Friday, July 31, 2020

Bible Study : God is My Protection, Psalms 20



Ps 20:1-9

It is obvious that we are living in difficult times.
This pandemic is not the first, nor has it killed more than
Some other pandemics in the past.

In a book by Dr Steven Quay  “Covid 19 Survival Manual” is a
list of 19 past pandemics

Several of the past pandemics are listed below:
The Black death of the 1347, killed 75-200 million people
The Spanish flue of 1918 killed 40-50 million
The great plague of the 1700 killed 600,000
The swine flue of 2009 killed 200,000.

The church survived past pandemics, we will survive COVID 19.

This pandemic didn’t start with Covid19. It started with a series of
events that pushed God out of the lives of the majority of the people.

For example we allow the opinion of one woman to take God out
Of our schools. We marginalizes or dehumanized people because
Of their race, skin color or nationality.  We became our own god,
putting ourselves first.

Even though we have “In God We Trust” on the money we spend,                   it is not reflected in our attitude toward others.

The world has recovered from past pandemics.  I believe these pandemics are God’s way of reminding us that He is In control and He is not pleased
with us.

We need a mindset to trust  the one true living God.

Kind David put his trust in the Lord. In Psalms 20, David’s trust in the Lord is reflected doing his troubled times.

V:1. May the Lord  answer you when you are in distress;
     may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
A. The God we serve expects us to call on Him in times of need.
     1. He promises to protect us.
     2. The first thing we need is a relationship with the Lord
         through our faith in Jesus Christ.
      3. Next we need fellowship with Jesus through our devotion and   

B. When you are devoted to the Lord, you can ask what you want and it
      will be done .
      John 15:16-17
      You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and       
       bear fruit — fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever
       you ask in my name.

   1. Notice first, you were chosen to serve Jesus
   2.  Fellowship mean’s service not sitting in the pews.
   3. When you serve God, you open up a bank account in
   4. This pandemic is the time to call on the Lord and make
       some withdrawals.

V:2. May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
A. God knows what we want and want we need.
     1. He is waiting to hear your prayers.
     2. God is looking for you to trust Him with your situation.
     3. God will support you in whatever you desire to do for
B. God expect you to remind Him of what you have done in
     the name of Jesus.
   1. God needs no reminder, but He want a dialog with you.
   2. The burnt offering is what you give to God not
       expecting, anything in return.
   3. Some say the burnt offering was a peace or fellowship
      offering. Others say it was an offering for the atonement
      of sins.
   4. Our ultimate desire should be to please God with our

V:4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
A. Man makes plans, but God gives the increase
      Prov 16:9
      In his heart a man plans his course,
      but the Lord  determines his steps.

    1. God wants you to be successful in all that you do.
    2. You have to make plans on how you are going to get
         through your situation.
    3. The moment you make your plans, God will order your
    4. You may not know how you are going to get through this
    5. Let’s say you lost your job, and don’t know how you going
        provide for your family
        a. Make a plan and put it into action
        b. The moment you activate your plan, God will take charged of
    your circumstance and see to it that your are successful
B. The God we serve is the author of the pandemic
    1. God can direct resources your way to help you
    2. The earth is the Lord and the fullness there of.
V:5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests.
A. Victory over you circumstance is yours. But you got
     To  Claim the victory.
      1 John 5:4
       For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the   
       victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

    1. This pandemic and economic slow down is nothing to God.
    2. It is a test of our faith.
B. If you don’t have a prayer life, the time start is now.
    1. God is telling us to ask for what we want.
    2. You can ask expecting that its already done,
C. We are commanded to shout for joy before we see
      Any results.
     1. We can confidently expect God to give us victory.
     2. In our hearts there should be a banner of
         gratefulness and thankfulness to our Lord

V:6 Now I know that the Lord  saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
A. Jesus sits a the right hand of the Father making
     Intercessions for us.
    1. We were anointed from birth to be with Jesus
    2. He brought us to the pandemic
    3. He is walking with us though the pandemic
    4. He will bring us out of the pandemic.
B. Out of right hand of Jesus comes His blessing for you.
    1. He is using this pandemic to show you His
        saving power
V:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord  our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
A. Victory is not given to swift and the strong.
     Eccl 9:11
      I have seen something else under the sun:
      The race is not to the swift
       or the battle to the strong,
       nor does food come to the wise
      or wealth to the brilliant
       or favor to the learned;
       but time and chance happen to them all.

    1. You can not trust in what you have.
    2. You position and your connections cannot
        save you from the trials of life
      Isa 40:31
      but those who hope in the Lord
     will renew their strength.
     They will soar on wings like eagles;
     they will run and not grow weary,
      they will walk and not be faint.

 V:9. O Lord , save the king! Answer us when we call!
  A. This is the pray without ceasing time.
      1. God is using this time to force us to reverence Him.
      2. He is using this time force us to trust Him.
  B. All the doctors in the world have not been able to
        contain this virus.
      1. We have a history of God put an end to viruses in
          His time and His way.
      2. He did it in the past and He will put an end to this virus
          Mal 3:6
          For I am the Lord , I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not   


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