Thursday, January 25, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson", It What You Do With Your Relationship Wit Jesus That Counts", 1/28/2018


Daniel 10:1-9

In Chapter 9 of Daniel, God had revealed to the Daniel, His plan of redemption
of Israel, the first and second coming of Christ. He had also revealed to Daniel the final defeat of Satan and his demons.

The Bible is a historical account of the works of the Lord.
The truth of the accuracy of the Bible can be found in time, places and people.
The time is the third year of King Cyrus, The place is Persia, The people
are Daniel and King Cyrus,

Daniel was convicted of the truth of the Word  and wanted to know more.
He prepared himself for a visit with God.

Every believer has a relationship with. Jesus. The quality of your relationship
is determined by quality of your prayer life with Jesus.

Daniel understood that God was giving Him revelations of events that will
will take place in the future. He believed the Word of God was true.

Point# 1. You have to be convicted in your heart that the Bible is the truth and
                every word applies to you. 
               Daniel had no doubt in his mind of the truth of the Word.

Point # 2.  You need to develop a strong consistence prayer life with Jesus.
                  God wants to communicate with You,  But you have to give God
                  some quality time.

As stated in verse 2 of chapter 10, Daniel went on a three week fast. He denied
himself the finer foods that he was accustom to eating. He found a place outside
the city to pray.

Point # 3.  If you want hear from God, you need to prepare yourself for an encounter
                 with God.

Point # 4. Find a quiet place where you can be alone with God.
                 Daniel got away from his office. He got away from
                 the responsibilities of His job.

                 Daniel did not let his schedule of activities  get in the way of his
                 time with God.
                 Turn off the TV, the cell phone and get away from family
                 and friends.  Daniel took a three week vacation to spend time
                 alone with God. He went to the river side of Hiddekel (Verse 3).
                 The river is also named Tigris or Euphrates

Point # 5.  Be patient with God.
                 Daniel didn't hear from God until after three  weeks into the

                 Just because you have not heard from God, does not mean He
                 did not hear your prayer. God delay does not mean He want
                 answer your prayer.

                 God has a reason for his delay. The  Angelic messenger that he sent
                 had to deal with a demon related issue.

Point # 6.  Don't let your prayers be all about you. Daniel's prayers for the welfare
                 His nation. We ought to be in constant prayer for the well being of
                 the United States of America.

More than likely the image the Daniel saw in His vision  described  in verse 5 and 6                              was the pre-incarnated Jesus Christ. 
                The linen clothing represent purity and priesthood.

                The gold represented royalty of king.

                The Beryl a bluish green gem stone  of the body represents the
                 hardness.  Jesus is harden in the rightness of the Lord. He is
                His face was like lightening. Jesus is the bright and shining star
                of great strength.

               His eyes were like a lamp of fire.  Jesus penetrates the hearts and mind
               of believers.

              His arms and feet were like polished brass. Jesus is highly polished
              in the righteousness of God in all His actions.

Point# 7. In the Word of God we must see Jesus in all His glory.

                In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.
                We must realized that Jesus is active in our lives.
                It is the Word that enlighten us to what Jesus is doing
                in our lives.             

          It is the Word that gives  hope for today and tomorrow.
         The Bible is not about a dead Jesus, But living Jesus.
          On the third day after His crucifixion, He got up with
          all Power in His hands over heaven and earth.

Verse 7 states that the men that were with Daniel were frighten
 by God and went and hide themselves.

Point # 8. God talks to you when He does not communicate with others

The Word of God is intended for believers. Don't expect everyone
around you will accept your God. Some will and some want. Don't
get offended or discouraged.

God designed the Word for you, so you can live with hope in your
heart. The Word was designed for you to live with Joy and Peace.

What is going around us is all evil like a cloud of doom. But we live
above the cloud in the light of the Lord Jesus. 

Point #9. God may not come when you want Him, but He always on time.

Verse 8. God can speak  to us in the lowest point of   our lives.
When we are down and don't know what to do.
It when we are on our knees in prayer is when God shows up
and lets us know that everything is going to be alright.
When we are weak, He is strong.

Point# 10. The God we serve never sleep or slumbers.

Verse 9.  There are times when God talks to believers in their sleep.
I can testify to the truth that God does talk to me in my sleep.
I can go to sleep not understanding the Word and wake up with
a clearer understanding of the Word. It happen to me frequently.

You got to study and meditate on God's Word to get this service
from God.

Rev, M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway North

Houston, Texas  77041

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