Thursday, September 27, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Beginning Of Humanity", Genesis 2:15-25, (/30/2018


Genesis 2:15-25

V:15. " The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. "
A. Our Creator uses to names to identify Himself.
     1. Lord is the Hebrew name Yehovah self existing and eternal
     2. God is the Hebrew name Elohiym which means supreme and is a
          plural noun.
         a. We derive the idea of the Holy Trinity,
         b. The Self Existing Supreme God decides our faith.
    3. There is a reason why God places us in the family we are in.
        1. He has a design for our lives.
        2. He predetermines what we are going to face before we are born.

B.  God gave man a home.
     1. With any home come responsibility.
     2. We are responsible for taking care that which God
          has given us.
C. To work the garden probably meant to maintain its beauty
    1. To "take care of it" probably meant to protect it from the roaming
    2. Animals live by instinct. Their instinct is to find food where ever they
    3. This would indicate that the Garden of Eden was a special place separated
        from the areas where animals roamed.
V:16-17. " And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in    
  the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for  
  when you   eat of it you will surely die."
A. God established laws for  man to abide by.
    1. God gives us freedom to follow His will for our lives.
    2. He makes provisions for our existence.
B. God sets the standards for our lives with rules  to follow.
    1. Rules determine the quality of life.
    2. In this case the length of life.
C. In the Garden was also the Tree Of Life.
   1. Man had set before him eternity.
   2. He also had the choice of life or death.
D. Originally man only knew righteousness.
   1. Man was created in the Age Of Innocence.
   2. Obeying the house rules would have maintained that innocence.
   3. The tree of Knowledge Of Good and Evil set sin as an alterative
       life style.
      a. The Tree of knowledge and Of Good and Evil set a path
          for man to follow his own thoughts and depend on himself.
      b. In the stage of innocence, man was dependant on God.
   4.  A man with laws can limit his activities to the law.
   5.  A man without laws is only limited by his imagination.
E. Whenever you find in the Word something you don't understand,
      you should ask questions.
   1. Since Adam knew only life, he should have asked what it means
       to die.
   2. Adam had life all around him, but no death.
   3. Believe it or not Satan who had fallen before God made the earth,
       was listening to God's instructions to Adam.
   4. Satan uses our ignorance of the Word to destroy us.

V:18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him
A. The Lord is concerned about our mental well being.
     1. We were made to be social creatures.
     2. Man was made in the image and likeness of the Holy Trinity.
     3. Man was made with ability to communicate.
B. No animal was given the ability to talk  or reason.
    1. Our mental health is aided by our conversation with
        other righteous persons.
   2. Verbal conversation puts our thoughts in the open to be
       discussed and analyzed.
   3. It is through our verbal conversations that we understand our thoughts
       in a different light.

V:19-20. Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
A. Man was given a job to utilize his reasoning skills.
   1. Unlike God, I can only imaging that it took Adam quite some time to name
        all the animals that were created.
   2. This would indicate that Adam had an extensive vocabulary.
B. Not only that, but  Adam had a huge memory to recall all the names
     he gave the animals.
  1. He would certainly have a lot  to teach his wife.
  2. God provided Adam with a sense of worth to impress his help mate.

V:21. " So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
A. Putting a person to sleep before a medical operation is the job of a
    an Anesthesiologist.
   1. Cutting a person open and operating on the body is the job of a surgeon.
   2. God has X Ray vision to know where to cut Adam to get the desired bone,
B. The God we serve is a doctor
   1. God is the one who causes the body to heal.
   2. God equipped the body with ability to heal itself
   3. The body has the ability to regrow tissue and skin.

22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
A. You should notice that God did not form the female part of any animal
     from the bone or frame of the male.
    1. God only did this for the man made in His image
    2. God intended that there would be harmony in the marriage.
    3. Since the woman is made from, she is dependant on him.

B. The rib of Adam contained all his DNA.
    1. God leaves us with the question of why He chose a rib bone.
        a. The rib bone is the only bone in the body that can reproduce
        b. Bones carry bone morrow which reproduce red and white blood cells.
        c. According to Lev 17:10-14, life is in the blood.
        d. When Christ died on the cross, He was pierced in the side
             and blood and water came out and His bride, the Church was born.
    2. If God had chosen a head bone, may be Eve would be over Adam
    3. If God had chosen a back bone, maybe Eve would have to walk behind Adam
    4. IF God had chosen a foot bone, maybe Eve would be under Adam.
    5. Maybe God chose a rib bone so Eve could walk side by side with Adam.
B. God does not tell us some things to keep us coming to Him for answers.
    1. God chooses a partner for each of us.
    2. Our job is to wait on God's choice.
    3. God places the right people into our lives to help us.

V:23. " The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."
A.  Adam excepted God choice for his life.
     1. Adam made a commitment to God's choice.
     2. God's design for marriage is a man and a woman.
B. Here we see God's definition for woman; that which is derived from man.
    1. The DNA of women begin with Adam.
    2. The DNA of the entire world population began with Adam and Eve.
C. Adam excepted God's design for family.
    1. Adam did not see another man, he saw a woman.
    2. Adam recognized the difference between himself and what God
        presented him with.
    3. Adam was pleased with the woman he saw.
       a. New relationships begin with excitement.
       b. The question is how do you keep that first excitement through out
           your marriage.
       c. New relationships start fresh with no history of anger or frustration.
       d. It would be good if we could have a fresh start with each other
           every time we meet.
       e. We can, if we can forgive and forget.

V:24. " For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."
A. God gives us two rules of marriage.
    1. A man and his wife should not live with their  parents.
    2. The man and his wife must become one.
B. You will notice that Adam and  Eve had no human parents.
    1. God was their parent.
    2. God gave Adam and his wife space to live by themselves
        under His careful eye.
    3. God allowed Adam and Eve to make their own choices without His
C. There should be one voice in the marriage.
    1. The two should come to an agreement in all decision making.
    2. Decisions must be for the good of both the man and his wife.
    3. God made man first, gave His command to man first and set
        man as the head of the marriage.   1 Cor 11:3
    3. The marriage is blessed or made happy by the Lord, who
         is the head of man.

V:25. " The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."
A. Adam and Eve were innocence.
    1. They were made with no thoughts of evil.
    2. Originally they did not judge or condemn each other.
B. They saw the difference between each other, but only
     considered the beauty of their difference.
   1. It was love at first sight, for they needed each other.
   2. They needed each others companionship.
   3. They needed the comfort of each other.
   4. They needed the conversation between the two of them.
   5. They need to learn to appreciate their differences.
C. Originally there was nothing hidden between them
     because they had the innocence of the Lord.
   1. They did not look at each other with a critical eye.
   2. They accepted each other as they were made.
   3. They had no human standard for what a man or woman
        should be.
   4. They were God's standard of perfection.
   5. They were in the state of think no evil, see no evil, do no
        evil and hear no evil.
   6. All Adam and Eve knew was God and His perfection.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way North
Houston, Texas 77041.

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