Saturday, December 24, 2022

Bible Study Series: Mary's Joy And The Joy To The World, Luke 1:46-55



Luke 1:46-57




V:46 And Mary said:


"My soul glorifies the Lord

47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

48 for he has been mindful

of the humble state of his servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed,


Mary had just conceived baby Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

She had been informed by the Angel Gabriel that her older cousin Elizabeth

well past the childbearing age was six months pregnant.


Notice, Mary a teenager was full of joy.

She readily accepted her assignment to be the living vessel to bring

the spirit of Jesus in the flesh to the world. At the risk of being stoned to

death by the community because of her pregnancy before marriage, she

considered herself blessed.


God revealed to us that every person has a body, soul, and spirit.

The soul embodies all our emotions and feelings.

From deep inside her emotions she was filled with Joy.

Mary understood how important her assignment was to the community

and the world.


She was grateful to God for selecting her for this awesome assignment,

She glorified God for her heart with her mouth

She humbled herself before the Lord and considered herself a servant.


We ought to be grateful for what God is doing in our lives. It is our

faithfulness that gets God's attention. God blesses those who humble themselves

before Him. We never know what blessings we miss because we are

to proud honor God.


It is surprising to me that a teenager would understand that her actions would

bless the whole world. God blesses those who reverence Him with uncommon

wisdom. When God gives you an assignment He will not leave you ignorant of

what to do.



V:49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me —

holy is his name.

50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,

from generation to generation.



God has done great things for each of us. Every moment we live,

God is doing great things. It is up to us to give God credit for what He does.

God is holy and without sin. Anything he does for us to benefit others along

with us,


When we reverence the Lord, we bless our families and grandchildren.

This shows the importance of living a holy life. Our children are influenced by

the relationship we have with the Lord. If they see their parents praising

and worshipping the Lord. They are more likely to do the same. If

children see their parents trusting the Lord in all their activities, they

are likely to trust the Lord. God has shown mercy on us

because of the prayers of our parents,




V:51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;

he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.

52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones

but has lifted the humble.


Again, this teenager shows exceptional wisdom and knowledge

of how God deals with the community, with nations, and with individuals

who praise their accomplishments and neglect His work in their

lives. Anyone neglecting God has an attitude of pride.


Mary shows exceptional maturity by being able to recognize that God

brings down the proud and lifts the humble. It is only a mature person

knows the difference between being humble and being proud.

How does a teenager with limited life experiences, know that God deals with

man according to His commands?


In my mind, it shows the influence of the Godly teaching of parents or guardians.

Whoever she lives with taught her to love and respect God. Jesus, Himself was

growing in wisdom and spirit at the age of 12. You would expect that from God,

but not from a teenager.


It is obvious to me that from birth God has been supernaturally guiding the mental

development of Mary. She was selected for the job of being the mother of Jesus

from her birth.




V:53 He has filled the hungry with good things

but has sent the rich away empty.

54 He has helped his servant Israel,

remembering to be merciful

55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,

even as he said to our fathers."


Mary had accurate knowledge of Israel’s history.

Consider this there were no written copies of the Old Testament

available to the public. Only the rich would have a copy of

the Old Testament. The only time a poor person would come

into contact with the written Word would be in the Synagogue at the reading

of scripture.  Mary's knowledge  would have come directly from God

or someone connected with teachers of the law or the Synagogue,


Mary's knowledge of Israel's history was broad enough to go back to

the promises God made to Abraham.  The phrase “servant Israel”

is only mentioned in the Old Testament three times; Isaiah 44:1, 49:3

and Psalms 136:22.


Mary, the mother of Jesus was truly an unusual and remarkable teenager.

I am spending this talking about the quality of the person God prepared to be born

His Son in the flesh in the world so that you would know her worth.

When God is involved in our children's lives they are positioned to become

great people.




V:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.


Mary spent enough time with her Cousin Elizabeth that she knew the pain of child

bearing. Being with Elizabeth and Zachariah she gains more knowledge about God

the Father. I suggest that Mary's faith in God was strengthened through her conversations

with Elizabeth.


As we grow, God surrounds his chosen people with others who guide their knowledge

in His Word. 




Let me summarize the characteristics of Mary, the mother of Jesus


1. She was faithful to God. She accepted her assignment with joy


2. She was a caring person.  She traveled 80 to 100 miles to be with her cousin.


3. She was courageous.  She accepted the charge knowing that she could be stoned

    to death being an unwed mother


4. She trusted God.  She left her security to God against robbers on the road

    to her cousin's house and the possible scorn of the community


5. She was grateful.  She praises God from the depths of her soul for selecting her.


6. She was unselfish.  She preferred her state over her desire for a traditional wedding


7. She had a helpful spirit. She stayed and comforted Elizabeth during the difficult

    time of her pregnancy.






Rev. M. Mitchell


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