Friday, June 5, 2020

Bible Study Series, "How To Handle Racial Inequalities God's Way, John 2:1-10John 2:1-10


John 2:1-10

In life, problems may arise daily and unexpectedly. Believers
are never told that they will not have problems. In fact Jesus
told us to take up our cross and follow Him.

How do you deal with problems as they arise?

In today’s text, Jesus gives us insight on problem solving.

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
A. The best laid plans can fall apart. This story is about a Jewish wedding     
     celebration which usually last seven days.  On the third day a problem  
     To the embarrassment of the family of the groom, they ran out of wine.
     1. Some suggest that it was the third day of the wedding celebration.
     2. It could also have been the third day of the week.

B. You should prepare yourself for problems just as do for training in any
    1. Each day you have to focus your mind on who you are and who’s you
    2. The best way is to start your day off with prayer.
    3. Ask the Lord to use you as a vessel of his glory
    4. The Bible says ask the Lord what you want in Jesus Name and it
        shall be given to you.
    5. Invite Jesus to walk with you as you go through the day.
    6. The Bible says,    
        Rev 3:20
         Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and  
         open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he      
         with me.

       Eph 6:13-19
       Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil    
       comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done
       everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth
       buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness   
       in place,  15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from
       the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the                    
       shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows   
       of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the                          
       sword of the Spirit, which is the word of     
       God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of
       prayers  and requests.

    8. Don’t start your day half dressed.
    9. Don’t ignore Jesus during the day.
    10. The Bible says pray without ceasing.
B. When a problem arises, go to Jesus first.
     1. The problem was they had no wine.
     2. In any problem, someone has to take the lead.
     3. It was not the wedding of one of Mary’s children, but Mary took
         the lead.
     4. When it is time for you to step up and take the lead, God will
          put it on your heart.

V:4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has   
   not yet come."
A. When you go to Jesus, go with confidence.
     1. The Apostle James says you should ask without doubting.
        If you doubt, don’t expect any thing.
     2. We should go to God with the expectation that the problem
          is solved in His time.

 B.  Mary understood that the problem was too big for her to handle.   
     1. There is no problem to big for the God we serve.
     2.  America is dealing with a problem of racial injustice along with
         a pandemic and an economic crisis.
     3.  A white police officer intentionally killed a black man by
         putting his knee on the neck with full weight of his body                      
         while the man was handcuffed and down on the ground.
     4. As a result, there are demonstrations in America for racial
     5. The problem didn’t start with that police officer.
     6. It began with one race of people who consider themselves
         better than other races and denying others the right to live.
     7. The problem continues because it is protected, regulated,
          and legislated by our government.
     8. Jesus can handle any problem, no matter how big it is, but you have    
          wait on Him to handle it His way.

V:5. His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you.
A. You have to express your confidence in Jesus to those around you.
    1. Mary told the servant to do what ever Jesus told them to do.
    2. Mary had never seen Jesus do a miracle. Yet she was confident
        that Jesus could handle the problem.
    3. For 30 years, she had watch Jesus grow in the spirit.
    4. She had receive the Word about Jesus form the Angel
         Gabriel which was confirmed by Anna and Simeon in the
         Temple when the baby Jesus was presented to the Lord.
    5. Not only had Mary heard the Word, but she believed the Word.
    6. When needed, Mary acted on the Word.
    7. We should proclaim our faith in Jesus to all we meet
    8. Those around you may be the workers that God will use to
        solve your problems.
    9. We first have to read the Word and believe it for ourselves.
    10. Determine what the Word says about the problem.
    11. When you turn the problem over to Jesus, be
          committed to follow His instructions.
A. Everyone who has accepted Christ as their personal savior
    are in the category of volunteer workers.
   1. When we volunteer our services, others are motivated to
       volunteer their services
  2. There are two types of volunteers.
      a. There are those who come to serve in any capacity to help.
      b. There are those who come to use the opportunity to
          serve their own agenda.
 4. In the case of the demonstrations for racial justice, there are
     those who came to make their voices heard to demand
     a change in our system.
     b. But there are those who came under the influence of
        Satan, to steal, kill and destroy.
     c. Violence and the looting are the evil desires of those
         who serve their own agenda.
  5. Let us not get distracted by the violence, but stay focused on
      issues that cause the problem.
  6. In that group of demonstrators are people of all races,
      backgrounds and nationalities.
      a. We have to be proactive in training up our children to stay on the
          Lord’s side.
      b. We have to first look at ourselves to see that we are on the Lord’s
      c. If we go out without the full armor of Christ we could easily end up on  
          the wrong side.

V:6  Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for   
 ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.
7 Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim.
A. Sometimes, what Jesus instructs us to do may seem strange or go
     against what we think.
     1. We want to fight, but Jesus says stand still.  
         Isa 55:9
        "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
         so are my ways higher than your ways
         and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
     2. We are commanded to show up for the battle, not fight.
     3. Consider what God told Moses with his back up against
          an opposing powerful, well trained Egyptian army.
           a. In front of Moses and the Israelites was the Red Sea.
           b. They had no way to go and no weapons to fight.
           Ex 14:13-14
           “Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you    
            today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The
            Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

    4. The Israelites, didn’t lift a finger. God opened the Red Sea so they
        walk through on dry sea bed. The Egyptian all dies as the waters
         returned to the right level.
    5. Filling the water pots used for purification with water, didn’t
        seem to have anything to do with wine.
    6. Putting wine in to a Jewish purification pot would be against
        their laws.
    7. The servants immediately did what they were instructed to do.
    8. Our problem is we want to rationalize God’s Word. We want to
        form a committee to determine weather God said what He said.
    9. Or we will do what we want to do, then ask God to bless it.
    10.  God does not need our help
    11. God works His way and can use what you have and make it what   
          you need.

V:8 Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the    
They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew.
A. We don’t need to know how Jesus does things, we just need to trust that
     He will do what we need done.
   1. Often, blessing from God come to us after we have obeyed His
   2. A blind man was sent to Siloam, a man with the palsied told to
       stretch out his hand, Lazarus was told to come out of the tomb.
       Each of us was told to believe in Jesus to be saved.
B. The servants took the water from the purification pots and it
     became the wine that blessed the wedding party.
    1. Our obedience affects the lives of others.
    2. The looting and the killing of police officers is not
         the command of God.
    3. The looting and burning of buildings got the attention of
         law makers and the president.
    4. But God can affect lasting change without violence.
    5. All we have to do is stand and raise our hands to praise God.
    6. The Israelites marched around the walled city of Jericho
        seven times at the command of God. With a shout, the
        walls came tumbling down.
    7. Dr Martin Luther King led non violent protests in the 60’s
        and the walls of segregation fell.
C. The problem with protests is they are emotionally
     charged. If emotions does not lead to action, the purpose
     is lost.
    1. After the smoke clears, they are soon forgotten and nothing
    2. In 1992, police beat Rodney King. After the police officers
        were acquitted, there were riots in Los Angeles.
    3. After the smoke cleared, it became old news, and 30 years later                   
        nothing has changed.
    4. Change comes when we let God do the fighting.

V:10. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."
A. You got to have continuous follow through, sharing the Gospel of Jesus
     Christ from generation to generation.
    1. The wine was taken to the expert, who claimed it as the best.
    2. Through our faithfulness, God gives us His best, not his leftovers.
    3. God will ensure that halls of justice change to favor us.
B. The reason we continuously face police violence against the people
     they are paid to serve, is their hearts and minds have not changed.
    1. We keep electing people to political offices who soon serve themselves
        at our expense.
    2. Wait one month and see if the death of George Floyd becomes old
        People will soon forget and settle into a normal life which has never    
        been a normal life.

 A. We have to take a proactive approach and get out to vote for
       those who are interested in change.
    1. Once in office, we have to hold them accountable for their actions.
    2.  We have to teach our children that the only right, is when God is in
    3. We all have a responsibility to teach the righteousness of God,
          so that we raise up another generation that know what is right.
    4. Down the road there will be more reports of police violence,
         or other issues for demonstrations.
    5. It maybe our children in the next demonstrations.


Rev. M. Mitchell

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