Saturday, October 16, 2021

Bible Study Series, Destined For Success, Luke 5:1-8


Luke 5:1-3



V:1.  One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, 2 he saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.

A.    You are selected by Jesus for greatness.

1.     Jesus is always busy teaching the Word, but His eye is on His chosen.

2.     He attends to the business of the world, but you are in His divine purpose.

B.     Jesus moved His pulpit from the seashore to the Simons boat.

1.     Your house is the temple of the Lord.

2.     Your house becomes God’s pulpit proclaim the Word.

3.     Your house is where church starts.

4.     The boat was Simon’s workplace.

5.     At the job make God the topic of your conversation.

C.     Before the foundation of the earth (Ephesian 1:4) you were chosen

To be God’s workplace.

1.     Consider this; hundreds of years before Jesus was born God chose

a.     The family Jesus would be born into

b.     His mother a virgin

c.      His family line;  Judah

d.     His community; a Galilean

e.     The time of His birth;   Daniel chapter 9

f.       The city of His birth;    Bethlehem

2.     God planned the time of your birth, your family, your community and

Your life experiences.


D.    Do you realize that Simon and his fishing partners knew

           The scriptures before they knew Jesus as Lord.

1.     Jesus was one of the boys from the hood, Joseph’s son

2.     It was Andrew who came running to Simon with the good news

John 1:41-42

 The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.

3.     Andrew had heard the Word from John the Baptist.

4.     We became familiar with Christ through our parents, a Sunday school teacher.

A  preacher or some other person God places in our lives.




1.     Out of all the boats at the seashore, Jesus chose Simon’s (Peter) boat

2.     Why did He choose Peter’s boat?

3.     Let me suggest, it was because of the person that he was.

a.     Peter was a family man.

b.     Jesus knew Peter because He had healed his mother-in-law.

c.      He was a hardworking man.

d.     He was busy doing the work to support his family.

e.     He was dedicated to the task given him.

f.       He applied his trade to the best of his ability.

g.     He was careful of the resources given him:

His boat

His nets

His helpers

His time

h.     He was in a constant learning mode.

i.        He was determined.

j.        He did not give up.

k.      He persevered.



A.    If you are faithful in a few things, God can make you ruler of many things.

1.      God uses all your life experiences in the ministry.

2.     Jesus entered Simon’s boat and set down to teach.

a.     Simon noticed that Jesus was his boat.

b.     Simon left the nets he was washing and came and got in his boat.

c.      Jesus asked Simon to move the boat out from the shore.

d.     To comply with Jesus’s request, Simon had to untie the boat and push it out

Out of the dock.  Why is this important?  You will see in a moment.

3.     To minister to others, we have to be taught the Word of God.

a.     Peter was not part of the teaching Jesus did on the shore. He was washing

His net.

b.     He became involved when Jesus stepped on his boat.

c.      Simon let Jesus take center attention on his boat.

d.     Does Jesus have the center of attention in your life?



In Relationships

In Fellowship

In Friendship

In Stewardship

In Leadership

In Partnership



4.     A relationship was established before Jesus stepped into his ship.

5.     Fellowship was established when Peter listen to the teaching of Jesus

6.     Jesus establish friendship when He gave Peter directions

7.     Peter established Stewardship when he followed Jesus’s instructions

8.     Leadership is guiding others according to God’s commands.



"Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught."  Luke 5:4

A.    Notice Jesus gave a command, followed by a promise of success.

1.     The command; launch out into the deep

2.     The promise; let down your net for a draught (catch).

B.     Success in life is anchored in obedience to God’s commands.

1. Success does not come without failure.

2. It is not how many times you fail, but how many times you keep trying.

2. Sometimes what God instructs you to do, may go against your thinking.

3 . We must resist the temptation of telling the Lord what the outcome of

Our Situation will be.

C.     Before Simon move the boat, he questioned Jesus’s command.

              Luke 5:5

              Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But

              because you say so, I will let down the nets."

1.     Jesus’s command didn’t make sense to Peter, but it didn’t have to.

Not my will but your will Lord.

2.     Sometimes you must do it because God said to do it.

3.     What would be different this time?

a.     This time Jesus was on the ship.

b.     This time Jesus was controlling the fish.

c.      This time was Simon's time to see the glory of God.

d.     This time was the time for Simon’s fishing partners to see the

Effect of trusting the Lord.

e.     This time was Simon’s success time.

4.     The boat was already loose from its mooring, so all Peter had to do was move out into the deep.


There are times we need to move into the deep waters of society.

In the deep mind of an alcoholic

In the deep mind of a prostitute (male and female)

In the deep mind of a drug addict

In the deep mind of a troubled child or troubled parent


5.     When you get in the deep, God can draw people to himself through your Godly Words


Watch this, when they got into the deep, the Lord drew a large number of fish into the net.

Jesus even provided a market for the fish;  the people who came to hear the Word.



We learn from this narrative, that God uses all we have in the ministry.

The catch of fish was miraculous.

 In the miracle, the fisherman, his experience, his boat, his fishing net

were all used to take the fish.


Jesus shows Himself friendly when He uses His power and authority to make things workout

Workout in our favor.


When Jesus gets involved in our personal lives, He makes Himself real to us.

They fished all night and caught nothing.

It was not because they were not good fishermen.

It was not because they didn’t have good fishing nets.

It was not because they didn’t have a good boat.

It was not because they didn’t know where to fish or when to fish.


It was because Jesus caused the fish to stay away from Peter’s net.

It was because Jesus had chosen this time for Simon to know Him.


Sometimes God allows us to fail so we can appreciate a miracle.

Sometimes God lets all our efforts fail, to get our attention.


If Simon and Andrew(his brother) had just caught a few fish when they

Went out with Jesus, it would have been another ordinary day.


When Jesus is the captain of your ship, you can expect the extraordinary.

Jesus emptied the sea into their nets. They filled their boat and called their

Partners James and John whose boat was also filled.


You can have success without Jesus, but you are doing it the hard way.

Jesus can bring success to you.


Jesus prepared Peter and His partners to accept the ministry.

Sometimes we need a miracle to get us to trust the Lord.



Luke 5:8-10

8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" 9 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners.

A.    Jesus was present to Peter all the time, but it took this miracle for him to recognize

      Jesus as Lord.

1.     It took the miracle for Peter to fall down and worship the Lord

2.     It took the miracle for Peter to confess his sins

3.     It took the miracle to put the fear of the Lord in Peter.

B.     I can imagine at that moment, Peter realized that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.

       He was reminded that No man has seen God at any time.

       John 1:18

      No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him    


1.     I can imagine that Peter remembered what he had been taught about God’s

          Conversation to Moses,

          Exodus 33:20

          But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and   


2.     Simon immediately confessed his sin and asked the Lord to move away

From him.

3.     The Lord is quick to console those who He has called to Himself.

            Luke 5:10-11

           Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will   

           catch men."  11 So they  pulled their boats up on shore, left   

            everything, and followed him.

4.     At that moment and in an instant, Simon sins were forgiven, and he was accepted in

          The body of Christ.

          They made a decision to follow Jesus


God’s mission for our lives is to be fishers of men

God gives us jobs, occupation, careers, families, and homes to aid our success in fishing men

And women


You become a disciple when leave what you got and follow Jesus

You become a disciple when the value of what you got is worthless

Compared to a relationship with Jesus.


Simon and his fishing partners became disciples of Christ.  Jesus became the captain of

Their ship.



Is Jesus the captain of your Relationship?

Is Jesus the captain of your Fellowship?

Is Jesus the captain of your Friendship?

Is Jesus the captain of your Stewardship?

Is Jesus the captain or your Leadership?

Is Jesus the captain of your hardships?

Is Jesus the captain of your Partnership?

Is Jesus the captain of your discipleship?


Success In life is anchored in Jesus.



Luke 5:6-7, It was Andrew, John, and James who benefited from the catch of

The fish


More importantly, all three of the fishing partners became disciples of Jesus



To save souls, God makes use of everything we have experienced.

 God’s grace and mercy is sufficient for the ministry of the gospel and successful living

God is glorified with our works.


        Ephesians 2:10

        For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in    

         advance for us to do.




Rev. M. Mitchell

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