Thursday, August 3, 2017

This Week's Bible Study Lesson, "You Are Valuable To The Lord", Luke 15:8-10, 8/2/2017


Luke 15:8-10

Jesus was conducting a Bible Study when some of the highly placed city
leaders began murmuring about who He hung around with. The Pharisees and the
lawyers complained that Jesus taught the Word of God and ate with tax                 collectors and sinners like you and me.

Jesus told a series of three parables indicating the value He places on our souls.
The first parable was about a lost sheep. Sheep follow their noses in search of food
and can easily get lost.
The third parable was about a lost son. The son made a conscience decision to separate
himself from the father.

The second parable is about a coin that got lost due to the carelessness of its owner.
The coin had no conscience of being lost. It was not aware that it was out of place.

8 "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?
9 And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.'
10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

The woman represents the local church. The coins represents church members.
The desire to find the lost coin is the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are some important lessons in this parable

1. You are valued by the Lord.
    a You are valued enough for Jesus to select you.    Eph 1:4
    b. You are valued enough for Jesus to put in His select group.
    c. You are valued enough for Jesus to keep track of you.
    b. You are valued enough for God's grace and mercy.
    e. You are valued  enough for God to let you get lost  so you will
        learn the value of being in His company.
2. You are part of an elect group.   Isa 44:1
     a. I can imagine the woman spent some time  putting together this collection.
     b. She chose each piece.
3. You were selected by the Father to be in glory with Jesus
3. You are wanted.      Jesus wanted you enough to select you
4. You have Jesus looking after you.
5. You are loved by Jesus.

 1. Silver in it purified form is bright and shiny.
 2. Sliver reflects light.
 3. It is the Word that polishes you to a bright shine.
 4. We were given the Word to reflect to others.
 5. When others see us, they ought to see a reflection of the owner, Jesus.

The coin was not always lost.
  1. It was part of a collection
  2. In some way, it got lost or separated from the other nine.
       a. In the course of time we can get separated from the church.
       b. Since we live in the flesh, we face the world's opinions, ideas and
           sinful attitudes each day.
       c. We can easily lose our focus and stray away
       d. Even though you stray or  back slide, you didn't lose
          your value, you just lost your focus.

 1. The lost coin was just as valuable as the other nine.
      a. The owner did not seek a replacement.
      b. God does not have a replacement plan, He has a revival plan.
      b. The owner wanted to find the lost coin because it was valuable to the
 2. God has gifted each of us with gifts to spread the
     Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      a.  Ephesians 4:11-12   " And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
          evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
         12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
          the body of Christ:
      b. Like bricks on a house, each one supports another.
          If one is missing, the structure suffers.
      c. Often times the church seeks replacement members.
          One leaves and we get replacement.
          God don't want replacements, He wants repentance.
     d. When we have not seen someone in a while, we should make
         it our business to check on them .

The text says she turn on the light.
  I am told that during time of this parable, houses did not have many
  windows. The windows they had would have been covered to keep
  out the sun. Therefore a candle light or oil lamp would be necessary
   to see inside the house.
  1. The Word of God is the lamp for our feet.  Psalms 119:105,  Proverbs 6:23
  2. Jesus said I am the light of the World    John 8:12
  3. Some times we needed to turn on the light, that is return to the Word
      of God, so we can see our sins and short coming clearly.
  4. We are responsible for ourselves and others around us.
      a. What could we have done to keep the lost member?
      b. We need to examine ourselves to see why we didn't meet the needs of
           one that is lost.

 1. The text says  the owner swept  the house.
     Since the houses were dimly lighted, dust could accumulate and
     not be noticed.
 2. Since we live in a world that is  blind to the Word of God, we can
     easily be blinded by it dust.
    a. Sometimes, we may be the reason someone gets lost.
    b. We may need to clean up our stuff before we can see the needs of others.
    c. Sweeping may stir up the dust and uncover the light.
    d. When we examine our selves, we will discover that we have
        collected a lot of clutter that has hidden the Word from our hearts.
    e. When our light start shining, other will be affected.

A. Notice the coin was lost in the house.
  1. We have to be careful that the truth is always taught.
  2. We have to be careful that we are not causing confusion.
  3. We need to study the Word to know it for ourselves.
  4.We need to know if those who heard the Word understand the Word
  5. We need to know how to apply the Word to our daily lives.
B. There are at least two reasons that people get lost in the Church
1. They are ignored by other members.
     a. They are made to feel like they are just a number on the roll.
     b. I have some old coins.
         I have not looked at them in quite awhile.
         I really can't tell you how many coins are in the collection.
         In fact, I have lost interest in the collection.
     c. Maybe that is what we do to each other in the Church
     d.  Do you ever sit next to someone in the church and don't ask their name?
     e. Maybe we are not interested enough in others to find out how they are
     f. It is our job to get to know those around us.
     g. Perhaps the lost  were never encouraged by other members.

2. Their are those who don't want to be known, so they hide in the pews
    a. They don't what be part of any activity in the church
    b. They run from the responsibility  of service.
    c. They don't see the value of fellowship.

1. To find the lost, you have to take time and look.
2. To identify the lost you have to know what you are looking for.
    a. The lost are inactive
    b. The lost don't show up for church on a regular basis.
    c. The lost hang around the wrong crowd
    d.  They come to church out of tradition.
    e. The lost come to be entertained.
    f. The lost don't see the relevance of the Word to their lives.

A. We should rejoice when we others come to Christ. 
  1. You have a second chance to make people feel welcome.
  2. You have a second chance to encourage.
  3. You have a second chance to get to know the lost.
  4. You have a second chance to get involved with the lost.

B. We should call our friends to share in the joy of those
     who come to Christ.
   1. The angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner is saved.
   2. In the same light we should celebrate with those
       who come to Christ.
  3. We should make a big deal out of the recovery of the lost.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

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