John 6:15-21
V:15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
A. Jesus had fed five thousand men plus women and children
5 biscuits and 2 fish.
1. A crowd followed Jesus bringing their sick to be healed.
2. After the miracle feeding they wanted to force Him to be
their king.
3. God has a mission that will not be interrupted by men.
B. Jesus went up to the mountain perhaps to be alone with
The Father and to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
1. Prayer is an important part of any work for God.
2. Jesus gives us the example to find a place to have
some alone time with the Father.
3. We do not know what tomorrow will bring, but we can
be assured that the Father has a plan.
C. There are always those who want to use Jesus for their
Personal benefit.
1. You cannot make the Word be what you want it to be.
2. You cannot take Word out of context.
3. Since Jesus took care of the crowd's health problems,
they decided to make Jesus be the answer to their political
4. Don’t take the kindness of Jesus
V:16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.
A. We should never take a trip without Jesus on our minds.
1. The disciples followed Jesus's command and got into a boat headed
to the other side of the sea.
2. Life is a journey, that is made possible by Jesus.
3. We must keep in mind that our journey has a divine purpose.
B. We are the church when the Church is not in your sight
1. The disciples were all in the Boat, but we hear not discussion
about Jesus.
2. The disciples were in the boat, but hear no prayer.
3. The disciples were in the boat, but we hear no praise.
4. The disciples were in the boat but we hear no singing.
C. We must keep in mind that the journey is just as important as the
1. It on the journey that we put into practice the teaching of the Word.
2. The attitude we have on the journey determines the attitude we
will have when we get to the destination.
3. The journey gets us prepared for the destination
4. The disciples were headed from one place of teaching and
witnessing to another place.
5. Don’t waste the journey.
6. The journey is a time of growth and development.
V:18. A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified.
A. Since there was no singing on the boat and there was no studying on
The boat and there was no praying on the boat they were not
Ready for rough waters.
1. The journey is filled with ups and downs highs and lows.
2. The journey will have some good times and some bad times.
B. It is during the rough times that we learn to trust God.
It's during the rough times that we learn to wait on the Lord.
1. The Lord uses the rough time to train us the next destination.
2. The Lord uses the rough times to force us into conversations
that we would not have in the good times.
C. One thing we see is that God controls the conditions of our journey.
1. God can change your journey from smooth to rough at any time.
2. God controlled the winds so the waters became rough.
3. According to Mark 6:48, Jesus saw the disciples struggling to
control the boat in the rough waters.
4. Jesus was on the mountain and the disciples in boat 3 ½ miles
out from the shore in rough water.
5. According to the text it was late at night. According to Matthew 14:25,
it was the fourth watch, from 3 am to 6 am when Jesus came to them.
D. The disciples saw something walking on the water and they were afraid.
1. Their first response was it was a spirit.
2. This highlights their immaturity and their fears.
3. If Jesus had been in their hearts while in the boat in rough waters
they would have called on Jesus.
4. When Jesus was on the mountain looking at the disciples
struggling, there is no indication that the disciples called on Jesus.
5. This tells us that when Jesus sends us on a journey, He has His
eye on us.
6. Is Jesus still your Jesus in tough times?
V:20 But he said to them, "It is I; don't be afraid."
A. According to Matthew 14:27, Jesus said be of good
Cheer, it is I.
1. Jesus is with you in your bad times.
2. You should see Jesus and be excited when you are going through
tough times.
3. Jesus will not put more on you than you can handle.
4. The tough times are times to learn from Jesus.
B. According to Matthew 14:28, it was Peter who tested his faith
In Jesus.
1. Peter saw Jesus walking on water, so said, If it is you, call me out
on the water.
2. Peter was alright on the water until he took his eye off Jesus
and focused on the rough waters.
3. If you have ever been in a boat in rough waters, you know waves
go up and down.
4. Peter was walking on top of the high point of the waves.
5. It was a miracle until Peter focused on the human impossibility
of his situation.
6. As soon as Peter look at the situation and thought about it, he began
to sank.
7. Don’t ever doubt the power of God in your life.
V: 21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.
A. It is God who designs test in your life, so you can see His Glory.
1. When you start looking for His glory, you will see more glory.
2. According to Matthew 14:32, as soon as the disciples accepted
Jesus in the boat, the wind stopped.
3. Not only that, the boat was 3 ½ miles from the shore they started
from and 5 miles from the other side.
a. When Jesus got in the boat, they were immediately on the
other side at their destination of Capernaum.
B. The purpose of the trip across the lake in the dark was to
develop the trust of the disciples in Jesus.
1. The purpose of the rough waters was to expose their fears
and superstitions.
2. Before we get going, we ought to walk with Jesus.
3. When the going gets rough, we ought to call on Jesus first.
4. The moment you start your journey, Satan shows up to
stir up fear in your life.
5. The only way to keep Satan out is to have Jesus in.
6. The purpose of your journey is learning to trust God.
Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, Texas 77041
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