Saturday, June 19, 2021

Bible Study Series: Grace, I Peter 1:1-2




1 Peter 1:1-2


To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood:

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.


After the stoning of Steven in Acts  11:19,  the young church was scattered to

Other parts of the world and continued under persecution. Yet

Peter writes to them, “Grace and Peace is yours in abundance.

Obviously, there is more to grace than good times.



Grace is God’s divine favor toward us. Grace is active in every area of

Our lives. Grace is God’s divine influence upon our lives.


Grace and peace, their true order: -- While this beautiful introductory salutation, "Grace unto you, and peace," is a formula common to all the apostles, it is also an exact theological definition, rightly dividing the word of truth. The right thing is put foremost here. The living root lies in the ground below, and the fruit-bearing branches tower above it. It is grace first, and peace following it. When God and man meet, it is pardon first, and then a mutual confidence. When He, the Mediator dispenses freely His favor, you and the Mediator draw near without fear. He manifests Himself as a forgiving Father, and then infuses into your heart the spirit of a trusting child.

"May grace and peace be multiplied." In the Old. Testament (Isaiah 48:18) there is a promise that His people's peace "shall be like a river" -- gaining affluents from either side as it flows and at the last opening out into "a righteousness like the waves of the sea."


God’s grace endures forever.   There is no end to it. Even in death, for the believer, it’s God’s Grace pulls us into heaven


(W. Arnot.)



I. WHAT IS MEANT BY GRACE? The infusion of a new and holy principle into the heart, whereby it is changed from what it was and is made after God's own heart.

II. THE AUTHOR  OF GRACE; namely, the Spirit of God, who is therefore called the Spirit of grace. The Spirit is the fountain from whence crystal streams of grace flow.

1.                 Universally; "the God of peace sanctify you wholly." The Spirit of God infuses grace into all the faculties of the soul.

2.                 in the understanding light, in the conscience tenderness,

3.                 in the willing consent,

4.                 in the affections harmony;

5.                  therefore grace is compared to leaven, because it swells itself in the whole soul, and makes the conversation  rise as high as heaven.

2. The Spirit of God works grace progressively, He carries it on from one degree to another.


1. It has a super-eminency above nature. It is of Divine extraction (James 3:17). By reason we live the life of men, by grace, we live the life of God.

2. It is called grace because it is a work of freedom; every link in the golden chain of our salvation is by God’s divine free grace.


 It is most needful because it fits us for communion with God. The heart is a spiritual cabinet into which the jewel of grace is stored.

1. Grace has a soul-quickening excellency in it: "the just shall live by faith." Men void of grace is dead.

2. Grace has a soul-enriching excellency: "ye are enriched in all knowledge." As the sun enriched the world with its golden beams, so doth knowledge enrich the mind.

3. Grace has a soul-adorning excellency (1 Peter 3:4,5). A soul decked with grace is as the dove covered with silver wings and golden feathers.

4. Grace has a soul cleansing excellency. Grace lays the soul a-whitening, it takes

    out the leopard spots. Grace is of a celestial nature;

     a. though grace sin is removed, not only removed  but is subdued.

      b.  though it does not keep sin out, it keeps it under;

      c. though sin in a gracious soul does not die perfectly, yet it dies daily.

      d. Grace makes the heart a spiritual temple, which has this inscription upon    

           it, "Holiness to the Lord."

5. Grace hath a soul-strengthening excellency,

     a.  it enables a man to do that which exceeds the power of nature.

     b.  Grace teaches us to mortify our sins, to love our enemies, to prefer the  

          glory of Christ before our own lives.

6. Grace hath a soul-raising excellency;

      a. it is a Divine sparkle that ascends; when the heart is Divinely touched with   

         the  Spirit, it is drawn up to God.

     b. Grace raises a man above others; he lives in the altitudes, while others  

         creep on the earth and are almost buried in it;

       c.  a Christian by the wings of grace flies high; the saints "mount up as eagles."  

            A believer is a citizen of heaven.

7. Grace hath a perfuming excellency;

     a. it makes us a sweet odor to God.

      b. Hence grace is compared to those spices which are most fragrant (Song of

          Solomon      4:13).

8. Grace hath a soul-ennobling excellency.

       a. grace makes us vessels of honor, it sets us above princes and nobles.

       b. The saints are called kings and priests for their dignity, and jewels for their


9.  Grace hath a soul-securing excellency,

     a.  it brings safety along with it.;

     b. that soul which has the beauty of holiness shining in it shall be preserved for   

        the glory of the structure;

     c. God will not suffer His temple to be destroyed.

10. Grace hath a heart-establishing excellency.

       a. It is a good thing that the heart is established with grace." Before the   

             infusion of grace, the heart is like a ship without a ballast; it wavers and

            tossed, being ready to overturn.

       b.  A gracious heart cleaves to God, and let whatever changes come, the soul

              is settled as a ship at anchor.

11. Grace hath a preparatory excellency in it

        a.  it prepares and fits for glory. First, you cleanse the vessel and then pour in


         b. God first cleanse us by His grace, and then pour in the wine of glory; the

              silver link of grace draws the golden link of glory after it:


12. Grace hath an abiding excellency;

       a. temporal things are for a season,

       b. but grace Has an eternity stamped upon it.

       c. Other riches take wings and fly from us;

       d. But grace takes wings and flies with us to heaven.













(from The Biblical Illustrator Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006 Ages Software, Inc. and Biblesoft, Inc.)

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