Friday, November 6, 2020

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Taking Responsibility For Your Actions", Exodus 32:15-25, 11/8/2020





Exodus 32:15-25



V:15 Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands. They were inscribed on both sides, front and back. 16 The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets.

A. Every Word in the Bible is inspired by God.

    1. The Words on the stone tablets were not only inspired by God. But

        written by Him.

    2. The Tablets were in addition to the Book dictated by God but written

         by Moses.

    3. The writings on the Stone tablets were the Ten Commandments,

        we will see later in the text,

    4. The first 4 commandments were vertical, our relationship with God.

    5. The last 6 commandments were horizontal, our relationship to

         each other.

     6. I suggest they were written in stone for our instruction because,

         obeying them covers all elements and situations of our lives.

         a. This was the covenant between man and God.

         b. The writing in stone, indicates the permanent relationship

              between man and God.

B. God does not tell us why He engraved the tablets on both sides.

     1. Some suggest that the backside was a duplicate of the front side.

     2. It may suggest that God covers us from the front to the back.



V:17 When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting, he said to Moses, "There is the sound of war in the camp."

18 Moses replied:

"It is not the sound of victory,

it is not the sound of defeat;

it is the sound of singing that I hear."

A. When we are having a party, we usually speak louder than normal


    1. There is usually laughter and excitement.

    2. Most parties are complete with music and dancing.

B. Moses knew the difference between the sound of a crowd celebrating

     victory and the sound morning their defeat.

    1. Moses spent the first 40 years of his life in Egypt.

 2. He was probably trained to be a warrior in the Egyptian army.

 3. Moses knew the reaction of the people in victory and defeat.

 4. The sound coming from the camp was a party.



V:19 When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. 20 And he took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.

A. Moses was dedicated to God, but he had two character flaws which

     prevented him from taking Israel into the promised land.

    1. As the text indicated, Moses had a problem controlling his anger

        with Israel.

     2. Moses had the problem of intolerance.

B. As stated in the text, when Moses saw the dancing and worshipping of the

     The golden calf, he threw the tablets with such force to break them in


    1. Can you imaging getting so mad at family members that you throw

        your Bible at them or to the ground?

    2. Moses had 40 years of training with God through his father in law,

        Jethro, the priest of Midian.

    3. Moses had a 40-year relationship with God.

    4. The Israelites had only three months with God.

    5. The Israelites were in the baby stage with God.

C. The Israelites knew about God through what was handed down

     to them from 400 years of word of mouth transmission

    1. The Bible does not record any miracles God did for the

         Israelites during the 400 years of slavery.

    2.  They had practiced the worship of idol gods all their lives.

    3. Worshipping and relying on the true and living God was

        new to them.

D. Moses reasoned with God not to destroy Israel while he was in

     The presence of God.

    1. Moses knew before he left the presence of God, that the Israelites

        had corrupted themselves.

    2. But when Moses came down the mountain and saw the corruption

        he BLEW UP.

    3. Moses became self-righteous, judge, and jury.

    4. Perhaps Moses had forgotten that his anger caused him to

        kill an Egyptian in Egypt 40 years earlier.

    5. He didn't consider that he ran away from his sin, rather than

        face persecution.

    6. Moses didn’t consider that God was still tolerating his sin.

D. Before we judge others, we must remember that we are not guiltless.

    1. We have a multitude of sins that God has tolerated.

    2. Like God told Cain, we must control our anger.


        Gen 4:6-7

        Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face   

        downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if

        you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to

        have you, but you must master it."


E. When something is wrong, we have to show immediate disapproval.



     In anger Moses at the foot of the mountain destroyed the idol.

     First, he smashed the tablets of the Law, symbolizing the people's  

     breaking of the covenant.


     Second, he burned the idol, reduced it to powder, spread it on water (a    

     mountain stream, Deut 9:21), and made the people drink it. By this action   

     he demonstrated both the powerlessness of the calf-idol and God's wrath.

     Though the burning would not have demolished the gold idol, it was

      smashed till it was crushed into tiny pieces. Drinking it symbolized that

      the people had to bear the consequences of their sin. 

      (from Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983,   

      2000 )



V:21 He said to Aaron, "What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?"

22 "Do not be angry, my lord," Aaron answered. "You know how prone these people are to evil. 23 They said to me, 'Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him.'

A. Aaron was left in charge of Israel while Moses was on the mountain

     With God.

   1. When you are allowed to lead, you must lead according

        to God’s commands.

   2. The position of leadership is not an opportunity to go against God.

        It is not your job to change standards that have been set.

B. Aaron knowingly and willingly went against God’s commands.

   1.  Aaron knew God better than any of the Israelites.

   2. He stood with Moses during all the plagues in Egypt.

   3. He was the voice to the Pharaoh from God.

   4. He walked with Moses during the exodus from Egypt.

   5. He had no excuse for his weakness as a leader.

C. Aaron had no excuse for not rejecting the suggestions

     of the leaders to make an idol god.

    1. Aaron had no excuse for making the idol god and leading

       the worship of the golden calf.

    2. Aaron knew the power of God, but he yielded to popular demand.

    3. When we see wrong, we must uphold right at the sake of loosing our

        popularity with people.

    4. If Aaron had stood for God, maybe Israel would not have sinned.

D. It is obvious that God was in control and allowed the corruption.

    1. Everything that is recorded in the Bible concerning the events

        with Israel is for our benefit.

     2. What we learn here is we are responsible for our decisions

          and actions.

         a. We cannot blame others for our failure to be obedient.

         b. Our action affects the decisions and well being of others.

         c. We are role models of God to others around us.



V: 24  So I told them, 'Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.' Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!"

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.

A. The devil has a field day when we are disobedient.

     1. Other who don’t know God, learn of God through our action.

     2. When others see us worshipping God, they learn about worship.

B. When others see the church disobeying God, they see us as hypocrites.

    1. We cannot be a friend of the people and a friend of God at the same


    2. every day, we should take a stand for God to be for God.

C. Evil does not just come from our actions, it starts with what's in

     the heart.

    1. Aaron blamed the people for his action.

    2. Blame leads to lies.

    3. Aaron lied about willingly taking the gold and making the calf.

    4.  Lies leads to denial.

D. We cannot get right before God without owning up to our sins.

    1. God will not allow us to get away with our sins without

        asking for forgiveness.

    2. God will make us realize the result of our evil actions on others.

    3. Our evil actions can jeopardize our lives and the lives of others.




Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

5510 WEST Sam Houston, Parkway North

Houston, Texas 77041


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