Saturday, March 25, 2023

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Not My Will But The Father's Will", Matthew 26:36-50



Matthew 26:36-50




V:36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray."  37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 38 Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me."


In times of trouble, Jesus teaches us how to pray.

First, He goes to a place of solitude. He retires from the distractions of the world.

In this case, He takes His enter circle, Peter, James, and John. These three He had taken to

mount of Transfiguration.  Why these three? Peter and John would be the first leaders of

the Church. James would be the first Apostle to be martyred by Herod.


Jesus instructed them to stay and watch for Him. Not that He needed

they, but Jesus shows us the importance of corporate prayer in matters that concern the



He explains the agony and sorrow that his soul experienced. Deep in His soul was the pain of

death.   Jesus was in view of His death at the hands of the ones He came to save.

He was free of sin, never touch sin or entertained sin. He would become sin for the billions

of people in the world, past, present, and future. This had never been done before and will

never be done again.


What was His agony?  Was it the burden of sin or the Father who allowed Him to become the sin

sacrifice for all time? He knew He would survive the ordeal because of the third-day resurrection.

Because Jesus knew all things, He knew the extreme agony His soul would experience. You and I

are used to sin. We were born in sin. His agony is beyond our comprehension.



V:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."


Jesus shows us the right poster of humbleness before the Father. Face down on the ground. We are

nothing, He is everything. Often time our prayer is for our will not the Father’s will. We never know

how much enduring our trouble will encourage someone else. If we focus on the will of the

Father, our prayers will be less about us and more about Him. Prayers that are focused on Jesus

are pleasing to the Father. Prayers focused on the will of the Father will be answered because

they give Him glory.





V:40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. 41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." 


In times past the angels were there to strengthen Him. In this final hour, Jesus brought His

enter circle to watch and pray with Him. This show how little emphasis we place on the prayers

of others. We want to pray, but the flesh distracts us. We yield to our own desires, neglecting our

prayer responsibility. In times of trouble, we need to know the importance of fervent prayer.

Notice it is a constant prayer that is a tool to fight temptation. We feed the spirit with a prayer to the

Father. When others are praying we need to be actively engaged so we hear their needs of them which

ultimately affect us. If two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord, He is present. What

better way to begin church service than in prayer?




V:42 He went away a second time and prayed, "My Father if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done."


The Father heard Jesus' prayer the first time. Jesus teaches us to be constant in our prayers.

The Father enjoys our conversation with Him. When we go away, we face other things

that come our way. Jesus found His enter circle sleep. Maybe in addition to His prayer,

He prayed for the strength of His disciples. The cup was filled with the bitterness of sin and

corruption. Jesus knew His purpose for the hour had come. He came to fill the promise

of salvation. There would be no salvation unless He drank from the cup. His time on earth

would be useless unless He did what He came to do.


When we face difficult situations, constant prayer is necessary to hear the voice of the Father.

Constant prayer forces us to tune ourselves to God’s guidance and directions. We must remember

we are never alone in prayer, because the Holy Spirit comes alongside us to comfort and

enlighten us.



V:43 When he came back, he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy. 44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.


Three is a divine number. One prayer for the Father, one prayer for the Holy Spirit, and one prayer

for the Son. We miss the opportunity to communicate with Father when we sleep. Notice in our

sleep, the Father is with us and understands our weaknesses. Even in our sleep, Jesus intercedes

for us. He never sleeps or slumbers. His mind is always focused on our best interest



V:45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46 Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer!"


Satan is always on the warpath. He influences those close to you to betray you. If we rest, we must

pray first for the Lord to keep us as we sleep. Satan is always walking around to see who he may

devour. Our defense is the Word of God. Satan can only do what Jesus allows. The actions

of Satan are no surprise to Jesus. Jesus put himself in a position to be betrayed. Jesus did not

run from the cup, He ran to the cup. Strengthen by His prayer with the Father, He was ready to do

battle with Satan on a spiritual level.  The body may be bruised, but the spirit will survive.


You and I must rise up for the spiritual battle with Satan. We will come face to face with the

enemy. There is no fear for those who trust the Lord, for the battle is already won. Each day

put on the full armor of God so you will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

The battle is won one trial at a time.




V:47 While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. 48 Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him." 49 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Greetings, Rabbi!" and kissed him.


Your betrayers will come with greeting smiles and kisses. You will know them by the company

they keep. The betrayer may come with an entourage of men powerless to do only what God allows.

Their deception will be evident because they will do what they have never done before.

We do not have any indication that Judas ever kissed Jesus before. We have no indication that Judas

ever had the audience of the Chief Priest and the elders while he walked with Jesus.

Judas was always in the background stealing money from the money bag. In this case Judas

was leading a pack of thieves. 


Always be suspicious of a person who has a sudden change of attitude toward you.

Be suspicious of a person who who has a sudden change of friends. A tiger never changes

his stripes. One addicted to certain vices, does not change suddenly.

It was the kiss that sealed Judas' faith in destruction. It was the kiss that started the trail

of salvation opening the door to eternal life for believers. 


The will of the Father is played out in your life on a daily bases. Rise up daily ready to

follow the path God has prepared for you. Each day will bring trials and tribulations

God allows for your good and the good of all believers.



V:50 Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you came for."


God uses the evilness of man to perform His will. The Greek word for friend used here is

“hetarie” which means companion.  Judas was certainly no friend of Jesus, but a friend of

the men who came to kill Him. Judas walked with Jesus under the influence of the devil

which was his destruction.


Notice, Jesus did not resist the enemy. The enemy of Jesus was carrying out the will of

the Father. He was resolved to allow the plan of the Father to be completed in his life.                                     His betrayal, trial, and death fulfilled the will of the Father. The will of the Father is

the resurrection of Jesus and our resurrection into eternal life.


The lesson to all believers is we are all in God’s divine plan which will result in our

eternal life.


Rev. M. Mitchell


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