Saturday, November 5, 2022

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Let The Truth Set You Free", 11/6/2022



Exodus 23:1-12





The human mind was designed to receive and disseminate information

One of the first jobs God gave Adam was to name all the animals He

Created. He had to give those names to his wife and his sons.

Where did Adam get names? He didn’t have a book of names.

He made the names up as God brought the animals to him.


The human mind creates stuff to tell folk. We like gossip and we

Receive and spread it. Gossip is information that is not

Backed up by truth or evidence. Gossip is the THEY SAID

Information. Sometimes we never know who the “They are”.



V :1. "Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness.


2 "Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, 3 and do not show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.


Truth is more important than popularity or worldly friendships.

Our devotion to God ought to prevent us from lying or participating

In a lie.


There are only short-term gains in spreading a lie. In the long run, you destroy your credibility and your reputation. 


We came into our relationship with Jesus with suitcases of baggage.

As long as we live on earth we should be unloading the baggage

Which hinders our life with Jesus. We been saved, sanctified and justified

by the atoning blood of Jesus. But baggage is still packed away in our minds.


We revert to the our fleshly behavior when we intentionally sin against

God. We are commanded to love not to destroy. False testimony destroys

The reputation of another person


From a human or fleshly standpoint, why would someone give a false report about another person?


    We don’t like them

    We envious of them

    They have hurt us

     We want revenge


     To impresses another person

     To get attention

     To be popular

     It confirms our opinion of someone.


God is clear in His command. Don’t bear false witness. Don’t Lie.

Love your enemy as yourself.


There are times when we lay our religion aside to take care of

Business,    We do it because we cannot resist the temptation

Of the old man that still lives within us. 


We are commanded not to join in with someone who gives a

False report.


On the defense, we would certainly say we are good Christians, law

Abiding citizens. We just don’t do that


The problem is we can easily be drawn into someone's mess.

How do we do it? When we agree with a damaging report

Against someone without any proof.


When we pass along information we know nothing about, we are

Seen as being in agreement. Somebody said it, so we repeat it.


When you join in a conversation that you know is not true, but you

Say nothing you condone the conversation.



Giving a false witness in a lawsuit can cause an innocent person to be wrongly judged or lose his/her life.


Deuteronomy 5:20

20 "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.




God has a punishment for those who spread lies and deceptions

Proverbs 19:9-10

9 A false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who pours out lies will perish.



We set ourselves up for trials and tribulations when we allow evil to

Control our words and actions.

Genuine love will not allow you to injure another person


Most often the crowd is going in the wrong direction and doing the wrong thing. Following the crowd, you are going along to get along.




Following God divorces you from the crowd.




4 "If you come across your enemy's ox or donkey wandering off, be sure to take it back to him. 5 If you see the donkey of someone who hates you fallen down under its load, do not leave it there; be sure you help him with it.


A do-good attitude has nothing to do with the other person. It is

All about you and your relationship with God.


Helping your enemy with his problem is not what we are taught to



God places us in a higher level.  We are on a plan that is different from the



If you see a cat, dog any animal wandering around as if lost. Your normal

reaction is to get it back to its owner. What difference does it make

Who owns it? God requires us to return the  animal to its owner even if it is

Your enemy. Acts of kindness are always remembered,


If you see your enemy in a car broken down on the street. God says stop

And help.


In today’s world because of the increasing violence on the streets, before

you get out of your car you need to be sure you are in prayer with God.

God has given us 5 senses, and we have to use them under the

Guidance of the holy spirit before we act.


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will always be safe.

Being kind can cause your enemy to be your footstool.



Hebrews 1:13





We have to wait on the Lord.  Change does not happen overnight.

But God knows the time it will happen.






V:6 "Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits. 7 Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.


God is no respecter of a person. We are in no way to treat the poor differently than we treat the rich.


The poor are often at a disadvantage when it comes to technical

Knowledge and legal representation. The rich use their advantage to

Deprive the poor of their rights.


In the court system, justice should always prevail.   But because of the wicked expert legal council, the criminals often escape prosecution.


Even though the poor suffer at the hands of the rich. God is still in control


Psalms 14:6

You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor,

but the Lord is their refuge.


What we know is, the poor will always be with us, and they have a God-given right to be treated equally.



Deuteronomy 15:11

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.




Job 5:16

16 So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.




James 2:5-6

5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?


We make tremendous errors when overlooking the needs of the poor.

God allows some to be poor for His glory.


We ought to treat everyone with compassion according to their needs.

We can’t show favoritism because of their financial position, rich or poor.

There is no poor wrong or rich wrong, both must be treated equally.

There is no rich right or poor right. Wrong is wrong and right is right.



James 2:8-10

 "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10



We have to be careful that we don’t jump to conclusions without concrete

Evidence on the guilt or innocence of a person. We are commanded not to judge.


Luke 6:37-38


37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you


Unless we are on the jury, the best thing we can do is to stay out of the

Judgment arena. The reward is we will not be judged.


One thing we know is, we all fall short of the glory of God, and deserve

God’s condemnation.


When others are in a conversation judging others, leave that audience

Immediately. Don’t get caught up in other opinions.




V:8 "Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous.

Bribery is not uncommon in American Businesses and businesses all around the world.


Those who want to get an edge over the competition will use bribes to get

What they want. I can remember in my early years of business,

A salesman wanted to bribe me with an expensive tool that I really wanted.

I was smart enough to say no thanks. As soon as the project got started

A problem arose that would have compromised my decision if

I had accepted the gift.


Except for salvation, there is nothing man will give for free without attachments.

Accepting a bribe gives an unfair advantage to the one offering the bribe.

Once you accept a bribe, your future decisions are compromised.


Ecclesiastes 7:7-8

Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.




V:9 Do not oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be aliens because you were aliens in Egypt.


All Christians are aliens on earth.

God designed our lives so we would pass through the earth before entering our Heavenly home.


As strangers, we see and witness things that are not pleasing to God.

We must not get sidetracked by what we see and hear, but

Keep our focus on Heaven


We have the Word of God which guides our thoughts and actions.

Along the way, we will meet strangers like us. We are to show

Compassion and be a beacon light and share the Word of God with them.


We must never oppress others and think we are more than we are.

We humble ourselves before God and man admonishing others to

Follow Jesus the shepherd of us all.


We remember our slavery to sin and rejoice in the freedom

Of our salvation in Jesus.


We lift up Jesus our Lord and Savior with the hope that other strangers

Will join us in our praise and worship of the Lord


We encourage all we meet with the love of God, the fellowship of

Jesus and the sweet communion o the Holy Spirit.


As aliens in a barren land, we are agents of peace and joy and the righteousness of Jesus Christ.











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