chapter of the book of Job is about the conversation with his friends. Instead of

being a source of comfort, they were a source of pain.

Can you see yourself hurting and in pain and wondering where is the God of your life?

Can I tell you He is present with you doing work pruning you?

In the worst of your life, God is getting you prepared to produce more fruit.

In John 15:11, (I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete),

the first thing we notice is Joy come from knowledge of the Word of God

Joy is the result of our obedience to God’s commands. You cannot love God without being

obedient to His commands.

Our obedience guarantees God’s love for us. In your worst situation, God’s grace and mercy

is flowing all over you.

The second thing we notice is it is Jesus' Joy that it is

 transferred to us.

The old saying that this joy I have, the world didn’t give it and the World

can’t take it away is a true statement. Joy does not come from the world, because the

world doesn't know joy. The world is focused on happiness and pleasure, both flee

as the situation changes.

Joy is a transformation in the soul. From sadness, frustrations, internal conflict, guilt,

sorrow, and doubt, to Jesus' joy. Jesus' joy brings peace and calmness. Jesus' joy results in trusting

the Lord. Jesus' Joy is confidence in who you serve and why you serve. Jesus' joy is your joy

relationship with Him and not the world.

The third thing I notice is the word might.

Might is the option to stay in your sad state or pursue Jesus' Joy.

Jesus' joy is dependent on your faith in Him.

It is dependent on your obedience. It is dependent on your love for Him. You have

access to Jesus Joy, but it is not automatic.

Jesus' joy requires work on your part. You got to get up with your mind focused on the Word

of God.

Your adversary, the devil wants you to focus on your situation. Easy to do, because you are

dealing with it. It is easy to lose hope when all you can think about is your circumstances.

Joy is a leap above your circumstances into the comfort of Jesus.

To fight the MIGHT you got to focus on the word.

James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

God has a purpose for what you are going through. It is His will not yours.

Jesus is the vine and we are the branches

Jesus is the fountain and we are the stream

The fountain is infinite and the stream is finite in us.

The fountain is independent, it is the source

The stream is dependent on the source

The stream only flows if it is connected to the fountain. The branch cannot

produce fruit unless it is connected to the vine.


It takes strength to make that choice when trouble is all around you.

When we are troubled, we have to allow the Joy OF Jesus to flow into

our lives.

The fourth thing I noticed is you have some joy, but not complete joy.

It takes some work to have some joy, but complete dedication to have complete joy.

Your level of spiritual maturity determines the quality and quantity of your Joy.

You are not going to have complete joy without the continuous study of God's Word.

Most Christians take for granted the value of personal Bible Study.

Most folks are not going to leave work and run to Bible Study. We will leave

work and run to the club, run to the shopping center, run to eat dinner, or

run home and sit down.

Complete joy requires you to have a complete understanding of God's Word.

It doesn't take much work to have surface joy. Surface joy gets in the MIGHT range

when trouble arises. But complete Joy leaps over trouble into

the comfort of Jesus. LOOSE EVERYTHING AT PRAYER

You are not going to have complete Joy without trusting God in all things.

You are not going to have complete joy with partial obedience

Complete joy requires complete dedication to the Lord.

Complete Joy requires you to focus on pleasing God all the time.

Complete joy requires you to see God working in your trials

Complete joy is the absence of complaints with continuous praise

Complete joy is full of praise and worship.

Complete joy requires you to love your neighbor as yourself.

Complete joy requires you to show yourself as a disciple of Jesus and to publicly

claim to be a disciple of Jesus


The fifth thing I see is we are participants in Jesus’ Joy

John 15:11

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

It is Jesus' Joy that is transferred to us

Jesus has all joy. And we participate in His joy with the Father.

Jesus completed His joy in the Father on the cross

The Father said this is my Son in whom I am well pleased

Jesus had the Joy of complete harmony with the Father

Jesus had the Joy of self-sacrifice

Jesus had the Joy of complete trust

Jesus had the joy of the Father’s love

We Participate in Jesus' Joy

With our faith

With our service

With our devotion

With our prayers

With our praise and worship






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