Luke 7:1-10
V:1. When Jesus had finished saying all this in the
hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. 2 There a centurion's servant,
whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. 3 The centurion heard
of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal
his servant.
A. The Lord is always busy working for
1. In Chapter 6, He taught unbelieving Pharisees.
2. He spent the night on the mountain in
3. The next day he called His disciples
and taught them along
With people from cities
around the country.
4. He healed all who came to HIM.
B. Jesus makes Himself available to you.
1. He knows your needs and will come to
you waiting on your
2. Before you ask, He is available to
3. Jesus made Himself available to a
Roman solider, a commander of
100 Roman soldiers by
coming to Capernaum.
4. God is no respecter of persons. He is
available to the poor, the rich,
Jews and Gentiles.
C. Notice the Centurion was not a
selfish man. His request to Jesus was for
The healing of his trusted servant.
1. He had a relationship with God through
the elders of the Jews.
2. He was a man who listened to the people
around him.
3. He heard about the work of Jesus and
the God He served.
4. He heard about the healing powers of Jesus and
In Him.
5. The Romans worshipped the idol gods
of Jupiter, Juno and
6. The Roman Centurion evidently had no
faith in idol gods.
Because he called on Jesus.
7. He believed Jesus had power over death.
8. We should never hesitate to call on
Jesus in our time
Of need.
9. We should take a note from this Gentile
Solider, called on Jesus
10. It does not make any difference what
others believe,
It is what you believe
that counts.
11. While this solider was not a Jew, he
called on Jewish
Believers to intercede
for him with their prayers.
12. Where two or more are gathered in Jesus’
name, He
Said He would show up.
13.The Centurion heard the Word,
believed the Word and
Acted upon.
V:4. When
they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, "This man deserves to
have you do this, 5 because he loves our nation and has built our
synagogue." 6 So Jesus went with them.
A. What goes around comes around.
1. What you measure out will be measured
to you.
2. This Roman Centurion had been
generous to the Jews.
3. He went beyond what he was required to
4. He was a servant to the God of the
5. He didn’t have to do it, but he built
a place of worship
For his Jewish subjects.
6. Even though the Romans were an enemy of
the Jewish nation,
This Roman Centurion showed
himself to be a friend of
God with his service.
B. When you honor God with your service,
God will honor you
In your time of need.
1. The best recommendation you can get
is the testimony of
those who you serve.
2. When you serve others, you store up
treasures in heaven.
3. Based on your needs, sometimes Jesus
comes immediately
When you call.
4. Jesus will always be on time.
He was not
far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: "Lord,
don't trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. 7
That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the
word, and my servant will be healed.
A. The centurion humbled Himself before
the Lord.
1. The Lord loves a humble spirit,
2. The centurion was a man of power and
authority. Humbled himself
Before Jesus the man with
all power and all authority.
3. The centurion had a high position, but
he considered himself
Low before Jesus.
4. Unlike the Jewish leaders, the centurion
considered Jesus as Lord.
5. In the presence of his servants, the
centurion honored Jesus by
Calling Him Lord.
6. The Greek word for Lord in this verse
is Kurios which means
Supreme authority.
7. For a solider to consider Jesus above
his own earthly king is
B. He considered himself unworthy of
being in the presence of Jesus.
1. He considered his house unfit for
Jesus to step into it.
2. You and I are unworthy of the
presence of Jesus, but
God’s grace cleaned us of
all unrighteous with the blood
Of Jesus.
3. We can boldly go before the Lord with
our prayers.
V: 8 For I
myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, 'Go,'
and he goes; and that one, 'Come,' and he comes. I say to my servant, 'Do
this,' and he does it."
A. When we understand who we are, we
should humble ourselves
Before the Lord.
1. We need to understand that it does
not matter how much
Power we think we have,
or how big our position or
How much money we have,
it is nothing before the Lord.
2. Everything we have, God gave it to
3. God gives us what we have so we can
bless others.
4. The attitude of the centurion was one
of extreme humbleness.
B. The centurion made a comparison of
his little position to God’s
ALL powerful position.
1. The centurion considered what he had
the power to do, was small
In comparison to what
Jesus could do.
2. The centurion considered the omnipresence
of the Lord.
3. Jesus does not have to set foot in
your house to bless your house.
4. There is power in the Word of Jesus.
5. You can speak healing in someone's
life through the Word of Jesus.
C. I can only imagine that as the
centurion considered what he
Heard about Jesus, and his faith grew.
1. It may be that God puts trouble in
our lives to make us
Consider His power and
2. Jesus may have put the near-death
experience of the
Centurion servant in his
life to put focus on the power
And the authority of
3. When we take Jesus as our Lord we do
not need to worry.
4. When we take Jesus as our Lord, there
is victory in our prayers.
V:9 When
Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him,
he said, "I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in
Israel." 10 Then the men who had
been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.
A. Jesus was pleased with the faith of
the centurion.
1. The centurion concluded, that he didn’t
have no
Doubt that Jesus would
take care of is a servant.
2. You cannot please God without faith.
B. Your testimony about the power of
Jesus inspires others around you.
1. You never know how your faith in
Jesus can inspire someone not
To give in and give up.
2. The lesson we learn from the Roman Solider is don’t
Serving God because of a
miracle, serve God because He is a
Miracle maker.
3. We ought to bless the Lord at all
times with our service.
4. If we live long enough, there will
come a day when have to
Call on Lord by faith.
5. I have a brother-in-law who the doctors
had given up on him
Because of his cancer.
That was thirty years ago and he is still
Rev. M. Mitchell
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