John 14:1-12
Chapter 13
closes with the Lord’s Supper. Jesus set the example of humbleness
By washing
the disciple's feet. He told his disciple that one of them (meaning Judas)
would betray Him. Peter was told that before the rooster crows, he would deny
Him three times.
Jesus also
told the disciples He was going away and they would not be able to go with Him.
The disciples were troubled by these statements.
John 14:1-12
V:1 "Do
not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
A. We are usually troubled by things we
cannot handle.
1. We are troubled by problems that
arise in our lives.
2. The reason we are troubled is not
taking our problems to God in prayer
3. God is bigger than our problems and
waits on us to trust him with them.
4. Oh what peace we forfeit all because
we do not carry everything to God in
B. Trusting God requires us to wait on
His timing.
1. Trusting God requires us to follow
His commands.
2. Trusting God requires us to commit to
3. Trusting God requires us to accept
the Words as Jesus the truth
We must live by it.
4. Trusting God requires us to seek an
understanding of God’s Word.
V:2. In
my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told
you. I am going there to prepare a
place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a
place for you, I will come back and
take you to be with me that you also may
be where I am. 4 You know the way to
the place where
I am going."
A. Jesus outlines the events that are
going to take place after His death and resurrection.
1. First, He set out the preparations
that have been made in Heaven for all
2. Jesus and the Father are one. “You
believe in the Father, Believe in Me.”
3. There is space in heaven for all
4. New heaven will be prepared.
a. God allowed sin to enter the old
b. The current heaven will be destroyed
c. The current heaven is not suitable
for eternal life.
2 Peter 3:12-13
That day will bring about the destruction of
the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping
with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the
home of righteousness.
B. Christ reveals His second coming.
1. Christ reveals that all believers
will be with Him in eternity.
2. Christ reveals that He is the way to
3. When we know Christ, We know heaven,
4. When we know Christ, we know the
V:5. Thomas
said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know
the way?"
6 Jesus
answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.
A. The Word is designed for us to
question what we know about Jesus.
1. The Word interprets itself.
2. It is designed to force us into
deeper research of itself.
B. Notice Thomas's question forced him
to reflect on what he didn’t know about Jesus.
1. Any time you have a dialog with Jesus
you will learn something new and
Come into a deeper
relationship with Him.
2. Thomas knew Jesus as his teacher of
3. His question led him to understand
Jesus as the only way to the Father.
4. Jesus’s answer brings us into a
deeper knowledge of Himself.
a. I am the only way to the Father.
b. I am the truth about the Father.
c. I am the life of believers that seeks
the Father.
V:7. If you really knew me, you would know my
Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
A. Jesus reveals that He and the Father
are one.
1. Whatever we know about Jesus, we know
about the Father
2. The Old Testament is the prophecy of
the coming Messiah
3. The New Testament reveals that the
Messiah is Jesus Christ.
B. The Old Testament puts the Father at
the center stage
1. The New Testament reveals that
Son is the Father in the Flesh.
2. The New Testament puts the Son as the center stage
V:8. Philip
said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us."
A. Sometimes the Word is repeated for
our individual understanding.
1. We all have the same word but
understand it differently.
2. God reveals the Word in a way you can
understand it.
B. What is good for my understanding,
may be difficult for your
1. Each of us understands in different
2. Each of us processes information in ways
that are compatible with us.
3. The way I understand may be different
than you.
4. God made us as individuals and
V:9. Jesus
answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you
such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say,
'Show us the Father'? 10 Don't you believe that I am in the Father and that the
Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the
Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
A. The way you see Jesus may be
different from the way I see Jesus.
1. God may reveal to each of us something
different about Himself.
2. My ignorance about Jesus may be
different than your ignorance
B. God takes the little I know and enlighten
me to a level of my knowledge
1. God takes the little you know and
enlightens you to a level of your knowledge.
2. Philips's question take us to another
level of understanding.
3. Jesus explains Himself in a way that
Phillip is enlighten
4. Again, Jesus states, I and the Father
are one on a level that Philip can understand.
a. Oneness of the Father and the Son is stated
another way.
b. I am in the Father and the Father is
in Me
C. Jesus explains Himself in His Works
1. The Words of Jesus are the Words Of
The Father.
2. The Work of Jesus is the Work of the
3. The Father lived in Jesus while He
was in the flesh
4. When we talk about Jesus. We are
talking about the Father.
D. What God has enlightened you about
Himself is for my enlightenment.
1. What God has enlightened me about
Himself is for your enlightenment.
2. We have been put together to
enlighten each other about the Father.
Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at
least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
A. There are three that testify for
Jesus; the Father, The Holy Spirit and the prophets.
1. The works of Jesus are a testimony of
His divine power.
2. What Jesus did on earth no man can
3. The power that Jesus displayed on
earth was beyond human ability.
B. While there were medical doctors
during the time Jesus walked on earth,
All healing came through His power.
1. Phillip was still having trouble
believing Jesus was anything other than an ordinary man with powers above other
2. The Lord pointed to His miracles as
the evidence of His divinity.
3. Phillip had experienced all the
miracles of Jesus.
a. He cast out demons.
b. The blind received their sight.
c. The lame walked.
d. The dead were raised from the grave.
e. Phillip and the other disciples were
sent out two by two
With the power to heal
and cast out demons.
C. You and I have the evidence of the
power of Jesus.
1. We know what God has done in our
2. There is no doubt that if it had not
been for the Lord on our side
We would not be here.
3. Our lives are miracles of Jesus.
4. We see His glory all around us.
5. We have the confidence that Jesus is
our salvation.
Rev. Melvin Mitchell
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